Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

Jean said later that Herb Brown had not been able to take his eyes off her while they were in his house. She thought he was interested in her. Jean said Kim was wrong, Herb was not a nerd he was a shy, but nice man. She said she thought he was kind of handsome in a homely sort of way.

I told Jean a guy could not be handsome and homely both. Jean said that Herb was.

Kim said that any guy would be interested in her if she gave him several long looks down the neck of her blouse. Kim said that it was cruel to do that to Mr. Brown when she was not wearing a bra.

Jean asked Kim if she had noticed the bulge in the front of Herb's trousers after she had let him see her tits. Kim said she could not have missed it.

Kim asked " What was that crap about you taking computer instruction in the evening at his house" ?

Jean said she bet she could learn more about computers for free.

I said "Pay money for lessons girl, don't trade him pussy, that is a whore's way of getting what she wants".

I told her if she really wanted to learn more about computers I would give her the money for lessons. I said if she wanted to learn more about Herb in bed, do that only because she wanted to.

I said that I had no regard for a woman that traded herself for anything, money, a marriage to a wealthy man, a good job or any other kind of reward.

Jean asked if I minded her making some kind of deal with Herb to really learn more about computers.

I said I did not mind her doing that and if she wanted to she had my permission to learn more about Herb in bed. I promised to give her the money to pay him for lessons.

Jean kissed me and told me I was the best Master any girl ever had.

Friday after school Kim said that Mr. Brown had asked her a lot of questions about Jean, was she single, how old she was, did she date any special one and where did she work.

Jean asked "What did you tell him" ?

Kim said she had told him the complete truth. Jean said she surely did not tell of our sleeping arraignments did she.

Kim said she had let Mr. Brown assume that we all had our own bed rooms.

Kim said Mr. Brown spent a lot more time in her cubical office than with all the others put together.

( each computer student had a sound proof panel walled area to work in privacy in )

Kim said he was interested in Jean but he seemed to really want to help her with her assignments to. He was showing her short cuts and tricks to make her computer do better and work faster for her. He seemed interested in really teaching her.

Jean asked what my plans for her were for the weekend.

I said we were going to shop for groceries in the morning. She was going to call Herb tonight to see if he might have time tomorrow afternoon to talk about teaching her to use computers.

Jean said that it sounded like a perfect way to spend a Saturday. What about Sunday ? I told her if Herb wanted, he had her all day for lessons.

Jean said "You are making me feel very unnecessary around here" !

I told Jean that if she became good with a computer that there were a lot of good job openings out there. I said that she was fine living here with me the rest of her life. I would like for her to have a profession though even if she wanted to just keep house for me and not use it.

My tough as nails Jean almost cried, she told me she had never been any thing but a school girl, a wife for a short time and now a baby sitter.

With all her heart she would like to know that she could take a job in the work place and make enough to live well.

I told her "Go for it sweetheart".

After we had eaten dinner Jean called Herb Brown. They had a long conversation. Jean never spoke on a phone more than a few minutes, she could usually say what was required and hang up.

Jean had said she did not like talking on a phone she felt kind of silly talking to a thing in her hand.

Not that time !

Kim and I had left her in the kitchen and put on a movie, we had seen a third of it when she joined us there.

I clicked the movie to 'stop' and we listened to what Jean had to say.

To begin with Herb ( No more Mr. Brown ) had quit tutoring at home, it had always been with students from the school before. Most had been needing help to make better grades at school. Some he had been able to help, some were 'wash outs'.

He could work on and even build computers while his pupils worked near by.

Some of his pupils had come on to him real strong, they were wanting to trade sex for good grades.

Jean said Herb had decided to stop tutoring, he knew better than to ever show any interest in one of his students. That was the kiss of death to any teacher. That had cost a lot of teachers their jobs and their professions to, for no school would hire such a person.

Herb told of one student that was getting help Monday and Wednesday evenings. On Monday she had told him she was tired of working her ass off on that dam stupid machine. She said there was an easier way to get her grades up. She could give him a really good fuck and he could give her better grades.

Herb had told her he did not have affairs with the students or give unearned grades.

She had replied that all it took was for her to confess to Ms. Lawson that she had been forced to have sex with him to keep him from giving her failing grades. He would be fired.

Herb had told her he needed to think about what she was wanting him to do. He would give her an answer Wednesday night.

Wednesday night he had activated no less than three hidden VCR cameras as he was going to the door to let her in. All he said was good evening Miss BLANK you are right on time for your Wednesday evening lesson. It has been a chilly day for the first day of November has it not ? The girl had said never mind the chit chat let's talk about my idea of Monday night.

Herb had said " I can't believe you are really willing to risk your reputation by falsely confessing to having sex with me to our Head Mistress Ms. Lawson.

The girl had said " Shit, it didn't have to happen to cost you your job, and besides the stone faced old bitch will not tell any one my name. Don't worry about my reputation, mine's safe, you need to think about yours.

Herb had told her to get out, he said he had let her know he wanted no part of her or her deal.

Herb had called Ms. Lawson as soon as the girl had left and told her what had happened.

He told her he wanted to bring the tapes over to her right then. She had told him to come on.

Ms. Lawson had looked and listened to one of the tapes. He explained that the other two were the same but from different cameras.

Ms. Lawson said the girl would be expelled the first thing in the morning. When her parents protested her expulsion they would be given one of the tapes with no comment.

Ms. Lawson said " Young man this kind of thing happens all to often". "You are smart enough or lucky enough to have avoided loosing your job here". " Perhaps you would never have been able to teach anywhere for the rest of your life". " Do you think the small amount you get for tutoring is worth the risk"?

Herb Brown did no more tutoring of


He was willing to talk of teaching Jean though, she was not a student she was an adult woman.

They had made a date to meet at his house at twelve the next day.

We played the rest of the movie.

We retired at some time before ten.

We had sex as usual and it was not dull.

Each girl tried to make it different, tried to make it better.

It was never dull.

Saturday morning we all woke at the same time.

We had our shower together. My sweethearts were playful, each in turn put the hose to the hand shower in herself and had a small climax as she douched herself clean.

I helped each one by standing behind her and pressing my hard prick against her buns and massaging her breasts. The other girl would be kissing her.

We loved taking our showers together.

We had a ball going to the grocery store.

The girls would find an item that we would never use and say "Do we need this".

I would explain that we did not need any more Spaghetti "O"s we had enough.

( We really had none, I had tried a can once and thought I would get sick because of them. )

When Kim came with a jar of imitation caviar, I broke up. I told them both to cut it out and get real, we had other things to do yet that day.

Jean said "Like what"?

I told her that for one thing Saturday was a work day for me. I had to go to the pool hall and see if I could win enough to pay for the groceries in that cart. She had to go home and pretty herself up to vamp a guy that might teach her computers. Kim had said she had a half day of computer homework.

Jean told us she was going to wear plain clothes and not try to 'vamp' anybody today. She said she was strictly business today. She said she did not need to find a man now, she was breeding to one every night.

She said she really wanted to learn about computers.

We took our food home and I split.

Kim hid in her computer lair.

Jean laid out an overly large turtle neck sweater and loose fitting jeans.

I could find no mullets at the pool hall, everyone there knew me. I hung around shooting for the game for a while and then decided to go somewhere else.

I hung up my cue and asked Keeley if he knew where there might be place a poor boy, just learning how, could shoot for money.

Keeley snorted and said 'poor boy' you might find a few dudes that think they are HOT out in Midfield. He warned me that a rough crowd played there. It was a hang out for steel mill workers.

It is a long drive from Homewood to Midfield.

Luke's Billiard Club was crowded, the parking lot was full, I had to park down the street.

Inside, every table was taken. I moved to the back, there were twenty tables. There was a knee high platform along the walls and chairs on it. A person could sit up there and watch the action.

Near the back I found an empty chair.

A tall ugly middle aged dude was racking the balls as I sat down.

When he was finished he shouted "Any body else want donate to my retirement" ?

I got down from my chair and meekly said "I might shoot a round with you mister".

"My name is Gus Kid and I ain't sure you are old enough to even be in here, I don't shoot for fun I shoot for money".

I meekly asked him how much money.

He said fifty or more.

I said " Well I guess I could gamble for fifty cents".

Gus roared at the top of his voice " That's fifty dollars dumb ass".

I said "Gosh that sure is a lot of money".

Gus said "Yeah, way over your head punk, bug off".

I put a fifty in the drawer and selected a cue stick.

Gus told me I was stupid and put two twenties and a ten in the drawer.

We flipped a coin and Gus won the break.

Gus ran the table and took the money.

I said "Gosh, I hate to loose that much money, tell you what, give me a chance to get my money back". "Let's go for a hundred" I said.

Gus told me I was stupid again and put the hundred back in the drawer.

It was my break, I ran the table. Several times I did something to make him think I was a piss poor shooter and just got lucky.

I took the two hundred out of the drawer.

Gus said "You are into me for fifty kid".

He said "Lets go again for a hundred".

I told him I would give him a chance to get his fifty back but that was as much as I would bet that time.

It was time for Gus to break again. He scattered balls all over the table, but nothing went in.

My time !

I made four or five shots that looked more like luck than skill then purposely missed an easy one and left Gus an impossible shot.

He cussed his luck and tried to leave me the same way.

He tried but just was not good enough.

I made the remainder of my shots look like lucky accidents. I cleaned the table.

Gus really cussed then. He said "God Dam" kid you got a hundred of my money now".

I said "Well I came in here with two hundred, I got a hundred of yours, tell you what why don't we bet three hundred and we quit". I told him that the chances were that I would loose anyhow the way he shot.

He agreed.

It was my break. I slammed three balls into the pockets on the break. Then I ran the table without giving Gus a shot. I had taken four hundred off of Gus and he still thought it might have been by blind luck on my part.

Gus asked if I was going to give him a chance to win his money back. I told him we had agreed that we would only play one more game. I told him I needed to go home.

I said " Besides, I got to go piss".

When I came back to get my coat Gus said " Kid I'm going to beat the shit out of you if you don't give me a chance to get my money back".

I acted scared and told him I would play him only one more game.

I said " I got four hundred from you and had two hundred when I came in here". I told him I would shoot him for the whole six hundred, just one game only and then I had to go.

Gus had to borrow some of his six hundred.

Gus said "My break".

I said " We toss for it".

Gus said "You broke last".

I said "This is a new game, I even put up my stick and went to piss after our last game".

Gus took out a dime and said call it.

( One of the oldest tricks known is to have two coins, one with heads on both sides another with tails. He waits until someone has chosen then tosses the other coin )

I chose heads, Gus tossed and just as he did I shouted "Make that tails". The coin hit the table tails up.

Just before I broke I saw him realize that he had been suckered. I knew I was going to have trouble leaving with that money.

I broke, then I ran the table. I had been watching Gus, he was going to jump me when I wasn't expecting it.

I stuffed twelve hundred dollars in my pocket and picked up my coat. I never took my eyes off of Gus. I still had my cue stick in my hand. He let me get nearly to the door before he shouted " You Son Of A Bitch, you ain't leaving here with my money". He charged at me, he started his swing six feet away. If my head had been where he thought it would be the fight would have been over. I jumped aside and pounded the butt of that stick into the back of his head as he went by. Gus was not knocked out but he would be several minutes before he could even get up. As I got to the door I told a silent room " I might be standing out side this door for a few minutes waiting for some more heads to bust with this stick if anybody wants to try it.

The minute that door closed though I put the Que. stick through the door handles and locked them in.

I ran to my truck and got the hell out of Midfield.

It was still early so I drove back to Homewood and went in the pool hall.

Keeley asked how I had done at Luke's.

I told him I was winning a little until a fight broke out. I had left when it was over.

Keeley said that he had told me a rough crowd hung out there.

I told him that I didn't think I was going back there again.

It was getting dark as I parked the truck outside. The house was dark. I let myself in the front door and turned on the light. Kim woke from a nap on the couch. She hugged me and kissed me and said she had been lonely in the house by her self all day.

I asked if Jean was still away.

Kim said that Jean had called and told her that Herb had invited her to share a pizza with him. They were using his computer to teach her basics. Jean said she would be home late.

Kim had talked to Mr. Brown and gotten some help with a problem of her own.

I suggested we go out for dinner. I told her it had been over a month since I had eaten at my favorite Chinese joint.

Kim asked if she could go dressed as she was. She was wearing jeans and a denim shirt. She looked sharp.

I told her she could, and she brushed her hair and we left in the truck, it was warm.

After we were seated at the restaurant, Kim confessed that she had never had Chinese food and did know what to order. She asked me to order for her.

I asked if she liked shrimp. She said she had never eaten shrimp.

I asked if she liked scallops. Same answer.

I asked, Kim what kinds of food did you and your mother usually eat ?

Kim said that they had generic cereals for breakfast. Never lunch at home. Stuff out of bent cans for their evening meal.

Kim said her mother bought most of their food at bent can stores. She bought 'Day Old Bread' and cheap bargains.

I said "Jesus".

She said that last Saturday and this morning were the only times she had ever been in a Super Market.

I said "Jesus".

Kim looked like she was going to cry.

I said that I would be glad to order for her.

She thanked me and said she would enjoy any thing I ordered for her.

She did to !

When we were through with our dinner I drove a stuffed, content girl home. She sat close and was silent all the way.

In side the house she said " It's nice to be home".

(She thought of my house as home now.)

It was early yet and I asked if she wanted to watch a movie or lay in front of the fire.

Kim asked if we could go on to bed.

I told her I would like that too.

After we were in bed Kim said " This is the first night since I have been here that it is just you and I in bed together". I reminded her that we had been alone her first night.

Kim agreed but said that she did not remember going to bed that night.

Kim said " I want to do something for you to show my love for you, I want to give you head". She went on to say that she had never done it before and she wanted me to tell her how I wanted her to do it. She said she had read how it was done several times but might need my help to make it good for me.

I told her she did not have to do that, I knew she loved me without her doing that.

Kim said she wanted to do it.

She said that most women did that for the men they loved.

I agreed to let her.

Kim turned on the bed lamp and got between my legs, she took her time looking at my cock. It got hard.

The articles she had read must have been pretty good, she knew what to do.

When she was ready she took it in her mouth. It took her several tries before she got over her need to gag.

When she had every bit of me in her mouth she backed off enough to breathe through her nose. She got stiff and moaned and trembled. I thought she had a climax.

Kim went back to gently plunging it down her throat.

I told her I was nearing my orgasm.

She kept on but a little faster and harder.

When I jetted in her mouth, she had another big climax. She sucked hard and swallowed all of my emission.

She lay there with her cheek on my hip.

In a while she asked if she had done it right, did I have any suggestions ?

I told her she was perfect.

Kim said she was proud that I liked it.

Kim said she had liked it to. She told me that she had liked it so much that she had cum twice, big ones each time.

I promised that we would do that again.

She snuggled in my arms and soon was sleeping, my Angel was happy.

Jean came in later, just before ten.

I heard her car drive in the drive way.

She thought she would slip in bed with out waking us. I sat up and that woke Kim.

We wanted to hear how her day had been with Herb.

Jean said " He is so nice, he is truly a gentleman. He is so polite and thoughtful he makes me feel like a lady.

I broke in and said " Jean you are a poised, dignified, smart, beautiful and exciting lady". " You should already feel like a lady" !

Jean said " I didn't realize you had noticed".

I said " Aw shucks Lady I noticed the first time I met you at your wedding".

Jean said "You never have let me know that, you have never treated me like a lady ".

Kim said hush you two, we all agree that Jean is a lady, a nice one to, but I want to hear about her date.

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