Land of the Giants - Cover

Land of the Giants

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Chapter 15: Epilogue

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15: Epilogue - This story is based on the old sci-fi TV-show, LAND OF THE GIANTS. If you recall, the show revolved around a group of marooned travelers who found themselves on a world inhabited by giants twelve times their how size. The vulnerable little people had to hide to survive in this savage world where the smallest of creatures represented a deadly danger. Read on as you discover how they handled this most unusual of situations.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Size  

After accompanying Valerie and Betty back to Glivard's lab that first time, Fitzhugh wanted to indulge himself in his own Giant fantasy. He remembered the beautiful seventeen-year- old redhead at the orphanage. The one named Anguel.

He studied the routine at the orphanage for weeks afterwards and learned that all of the children would shower every second day. And that Anguel would always repeat her performance at the end of her shower in the same fashion.

She would wait for everybody to leave the shower room before fucking herself with that hand-crafted eight foot long dildo. And go to bed immediately afterwards.

Once he had her routine down pat he planned his moves accordingly.

He had learned his lesson from his first visit. It would be too hard to explain why his clothing reeked of female cum every other day. So he took the habit of stripping naked at the drainpipes entrance before coming near the shower drain.

Now he could baste himself in her juices at his heart's content. He would then follow her to her bed and repeat his tender mercies on her naked body under the nightgown she always wore and be gone before daybreak.

For months now, Anguel was feeling refreshed every morning. None the wiser of her nightly visitor.

As he continued gaining more and more confidence in himself. Fitzhugh finally convinced himself to go for his masterstroke.

As with all the other times previously, he watched the beautiful redheaded teen masturbate herself into orgasm and followed her back to her bedroom. He would creep along the wall to her bed and climb up her sheet. Then duck under them and make his way to her Giant naked body through the bottom of her nightgown.

But on this particular day, he had a more ambitious plan in mind. Rather than follow the length of her body up to her naked tits, he traveled between her outstretched legs to where they met at her crotch.

There, he shone his flashlight as the huge pussy slit above his head. Taking a deep breath for courage, he grasped those monstrous lips and pulled himself up.

Once he reached her pussy mound, he looked back down. Her gash was about four or maybe five feet long.

'Yes this should work, ' he thought to himself.

Turning, he walked over to her huge clit and licked its surface for luck, which brought out a moanful response from the sleeping Giantess.

Taking some deep breaths, he knelt on her mound and began tugging on those pliant Giant pussylips. He would spread them open and slowly an opening would appear below him.

He smiled as he became full of confidence that is scheme was about to bear fruit for him.

Taking courage that her hole was large enough, he began climbing inside of the Giant pussy. It was a tight fit, especially at the entrance, but he knew from the size of her dildo that his rotund body was about the same girth as the instrument.

He continued deeper into her cunt. Rubbing his naked body against the vaginal walls has he continued squeezing his way further.

"Mmmmmmh!" The sleeping Anguel would respond to his intrusion.

Fitzhugh continued exploring the cavernous pussyhole as he made his way still deeper in her virginal womb. Along the way her would scratch his Lilliputian nails across the pussy wall.

"Oooh!" The teenaged Giantess groaned.

Fitzhugh knew that he was affecting his host, as her moans and groans would vibrate even where he was. This didn't discourage him. In fact, that was what he was hoping would happen. He wanted to live the ultimate pussy suck. And nothing back on Earth could beat what he was doing at this very moment.

He knew that he could die from this experience, but he also knew that he would die a happy death.

By now Anguel was so aroused that she had to relieve herself, even as she slept. Her hand traveled down her waist and began pulling up the nightgown to give her access to her young pussy.

Once that was done her fingers traveled to her clit and began rubbing it in a circular motion. All the while, her other hand moved up to her naked breast and began massaging those mountainous mounds of flesh.

Her breathing was getting shorter and shorter as she neared her orgasm. Inside her womb, Fitzhugh knew what was going on as his light shone on the walls as they turned bright red from her excitement. He figured that he'd help things along further.

He moved to the bottom of her vaginal shaft until he came up to what was obviously her hymen. Rubbing his nails on his chest like a safe cracker, he reached up and scratched his nails across three or four feet of the towering obstruction.

"Aargghhh!" Anguel yelled out as she sat bolt upright from her sleep.

She came so strongly that it looked as if she wet her bed.

Her loud outburst from her sleep also woke the other occupants in her room, scaring the younger ones. She had to rush over to quiet them down.

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