Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

It was a Saturday night and I was hanging around The Pig Trail Inn.

It was early, not yet eight in the evening.

I could have had a date with any one of a number of girls. I had not asked anyone for a date for that night, I was going to the pool hall later, two 'Sharks' were supposed to be there around eleven.

Keeley said they were good but I did not think they were good enough to take any of my money.

Paul Turner came in, he looked around and came directly to me. I was the only high school senior in the place.

" Hi Buddy, what you up to, you got a date or something" he said. I told him I was going to take on two 'hot shots' at pool later and was just killing time until then.

Paul said he had Marie Hedley with him outside in the car and was going to take her up on the mountain to the fire tower to get some of her pussy.

He asked if I wanted some of that.

Some times Paul ran around with some of the 'Bad Asses' in school. I asked him who else was going.

Paul said " I ain't found anybody else yet that can or wants to go".

I had heard of Marie but had never tried any of her pussy. Several times I had been about to though. When I found out that as many as a dozen might be at the fucking I had backed out.

I asked " You ready to go up there now" ?

Paul said he guessed so, it didn't look like he was going to find any help.

I said " Let's go then, I need to be back before ten thirty".

I told him I would follow him.

The Fire Tower on the highest place on Shades Mountain was a popular spot to take a girl. A guy had time to get his pants zipped before another car coming in could catch him and his date getting a piece. The turn off of Crest Road was rough and the drive up took some time.

No one was there when we drove in, it was to early. When we were parked I got in the car with Paul and Marie.

Marie asked " You the only one that's coming" ? I told her to ask Paul. Paul told her he thought so.

Marie asked if we had rubbers.

We told her we had.

She said " Lets get on with it then".

Paul said to me " I go first " Matt.

I shrugged and got out of the car.

Marie got out behind me and shucked her panties off from under her dress. Paul came around and opened the back door. Marie slid in and pulled her dress up and spread her legs.

I could see her muff in the curtsey light. She had it trimmed neatly, it was dark brown like her hair.

Paul put on a rubber while she watched.

Paul got his knees on the seat between her legs and started in her. Marie said " Close the door, please Mat, I'm kind of cold". I was a little cold myself, I closed the back door and got in up front. I watched them, from there.

Marie's face was in the bright moon light.

From her expression she could have cared less about what Paul was doing to her pussy.

She was bored.

She just laid there like a rag doll.

I thought " Why does she fuck if she doesn't get anything out of it". I knew that one time nine guys had screwed her one after another. Then they had seconds and some of them had gone back the third time.

I wondered if she had responded at all to that many cocks in her.

Paul was a 'Three Minute Man' he was soon out of the car shucking off the rubber.

Marie said "Hurry up Matt, get in here and close the door, I'm getting cold".

Now wasn't that romantic ?

Paul started the car to warm it up.

I got out and got between her legs. I was not hard. I said "Marie suck on this and get it hard".

Marie told me she did not do that.

I began jacking up a hard, I reached out to feel her tits under her dress. Marie pushed my hand away and said " I will not let anyone touch my breasts either".

I finally got hard enough to put on a rubber. Marie had laid there with her head propped up on the arm rest watching me.

I said " Are you ready ". She said " Be my guest ".

I think that was the least exciting fuck I had ever had. My date got drunk one night and passed out after we started. She had been more exciting than Marie was.

I thought good thoughts about my Math Teacher and finally spurted in my rubber.

I looked at Marie's face in the moon light. She still looked like she would rather be reading the news paper but two tiny tears had leaked out of the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks.

As I pulled out of her I told Marie " Thanks".

She said "You are welcome".

I told them as I took off my condom that I was going back to practice shooting pool, I was going to be in a 'Money Game' later.

Paul asked if I had gotten all of Marie I wanted.

I told him I had and it had been exciting.

Marie said "I bet".

I thanked Paul for inviting me and got the hell away from there.

I sat for a while in the parking lot before going in the pool hall.

Thoughts of Marie nagged at my mind.

Was she not quiet right in her head ?

I remembered that she was an honor roll student, she was smart enough to make straight As in school.

Those long legs had been beautiful when she pulled her dress up and spread them in the car.

Her face had been pretty when her hair had fallen away from it in the moonlight.

Before she had pushed my hand away from her tits I had found out they were big under that ugly, too large for her dress.

As I had plunged into her I had pushed her dress up under her tits and put my hands above her hips to hold her to me. Her waist had been so slender my finger tips met under her and my thumbs could almost touch on her belly.

Marie had smelled good, a clean woman smell with no perfume.

Her fingers nails were short and coated with a clear gloss polish and well cared for.

I had to know more about her, what made her tick, or that is what made her fuck.

Those tears bugged me.

I cleaned those so called 'Sharks' out.

I left before twelve with over fine hundred of their money.

I live in my parent's house, that is, it was, it is mine now that they are dead.

They had stopped by a Quick Mart for milk and eggs. Four blacks had come in to rob the place and gotten angry because there was less than fifty dollars in the till. They had killed the clerk and turned their guns on my parents.

The four had been chased by the Police until their car hit a bridge and burst into flames.

The bastards had burned before reaching hell. I was glad of the way they died.

There was several large insurance pollicies and a big savings account.

My inheritance included a large investment account.

There were no debts and the house was paid for.

There was no monthly payments, every thing was paid for except utilities.

My fathers widowed sister in law had moved in to take care of me.

She had married my father's youngest brother when she had graduated from high school.

He had been killed in an auto wreck.

They had been married only two years.

She was only twenty one years old.

Her name was Jean.

It was a joke her taking care of me.

It was more like I took care of her.

She was a good person but did not have a care in the world. She needed a roof over her pretty head and was short of cash. Being my nanny was a good deal for her.

Jean was good to me and really cared.

She was gone a lot visiting her sister and she dated some.

She let me do as I pleased.

She kept the house spotless and was a great cook.

She was not just my aunt she was my friend, we could talk to each other about our dates.

She was lonely since her husband had died so soon after they were married.

She was desperate to find herself a good man. She was finding only bums.

I told her to just get laid and forget about ever finding ' Mr. Right Guy'. I told her there were none out there and for her to settle for a good fuck.

She was taking my advice.

Jean would grin and get lost when I brought a girl home.

One time she asked what I did to a girl to make her scream from joy and groan and moan so loud. I told her " I will never tell, why don't you use your imagination ".

The next week in school I saw Marie several times. She was always alone. She had no friends. Not even guys that had fucked her wanted to be seen with her.

Like me she was not like the other students in our school. We were different. We were not like them in many ways.

Both of us made good grades.

We didn't dress like the others.

I felt that I was much more adult.

I acted as if I were more adult.

I had a lot of friends though.

She had none.

Wednesday I saw Marie sitting alone in the lunch room. There were plenty of places I could sit but I carried my tray to her table.

I asked her if I could join her.

She did not say anything, just shrugged.

I sat across from her and began to eat.

I asked her what her next class was.

She said " English".

I was going to make her talk to me.

( I thought )

I asked who her teacher was.

Marie said " Mrs. Blake".

I asked if she liked her.

Marie shrugged.

I asked who her home room teacher was.

Marie said Mr. Adcock.

I asked if he was nice.

Marie shrugged.

Marie was through with her lunch. She put her things on her tray and got up to leave.

I asked her not to rush off, I was enjoying her vivacious conversation. Marie paused and gave me a long look. She said " You really are full of it aren't you". I said that I had been told that I was.

Marie smiled and said " They did not lie".

I had never seen Marie smile before.

Her face was beautiful when she smiled.

The next day I had lunch with her again.

I told her about the time I found myself surrounded by hungry Alligators.

I paused.

She asked how I had gotten away.

I said " I didn't the biggest one killed me and swallowed me.

Her tinkling laugh could be heard all over the lunch room.

She said I was so full of it that some times it spilled out.

I told her she had a lovely laugh and a pretty smile. Marie blushed and said " Thanks".

Friday as I sat my tray down she gave me a pretty smile.

We ate and talked, that is, I talked.

She smiled at me several times.

I said "Marie this is Friday and if you are not busy tonight I would like to take you to a party".

She froze, she told me she already had a date for a 'Party'. A date with Paul and probably it would be at the Fire Tower like always.

She invited me to come,

Or should she have said cum, she asked.

I said " I am inviting you to go with me to a real party, a birth day party for a friend". I told her she would not know any one there but they were all nice. I told Marie the party was going to be at the home of another friend and was going to be kind of a surprise thing.

Marie asked if I was planing for her to be one of the surprises. Did I want her to pop out of a cake nude and entertain with her cunt ?

I said " Marie I feel like slapping the shit out of you for saying something like that".

She still had that frozen look on her face.

I told her a lot of the couples that would be there were married and most of the others would be with their dates.

I said it was a real party for real people.

Marie asked if I really was willing to be seen out with her. I said " Honey they will only know that you are my date and that I have never brought anyone to one of their parties they did not like".

Marie said " I don't have a party dress".

I told her my aunt Jean was her size and had so many party dresses she had filled the closet in the guest bed room with them.

Marie asked again if I really meant it, I wanted to take her to real party ?

I nodded my head.

Marie said " What the hell, I will go".

I said "Break your date with Paul then".

Marie asked if there would be dancing.

I told her there usually was and asked her if she could dance. She said she could.

I told her there was always a lot of snack food around so to not bother to eat at home.

Marie said she was getting excited, she had never been to any kind of party before.

After school I took her home with me.

I had asked if she needed to call home and tell where she was going. She had said no, there was no one at home. She said her mother was away until next Tuesday and they were the only ones living there.

Jean was delighted with her. Of course she could find a dress for Marie.

It was three fifteen when we went in the house. After Jean found out what I wanted her to do she told me I would not be able to see my date until seven that evening and for me to get lost.

I shot pool until five thirty then went home to shower and change into a suit and tie.

I shouted " Where is everybody" as I walked in.

Jean shouted back that they were in her bed room and for me to keep my ass out of there until she was finished re-making Marie.

I had a shave and showered. Jean had found time to lay out my clothes for me.

Jean busted in while I was drying off.

She said she had laid out my powder gray silk suit because it was nearly the exact same color and material of the cocktail dress Marie was wearing.

I said "OK honey".

Jean said "Jesus, I wish I could find me a man equipped like that". She was pointing at my limp prick.

I said "Dam Jean it is not even hard".

She said it was bigger soft than the last hard one she had.

I got dressed and was waiting in the living room when Jean came in. I asked where Marie was. Jean told me to sit down.

She asked me to prepare my mind for a completely different girl than the one I had brought home with me.

Jean called, " Marie he is siting down now, you can come on in".

Marie walked as graceful as a Queen into the living room. I was amazed, a kind of plain looking girl had been transformed into the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Her dull brown hair was glossy with light copper highlights, her face was framed by her hair. I had thought that she was pretty when she smiled now she was beautiful and not smiling. Jean said " She is afraid you might not like the way she looks".

I walked around her, from behind her smooth shoulders were bare and the dress was open down to her waist. The flair of her hips were molded by that clinging silk dress. The hem came slightly above the dimples and tendons at the back of her knees. Her calves were rounded, her ankles were slender and her small feet were in low heeled gray slippers.

I walked around in front.

The top of the dress was held up by gray strings tied around her slender neck. there was a 'v' down in between her breasts. The silk molded and shaped to her tits, her long nipples pushed the loose cloth out. Her tiny waist was highlighted by her wide hips.

She was wearing sheer hose with a gray tint to them and gray shoes with gold buckles.

I said " Lady you are going to be the most beautiful woman there" !

Marie smiled then, she asked if I liked the way she looked. I told her I was proud to be taking such an elegant lady to a party.

We both kissed Jean and went on to the party.

I had to tell her the Town Car I drove us there in was my fathers before he was murdered

The party was already going, and loud, when we got there, Philip and Betty our hosts met us at the door.

Betty took the Silver Fox cape Jean had draped on Marie as we were leaving. I had to hang my own over coat up.

Betty pointed us at the bar and said " Make yourselves at home people, our house is your house ".

At the self service bar Marie whispered " I have never had alcohol before, what do you want me to do" ? I mixed her a glass of 7UP and some coke to color it, I told her if any one asked, she was to tell them she was drinking 7 and 7.

We wandered around and I introduced Marie to some of my friends.

She and I danced, she felt good in my arms. Later a tall nice looking dude asked her to dance, she looked at me and when she saw me nod, gave him a smile and said she would like that. His tall, slender, blond wife asked " Shall we".

After that Marie had a dance partner until near midnight when I told her it was time we left. I danced a lot too.

One big tall dude just before we left had asked her if she wanted another of what she was drinking. He brought her glass back with real 7 and 7. She chugged it down as we said our good byes.

In the car going home Marie chattered, she had lost her shy reserve. That drink was getting to her.

She was a little disoriented when we got to my house. She said that if I would give her a few minutes she would change into her own clothes and I could take her home.

I told her she was spending the night there and not going home to that empty house. She smiled in a tipsy sort of way and said "OK".

I asked her how many drinks that guy had fixed for her. She said " Just three".

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