New World Order - Cover

New World Order

Copyright© 2001 by SmCyber

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The story of The New World Order Female Correction Camp, Felicity Camp, where new way of punishing the prisoners is employed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Violence  

Monday and a lovely fresh spring morning has arrived.

Overnight all the mechanical rape machines code named Stallions have been serviced, oiled, calibrated and made ready for another day's work on the young female inmates in the Felicity Correctional Camp.

Today would be little different from the hundreds of other days which had passed since the New World Order came to power.

The sole purpose of Felicity camp is to apply severe merciless correction to the female prisoners.

Most of the female inmates are close relations of members of the beleaguered opposition party.

Stallion's are mechanical rape machines pure and simple.

They have been in operation for well over two years. Their daily use is to supplement the legal system's need to provide exhaustive rape punishments on the dissident female prisoners.

Quite simply until the rape performance enhancing drugs currently being developed by Nathan Jastrow's young protégé, Dr. Veronika Hausmann, are fully developed, there is an urgent pressing need to provide alternative means of executing mass rape on the thousands of female prisoners.

After election, the New World Order quelled the outbreak of mass opposition remonstrations and individual anti government protests by routinely imprisoning the wives, daughters and female children of the opposition perpetrators.

This had all taken place during the early part of the 21st Century throughout the world.

New World Order secret service officers have for many years been using sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques to identify the so called political terrorists.

When they are found, the opposition's womenfolk are quickly rounded up.They are efficiently processed and spirited away for long unpleasant prison sentences.

The unusual ways the female prisoners are dealt with during these prison sentences is designed to efficiently stem the tide of antigovernment feeling.

Systematic institutional rape began to be used back in the 'naughties' the early decade of 2000 as it became to be known.

It was soon realized that the old-fashioned practice of simply locking away inmates for ever increasing periods of time was simply not working. What needed to be introduced was a new regime in fact, a most severe regime of terror.

Although some early legislators tried (particularly some of the women members) to block its introduction, the vast majority of its male members were fully supportive of the idea of mass institutionalized rape.

The opposition's "fairer sex" who were destined to be included in this unpleasant disciplinary practice deserted the opposition party in their thousands. Eventually the opposition parties had to go underground to protect their women.

There was little hiding for the womenfolk.

In the months leading up to its introduction all the senior male members of the New World Order had been invited to attend exploratory rape trials with selected political prisoners.

Politicians at all levels were very soon also encouraged to join in and try this new form of punishment, thus their loyalty and enthusiasm for the process was bought.

Consequently since its inception, this purely sexist form of punishment has been routinely prescribed unrelentingly for all female inmates between the ages of 16 and 65 inclusive.

After receiving an often unpleasant and frustrating introduction to the new revised legal system, the frightened female inmates are unceremoniously transported from court to one of the many correction camps.

Many of these correctional camps are actually annexed to the court building.

Felicity Camp is but one of many such camps where mechanical rape techniques are employed to support the available officers.

After processing the women, (now, however, convicted criminals) in groups of twenty are placed in the hands literally of the corrections officers.

Today in Felicity camp the twenty Stallions await their nubile guests.

Some of the women will initially be stubborn but after their initial session most of their resistance and modesty will be stripped away, their modesty and rebellion a thing of the past.

After a single session on a Stallion a female prisoners will more readily accept the preaching of their new political trainers.

However the punishments are never limited to a single session.

Training sessions will be prescribed monthly and it is not uncommon for a Stallion session to be stipulated each week and most prisoners have at least two year sentences.

Amongst the nineteen unfortunate ladies joining Mary Palmer this morning are,

Nineteen-year-old Susan James, Eighteen-year-old Nancy Smith, Thirty-year-old Mrs... Samantha Doyle and her two daughters: Seventeen-year-old Stacie and Eighteen-year-old Tammy, Forty-year-old Elizabeth Riding (Grandmother of Nancy Smith) Sixteeen-year-old Cindy Wall, Twenty-year-old Janie Rose-White,

Each will experience eight terrible hours of relentless mechanical rape.

These inmates would be the first women to feel the unrelenting force of the rape machines this week.

Working in eight hour shifts, each machine deals with three groups of female prisoners per day, six days a week, the seventh day reserved for special punishments and routine machine maintenance.

One of today's girls is nineteen-year-old Susan James.

Susan was unfortunately the only female member of her family at home the day the New World Order security guards forced their way into the family music store just before closing time.

Her terrified father had been viciously roughed up and the entire store turned over whilst the rampaging guards searched the premises for the owner's older wife, Jackie.

Unfortunately for young Susan, her mother Jackie was long long gone.

An anonymous warning phone call minutes before the raid alerted her to the imminent danger.

Terrified and with no thought of who she was leaving behind, she panicked and fled full of remorse.

She had failed to alert her innocent unsuspecting daughter.

First there came the destruction of the shop and then the beating of her father, within minutes his young daughter was in un-welcoming arms of the experianced arresting officers.

Thirty minutes later Susan was delivered unceremoniously to the area court facility alongside the state correctional camp.

Susan waited in the reception of the court area of Felicity Camp all alone.

She stood before the massive oak doors that would open into the main courtroom of the camp and wondered when she would be allowed to leave.

She'd already stopped wondering why she was even being tried. She had done nothing wrong, this was all one big mistake...

She was just nineteen-years-old, almost straight out of community college with only a few months part-time work experience, yet she had been witness to her father's vicious beating and the destruction of her home and family business.

Unknown to her, she was standing outside the courtroom of the most notorious female correction camp in the state.

It was a old building she'd often passed it on her bike but she had never really paid attention to it before now.

To the rear of the old courthouse behind security fences, lay the camp. Screened from all sides, its purpose was not immediately obvious to a casual glance.

She'd passed five security checks, been photographed and fingerprinted. DNA samples were taken and she was briefly but firmly instructed to:-

"Keep your FUCKING mouth shut young lady,... Speak only when you are spoken to or you WILL be very sorry!"

Susan had been roughly escorted to this holding area by an armed security guard who wasted no time in groping her and lifting her skirt, delighting in her discomfort at his attentions.

Attaching her wrist cuffs to a ring on the wall opposite the courtroom Susan joined thirty or so similarly mounted women who had also been left in this sinister lobby to await their 'trial'.

The views from the lobby fueled her fears, she was totally terrified.

It was a huge room, elegantly carpeted, with floor to ceiling windows where the south and west walls should have been, and with a number of stunning paintings gracing the other walls.

It was also totally devoid of furniture. But what drew the attention of all the women was not the decor, but the uninterrupted view of the correctional camp beyond the large windows.

Susan's despair and her sense of betrayal by her mother, were, however, temporarily forgotten as she gaped in astonishment at the spectacle confronting her.

Through the windows the women could see in the distance hundreds of women.

For almost an hour Susan waited as one by one each of the terrified women were unhooked and led by a court official through the old wooden doors and into the courtroom.

Susan soon realised that none of the women however returned back through that door.

Unknown to Susan each prisoner only experienced a brief mock trial.

Each woman was routinely identified and sentenced to terms of 'punishment' ranging from one to five years.

Following conviction, the petrified women were led out of the courtroom by a side door into the camp induction area, here to start a period of her life each would never forget.

Within minutes of leaving her place in front of the judge the shocked prisoner was taken away soon to be replaced by the next woman.

Susan had almost given up being nervous, and was working her mind overtime trying to find the words to plead her innocence.

She had spent most of her time wondering what purpose her arrest might serve.

Frequently other young women were dragged into the room some screaming, some begging for release.

Each received firm slaps across their face after they were attached to a wall ring.

Some who continued to protest had red rubber ball gags forced into their mouths.

Tearful, frightened but now and again Susan's mind drifted to the appearance of the lobby itself.

It was possible that it was in the process of being upgraded or refurbished, but somehow that was not the impression she got.

There were no marks on the carpeting to indicate there had ever been any office furniture here.

Perhaps, she decided, the very carpets had been recently changed, and the furniture just hadn't been moved back yet. Yes, that would explain it, she thought.

There was also a faint odor of paint lingering in the room. That meant more than the carpets had been redone.

The elaborate security precautions would seem to indicate that Felicity Camp was not an organization to be taken lightly!

Then why hadn't she ever heard of it before?

She was supposed to be going on holiday next week with her girl friend, a young lady called Anne Fellows.

In anticipation of that holiday, they had each bought new and rather revealing swimming suits.

That holiday, however, would be delayed indefinitely.

Instead of finding herself in a posh resort hotel, Susan would soon find herself in rather different accommodation, and her new attire would be even more revealing than that skimpy swimming suit.

At Eleven O'clock Susan was frog marched into the court by an elderly court official.

When they entered the courtroom, Susan choked in shock.

The Judge was there waiting for her, along with the rest of the smiling court officials, but that wasn't which attracted her attention.

Susan screamed in horror!

There were ten small red circular stages or podiums arranged around the Judge's court. Four to the left of the Judge and four to his right and two more at a higher level to his rear.

And all the stages were occupied. On each little stage was a very sorry looking young woman girls really, and all were completely naked.

Some were silently sobbing, some barely moaning, others stared into space their eyes glazed simply in a dull state of shock.

Frantically looking at the obscene tableaux, Susan could see most of the girls had objects in their vaginas or anus some had both orifices filled! Several forms of bondage were employed to decorate the Judges courtroom and it didn't take Susan long to see that all of the young girls bore the marks of brutal punishments bruises and welts.

Two of the younger girls, who couldn't be more than sixteen-years-old, were tied to wooden frames on the stage alongside the Judge.

Each girl was tied with her legs splayed widely and tugged tightly back over her head, lifting, spreading and exposing her privates for everyone in the court to see.

Red stripes marked their inner thighs and streams of perspiration ran over their flustered cheeks. The two helpless girls watched quietly as Susan was prodded from behind and stepped forward to stand in front of the grinning Judge.

The two girls behind the Judge knelt facing one another their knees spread wide by wooden blocks. Their hands, fingers interlocking under the hair at the back of their necks the grotesque posture forcing forward and upwards each pair of breasts.

Between them the girls shared a short black double ended dildo each girl firmly and rhythmically felated her end as she stared helplessly into the other girl's eyes.

In pure terror, Susan stared at the other four young women trussed like chickens, their eyes bulging above their gags, small sounds of distress already evident, as their muscles protested at their abuse.

"You get your hands off of me!!!! God damn you, you bastards," Susan screamed in outrage as an officer pressed her forward toward the Judge.

"Y... you're all crazy! What the hell are you doing? Get away from me let me go!"

She lifted one foot to try to kick the nearest officer away.

He was pushing her forward with what appeared to be a thick black stick. He ducked her kick easily and there was no second as he jabbed the black stick a cattle prod into her back and zapped her momentarily.

The pain hit Susan almost throwing her off balance. Five seconds later, gasping eyes wide in shock, she moved quickly forward and stood trembling looking at the floor.

"Oh NO please... God, please don't hurt me..." she pleaded almost incoherently.

"Oh, don't you worry. By the time we're through, you'll love it..." smiled the Judge looking down on the cringing female.

He grinned as he slammed his wooden gavel onto the desk.

"Order in Court!"

The officer stepped away from Susan. It was absurdly simple, yet remarkably effective. After the zap and almost slipping off of her high heeled shoe she composed herself ready to plead her innocence. Clearly this was a really bad place to be wearing high-heeled shoes she briefly thought to herself.

"On your knees and confirm your name and address" boomed the Judge.

Susan stood in front of him. She tried to be brave, to look him in the eyes, but could not.

Susan took another breath and sank down to her knees on the floor and answered the judge her voice faint and trembling.

"Are you pleading Guilty or Not Guilty? " asked the Judge immediately.

"Sir there has been a terrible mistake I'm not even supposed to be here..." babbled Susan quickly before being cut short.

"Guilty OR! Not Guilty?" the Judge repeated impatiently.

Collecting herself Susan looked up and in the firmest voice she could muster pronounced,

"Sir I'm NOT! Guilty I should not be..."

"Shut up!"... instructed the Judge pausing briefly to look Susan up and down. "Please turn around, young lady and keep turning around until I tell you to stop."

Pausing briefly, a confused Susan turned slowly around and around on her knees before the Judge and the court officials whilst the Judge spent a few brief moments inspecting her file and watching her display herself for his inspection.

Each time she faced the Judge Susan was forced to view the naked girls who decorated the courtroom tableaux.

"Stop!" commanded the judge. Susan stopped immediately her knees now sore.

Enjoying the moment the Judge watched the terror mount in Susan's eyes as she choked back tears.

The Judge consulted his clerk, as he stroked the inner thigh of the naked girl to his left, then delivered his verdict.

As he spoke, Susan felt the tide of fear and helplessness rising like icy water about her groin, as the full nature of the disaster that was to fall on her became apparent.

"Susan James, I find you... Guilty of conspiracy against the New World Order," calmly announced the Judge.

Susan stood shocked as if hit by a train the words hardly believable. Burying her face in her hands she screamed, "Noooooooooooooooo... !"

Waiting for a moment for the outburst and the Judgment to sink in, the Judge issued a simple command...

"Stand!", leaning forward slightly resting his chin on his hand.

He Waited for Susan to stand before issuing a most unwelcome and devastating demand.

"Take off your clothes, young lady!" smiled the Judge.

Unable to comprehend his obscene command, a disbelieving Susan stood open mouthed.

"Do it, bitch, or I will have you forcibly stripped and beaten!" added the Judge.

Fingers trembling Susan, slowly removed her jumper and unzipped her patterned dress.

Stepping out off her shoes she soon stood in the court in her simple white bra and panties.

Enjoying her embarrassment momentarily, the court officer nearest her stooped to pick up her discarded clothes and pointed to the remaining items and jewelry.

Sobbing loudly Susan removed the remaining items and handed them to the officer who smiled broadly as he gazed at her exposed body.

With her tear-filled eyes lowered and her cheeks blushing with shame, the naked woman was sentenced to five years imprisonment with the torturing possibility of a three year remission if her mother surrendered herself to the authorities.

Gripped firmly by the upper arms, two male guards led Susan James out of the court via the side door and into Felicity Correction Camp for Women.

Within minutes Susan would learn what it meant to be a prisoner in the New World Order...

Susan soon joined the other women who had been 'processed' earlier. Each woman was catalogued and instructed in the camp's strict and unforgiving standing orders and rules before being led away to the induction holding cells outside the Stallion room.

In her processing, she had been given a skimpy gown to cover her nakedness.

It was more of a joke than any real covering.

It was paper thin and nearly transparent. Its hem barely covered her fleece-covered mound.

If she bent over at the waist in a futile attempt to better cover her pussy, the naked cheeks of her bottom were fully exposed.

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