Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

I already knew that Paul was finished before any girl could even get started. I figured Blake and Morris were the same.

The house was dark, I thought Lee might be sleeping on the couch so I was very quite going in. She was not on the couch so I thought she might be in one of the bed rooms.

I pushed my bed room open and started to try to go to bed without waking my ladies.

I stopped in mid step.

A horrible growl started low and got louder and louder.

I thought " Dam how big are that little dogs lungs.

Then there were two deafening barks.

I flipped the lights on to look at that creature.

I have seen big Rotweillers but that one was huge.

I was froze in the doorway, I knew better than to move. I even quit breathing.

Three nude women had sat up in the bed when the dog barked and I turned on the light.

Lee shouted " Down Tiny, down, it's alright he is a friend". She asked me to stand still a minute and she would introduce us.

I said " I don't know if I want to meet the biggest fucking dog I have ever seen".

I said " That bastard scared the shit out of me".

Lee explained that Tiny would not hurt a hair on my head, unless she told him to. She said that Tiny had been to dog college and was trained to act only on command.

Lee took my hand and led me to a still uneasy dog. She held out my hand in hers and said " Friend Tiny friend".

Tinny sniffed my hand, licked hers and lay back down and yawned.

Lee said he knows you now, he will accept you as his friend.

Kim said she had fallen love with Tiny when they had gone to pick him up. He had been so glad to see Lee, he had barked at her until she had put her arm around his neck and hugged him. He was quiet after that and had been perfect in the car.

Jean said that when she had come in through the kitchen door Tiny was standing in there in the dark. She said that when she had turned the lights on and saw him she had screamed. Tiny had gotten scared and run to Lee. The dog had sat on the floor beside her on guard until after Kim had introduced her to Lee.

Lee had introduced Jean and he was just lovable since.

I asked what the hell Tiny was doing on our bed. Kim said she was the cause of that. She had gotten the dog to get up there so she could rub her feet on him. His short stiff fur felt wonderful on her toes.

Jean said all of them had been doing that until they went off to sleep.

Lee said Tiny liked that.

I told Lee that it looked as if they had worked out their sleeping arraignments, I guessed that four could sleep in that bed but not with Tiny there to.

Lee said that Tiny slept on the floor at the foot of her bed at home.

He would be content to do that here.

Lee told Tiny to get off the bed, he bitched about it but did as he was told.

I remarked that the next day was a school day for Kim and I and it was time to get some sleep.

I started to undress, Lee watched my every move. When I was naked she locked her eyes on my limp cock.

I had been looking her over to, Lee was tall like Kim and Jean but she was more slender. Her tits were pretty and shaped perfectly but they were much smaller.

Lee was a real blonde, her muff was trimmed into a heart shaped tuft of blond hair.

Lee noticed that I was looking her over and crossed her arms over her chest.

We always left a tiny light on in the bath, I cut the lights off in the bed room and stepped over Tiny. I told Kim to make room, I was going to sleep between her and our guest tonight.

I asked Jean about her date for the day.

Jean said she had a nice day. Herb had worked on building another PC and coached her on his computer at the same time.

Jean said Herb was beginning to feel more at ease with her. Jean said she thought Herb was going to kiss her as she was leaving.

I advised her to not rush Herb, let him develop their relationship at his own pace.

Jean said that was Kim's advice when they had talked earlier.

I asked Jean if she would like to have Herb over for dinner Wednesday evening.

Jean said she would like to do that.

I told her I would give her money to get steaks and wine for the occasion then.

I had been sitting on the foot of the bed Massaging Kim and Lee's feet. I said " Let's go to bed now" and lay down.

Kim snuggled up to my back, Lee was facing away from me. As soon as I was settled and had my pillow just right I put my hand on one of Lee's tits and pulled her shoulders against my chest. Lee pressed her head under my chin and sighed a contented sound.

I expected her to slide her butt over against me but instead she put her hand between us and took my flaccid cock in it. She said " I would like to be one of your ladies rather than just a guest".

I told her that she could be one of us if Kim and Jean thought it was alright.

Jean said she liked Lee so much already that she would like her to move in with us.

Kim said that she felt that way as well.

I said " Lee this is not a place with more than one boss, not a democracy, I am in charge here and we all work together". I told her my house had something for each of us.

To Kim it is her escape to a nice future. A place that was not lonely and not filled with hatred and cruelty. A place where she was loved and respected and could be proud of herself for the first time in her life.

For Jean it was a place where she no longer had to worry about monthly bills and the rent on a grubby apartment. She did not have much income but now she could spend it all as she pleased. She knew with out a doubt that we loved her and would walk through fire for her, as we knew she would us. It was her safe place.

I said, as for me, this is my retreat, my safe place from the world out there. Biker gangs are some where far away. The bad part of the world was outside and far away.

I wanted my retreat populated with others that felt the way I did.

I said, for you Lee it can become a place to forget about parents that ignore you. A place where you can never be lonely or scarred to be by your self. A place where your only companion is not just a giant of a dog.

For Tiny this can be a place where three other humans can love him and show their affection for him. He can guard a place where he will nearly every hour of the day or night be protecting some one he loves.

SHIT, all three of them were sobbing !

Tiny was snoring.

Lee sobbed "I want to be one of this family I want to belong to someone, I don't want to be alone any more".

Lee had been gently massaging my cock while I spoke, it was hard.

I asked if she had a need before we went off to sleep. She said she did. She said it had been months since she had intercourse with a man, could we do that ?

I told her that it seemed like the proper thing to do but we should do it right.

I said " Jean we should have candles" !

I said " Kim we should have Wine".

I said " Lee we should have soft music".

After the stage was set I picked Lee up and carried her out in the hall and then back.

I had carried her over the threshold of our bed room. I laid her on the empty bed and kissed her. Our first kiss.

Jean served all of us a glass of wine.

After a toast, I took some in my mouth and dribbled it on her tits and tummy.

I kissed her breast and down her body licking the wine off.

She was ready, she had never experienced that before.

I began to abuse her vulva with my tongue.

She was moaning, " O yes, o yes, o yes do that. I looked up and Jean was nursing one tit, Kim the other.

I made Lee have her first climax with my mouth. Then I mounted her and made it last through a dozen climaxes.

When Lee moaned " No more now please, I can't stand any more right now please" I got off of her. She lay there completely sated.

I said "Who is next".

Jean said " I guess it is my time tonight, Kim was first last night.

I said " Come aboard then".

Lee watched in amazement as I brought Jean to several large climaxes.

Jean was satisfied sexually, she was ready to quit.

I said "Kim you ready" ?

She said " Yes Sir" !

I said " You get the prize tonight then".

Kim said " Could you just do me and give the prize to Lee" ?

I told her she was a sweetheart and that was nice of her.

Kim had two good climaxes and said " Give it to Lee now".

Kim kissed me and got off.

Kim said " Time for more wine now".

We toasted the new member of our family again, and all of us kissed her.

Jean put a pillow under Lee's butt and I mounted her.

Watching had aroused Lee, she had several climaxes close together then a big one as I spurted in her.

Kim was there with a towel for Lee and one to wipe me.

Jean helped a shaky, weak Lee to the potty.

Tiny had snored through the whole thing.

Each of us made a trip to pee before getting back in bed again.

As Lee backed up tight against me she told us we were making her feel so loved and safe.

Morning came, we flitted around doing our thing, Jean and Lee did breakfast. Kim and I had a shower together. After Kim and I were dry we all had breakfast in the nude.

Tiny had examined every thing in the fenced back yard. He had hiked his leg fifty times. He was marking his territory, his new home.

Tiny was ready to come back in after a while. He whined at the back door. Lee let him in.

Tiny got near Lee and laid down. Lee finished her breakfast and put her plate in front of Tiny. She said " I'm sorry Tiny, I was starved and I did not leave you much".

Tiny licked that plate shinny clean.

One by one the rest of us gave him our plates.

Kim and I had to get dressed for school.

As we were about to leave Lee asked if it would be alright if she brought some of her clothes and things from her parent's home.

I asked Kim and Jean if there was room in that walk in closet in the master bed room for Lee's clothes.

They said there would be room if the summer clothing was moved to some other place until spring. There was a half dozen empty drawers now.

I told Lee to move in then.

Lee asked if she could move Tiny's things too. I asked what Tiny's things were. Lee said he had a Cedar shaving filled pad to sleep on and a food and water dispenser and a large container for dry dog food.

I told her to move Tiny also then.

I was tempted to ride my new bike to school but the morning news predicted possible afternoon showers. I drove my truck.

Kim could possibly have to ride her bike home in a rain.

Christmas was only two weeks away.

Jean had asked months before if we might have a tree this year. I had told her we could.

When I got home I found a small tree that Lee had brought from her parent's home and she and Jean had decorated. There were even gifts under it already.

Kim, Jean and I had celebrated Thanks Giving by having dinner at a restaurant. We had turkey and dressing there.

It looked as if Christmas was going to be observed in a more traditional way this year.

I had paid for a trip for Jean as her gift from me the Christmas before.

Last year after Christmas Jean and I had visited her parents in their retirement home in the Florida Keys. We had flown to Miami, rented a car and Jean had driven us to Key Largo.

I had made our arraignments early enough to get good seats to the Orange Bowl.

We spent two days and nights with Jean's parents and drove back to Miami. I had two rooms reserved, they had connecting doors. Jean never closed hers.

That was the first time I had ever seen her nude. I realized that she was a really beautiful woman. I just had never thought of her in that way before watching her get out of the shower and dry herself.

As she was coming out of her bath she saw me and said " You are a Peeping Tom" !

We laughed and she threw the towel she had warped around herself at me. She mooned me.

After that we were careless about the way we covered our selves and could talk about anything with no shyness.

While we were in Miami I paid fifty dollars for a fake Florida drivers licensee. It was so good that even Florida State Troopers did not know it was fake unless they checked through the computer.

It showed my age as being twenty one.

Back home I turned it in for a real Alabama licensee. With that I was an adult.

We saw the Orange Bowl Parade and later an exciting game.

We were glad to get back home.

Kim came in through the door to the garages. Lee and Jean stopped what they were doing and gave her kisses then brought her in to see our tree.

Kim said she had never lived in a house that had a tree before. Lee said it was not a big tree but it was big enough to put a touch of the season in our house.

Jean and Lee led Kim and me off to see the closet in the master bedroom.

Lee had moved every thing she owned from her parents house to mine. ( Our house now )

The closet was not crowded, it was neat and every thing had a place. Lee had a lot of jeans and casual shirts, she was that kind of woman. The few feminine dresses and pants suits were nice though.

It was three thirty and I wanted to go to the pool hall for a while.

I asked what the ladies had in mind for dinner. Jean said they were all worried about their waist lines and planned to eat light that evening. She said she knew I could not get by with soup and a salad though. She said she would fix whatever I wanted.

I told them I wanted to shoot for a while and would eat out. I kissed them and told them I would be home before ten.

Lee said she wanted to go with me sometime, she said she might find a mullet she could out shoot. I promised to take her soon.

I drove to the pool hall and went in.

It was early yet, I sat on a stool and talked to Keeley.

Keeley asked if I had heard about some kid going in to Luke's out in Midfield Saturday and taking three big ones off a steel brained steel mill hand. Keeley said then that kid had beat the shit out of the steel worker's head and locked every one in when he left.

Keeley paused and said " You were not there and saw it were you Matt" ?

I said that the shooter had only taken six hundred off the mullet and only hit that bastard one time on his head.

I said the shooter had only hit the mullet because he was going to whip up on him and take that money back.

Keeley's eyes got big and he asked if I had been the shooter.

I shrugged and asked " Would I do something like that" ?

Keeley said he thought I might.

He said that whoever that shooter was he would be smart to keep his ass out of Midfield now.

I grinned at Keeley and said he would be a dumb ass to not know that.

A guy that had tried me before came in.

He said " Hi Matt, nobody killed you yet for all that money you have stolen from me" ?

I laughed and told him their bullets bounced off me. I asked him if he wanted to try to get some of his money back.

We played three games for ten each.

My mullet quit me after he lost thirty dollars.

After the guy left Keeley told me I ought to let him win one now and then.

I told Keeley that he was talking bull shit, I played to win always.

I was restless, Mondays are always slow in a pool hall. I left and drove around aimless until I realized I was at The Palisades shopping plaza.

A big Jewelry Store was closing, going out of business. 50% off on every thing.

I had not bought my sweethearts a gift for Christmas. I thought I would shop for something there.

There was not a lot left. Most of the store was behind tapes and had empty show cases.

There was only one person there. I said it looked as if he had just about sold out the store. He said he had but had a few items left. He asked what he could show me.

I told him I had three sisters I wanted to buy Christmas gifts for. ( You can not tell a stranger you have three live in girl friends)

He showed me some cheap rings.

I told him I was willing to spend more than twenty dollars for each of them. He showed me diamond earrings. They were pretty but the most expensive pair were less than five hundred dollars.

I told him I was prepared to spend more than that. He smiled for the first time and said that I must love my sisters a lot.

I just answered that I did. He asked if I thought they might like a tennis bracelet. I asked what that was.

He put a tray on the counter with diamond bracelets, there were twelve of them.

He said the first three were $750.00 the next three were $1200.00 and the last three were $1600,00.

I looked at them and said " I doubt that either one of them play tennis.

He introduced himself as the owner of the store, James Hancock.

He said that was just the name of that kind of diamond bracelet, they were very popular with the women.

I asked him to show me those other trays in the show case.

He put another tray on the counter and put the first one up. The bracelets in this tray run from $2000.00 to $3000.00 he said.

I asked to see the last tray.

It was much bigger stones and ran from $4000.00 to $6000.00.

I looked at the three most expensive ones. He was asking eighteen thousand for them.

I asked what the bottom dollar he would take for the three was.

He said " That's it, those items have already been marked down".

I said " Surely Mr. Hancock you can mark them down more for a sale of three".

He said "Young man, I really need to sell out this store". "I have cancer and only six more months to live" he said.

He told me he had two bitches for daughters. They had already borrowed a lot against the estate they thought they were going to get when he died.

He had just found that out that morning.

He asked how much I could afford to pay for those gifts for my sisters.

I told him I could pay eighteen thousand but it would wipe out my account at the bank.

Mr. Hancock said that he had paid three thousand four hundred each for those items.

He said because it was Christmas.

He said because he was going to die.

He said because he wanted to keep his daughters from getting anything when he was dead.

He said he was going to sell me those bracelets for two thousand each.

I thanked him and told him it was a done deal.

I took six one thousand dollar bills out of my Money Belt and paid him right then.

( A gambler has to keep ready cash )

He found pretty red velvet cases for each of them and I left with the problem of what to give my lovers solved.

It was after five, but to early to eat dinner, I thought I would try that pool room where I had met Lee.

Rick was there and nodded as I came in.

I nodded back.

There was an older fellow behind the cash register. I asked him if he was the owner.

He said he was.

I asked him if there were any money shooters in the place.

He said " There is Rick over there, Tony Sergio on the last table and a new guy I don't know on the fourth table from the back".

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