Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

I kissed Marie and asked her to snuggle up to me again. She asked if I would 'Save her place' while she went to the potty. She promised to be right back.

While she was gone I undressed, it was warm in front of that fire.

Marie trotted back, she was shivering and cold, she threw her self on those quilts and pushed a freezing cold butt into my crotch.

" Could you help warm me please, it is freezing cold in the master bed room and bath" she said.

I promised I would light the heater in there before we went to bed.

Marie told me she had the most pleasant feeling in her tummy and never had felt so alive before.

Her shivering stopped and her skin became warm again, she sighed and thanked me for making her feel so good.

Marie dozed off, she had a Mona Lisa smile on her face.

My bladder sent me a message and I slipped from under the blanket and got up.

I put more wood on the fire and got a box of long stemmed matches. Marie had said it was cold in the master bed room, it was, I was shivering too as I lit the gas space heater.

I found two terry cloth robes and took them back to the living room to warm.

I figured it might be warmer in Jean's bath room. I walked in just in time to hear her moan. She had just finished bringing herself to a climax with a pink dildo. She was laying on her bed nude.

I really needed to drain my bladder by then. I told Jean I needed to use her bath room as I went by her bed.

When I was finished I sat on the edge of her bed and rubbed her naked stomach.

" Feel better" I asked.

" Yeah some, but it's not as good as a man " Jean replied.

Jean said she had imagined as she had masturbated that it had been her in the living room having that huge orgasm, not Marie.

Jean asked if I might ever want her sexually. She reminded me that we were not related by blood and it would not be incest if we 'Made Love'.

I asked if she thought doing that might change our relationship.

She agreed that it would, it would make her love me even more for one thing.

I kissed Jean and said I would give it some thought.

It was dark outside, I looked at her clock, it was after seven. I asked Jean if she was hungry. She said " kinda".

I said that we should have something to eat soon. We had eaten nothing since breakfast but a hot dog.

I left her then. I found a flash light and some candles. I lit up the kitchen with the candles. My robe was warm by then, I put it on and brought in some camping gear from the garage. I had a propane camp stove and four lanterns inside in a short.

I had counted the amount of small bottles of gas for them stored in the garage. We had a case and a half on the shelf. Enough to last for weeks. We had a large stack of fire wood in there to.

Jean and I backed up to the fire in the fire place.

Marie was sleeping like a contented child.

Sleet was still rattling on the windows.

Jean said she was glad we had bought groceries that morning, it did not look as if we were going any where for a while.

I reminded her that my junky looking pickup had four wheel drive and off the road tires. It was in perfect condition and if we needed to go any where we could.

Jean asked " Who wants to go any where in this storm"? " Not me" I said.

Marie woke up. She lay there watching us for a bit.

I asked if she was hungry, she said she was starving.

Jean told us she bet she could fix something for us to eat before bed time.

I asked Jean to bring her battery operated boom box from her room and get us a weather report.

The news commentator reported that the severe winter storm had caused over two hundred and fifty thousand homes in the Birmingham area to be with out power.

The power company was quoted as saying that repair crews were going to work around the clock trying to return power but that some areas might be without for as much as a week.

I thought " Yeah and those lines were still collecting ice and more would fall from the weight".

Marie said she would have been in bad shape if she were at home alone.

Jean said "Honey some people that are not prepared for this kind of emergency are going to die from this storm ".

Marie said that she might have been one of them. She said that there were not even candles and it was an all electric home.

Later Jean and Marie fixed a simple meal. We sat before the fire afterward listening to quiet music on the radio. The fire gave enough light for us to see by.

Each of us had our own thoughts, we had no reason to talk.

I felt sorry for Marie. The life ahead of her was that of becoming a prostitute but she wanted and deserved something better.

From some of the things she had said it appeared that her mother was going to see to her becoming a whore.

If she could get away from her somehow she might be able to direct her life in another direction.

A fifteen year old run a way could expect a life much worse than becoming a high priced call girl.

Running away was no answer for her.

Around ten I suggested we go to bed. Jean had dozed off and Marie looked sleepy.

I banked the fire with ashes and closed the glass doors to it.

I looked out and the sleet had turned to snow, there was beginning to be a build up.

My bed room was warm, too warm, I left the hall door open so the heat could go to the rest of the house. The only light in there was the red glow of the gas space heater.

Marie shed her robe and turned the bed down. She sat on the edge of the bed while I had a piss and got in the bed. When I was settled she got as close to me as she could.

She placed my hand on her breast and wiggled closer. I started getting a boner. She felt me getting hard against her ass.

She asked me if I wanted to fuck.

I told her that some other time might be better for us to try that again.

She said " I know, I have been told many times that I am not a good fuck because I just lay there". She promised that she would try to make it good for me this time.

I gently squeezed her tit and said " Some other time".

Marie said " But you are hard now and I can make it soft for you".

I squeezed again and said " I am fine, don't worry about it, go to sleep".

Marie made room between us put her hand on my hard cock. She said " See it needs to get some relief".

I sat up in bed and asked " Marie is it you that needs to fuck" ?

She hid her face in her hands and said " yes".

I asked " Why".

Marie told me she wanted to find out if I could cause her to have an orgasm that way. She begged me to let her find that out.

I said " Marie I don't have any rubbers".

Marie said she had started her period last Sunday and it was over Thursday, she was safe from getting pregnant for now.

I said " OK girl this hard is for you".

I told her she would have to do it all, I was going to do her like she had done me, just lay there. I got near the center of that King size bed and said " Be my guest".

Marie said " Please don't make this a kind of 'pay back', I think I am in love with you and would like it to be for you to.

I dragged her down to me and gave her a loving kiss. I told her I would try to make it good for her then.

Marie said she had never done " It" like that before and asked me to tell her how. I did and she got ready. I cupped both of her tits in my hands, she was trembling.

She started down on me and said "O God". She told me it felt good, then when she had all of me in her she said " O God" again.

I began plucking her nipples and humping up to her.

Marie began plunging on me. Several times she said " O God".

Suddenly she screamed like I had stabbed her in her gut. She froze and sat there with her head thrown back holding her breath.

Jean came running in naked. She screamed " What are you doing to her" ?

I said " I believe our girl has just had another big climax".

Jean got on the bed and hugged Marie and asked her if she was alright.

Marie spoke in some strange language. Jean asked me what Marie had said. I told her Marie had said " Leave me the hell alone until I get back from outer space and get my wits back you nosy thing". I said " Then she said". Jean interrupted and said for me to never mind with the garbage, this girl had just had an EXPERIENCE, and it was important.

Marie kind of rolled off of me and lay there moaning. Jean asked Marie if she was alright. Marie moaned " Wonderful".

Jean asked what the hell I did to girls that made them scream and carry on so in here.

I still had 'hard on', I pointed at it and asked her if she wanted to find out first hand.

Jean told me she did and if I could bring her to half that good an orgasm she would be my slave for life.

She got aboard and soon she began yelping like a hurt dog. When she was finished she said " I am yours for ever Master".

Marie had been watching with a silly smile on her face.

I had been holding off my ejaculation. I was still hard.

I told Marie it was her turn again. She was eager.

I told Marie to go slow and make it last a long time this time.

Marie got up on her man and began, that thing was alive down there that time. She was using her vaginal muscles for the first time in her life.

Marie began having small climaxes right away. She would stop and groan " O God" each time. After a lot of "O Gods" she screamed out at the top of her lungs " O God" again and fell on to my chest crying and laughing.

Jean asked " How are doing that to us" ?

I told her it was them doing it to themselves I was just laying there. I asked her if she wanted to try it again.

Jean asked " Can you do me again" ?

I told her to get aboard and that this time I was going to give it all to her.

( I knew Jean was 'on the pill'. )

She said " Yes Master".

Jean went right into her yelping dog act and after she had a lot of just yips and had a big yelp and then howled I let my semen go in her. She felt it and howled again.

Jean lay on top of me until she was breathing normal.

Marie knew what had happened. When Jean started to get off she handed her a hand towel to catch my and her juice so she could go to the toilet with out dripping. She had another to use to dry me off.

Jean came back and told me she wished she had found me years ago. She said she could not believe I had done that to both of them.

I shrugged and told her that now she knew why girls screamed in this room.

We spent the rest of the night with me between two content beauties in that big bed.

It was still snowing the next morning.

When I slipped out of the bed my sleeping beauties snuggled up tight to each other and stayed zonked out.

I punched up the fire and added some wood to it.

I tuned the radio until I found a local station with the news and a weather forecast.

It was to stop snowing late in the afternoon and be clear and cold for the next three days.

It was Sunday and the preachers had taken over the air waves. I cut the radio off.

I wondered if that battery operated TV that I had bought at a yard sale a few months back really worked. I had paid twenty dollars for it. It had a built in VCR. I had bought thirty four used tapes at the same time.

The TV and Tapes were in the garage on a shelf. I went back in the bed room and put on my robe and shoes. In the garage I plugged the TV in to the cigarette lighter in the truck. IT WORKED !

If for some reason we had to go some where until the snow was gone we would need the truck, it had four wheel drive.

I took the battery out of the Town Car and carried it to the living room. I had to rig jumper cables to the TV twelve volt lead and we had movies.

When my tousle headed ladies finally woke at around nine they found me watching an old Clint Eastwood movie.

Jean asked " We got TV" ?

I said " I got TV".

Jean said " You gona let us watch the soaps though ain't you" ?

I said " I might".

Jean said " See Marie, I told you he was not ALL bad".

Marie gave me a good morning kiss.

Jean gave me a good morning kiss.

I told them " Go comb your hair, both of you look like you have on fright wigs".

They said at the same time " Yes Master".

They took off, giggling and skipping like little kids.

In a second Jean stuck her head around the hall door jamb and asked " Can we go 'bare ass' today" ?

I told her " Yes, just don't bug me, Eastwood is about to kill forty six men with only one six shooter".

They stayed in there so long I went looking for them. They had their hair pretty again and were sitting on the bed having a serious conversation.

Jean asked if I needed them. I told them I was checking to be sure they were not into something and being bad.

Jean said " Wees been being good little girls and wees not gona make our Master mad at us never again no mo".

I told them to see to that.

They must have had their talk, they came out after a bit and asked if I wanted them to fix breakfast. I said I thought that was a fine idea it was dam near lunch time.

We were stuck in that house for the next three days.

I asked Jean to lend Marie birth control pills and teach her how to use them.

I sure as hell did not want to 'Knock Up' a fifteen year old.

Wednesday the power came on.

It was beginning to thaw.

The sun was out and the temperature was above forty.

We could not get much TV with the battery powered toy but after the power was on we could use the big one.

The noon news told of a local plane going down in The Rocky Mountains of western New Mexico. The pilot had radioed a May Day message saying that he was icing over bad and loosing altitude with full throttle. The plane was assumed to have crashed soon after that.

The names of the local owner-pilot and his male passenger were given. There were two as yet unidentified ladies aboard. A search was being made for the crash site.

I said " I hope they made it". Both of my ladies said they hopped they had too.

The evening news reported that the plane had not been found yet, the clouds were so low that the search had been called off until the search planes could see the ground. The announcer said that an anonymous call to the local FFA identified the female passengers as two local ladies employed as models. Their names were supposed to be Ms. Rachael Hedley and Ms. Laura Bennett.

Marie said " That is my mother".

Jean said " O honey I hope not".

Marie said " She said she was flying to Vegas with a John and would fly back Tuesday or Wednesday".

I told her we could drive to her home and see if she was there in the morning. It was dark outside and we did not know if the power was on there yet. It would be better to go when there was day light.

Marie was very quiet that evening. She did not cry, she acted as if she was scared.

That night after we were asleep Marie had bad dreams. She woke Jean and I several times crying and moaning in her sleep.

No one was hungry the next morning, we got up and got dressed, planing to get a biscuit breakfast later.

I stopped several blocks away from Marie's home to fill one of the gas tanks on the truck. The station attendant said the power and phones had been working there since Monday night. We drove on to Marie's house. The carport was empty. The house was warm but empty. Marie said every thing was just as she had left it Friday morning. Her mother had not been there.

The message light was blinking on the answering device at the phone.

Marie played it. We heard two messages from friends of her mothers. There was one from the Modeling Agency asking Rachael to call as soon as she was back. Then there was one from her mother made from Las Vegas.

She said :

Marie this is your mother, I am calling from Vegas. We are about to take off. Brad said we should land and be at Big Brother Aviation, the fixed base operation he uses to hanger his plane, at between eight and ten tonight. That is where my car is parked. I will be home as soon after that as I can. Good bye.

There was a click.

Jean said it is her in a plane down in those mountains.

Marie nodded and said :

" I am alone, I have no living relative that I know of". " My father left her before I was born and she never knew what happened to him". " I am on my own now, I don't know what to do". "Can you two help me" ? " Please tell me what to do".

We sat down on a couch. I told Marie that first we must see if there was any money for her to take to live on.

Second she must get any thing of value out of the house, it might be broken in to and stolen by persons that read the obituaries.

Third she must find such papers as the deed to the house and any possible insurance pollicies.

Fourth any thing of value to her must be removed. Taken away, gotten to a safe place.

I said "Marie you can stay with us for a while if you want". "You are a minor, just like me, a Judge can have you placed in a foster home until you are eighteen years old". " You have to disappear, get lost, be where they can't find you".

" If you want us to help you do that we will".

Marie asked us to Please help her.

Marie showed us her mother's office. I put every thing in there in card board boxes.

Marie and Jean went to her bed room. Jean discarded most of Marie's shabby clothes.

There were five boxes to take to the truck from there.

Marie took several things from the rest of the house and we left.

Marie said that several years before her mother had given her a key to her deposit box at her bank and she had signed a card.

Her mother had told her that if any thing ever happened to her she must get what was in that box quickly before it was closed to her.

I asked if she had that key. Marie said that she did.

I told her we would go there now.

That was easy. She presented her key, signed a card and the box door was opened for her. We were in a hurry, I dumped every thing that was that box into a canvas bag and we got out of there. There was a lot of money and papers in that box.

We would have time to examine the contents of the bag later.

In the file drawer of Marie's mother's desk had been a key file, a case with pockets for two dozen keys. Some of those pockets were labeled. When I had looked in it at the house I had noticed that one pocket was labeled 'Spare Car Keys'.

I thought we might as well get her car.

She had said in her phone message that she had parked it at one of the Fixed Base Operators at the airport. I took us there.

The car was parked in a public lot there.

It was a four door Mercedes, one of those high dollar diesels. It was a last years model.

I parked near it and we got out of the truck and went to the car.

When I opened the door it came to life, it started dinging, the CD player started, courtesy lights came on and the car was awake and ready.

I told Jean to take it and Marie to our house.

I followed them across town and when we were in the drive way I raised the door to the slot where the pickup was usually parked.

My beloved beat up truck would have to be parked outside now.

I told my ladies that we had done every thing we needed to do until we knew Marie's mother's fate.

Since hearing the news of the possible death of her mother the night before Marie had shown no signs of sorrow, only apprehension for her own future. She had regrets that she was alone now but no sense of loss for her mother.

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