Tentacle Romance - Cover

Tentacle Romance

Copyright© 2001 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A mysterious and enigmatic transfer student takes an interest in Minako, and soon implicated in a series of strange occurences near their school. It is then up to Minako to not only clear her friend's name, but to show the girl that life is still worth living, even when a fate worse than death has befallen her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   Humor   Light Bond   First   Oral Sex   Slow  

Minako let out a long sigh as the tension she felt was finally released with the gentle touch of Yuriko's soft tongue. Watching with great interest, her mind swimming in ecstasy, Minako took twin fistfuls of her bed sheet when she felt the way Yuriko wove her tongue teasingly around and around her clit, avoiding it by mere millimeters, after licking it but once.

"Oh! I think you're teasing me way to much!" Minako replied, moaning softly under her breath as Yuriko's tongue sent little sparks of pleasure through her synapses.

"I know," responded Yuriko with a wide grin before covering the entire area with her mouth and sucking hard against it, all the while licking maddeningly at Minako's clit. She ran the tip of her tongue around it as close to the bottom as possible, before making swift tight circles upon the top of it while pushing down hard with her tongue.

Minako pushed her head hard against the pillow, her eyes shut tightly, as the semi- familiar sensation spread through her. Minako cried out joyously as she felt her insides convulse and the building finally let go as her emotionally charged release took hold her.

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, as her whole body spasmed. Her breathing becoming gasping shrieks through gritted teeth, as Yuriko watched her performance appreciatively, her teeth carefully giving Minako's hyper-sensitive clit a gentle nibble before giving it a soft kiss, and moving up to hold Minako in her arms as the girl came down.

"Thank you," Minako whispered as her almost musical sighs and gasps faded away to slow deep breaths, and opened her eyes to brush Yuriko's now loose hair away from her pretty face.

"I'm not quite finished yet," Yuriko said softly, before reaching back with her right hand, and running two fingers through the moistness that she found between Minako's legs.

"Oh-! I-!" exclaimed Minako, her eyes going wide.

"Shh..." soothed Yuriko; kissing her gently up the lips to silence her for a moment, "Just relax... Don't be afraid, and just let go..."

"But I just di-!" exclaimed Minako, feeling one of Yuriko's slender fingers begin to slowly slide its way up inside her to the second knuckle. Minako somehow found the strength to put her arms around her lover and bit lightly into her shoulder as she caught her breath.

Yuriko continued, though, kissing Minako's neck as her finger wove its way nimbly around inside of her, slowly pushing farther in every few moments. Minako gasped and leaned forward to kiss Yuriko full upon the lips, savoring the sensation of the slow, careful penetration of Yuriko's finger.

It explored around inside of her for several eternal moments, as Minako's inner walls clamped tightly about it as it made seemingly impossible movements, bringing Minako closer yet again. But, as the pressure built inside of her, Yuriko began pulling back, causing Minako to break off their kiss and give her a mildly hurt look before she saw the girl smile and bring her wetted finger up to eye level.

Minako gave her a somewhat suspicious look as Yuriko smiled a little shyly before leaning on her left arm for support, and touching her finger to Minako's lips, spreading the wetness across them. Minako's eyes widened in surprise, blushing profusely.

"Don't be afraid," whispered Yuriko encouragingly, before drawing her finger back, putting into her own mouth before suckling it, and sighing contentedly.

Minako gave a sideways glance and smiled shyly as she carefully licked her lips. "Oh!" she whispered under her breath in surprise, "I, I never knew..."

"That you had such pleasant body chemistry?" inquired Yuriko with a smile, "Well, you do. And from my point of view it's amplified We do have rather improved senses after all..."

Minako nodded and met Yuriko's gaze, before going back to almost absentmindedly untangling the girl's hair. Combing her fingers through it affectionately, as Yuriko lay beside her, their legs still in a bit of a tangle.

"I could tell that you did by just sitting next to you in class," she admitted, sliding to one side of Minako and tracing a line down Minako's neck with her index finger, chuckling slightly as Minako caught her breath when the girl's finger continued lightly downwards, passing between her breasts.

Yuriko glanced at Minako's face and found her friend watching intently as she placed a hand upon Minako's sternum. Yuriko sent her fingers over the soft skin of Minako's endowment, slowly revealing the girl's breasts, one at a time, by moving the cups of her bra, until after a few long tense moments, leaving Minako naked before her.

"I sincerely hope that you never grow wary of my affection, my love," whispered Yuriko, running just her fingertips lazily across Minako's breasts, and watching the way her small pink nipples hardened to Yuriko's touch.

"Never..." promised Minako with a bit of concern in her voice, but no lack of sincerity or passion, "You've captured my heart, and shown me a joy that I'd never contemplated... I can't imagine how anyone could ever let you go..."

"Thank you, Minako-chan," Yuriko said quietly, leaning down so that she could kiss Minako, while sliding the straps of the girl's bra off her shoulders, one at a time.

"No problem," Minako said with a smile, holding the back of Yuriko's head, and urging her forward once again.

Yuriko complied quite willingly, moving down to kiss Minako, but instead, moved her head slightly, and kissed her neck. "Are you teasing me?" Minako asked slyly, as Yuriko shuffled down just a little.

"You'll see," promised Yuriko with a smile, "Just relax..."

Minako took a deep breath, and nodded, tensing slightly in anticipation as Yuriko's hand was suddenly placed upon her knee. Yuriko barely noticed the way that Minako held her breath, though, as she carefully placed her lips around Minako's right nipple and began suckling gently.

Minako moaned softly, and Yuriko increased the suction, using a small portion of her Youma abilities to maintain the effect, as her tongue traced a slow circular pattern around the captive nipple. All the while, Yuriko's hand slid up from Minako's knee, giving the girl's firm thigh muscles a gentle squeeze as it moved upward.

Minako exhaled loudly, as the sensations sent tingling chills down her spine and gripped Yuriko's shoulder for support as the girl moved on top of her. "Move up a little," urged Yuriko, ending her affectionate assault upon Minako's small breast for a moment, as she tried to rearrange their positioning by kneeling at the end of the bed as Minako moved closer to the headboard.

"Sorry for the delay," Yuriko commented, this time putting both hands upon Minako's knees, and moving them both forward over her friend's firm, athletic thighs, "I'm just not thinking that far ahead, I guess."

"You're just nervous, 'tis all," assured Minako, stretching out on the bed invitingly "But then again, so am I..."

"Then I'll just have to relax you a little," replied Yuriko, almost thoughtfully, her fingertips suddenly touching lightly against Minako's labia, causing the girl to cry out suddenly.

"Oh, dear-!" her partner gasped, causing Yuriko to chuckle a little as Minako's body quivered beneath her, "Please, keep going-!"

Yuriko nodded, and carefully ran just her index finger up and down either side of the opening before moving slightly to press it gently forward. Minako gritted her teeth and nodded slightly, reaching down to hold onto Yuriko's forearms as her friend's finger made slow careful circles, pushing slowly ever forward.

Yuriko felt a little guilty, as she could taste Minako's life energy through every pour of her body that touched Minako's even slightly. But it was a peculiar Youma sense in her fingertip that screamed out in hunger as Minako's body squeezed tightly around the digit while it attempted to penetrate deeper.

"Don't stop-!" gasped Minako through gritted teeth as her body shuddered before letting out a single prolonged exasperated shriek as she flooded her lover's probing finger.

Yuriko gasped loudly, unable to keep from stealing a single drop of Minako's Life Force at the point of ecstasy. She savored the taste of her lover's emotions with senses that no mortal possessed, as she continued her sensual onslaught, weaving her finger deeper inside Minako, and quietly noting the effect that her friend's active life style had had on her anatomy.

"Oh! How ever did you manage that?!" Minako moaned, opening her eyes, as Yuriko leaned forward and smile down at her.

"Too be honest, I kinda used an ability or two," admitted Yuriko, her long black hair spilling down over Minako's body, inadvertently caressing her gently, "I also couldn't help taking just a little... I'm sorry."

"No, no, my love," soothed Minako, reaching up to hold the side of Yuriko's face, for a moment forgetting the finger that was still wriggling slowly inside of her, "It's alright."

"I just don't want to take advantage of you. That's all," replied Yuriko, a little guiltily, tilting her head slightly, and kissing the palm of Minako's hand.

"Then maybe I'll just have to take a little more control of the situation, them," chuckled Minako, reaching back down, and holding Yuriko's wrist with both hands, "Now, why don't you show me just what else you can do?"

Yuriko smiled lovingly and nodded.

"Oh," Minako added shyly, "And I should tell you. Sometimes I use 'two'..."

"Two?" inquired Yuriko, a little confused.

Minako hid her face with her hand as she blushed. "Think about it..." she chuckled, feeling horribly embarrassed.

"Oh!" exclaimed Yuriko, suddenly catching on, feeling Minako's embarrassment through their skin contact, and sympathizing, "I see..."

Minako sighed, trying to relax, paying new attention to the sensation of inside of her. She then noticed that her friend's finger seemed to be moving in an almost impossible manner as Yuriko went about her task.

"I said you could use two, you know!" chuckled Minako, pulling Yuriko's hand by the wrist towards her.

"I have a better idea," Yuriko commented, somewhat mysteriously, her eyes shimmering slightly for a moment, before making a slight adjustment to her finger.

Minako's eyes widened as she felt Yuriko's finger slowly expand inside of her as it continued to move expertly in and out. "How-?" she gasped as her inner walls clung almost hungrily to the digit, and an odd feeling of pleasant "fullness" gripping Minako's attention.

"Do you have any other surprises for me?" Minako inquired as her mind began to drown in a coalescing haze of ecstasy for the third time.

"Um... Yes, yes indeed," Yuriko replied, somewhat nervously.

"Then show me!" pleaded Minako, almost yelling as her passion heightened, and she arched her back, in expectation of one final release.

Yuriko fought down her inhibitions, giving into some of her own body's desires, as well as Minako's. With the greatest of care, Yuriko made some minor adjustments to her tongue, and moved once again. She soon was lying on her stomach, propped up on one arm, half on the bed with her face mere inches from where her finger was doing its work. Yuriko then leaned in the short distance, and encircled Minako's clit with her mouth once more. This accomplished, Yuriko pressed the now modified end of her tongue against the hardened protuberance.

By this time Minako's vocabulary had be reduced to a long string of mostly incoherent gasps, intersplaced by long moans, and the occasional sigh. But the strange, although most overpoweringly pleasant sensation of Yuriko's tongue somehow suckling at her clit caught her off guard, causing Minako emit a sound that was nearly impossible for human vocal cords to perform. At the same time, Minako's eyes went wide as she grabbed twin fistfuls of Yuriko's hair, pulling her lover as close as possible, whist her body quivered and shook.

Yuriko closed her eyes, sighing contentedly and finally, lapping up the smallest portion of Minako's Life Energy, before basking in the delicious emotions that were practically emanating from her lover. The sounds escaping from Minako's mouth were the harmony to the music of her emotional output, as her energy levels increased dramatically at the point of sensual spasm.

Yuriko gave a frightened yelp, as she had to quickly fight the urge to shift completely when through special pores in her finger she lapped up the clear sticky juices that Minako's body was suddenly expelling. Yuriko closed her eyes tightly, as the excess Energy filled her, and she "tasted" the pure sweetness of Minako's Life Force in a larger volume than ever before. The sudden, almost sensual rush of Energy swamped Yuriko's senses, and she barely noticed the pain as she bit her tongue against her own sudden release. All the while a faint bioluminescence glowed from underneath her tightly closed eyelids, as the walls of Yuriko's iron clad self control were battered by desire. She desperately wanted to stop, as she moaned quietly, trying desperately not to cry out, but Yuriko's body refused to let her, not even for a moment to regain her composure, causing the poor Youma girl to come dangerously close to changing completely, and draining her dearest love completely dry.

Finally, though, Minako's series of exasperated gasps, shouts and cries of ecstasy died down, her body giving out as it finally attained the level of release it sought. With great relief, Yuriko drew back; still fighting against her partially satiated hunger, and began to remove her elongated, and expanded finger.

Minako cried out inadvertently, almost like a wounded animal as the wonderful sensation of Yuriko inside of her faded and her inner walls came together once more. Yuriko, who's breathing was more of a quiet panting, carefully replaced her finger with her still altered tongue, unable to resist just a little more of Minako's Life Energy.

Minako gasped half happily, half exhaustedly, before grabbing Yuriko's still altered finger, and drawing it up into her mouth. She moaned contentedly as she held Yuriko by the wrist, greedily suckling her own wetness from Yuriko's finger.

All the while, Yuriko watched Minako with great interest, finding it nearly impossible to stop the eerie emerald glow of her eyes, or revert her overly phallic looking finger back to normal. Instead, she gave in to her desires just a little, altering her tongue a bit more as it probed deeper into Minako, subtly undulating the muscle as it expanded in width and length to fill Minako once more.

Meanwhile, Minako slurped a bit as she almost absently sucked on Yuriko's finger while the Youma began to let her own secretions ooze slowly from her pores. Minako's eyes opened in surprise, as she tasted a fluid similar to her own, suddenly filling her mouth.

Minako gazed down at Yuriko; the girl's mouth pressed firmly against her. "How-?!" gasped Minako for the hundredth time, pulling the digit from her mouth for a moment.

Yuriko only shrugged, her glowing eyes showing a hint of mischievousness, as she tried to look as innocent as possible. "Oh, never mind!" sighed Minako, feeling Yuriko's tongue probe her in impossibly wonderful ways, as her finger glistened with a new batch of tasty secretions, "I think I could get used to this!"

Yuriko sighed contentedly, as Minako began suckling her finger again, the wonderfully warm sensation of Minako's body against her altered finger and tongue soothing her hunger for Life Energy slightly, as a feeling of contentment filled her.

After several minutes, though, as Minako seemed to be on the verge of unconsciousness, and her body began refusing to generate any more excess energy, Yuriko reluctantly retracted her tongue. Hiding it from view until it was fully in her mouth as not to scare her friend.

"Wow..." sighed Minako, practically paralyzed, as Yuriko withdrew her hand completely, and Minako took many long deep breaths, trying her best to stretch out, her body glistening with sweat, her long golden hair fanning out beneath her.

Yuriko sighed contently as she took in Minako's beauty for a moment, and almost didn't hear her whispered plea. "Please," she asked, "Hold me..."

Yuriko nodded, smiling lovingly as her eyes went back to normal, before sliding up on to the bed completely, and taking Minako into her arms. "Better?" she inquired, as Minako moved to kiss her.

"Yes, muchly," she responded, once their lips had parted, "That was... Indescribable..."

Yuriko blushed, as the two rolled onto their sides. "You're welcome, Minako-chan," she replied, with a guilty sadness in her voice.

"What's wrong?" inquired Minako, savoring the cool touch of Yuriko's skin against her overheated body.

Yuriko shrugged, holding Minako a little closer. "I just feel guilty whenever I use my powers," she admitted, "That and I almost lost control that time... I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help it."

"Shh, it's okay," soothed Minako, "It's okay, I wanted you to use your powers. I wanted to know what you could do. It was really great, and besides I 'd rather have you feed from someone who loves, you. As opposed to someone whose just using you..."

"Thank you," Yuriko replied, looking into Minako's pale blue eyes.

"Besides," continued Minako, trying to change the subject, "A human's Energy levels go ways up during certain activities... So really, you could probably siphon off quite a bit without too many ill effects."

Yuriko smiled. "I suppose so," she conceded, "And yes, I am happy to have someone. Besides her. She 'tastes' akin to... Um, sour milk, I believe. So really, loosing you would be the end of me."

"Not a chance of that happening!" assured Minako, brushing Yuriko's hair from her eyes, "And soon, we'll take care of that cold hearted monster that stole your life from you."

Yuriko nodded. "Thank you, again, Minako-chan," Yuriko whispered, holding her closer.

"Oh, and before I forget," continued Minako, pulling away from Yuriko a few inches, "I should return the favor..."

"Oh?" inquired Yuriko with a trace of suspicion.

"Yes," whispered Minako, leaning back in to kiss her passionately upon the lips while running her fingers down Yuriko's spine.

The girl sighed contentedly in response, going somewhat limp in Minako's arms, allowing herself to be pushed gently onto her back. But all too soon Minako broke off their kiss in order to catch her breath, and Yuriko could sense her nervousness.

"Just do what you feel," replied Yuriko encouragingly, "Just follow your instincts."

Minako nodded with a shy smile, and gave Yuriko the slightest of kisses upon the lips before slowly kissing down her neck. All the while, Minako's hands moved experimentally across Yuriko's body, enjoying the softness of her skin, and envying the way the girl didn't seem to sweat. Infact, there was a slight coolness to her skin that made Minako's temperature to a more comfortable level.

But Minako's thoughts became less esoteric as her lips kissed between Yuriko's breasts causing her friend to quietly take a handful of her hair and coax her towards one of her hardened nipples.

Minako complied willingly, and began making the same slow circles with her tongue that Yuriko had used on her. The tip of her tongue barely touching Yuriko's skin, as she spiraled her way towards the center, until finally taking Yuriko's nipple carefully her teeth and nibbling it gently.

Yuriko sighed, arching her back, pulling Minako closer and causing her to inadvertently bite harder than she intended to. "Ohh!" gasped Yuriko, her voice attaining a higher pitch for a moment, as Minako desperately tried to pull her head back.

"I-I'm sorry!" she stammered, looking guiltily into Yuriko's partly closed eyes.

"No, it's okay," Yuriko said with a slight smile, "My pain threshold is substantially higher then you'd think. That and I regenerate..."

"Oh, I see," commented Minako slyly, "I guess I'll just have to keep that in mind!"

"Promises, promises..." chuckled Yuriko almost under her breath, as Minako moved her head back down, and put her lips back upon Yuriko's breast, and suckling as hard as she could, while bringing up her hand, to cup the opposite breast.

Minako then glanced up as she took the opposite nipple between two of her fingers, as applying pressure to Yuriko's breast with the others. She caught another glimpse of the slight glow in Yuriko's eyes, and Minako was certain that the girl's incisors grew slightly as she cried out as her nipple was squeezed between two of Minako's fingers, while nibbling, suckling upon, and running her tongue over the other.

"Don't you ever come up for air?" giggled Yuriko as the sensations that Minako's touch was invoking caused her human side to react in ways she had never truly experienced.

"Be thankful I'm not Ami-chan," replied Minako, stopping long enough to shuffle down a bit to give Yuriko's stomach a kiss, before taking a breast in each hand, and running her tongue slowly downwards, "She swims a lot. Probably can hold her breath for hour!"

Yuriko half laughed, half gasped as both her breasts her gently, but firm squeezed by Minako's hands, her fingers applying pressure in alternating patterns. "I-! I think I'm satisfied with you, my love," replied Yuriko, biting her lower lip, as Minako's tongue touched her clit.

"I'm glad," Minako replied sincerely, and gave the general area of Yuriko's hardened clit a deep kiss, before continuing to assault it with her tongue.

Yuriko, though, barely heard Minako's words; it was all that she could do to drown out most of the sensations that were filling her. There was no way that she was going to allow herself a complete loss of control, even though her body was screaming out for release. But Yuriko knew that if she were to attain orgasm, she probably wouldn't have the strength to resist the urge to change form completely.

Thankfully, though, just as Yuriko's quick breathing and quiet sighs and moans began to increase in pitch, Minako moved down again, her tongue tracing lines up and down Yuriko's labia.

"That was... so close..." Yuriko gasped as Minako's tongue slid inside of her at the same time she gave Yuriko's nipples a little squeeze.

Minako did her best to give a muffled response, but was far too involved in her sudden

surprise at the peculiar flavor that filled taste buds. It was superficially similar to her own, which she had thought was fairly pleasant, but Yuriko's body chemistry had conspired to make the girl simple indescribably delicious, even better than the peculiar secretions she had produced when Minako had suckled the girl's finger. Minako guessed that this was yet another of Yuriko's Youma powers but was far from concerned.

Instead, Minako let out a long sigh of contentment, settling in before sucking and licking up as much of Yuriko's secretions as possible. All the while, Yuriko was holding her hands, pushing Minako's finger closer together, and causing her nipples to be squeezed all the harder.

Soon, though, Yuriko's sense of self-control began to waver all the more. She desperately wanted Minako to stop, but she couldn't stop the Youma aspect of herself from continually enhancing the semi-sweet juices that Minako's was greedily lapping up. Every time Yuriko opened her mouth to tell Minako to stop, all that came forth was another cry of ecstasy, or another prolonged moan, or shriek of delight.

Without fully realizing everything that she was doing, Minako pulled back her right hand, and slid her index and middle fingers into Yuriko's wetness. At the same time placing her thumb against Yuriko's clit as she came up for air.

Minako then stared down, almost hypnotized by the sight of her fingers sliding in and out of Yuriko as her thumb rubbed against the girl's clit at the same time. Once she had caught her breath, Minako leaned back down and shared Yuriko's clit with her thumb, as Yuriko's whole body began to spasm.

Minako smiled somewhat in satisfaction as she felt Yuriko tighten around her probing fingers, as Yuriko tried to hold back the inevitable. "Mi-! Nako-!" she cried, her voice pleading as she grabbed Minako's hand and yanked it awkwardly away from between her legs, "S-Stop!"

It took a moment for Minako to comprehend what had just happened, as she stared a little numbly at her wetted fingers. She was then hit by a sudden sense of guilt, and Minako met Yuriko's gaze.

"I-I'm so sorry!" she stammered, noticing the look of almost pained concentration on Yuriko's face, "Did I hurt you?!"

Yuriko shook her head, panting for a moment, trying to catch her breath, and reestablish control of herself. "No," she finally replied after a few tense moments, "It's just that... Just that I don't want to scare you."

"How-?" began Minako.

"If I allow myself to loose control completely I'll change," continued Yuriko, still feeling Minako's fingers inside of her as her frustrated body pleaded for more, "And I don't want you to be repulsed."

"But I won't be," assured Minako, taking Yuriko's hand and giving her knuckles a reassuring kiss, "I think you're beautiful inside and out. And a little metamorphosis isn't gonna change that, Yuri-chan."

Yuriko turned her head to one side, trying to hide the hunger in her eyes. "I can't ask you to continue," she replied sadly, "It wouldn't be right."

"Then don't," commented Minako, leaning down to give Yuriko's labia a long slow lick, sending her tongue partially inside to acquire more of her lover's flavor.

Yuriko's eyes went wide with not only with fear, but with awe at the sense of devotion that Minako was showing her, as well as Minako's courage to face the unknown. So Yuriko did her best to relax as Minako placed her hands on her thighs, gently pushing Yuriko's legs apart a bit more.

"Please forgive me, my love..." Yuriko whispered softly as the sensations began to overwhelm her once more, and this time, she simply gave in.

Minako barely noticed the change at first, closing her eyes tightly as her own body began to spasm at the wonderful feeling of pleasuring someone she deeply loved. So, she didn't notice the change in Yuriko's skin colour, as it began to take on a bluish tinge. Growing deeper and more pronounced as Yuriko finally found release. Minako barely noticed the way Yuriko's fingers extended as the wove their through her long silky hair. And the extra light from the green bioluminescence of Yuriko's eyes went quite unnoticed for some time.

"Minako-!" Yuriko cried out, pulling the girl as close against herself as she could, in order to have Minako's probing tongue as deep inside of her as possible at the point of final ecstasy.

In response, Minako sucked as hard as she could, trying desperately to drain Yuriko completely as her tongue began to feel as though it were going to wear out. Then, much to Minako's satisfaction, Yuriko arched her back, and cried out in a long, almost painful sounding exclamation of ecstasy.

Minako pulled back her mouth, and furiously, and mercilessly then began licking the girl's clit as Yuriko convulsed beneath her, frantically flailing about and practically screaming loud enough to wake the dead for what seemed like forever...

Finally, though, Yuriko sank back down against the bed, panting as Minako stared a little nervously at what she's been licking. The icy blue of Yuriko's skin seeming to almost glow as the girl came down, and Minako slowly cast her gaze slowly upward.

What she saw was nowhere near as horrific as most of the Youma Minako had faced in her career as a Sailor Senshi. Infact, Minako could see the beauty in Yuriko's form, as the girl looked back up at her with tension in her green glowing eyes.

"It's okay," assured Minako, unsure of what to make of the extra set of arms that Yuriko had sprouted.

"I feel very self-conscious right now, though," admitted Yuriko, folding both sets of arms, her fingers twitching nervously in such a way as to imply that they had no bones.

"Don't be," Minako said soothing, sliding up Yuriko's body, and encouraging the girl to hold her with all her arms.

"I can't help it," responded Yuriko, complying with Minako's wishes, and thankful to have her in such close proximity, "I feel such a monster at times..."

"You're not," Minako said firmly, and gave Yuriko a nervous kiss upon her darker blue lips, "You're the woman I love."

Yuriko smiled, and gave Minako a double hug. "I hope that one day I deserve you Senshi of Love," she mused, savoring every moment of Minako's touch, and feeling slightly less self-conscious.

"So," replied Minako, a little nervously, "Are there any other surprises in store for me?"

Yuriko shrugged. Only once though. "I can make a couple of other minor alterations," she answered, carefully trying to talk around her fangs.

"Hmm, really..." mused Minako, rearranging herself so that she was straddling Yuriko, and took hold of one of the girl's extra hands, "I seem to recall you being able to elongate your fingers?"

Yuriko nodded. "Yes, amongst other things," answered Yuriko, suddenly feeling a little suspicious.

"And you had that trick of exuding fluid from your pours..." continued Minako.

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