Land of the Giants - Cover

Land of the Giants

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This story is based on the old sci-fi TV-show, LAND OF THE GIANTS. If you recall, the show revolved around a group of marooned travelers who found themselves on a world inhabited by giants twelve times their how size. The vulnerable little people had to hide to survive in this savage world where the smallest of creatures represented a deadly danger. Read on as you discover how they handled this most unusual of situations.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Size  

It was night time before anybody in the camp noticed that Fitzhugh was missing. This concerned Barry the most. For despite his shortcomings, he had been his mentor ever since their landing here in this Land of the Giants.

On numerous occasions, Mr. Fitzhugh had saved one or another of the group. But he also got into more trouble then any three people combined. How many schemes did the old man try to perpetuate, even here, for a fast buck.

But Barry still liked him despite his flaws. He pointed out that he was missing to Steve and Dan, who went out a short distance to try and locate their wayward charge. They returned alone an hour later. It was now much too dark to continue searching. They would have to wait till morning before resuming.

Everybody returned to their sleeping bunk, in the 'Spindrift, to rest.

Fitzhugh wandered for miles in his drunken daze before stumbling upon the drainage pipe. The pipe was a measly four inches diameter by Giant standards but was about five feet by Earth humans measurements. He would have to crouch slightly to travel inside, but this was nothing new to any of them.

By this time, some of the liquor had worked out of his system. He was beginning to think more clearly. He realized that he was hopelessly loss by now.

"It is never a good idea to walk into a forest while drunk," he chastised himself.

Peering deep down the drainage pipe, he figured that this would be a good place to hole up till morning. Water was pouring out of the pipe, but nothing that he hadn't encountered before in other drainpipes of the Giant city.

He carefully made is way inside deeper down the pipe. From experience, the marooned group had learned that if they were ever separated, they should seek shelter as deep as possible within the pipe network of the city. This would protect them from accidental discovery by workers or even animal predators.

He hugged the wall of the pipe as he went further into the darkness. He could see some light streaming in at the end. A drain grate it would seem. He carefully moved on. Trying to listen for telltale signs of Giants in the vicinity.

As he continued to move closer to the beam of light, he could make out laughter and squeals. Female squeals. This peaked his curiosity. Foregoing his personal safety, he approached the lighted grate.

What greeted him was a sight to behold. It was a shower room of some kind. A girl's shower room. There above him where Giant teenage girl's of every description and they were all naked.

Most of them ranged between the ages of twelve to fourteen by his reckoning, but a few appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen. These were the ones that interested him. Peering up at the treasure of naked pubescent pussies, he pulled out his small penis and began jerking himself off.

Everywhere he looked was another naked ass being rubbed with soap. The younger one's were too naÔve to do anything of interest, but the older ones were spending a long time soaping their pussy areas.

He knew that they were actually rubbing their Giant clits, while trying to act nonchalant to the others around them. Fitzhugh could hear some of those girls breathing in irregular fashion as they approached climax. He looked on with interest when he noticed one of them had actually inserted her middle finger inside of herself.

His eyes almost bugged out when he looked higher up to see how her tits looked. She was a Giant teenage version of Valerie, right down to her red hair. About sixteen he would have guessed.

He could see that her tits were in full bloom. The lips were just as sexy looking and the eyes, those green orbs were just as mesmerizing. And from her public performance before the dozen girls around her, he suspected that she may well be just as much a nympho as the Valerie he knew back at the camp.

One by one the girls in the shower room would leave. Drying themselves off as they wrapped their towel around their chest and made their way out of the room. They had all left until only the Giant 'Valerie' was the only one left.

She looked around to make sure that she was alone before digging into her towel and pulling out a dildo. It was over eight Earth feet in length and about as wide as Fitzhugh's portly body.

Fitzhugh looked on as the Giant sixteen-year-old began massaging her tits with the instrument. She would then bring it up to her mouth and suck it in. This was just to get it lubricated before she brought it to where it was really needed, her pussy.

Fitzhugh jerked furiously on his cock as he watched mesmerized, as the Giant dildo was forced deep into the crevasse that was her pussy. Already four feet of the Giant wand had been swallowed by the cavernous vagina.

He could hear her breathing coming in short gasp as she continued to push even more of it inside of her. Fitzhugh was now timing his stroke to her stroking of the dildo into her sucking cunt. He could also clearly make out her clit. The nub had grown as big as his forearm and was being rubbed freely by her free hand as she continued to stroke the dildo in and out of her clutching pussylips.

Fitzhugh came in a powerful surge. The best that he had ever had, as near as he could recall. At that same instance, the focus of his attention was also cumming. He could see her juices just pouring out of her and heading his way through the drainage pipe.

He stumbled closer to the lip of the pipe to try and drink in the sweet juices that was coming. Gallons upon gallons of it cascaded over him. Drenching his clothes in the succulent juices. He just opened his mouth as wide as he could to drink in as much as he could.

Up above, the redheaded teen slipped to the floor. Exhausted from her climax. She pulled the imbedded dildo out of her cunt and brought it up to her lips to suck it clean. Though she had never heard of bisexuality, none of the Giants had, she found the taste of her own juices intoxicating. She would lick it and suck it clean before hiding it from prying eyes.

In fact, in this world of Giants, such things as bisexuality was so taboo that if a person was caught it would mean an minimum two years in jail, no appeal.

Back inside the drainpipe, Fitzhugh had finally had his fill of the girl's cum and just sat dumbstruck in a pool of tepid water. Not caring that his clothes were now a complete mess. He just looked up with a stupid grin on his face.

'What a paradise, ' he told himself. 'Pure heaven, this is.'

He then noticed that his Giant 'Valerie' was leaving the shower room herself. He poked his head out of the grate to make sure that nobody was around and then climbed out to follow this teen beauty that he had just discovered.

Looking around the corner of the doorway he could still see her walking down the empty hallway. Keeping to the wall he cautiously followed. She stopped at a door and entered.

'This must be her room, ' he thought.

Scurrying across the hall to the opposite side, he approached the Giant door, which was now closed. Looking around one more time, he got to his stomach and slipped through the crack under the door.

Once inside the brightly lit room he looked immediately for a hiding place. He made his way like a scurrying mouse to the legs of a nearby night table. From here he could study the whole room in safety.

The first thing that came to his attention was that his target didn't reside here alone. It was a room for six, and they were all there at the moment. Fitzhugh was disheartened momentarily. He was hoping that the ravishing teenager slept in a single room and so would be sleeping in the nude. This hope was shattered with the presence of so many other teenage girls.

Four of them were fairly young, probably only about twelve, the other was only slightly older. Her tits were only now beginning to grow. No, only his redhead was truly grown up. Full chested and hair around her pussy to prove it.

He just watched, hoping to catch another glimpse at that magnificent body of hers. He would not be disappointed.

The Giantess dropped her towel to the ground, exposing her firm breast to the occupants of the room. The younger ones just laughed at the strange appearance of their roommate. They didn't yet realize that one day, this would also be happening to them.

"Aww c'mon Anguel," the other teen protested to the sixteen- year-old. "Put your PJs on. That's disgusting. Parading around like that."

"Anguel," Fitzhugh murmured to himself. "So my beauty's name is Anguel."

Anguel just stuck out her tongue mischievously at her younger roommate, before conceding and slipping on a loose nightgown over her head. She let the loose fitting garment slip down her naked body until it covered everything, to Fitzhugh's displeasure.

He watched the goings on in the room until all of the occupants got under their individual covers and Anguel clicked off the lights to the room. Obviously, because she was the oldest, she was also in charge of this room. Her bed was next to the window, which allowed the moonlight to shine over her sleeping form.

Fitzhugh continued to wait in the shadows for another hour before he made a move. He crept along the wall towards Anguel's bed. He quietly ran under it to the far side. There he took hold of the bed sheet that was hanging down and strenuously began climbing up towards her sleeping form above.

Being so out of shape, meant that it took him a good ten minutes before he finally reached the top of the mattress. He fell to his knees, desperately trying to catch his breath after exerting himself so much. He stayed like that for fifteen minutes more, before he felt well enough to go ahead with his plan.

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