New World Order - Cover

New World Order

Copyright© 2001 by SmCyber

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The story of The New World Order Female Correction Camp, Felicity Camp, where new way of punishing the prisoners is employed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Violence  

Each horn goes under the victim's mons and rests lightly against the presented clitoris.

The front tip end of the clitoral horn has a bayonet fitting to take a variety of attachments.

On the horns ribbed side are two sliding clamps whose relative positions can be controlled remotely.

Between the clamps and on the lower edge all horns have catheters.

The purpose of these clamps is to anchor the labia with varying degrees of tension and hence the pressure of the tip on the clitoris and secondly to pump, pull, see saw and twist the lips up and around the horns ribbed shaft.

Independent and fractions of an inch away from the soon to arrive vaginal dildo.

The clitoral tip attachments have been developed to execute a number of different reactions and are generally made from materials such as rubber, plastic, leather and metal.

Every tip attachment has a different purpose. Usually they simply rest against the victim's clitoris and unmercifully stimulate her.

On other occasions they can be used to apply concentrated targeted pain.

One particularly popular tip developed by SmCyber has the size and roughness of a manual worker's finger tip with a finger nail thin curved raised ridge approximately an eight of a inch high around one edge.

Designed with the purpose to rest easily on the front of the clitoral swelling with the ridge lodged between the upper side of the prisoner's clitoris and its hood, an extremely sensitive part of a woman's body indeed!

During a session on a Stallion a victim can expect to experience numerous single and a myriad of unwanted multiple orgasms.

Those women destined to experience these tips can expect a whole lot more!

Today two of the prisoners have been allocated these tips, Elizabeth Riding and Bethan Stevens.

Pushed unceremoniously into the chamber, today's girls are herded forward.

Each naked women is told to stand feet apart over a white line painted on the floor. They see before them the twenty Stallions to their left and right they see today's audience.

After a few agonizing moments where brief embarrassed glances are exchanged with the smiling faces a load voice booms, "Go to your Stallion!"

Nancy could not bear it no longer and burst into a triad of abuse to the bemused audience.

Not surprised by the outburst the officer in charge decided to provide the audience with extra entertainment value.

Nancy was quickly subdued and lead to her Stallion, the officer pointed to its padded saddle and she was wrestled down eventually to lie on her stomach, her flaying feet were clamped to simple stirrups near to the floor on either side.

Like the others would later be her arms were drawn up and back and secured.

The eighteen year old Nancy was to be forced now to endure a tongue clamp. The device on a short thin wire was lowered in front of her face.

Her nose was pinched shut and a few jolts with a cattle prod encouraged her to stick her tongue out like a naughty schoolgirl, while the clamp was tightened on her loose tongue.

The chain was slowly drawn up until Nancy's head was forced up and backwards her hair pulled painfully whilst her tongue pointed at the ceiling grotesquely.

The audience enjoyed every moment of the extra humiliation, every groan of pain, every muffled scream.

Nancy's ride was now going to be even more uncomfortable especially as she would be unable to use her mouth...

The assistant spread Nancy's lush pubic hair and slipped her easily onto both dildo's.

Her long blonde hair was held high so it wouldn't hide her face from the audience during her ordeal.

Then the assistant gave her lubricated breasts to the safe keeping of the milking teats.

Meanwhile, another officer re-programmed her Stallion (SATAN) with a particularly unpleasant program of movements. Nancy would later regret her outburst!

Slowly at first then with some urgency as riding crops lashed randomly across their backs, the other naked inmates rushed back and forth looking at the large brass name plates eagerly trying locate their personal machine.

Within seconds most girls have found their machine. Each stands awkwardly facing her Stallion her legs three feet apart her feet on painted foot print symbols on the floor.

One of the prisoners however, a 'confused' Yasmin Patel, had great difficulty finding her machine, no allowance had been made for her poor English.

Yasmin was last to position herself and intelligently took up station on the only remaining Stallion copying the posture adopted by the others, but not before she received a good bit of extra encouragement from the attendant guards!

Some of the girls stare unbelieving at the two upstanding dildo's still glistening from the stick bodily fluids of their previous occupants.

Some girls are in hysteria and begging to be forgiven and for mercy other girls have avoided looking and stare sobbing at the floor between their feet.

Stacie and Tammy Doyle scream pitifully to their mother, but Samantha Doyle, positioned between them stares unblinking into open space unable to comprehend what is about to take place.

The twenty naked bodies are eagerly eyed by the excited audience as they wait for their next instructions. As the prisoners stand alongside the machine that will drive her sexually insane during the next eight hours a number of Shizuka Yabuki's 'clients' hurl obscene, humiliating and threatening suggestions at her.

At ten minutes to eight, all prisoners have to be mounted, ready for the prompt eight o'clock start of the morning session.

Over the raucous banter the presiding officer announces clearly in turn each prisoners name, age and sexual experience to the audience.

Roars of enthusiastic approval echo around the mirrored room as one by one Susan James, Stacie & Tammy Doyle, Yasmin Patel, Mary King, Carly Morgan, Carly Morgan, Bethan Stevens and last but not least Carol O'Breen sexual inexperience is announced.

Sarcastic hoots of derision accompany the declaration of Joanne Mills's particular preferences.

The announcement of the certainty of Pam Andrews virginity but the uncertainty of her sexual preference was greeted by shouts of, "She'll soon find out though!"

With the formalities over with the officer turning to the prisoners generously instructs the trembling girls to, "Lube Up!"

Fully briefed and fully aware of the consequences, each inmate takes from a tray under the saddle of the Stallion in front of her a finger full of medicated lubricating lotion.

The clear grease serves two purposes; one to lubricate both passages before their natural lubrication kicks in and two to prevent infection in the common event of skin breakage.

Eagerly ignoring their shame, they quickly and carefully rub and smear as much as possible on the insides of their tender upper thighs.

Everyone in the room knows this grease eventually has to find it way into and between the lips of their until now private vulvas and anus's.

With time ticking away and with squat bent legs splayed at the knee, all eventually come to the inevitable.

Each prisoner 'genitally' pokes slowly and carefully then as quickly as possible copious amounts of grease into her until now innocent unstretched holes.

Every girl knows full well that to turn down this 'generous' concession will result in a very unpleasant rough ride indeed.

If they were old fashioned cowgirls they would of course be wearing chaps to avoid the inevitable friction burns that an eight hours of horse ride would give. One by one each of the girls discover a little secret about the grease, a secret which was not explained on their briefing tape. The grease contains a strong heat rub liniment.

Soon each of the girls are fratically crossing and uncrossing their legs trying to obtain relief from the unwelcome burning sensation.

At five minutes to eight o'clock, ten strong male guards enter the auditorium and take up position behind the cowering squirming girls.

Working swiftly and in pairs and with practiced precision they roughly lift each inmate onto her waiting Stallion.

Ignoring the pleading, tears and the thrashing legs and arms of the terrified ladies.

Like little china dolls the helpless girls are easily lifted spread and positioned on top the machines.

Immediately the victim's wrists are cuffed in leather bands to a steel bar behind her head forcing the victims shoulders back and breasts forward.

Next a special wire clamp developed by SmCyber is then drawn through the hair on the back of the victim's head and locked into place.

This hair clamp forces the inmates face upwards and forward presenting each humiliated face perfectly for inspection.

Next the victim's legs are spread wider and pulled back forcing the arched pubic area over a small leather saddle block.

The saddle which supports the victim's weight also embraces the clitoral horns mechanism.

The prisoner's ankles are then firmly cuffed to the lower pedals and the four elliptical bars arranged between the prisoner's toes.

Reaching behind and easily spreading each pair of labia in turn the pre-prepared clitoral horns under the saddles are rotated upwards and rested against the prisoner's now defenseless clitoris.

The girls labia are stroked, separated, pulled and clipped to the red spring loaded arms two inches from the horns tip.

Next a large black inflatable catheter is roughly inserted deep into the women's urethra's and inflated.

No amount of wriggling on the poor girls part can now dislodge these particularly nasty tormentors!

Waiting, grinning patiently for the last of the naked female prisoners to be immobilized, an old guard whistles to himself happily as he works his way along the eye level line of presented breasts with a small pot of cream and brush.

Cradling with one hand each presented breast in turn, he paints a small amount of vacuum-assist cream around the base of the girls nipples.

Of all the presented breasts none failed to respond to the attention and all the nipples engorged.

Each of the humiliated ladies look down and watch in horror as in turn their breasts are prepared for the next stage of their mounting. After applying and spreading forty small dollops of the cream with the pot and brush, the old guard returned to the start of the line of machines and revisited each girl's breasts in turn.

He roughly manually massaged the clear cream into the delicate skin surrounding the nipples, tweaking every nipple repeatedly until it responded and became even more engorged with blood. When he has finished this stage of the preparation, forty hardened nipples of various shades of pink through to brown stand firmly on the puckered aureoles of the ladies.

Each nipple has been prepared, points and awaits its own personal mechanical tormentor.

Red rubber tubes with stainless steel couplings are connected to the vacuum connectors on each Stallion, on the other end of each tube are transparent plastic milking cups.

After the prisoner's nipples have been lubricated and teased, these special milking cups are popped onto each of the presented nipples.

As soon as each cup come into contact with a lubricated breast the seal is complete and the aureole and nipples are sucked firmly forward, partially filling the surrounding milking teat.

The reaction is unsurprising!

As nipples are firmly drawn into the cups the prisoner's faces contort with discomfort, more often then not resulting in urgent pleas for them to be taken off.

All of the younger girls inexperienced with breast feeding are soon forced to tears.

Under closer inspection it can be clearly seen by the girls and that each cup has inside it a pea-sized black mechanical rubber ribbed ball.

Under the force of the vacuum, each nipple is pressed firmly upward against the side of the ball.

When activated, the balls rotate inside the cups, their purpose to continually roll, tweak and massage the victim's defenseless nipples in every possible direction and with varying degrees of pressure from light strokes through to painful pinches.

The level of vacuum each Stallion produces is constantly varied by its computer program.

Sometimes the vacuum insists in creating a painful, pinching sensation.

Sometimes merely a firm almost pleasant milking action.

Each teat tormentor is independently computer controlled and its action random.

One teat may be, for instance, be strongly sucked and lightly stroked whilst her 'sister' nipple may be tightly pinched but with little suction visa versa and versa visa.

Not a pleasant thought or sensation for the girls who will experience this milking action for the full eight hour session.

When all the girls had been mounted on their Stallions and connected to their milking machines, each is given an intravenous stimulant injection into her arm.

This stimulant is a powerful drug designed to fully sensitize and enhance the victim's awareness of her predicament and hoplessness.

The mind expanding drug delivered is quick acting and every single sensation, humiliation, pain and pleasure is magnified tenfold in the victims mind.

Finally, limp uncut black penis-shaped comforters made of the same plastic as the dildo's are lowered from the ceiling swinging freely against the horrified restrained faces of the restrained prisoners.

Each prisoner had seen and heard on the demonstration tape the advantage and reward of enthusiastically orally manipulating these plastic penises. The reason quite simple each comforter had installed within it suction, temperature and movement sensors which are monitored through sophisticated artificial intelligence software.

The enthusiasm and sophistication of its sucker's mouth is constanly measured.

Combined with positive feedback loops, the artificial penis respond to the stimulation as a real penis would. An experienced mouth could soon find out what the artificial penis likes.

However, no complacency is accepted.

The artificial penises the girls have to work on have been programmed with hundreds of penile profiles.

Each profile reflecting the likes and dislikes of a man taken from full cross section of different men.

When or if the sucker is lucky, the penis profile she is currently working on will be that of a virile young man with no staying power.

If she is moderately lucky it will be the profile of an experienced middle aged man who responds to persistence or that of a rapist with a liking for something unusual!

If the sucking prisoner is unlucky she could be dealt a penis with a impotent profile!!

Hard work with very little reward on these ones.

The ball is in her court, so to speak. To earn the reward, she has to find out what gets to the penis quickest.

Continued stimulation rewards the prisoner with a generous jerking ejaculation of synthetic semen, which, if carefully but firmly drained, suspends all vaginal and anus dildo movement, clitoral horn and milking cups pressure for TEN blissful minutes.

During these well earned respites small laser projectors rise from the front of the successful prisoner's Stallion and perverse, (even by Felicity standards) pornographic scenes are projected directly onto the prisoner's retinas, her view of the room totally obliterated.

Detectors in the lasers constantly monitor for eye closure and blinks.

More than six blinks per running minute reactivates the dormant Stallion and all the prisoner's excellent mouth work is undone.

Seconds after ejaculation, the artificial penis or comforters are automatically deflated and reprogrammed by the computer with the likes and desires of a different penis.

The prisoners can if they choose use their free time in porno TV land to find out what best the new program likes in the tongue lip and jaw department.

By the end of the eight hour session each of the prisoners mouths will have experienced and entertained on average sixty different jaw-aching blow job programs.

As eight o'clock arrives, (the cutoff time for a prayed for pardon), Felicity's commanding officer, Colonel Hardman, quietly enters the room to start today's session.

Quietly closing the door and taking up station to the right of the machines Colonel Hardman watches the final checks.

Once the women's bonds and attachments have been checked, Col. Hardman blew a shrill whistle and walked to the center front of the room.

Turning his back on the straining prisoners Col. Hardman addressed today's audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for attending this mornings punishment session. " he announced.

"For those of you who have not attended a Stallion session before I should give you some brief introductions."

Pointing to a large wall clock behind the Stallions he explained "Today's session will start shortly and last eight hours."

Turning his gaze to the machines, "The twenty ladies we have here today have all been sentenced to receive rape punishment."

"This punishment will be delivered by the machines obviously." he said smiling.

"Some of you will know one or two of the prisoners?" he asked looking around the room.

Acknowledging a number of affirmative nod's he pointed to the machine at the center.

On BRUTUS we have Kaylee Smith, aged 19, a computer operator I believe.

"Above her machine you will notice a red light which as you see is currently illuminated. When the light is illuminated please refrain from talking to or touching the prisoner on that machine.

"If you wish to know more about any prisoner or rape program please ask."

"Their 'full' personal records are available for your inspection!" he stressed.

Pausing for a moment watching Kaylee squirm with embarrassment as she was momentarily the center of attention.

"Eight hours is a long time and I have other duties to attend to" he explained.

"However I will be calling in throughout the day if you want to speak to me." he added.

"If you require any refreshments or..." coughing slightly hum 'relief' please push the hostess button on your chair. " he smiled, pointing to an illuminated button set in the arm of the seat nearest him.

"The prisoners will be getting a 'special' calorie free diet today and plenty to drink." he added grinning widely.

An appreciative murmur ran around the room.

Finished with his introduction Col. Hardman turned his attention to the mounted prisoners his manner and tone changed immediately.

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