Addicted to Jimmy - Cover

Addicted to Jimmy

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Sexual addiction for a bum, by a high school girl until middle age.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   MaleDom  

I had already felt up in her and knew there was no maiden head to tear.

Lee took her time, She got the head of my prick nearly in her and stayed like that with her eyes squeezed shut.

We waited for her to do it. When she did she plunged it in her and screamed. She said later she had her first orgasm from a man's cock when my prick bounced off her cervix and hit bottom in her pussy.

Fay had emptied my sperm into her mouth, I fucked Lee through dozens of climaxes until she begged me to cum in her and let her rest.

I did then and told Lee she was wonderful as I shot my semen in her.

Lee fell off me and lay by my side. Sylvia kissed her, Fay kissed her and got the last of the wine for Lee.

I told every one to go to bed. The next morning was Sunday and we could sleep late but it was near midnight.

I told Lee she was sleeping with me.

Fay and Sylvia slept on the couch.

The next morning I woke to soft lips around my dick. Lee was still pressed against me and sound asleep. I looked down and found that it was Sylvia. She whispered " My little sister can't have this all to herself ".

I had a nice orgasm in her sweet mouth.

Later we had breakfast and our overnight guests left.

Fay gave me the two hundred dollars back I had given her in case there was some kind of emergency on the trip.

She said she had just not listened when her mother and sister tried to talk her in to moving back to Birmingham.

She said she had told them she was happy in Florida with me.

Fay said she had not called Jimmy but he had seen her as he drove by her mothers house. Jimmy had backed up and told her to get her ass in his car. He wanted to know how long she had been home without calling him.

Fay said she had told Jimmy she had been home ten days. Jimmy had told her she needed her ass whipped and told her again to get in the car. Fay had informed Jimmy that if he ever hurt her again she would try to kill him.

Fay said she had gone in her mother's house then.

I was proud of Fay and showed it in a hundred ways.

One of the carpenter foremen got married. A month later his new wife threw her rings in his face and went home to Atlanta. He wanted two hundred for a two caret diamond wedding ring and engagement band. He had paid a thousand for them.

I offered one hundred and he took it.

I gave it to Fay. That diamond looked huge on her long slender fingers.

I was blessed with a lot more pretty pussy than any ten men could have kept satisfied. Fortunately for me they made love to each other constantly. I had what I wanted from all three any time and any way I wished but was not under any pressure to " Do My Thing".

I and the girls were teaching Lee a lot about how to perform all the sex acts.

She was eager to learn.

Tim brought a large collection of women's toys back from Germany. He told Sylvia they were to help her get by when he was gone.

There were several strap ons. The ladies had real fun with those.

Tim got orders to transfer. He was to report to a SAC base in Oklahoma. He flew a small jet trainer out there and made provisions for housing on base.

Sylvia and Lee packed and when Tim flew back the movers left with their things and they followed in both cars.

All three ladies were heart broken about their parting from us.

The work on the four Atlas missile sites was winding down.

I had lost touch with Bill and Harry. When I took the job at Canaveral Bill had said he was going on toward Miami. Harry was headed to a retirement community near Orlando.

I got a letter from Bill, he was with a big company in Miami. He was offering me a job. The salary was more than I was making at the Cape and it would be for only five eight hour days each week.

It was a real break for me. I drove to Miami with Fay and the baby, I liked what I was offered and took the job. While we were in Miami we found a place we liked and rented a place to park the trailer.

I gave my two weeks notice at the Cape and made arrangements to have the trailer moved.

I wanted to go back to Birmingham to see my folks before going to work for the Miami company. I had not been home since that trip up to move Fay to Florida. I had only had time to call my parents then.

Fay was excited about going home.

I wanted to see Kathy, I was the father of her child but did not even know if it was a girl or a boy. All I knew was that Fay had gotten a letter from one of her friends that told of Kathy having a baby. The letter said that Kent and Kathy had finally had a baby after being married for six years.

Fay, the baby and I left Canaveral for Birmingham before day break, it was a fourteen hour drive. We were planing to stay with Fay's parents. I told Fay that if her mother pissed me off, we were going to be out of there in minutes.

We got to her parent's home around eight that night. Fay and I had a burger and she fed the baby a jar of Gerber's and her bottle before dark. I was tired, Fay had driven some but she had to stop when the baby needed something. I had driven most of the way.

I left Fay and her mother talking and went right to bed. I did not even wake when Fay came to bed at midnight.

I slipped out of bed and left the house with every one in it sleeping the next morning.

I had breakfast at Newt's and got brought up to date with the local gossip.

The Minister at the Baptist church got caught with his pecker in the organist.

The organist was a MAN.

Little Man Popwell had his gambling joint raided again. Was it not odd that he was raided by the law about the same time every year.

About eight I called Kent and Kathy. They were up and having breakfast. Kent invited me over to see their baby. I told him I would be right over. Kathy met me at the door with a hug and kiss. I had coffee with them. Kathy brought the baby out for me to see.

She was perfect, she was going to be tall like her mother and have lovely dark hair and eyes.

Kent said he had to go, he was being picked up in a few minutes by his driver partner to begin a trip to the west coast. I told him I would be home for two weeks and wanted to go bass fishing some. Kent said he would be back in ten days, maybe we could get together then.

A horn blew out front, Kent kissed Kathy, grabbed his suitcase in the hall and ran.

Kathy sat back down and asked " Would you like to hold your daughter". I told her I would like that.

Kathy said " She is my whole life now, I knew I wanted children but I never knew what a joy a child could really be to me ".

Kathy said our daughter was needing a brother or sister and that she would be fertile over the coming week. She begged me to help her get pregnant again. Kathy swore that since she had married Kent, I was the only other man in her life. She said Kent would come in from a long trip and fuck her brains out. She said he was a great lover, just not able to get her pregnant.

Kathy said she was in love with both of us.

She took my daughter from my arms and led me to the bed room.

The baby went in her crib.

I went in Kathy.

I made it last a long time for Kathy.

Kathy was sopping wet inside.

I could tell that Kent had shot his load in her already that morning, she had said he kept her really well fucked and he had been leaving her for a ten day trip.

I wanted her to cum more than once for me.

She did ! I began talking dirty to her, calling her my baby maker with the best feeling cunt I had ever put my prick in. etc.

Kathy started having intense orgasms, this was not casual sex with her husband, this was fucking another man trying to get pregnant.

When I finally let myself go in her she may have had over a dozen big climaxes.

I rested with Kathy for a while. She knew the real truth about Fay and my marriage now. I brought her up to date about that.

Kathy became really interested in all the details concerning the three women taking care of my sexual needs and their own to.

Kathy asked if they were Lesbians. I told her that they were not, all three loved me in her own way. I told Kathy that a woman could have sex with another woman without being a Lesbian. A woman could be bi-sexual.

Kathy said she wondered how it would be making love to a woman.

I asked her if she wanted to find out.

Kathy said she might some time.

I told Kathy if she wanted to be intimate with Fay, I could make it happen.

I told Kathy about my spanking Fay and her submissive manner afterward. I told Kathy Fay would do anything I asked her to do now to please me.

Kathy said she would have to think about making love to Fay.

She reminded me that she and Fay had been close friends since grammar school and then even after she and Kent got married.

He had taken her and I had taken Fay fishing, camping and for many picnics while Fay and I were just dating. After I had married Fay we had still seen a lot of each other. She admitted that she often had wanted to watch when she had known Fay was getting screwed.

Kathy asked if I could persuade Fay to swap with her and Kent.

She said that would be a way of her getting pregnant again and only she and I would know that we had not used a contraceptive.

Kathy said that she got Kent excited sometimes when she talked to him about his fucking Fay and her me.

She knew he would swap with me if he ever had the chance.

I told her I thought I could get Fay to do that, she would if she was certain I wanted that.

I managed to try to breed Kathy every day until Kent got home. She said that the timing had been right. She said she felt as if she were pregnant anyway.

One morning I dropped by where I had worked before. Every one was glad to see me.

My ex boss and I talked then he took me to lunch. I told him what I had been doing at the Cape. He was impressed. When I told him I had changed jobs and was going to supervise the construction of a sixteen million dollar school next he was really impressed.

Back at their office he made me an offer of a job at almost the salary I would be making at my new job. I thanked him and told him I had committed to do the school project. I told him I would talk to him again in a year when the school was finished. We shook hands and he told me he was looking for talent that could do larger projects, the company needed to grow.

The vacation slipped away. Fay's mother and sister gave me no reason to get pissed.

Fay was serene and self possessed, she let her mother and sister know that we had a life of our own and that she was no longer their child.

It was a happy two weeks for both of us.

I had a contract with Morgan Drive Away to move the trailer. I called their office in Cocoa when we got back. We followed our home to Miami.

Neither Fay or I liked Miami at all.

One of our school mates had taken a job with Delta Airlines in Birmingham after she graduated from high school. After nearly a year she had taken a transfer to Miami.

We had called her the week we moved to Miami. She came to dinner several weeks later and we saw her often after that.

Carrie invited Fay and the baby to ride with her the next time she was going home. She would pay all expenses just to have someone to help with the driving.

Carrie could get off for a trip home for a week every three months.

I gave Fay permission to go.

The next time Carrie had a trip planed she called Fay.

They left on a Friday afternoon and would be back in nine days.

I enjoyed being alone while they were gone.

I slept late both week ends, got in a lot of reading, and ate in a different restaurant every meal.

I was glad when they came back Sunday night though. It was late and I had already been sleeping for hours when they got there. A weary Carrie and a pooped Fay said good by and we crawled in bed.

I let Fay and the baby sleep and sneaked away the next morning.

That evening I brought a full quart of beer home. We sat in the shade on the patio in front of the trailer and drank it from the bottle.

I asked Fay about her trip home.

She told me it had been a pleasant visit.

Fay said she and Kathy had seen each other.

She said she had spent two nights with her and Kathy had sent me her love.

She and Kent were trying to have another child.

I asked Fay if she had spent any of the emergency money I had given her for the trip.

Fay said she had spent some buying a few small things as gifts for Kathy's new daughter.

I asked if she had seen any other of our old friends while she was home. Fay looked strange when she said " A few".

I asked who else she had seen.

Fay named several but seemed nervous.

I asked her if she had seen Jimmy.

Fay hid her face in her hands and after a bit said " yes ".

I told her to tell me about that.

Fay said she had walked the two blocks from her mother's house to the drug store, she needed a few things.

Jimmy had seen her and parked his car and walked back. They had talked and he had asked her to ride with him out to Shannon to look at some coon dogs he might buy. Fay said Jimmy had acted nice and he had asked, not demanded, that she go with him. Fay told him she had to be back right away and she was just going to ride with him, NOTHING ELSE ! He had promised 'NOTHING ELSE'. She had gotten in his car.

Jimmy had driven her straight to a lovers lane and parked. He told her to suck up a hard on him or walk the five miles back home. He told her he wanted some of her pussy.

Fay said she had gotten out of the car and started walking. Jimmy had caught her and wrestled her down on the pine straw. He had slapped her several times and told her to do as she was told or he would start using his fists on her. Fay had still tried to get away, he had hit her in her stomach with his fist, Fay gave in.

He had knocked her breath away.

Fay said he made her undress completely. Jimmy was cruel and hurt her a lot while he raped her. He had put her out where he had picked her up later.

Fay had kept her face in her hands while telling me all of that, when she was finished she sat there sobbing waiting for my response.

I got up and drove off in the company pickup truck. I did not say a word I just left.

I went to the nearest Kwick Mart and bought more beer. I drove down to a canal and drank a beer and tried to collect my thoughts.

I had thought I had taken Jimmy out of Fay's mind when I had spanked her before.

I knew I had not now.

He could still control her.

He had made her do as he pleased by beating her. That I could understand. What I could not understand was why she had gotten in the car with him in the first place.

Jimmy had brutally forced her to have sex with him many times before. She knew not to go.

I drank three of that six pack before going home. It was after dark.

I had decided to take Fay home to her mother as soon as I could and get out of that fucked up marriage.

When I went inside the trailer and put the beer up Fay was back in the bed room laying on the bed crying.

I said " Get your ass in here Fay, I'm ready to talk to you now".

Fay came in and crouched at my feet. She hugged my legs and buried her face in my lap.

I told her what I had decided. I was taking her back to live with her mother.

Fay pleaded with me to not do that.

She asked me to spank her every day but not to throw her away like an unwanted toy.

Fay promised to try even harder than ever to please me. She said she was mine and mine only and never wanted to leave me.

Fay said she would rather die than live without me.

I told Fay to get up and finish cooking our supper. I told her I would think about what to do about her later.

After dinner and in bed she wanted to make love. I told her to go to sleep, I was not interested in having sex with her now.

Several times I woke to the shaking of the bed from her silent crying. She finally cried her self to sleep.

I slipped away again without waking her to cook my breakfast the next morning.

While going to work I thought about what had happened the evening before.

Fay had truly been remorseful, she would have given anything to not have had to tell me about her meeting with Jimmy. She had not attempted to lie, she never had lied to me.

I thought about her saying she would rather die than try to live without me. It was possible that she would take her own life. She had been about to twice before. I made up my mind to see how things went between us for a while yet.

The school project was different from anything I had ever done before. I found myself engrossed in it and I focused my mind on the thousands of details of getting it built. I let the problem of what to do about Fay take a place far back in my mind.

We resumed the relationship we had before her trip home. Fay was tense though, she was afraid that I might still take a notion to put her out of my life. She could not do enough to please me.

I was warped up completely in my work, I had little time to consider her feelings.

I let Fay go home with Carrie two more times. Each time the first thing she would tell me when she was back was that she had not been with Jimmy and had been my good girl.

The project I was doing turned into a breeze things fell right into place. Eight months after I started it I finished the school building two months early and received a ten thousand dollar bonus.

The baby was twenty eight months old, Fay and I had been married nearly three years.

Kathy had written months ago to tell us she was expecting her second child.

The company in Miami scheduled me to build a huge bulk mail handling facility in Coral Gables. It was not to start for three months.

I was told to take a three month vacation with pay.

Fay was so dam homesick I would find her crying some times. I decided to take her to Birmingham.

My folks had moved to their farm full time.

I asked them if we could borrow their house in Homewood for a couple of months. I told them Fay and I had a long vacation before I started a new project in the Miami area. They gave us their permission.

We packed and we drove home.

I would have liked to have done some fishing in the Keys but Kathy was going to have her (Our) baby nine months after our last visit to Birmingham. That date was soon and I really wanted to be with her then.

A week after we got home Kathy called us late in the afternoon and said Kent would be gone for five more days and she had just had her second labor pain. Kathy wanted Fay and I to take her to the hospital if we could. Her mother in law was there and was going to look after her child and could keep ours while we were gone with her to the hospital.

We picked her up and started toward the hospital. I asked Kathy how long it had been since her last pain. Kathy looked at her watch and said " Over an hour".

I suggested we stop for coffee before getting to the hospital and wait for another pain. I told Kathy one of my stale jokes. She laughed. Kathy said " Fool I am about to have a baby and you tell me dirty jokes". I found us a nice looking Diner and parked in front.

Kathy had been scared but she seemed more relaxed after we were inside.

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