The Girlfriend's Lesson - Cover

The Girlfriend's Lesson


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - She learns how to behave to attract men properly

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Fuck you, Joshua! Don't you have any better sense than that?" Ertha cursed. She clasped the telephone in her hand restraining herself from cursing further.

"Hey, don't get hot with me, Ertha! I can't help it he took her to a hotel."

"The poor chick is in a nervous state. And it's your fault! Christ, now I don't know what to do with her!"

She took the phone and walked down the hallway to the massage room, putting her ear to the door.

Loud wet sounds emanated from inside.

."O.K. She's busy now but she'll have time at nine tonight."

She hung up and placed the phone back on the hook. Then she returned to the den door.

Julie was finishing her last customer for the day... good! All she needed now was a few drinks in her in the morning and then for the rest of the day anything, and that meant anything, was fine with her. Ertha had never seen anyone change so quickly in her life. After she'd finally returned from the night at the hotel, she hadn't been the same since. From that night on, she had lapsed into a catatonic state that lasted for two days in which she rarely spoke, except to degrade herself. Then one morning she'd gotten up, just as though nothing had ever happened, except for the fact that she seemed distracted and vague.

Ertha had found her at the breakfast table downing a glass of burgundy wine. She turned and studied Ertha silently. "I want to be fucked... don't care who it is."

In her loins she felt a dull aching, a need to have a big cock churning high in her cunt. All her other feelings had gone, almost burned out by the sequence of shocks she had been through. All that was left was the physical and Julie had an overwhelming need to quell the fury in her belly.

Ertha had shrugged and tried her with an old customer that afternoon, watching through a slit in the door to make sure that all went well and that Julie didn't do anything odd. But everything had gone perfectly and Ertha couldn't tell if Julie was faking when she begged the man to fuck her. She smiled goodbye to the man, picked up the money and smiled to herself.

Every day she begged Ertha to let her see more and more customers complaining that there weren't enough to appease the strange, hungering lust in her loins. What Ertha didn't see were the tears that Julie shed when she was alone in her room waiting for the next customer. Something had snapped inside her and there was just enough vestige of her former self left in her to make her regret the sad condition she had come to, but not enough to enable her to control herself. Alcohol was the element that fused her personalities, making the day one long blur... a succession of cocks that impaled her, making her whisper and cry out until orgasm once more gave her a reality to hang onto.

Ertha tried to convince Julie to quit drinking, telling her that for one thing it would ruin her looks, and secondly, her insides would age too fast. Julie nodded as if she'd heard, but her blank, expressionless eyes told another story. She just wanted to go and lie down and wait for the next customer.

Julie took a nip out of her private bottle that she kept in her dresser. Her mind was practically blank as it nearly always was these days. Thinking was such a painful process. But there was that now, ever constant, tingling between her legs, reminding her without cease that she was still a human being, still a woman and with a woman's needs.

Tonight, though she didn't know it, there would be no customers, and Ertha had not felt well all day, preferring to stay in her room and nurse her cold. It was the first day off either of them had for two months now. Ertha found it a relief, but Julie was pained.

And so when the door bell rang at seven thirty and a customer insisted on service, Julie took it upon herself to satisfy him. By now, her services had gone beyond mere massage, stretching to more complicated kinds of sex. He'd satisfied her... momentarily. When he left, she lay on the sofa staring at the ceiling in a semi-stupor. It seemed like only seconds when the doorbell rang a second time.

Roy smoked a second cigarette in half an hour and squished out the smoldering ash with the heel of his boot. He'd been standing outside of Ertha's apartment building and, when he saw a man come out an hour after entering, he stopped to inquire, thinking perhaps the man might know Julie. Then, too, there was a silly smirk on the man's face that roused the suspicion in Roy's mind.

He knew Ertha was of the sultry sort, having met her only once, and Corby Lewis had made some rather insinuating comments about the way Ertha made her living. That, combined with the knowledge that Julie was the impressionable sort, easily swayed by others attitudes and opinions, set him on edge.

"Yeah, she's in there," the man said. "Hot little number, too. Shit, man!" he said, rubbing his balls. "She's fuck you crazy."

When Roy saw his Julie answer the door, clothed in a filmy rose- colored peignoir, he could not believe that he was seeing right. He took two steps into the room, blood rising under his collar with each step he took.

"Julie..." he said... and then louder, still disbelieving, "Julie!"

Julie heard the voice before she really looked at him. The voice was the same one that had called her by endearments for the past two years. It was Roy, her boy friend!

Julie's head snapped back to attention and she moved faster than she had for days. She jogged toward the bathroom. She had to get away! God, the look in his eye to see her dressed in a peignoir at five in the afternoon, with her hair a mess and the tell-tale scent of male love juices smeared between her legs and about her mouth. He couldn't see her like this! The adrenaline shot through her system arousing the depths of shame hiding in the recesses of her mind, allowing the full horror of what was happening, of what had been happening even, to flood her brain with unwanted knowledge. though his heart was breaking, as though someone had shot him, and he clutched at his chest and then at his stomach, fearing he would throw up then and there.

Roy caught hold of Julie's gown before she could reach the bathroom door, pulling her back toward him. His hand ground down onto her wrists forcing her to her knees in front of him. Julie screamed hysterically, crying out... NONONONO! It isn't true, it isn't true..."

But her words had no meaning to her boy friend as he began to slap her about the head. "So this is what you've been doing... this is your roommate... This is your house... this is where you turn your tricks! Where you massage and fuck your johns!"

With each 'this' his hand had come down hard against Julie's cheeks, battering her head to and fro like a volley ball.

"What the hell is goin' on?" yelled Ertha from the bedroom, wondering what all the fracass was about. She stood in the doorway of her room, handkerchief to her nose, and yelled, "Oh, God, it's Roy. I gotta get outta here!"

"Hell you will, slut. You get back in here," Roy yelled. "This is probably your doing anyway. And believe me, you'll pay for it... you'll both pay for it!"

He brought Julie to her feet, pulling her up by the wrists. She was still sobbing as he threw her over to the wall and pointed towards Ertha's bedroom.

"You! Take off your clothes!" he yelled at Ertha.

Ertha hesitated, fear eating her.

"Make it snappy! You think I ain't seen a naked whore before! And you, too, Julie!" The words rang sarcastically throughout the room.

He could hardly contain himself. He wanted to kill her. He loved her but he wanted to kill her! A whore! What on earth could he do? He couldn't kill her, she was his only love and yet, she had to pay for it.

He watched as the two women began to slowly disrobe, his Julie on the bed, sobbing as she removed the sheer peignoir, Ertha taking off her dress. As he watched them he ground his teeth together in anger and frustration.

"You two bitches... Yes, that's fight... Let's see what your customers have been getting!"

Julie crouched nude on the bed, her breasts large and creamy white, trembling as her shoulders shook uncontrollably. She had her legs tucked under her, trying to cover as much of her nakedness as possible. Ertha by the door, stood in all of her glory, the black swatch of her pubis jutting forward like a badge of courage. Her figure was almost as perfect as Julie's and she stood now defiantly, as though her nudity might be a weapon against Roy. Her mind was racing. What was he going to do? She cursed the day she had gotten Julie involved in her business. This was all she needed... Her best bet was to cooperate.

Roy took his hot gaze off of Julie's fearfully quaking form and coolly appraised Ertha. His fury was growing with every second that passed and his mind searched wildly for an answer.

" You... get over there on the bed! You're going to give a little performance with my lady! You're whores, aren't you? Let's see how good you are!"

"No... NO!" Julie whimpered on the bed. "Roy, let me go... I promise..."

"Shut up! I don't care what you promise... don't you dig it! Your name is whore! Not Julie, whore!"

Julie shivered, lowering her head to her folded arms. Ertha sat down on the bed next to her, wondering just what Roy had in mind.

Julie's body was covered with nervous perspiration, and her forehead felt hot. Her breasts heaved against her arms and her hands were tightly clenched.

Ertha had been trying to remain passive, but it was impossible. She had been in some bizarre situations before, but this was the worst yet.

"All right, you... yes, you!" he said gruffly, looking at Ertha. "Get to work on her!"

"But... ?"

"You heard me. Do it to her! I want to see how she likes it!"

"But I..." Ertha hesitated. Julie looked up and stared at Ertha in horror.

"But nothing... NOW!"

Julie's hand trembled and her lips quivered as she mumbled and edged away from Ertha... "NO... no," she said, understanding exactly what Roy had in mind.

"Yeah, Julie... she's gonna do it to you... and I'm gonna watch!" he said sadistically, a part of himself hating himself for doing this to the woman he loved.

The words sent a white shock of terror through Julie... her head went dizzy and she knew it was all over for her now... She had reached the bottom of the barrel. First, Don betrayed her, then Joshua, and now Roy.

"I can't... just can't..." she cried fiercely, but even as the words came out, Ertha's hands were on her breasts and she knew that she would have to go through with it.

Julie gave a start as she felt Ertha's fingernails tracing lines along her breasts moving over the white skin.

Roy sank into a chair and sat back to watch, a twisted grin marring his handsome features. This would be good. He'd get back at her anyway he could for doing this to him... for doing this to both of them.

"Unfold those arms. Lie back... Let her get at you!" he commanded.

Julie obediently lay back on the bed, and Ertha shifted her position so that he could get at her better.

"You got nice, tits, Julie," Roy cried out. The words seemed to burn holes into Julie's nipples which were fully exposed now and hard from nervous excitement.

Ertha began to tweak her nipples and Julie whimpered in pain.

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