Tentacle Romance - Cover

Tentacle Romance

Copyright© 2001 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A mysterious and enigmatic transfer student takes an interest in Minako, and soon implicated in a series of strange occurences near their school. It is then up to Minako to not only clear her friend's name, but to show the girl that life is still worth living, even when a fate worse than death has befallen her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   Humor   Light Bond   First   Oral Sex   Slow  

Minako sat down at her desk, just as her first class was about to begin; signaled by the ever-annoying chiming bell midi that was piped in through the ancient intercom system. All around her other students scurried quickly to their desks as not to be late as Professor Togashi entered the room.

He stood patiently before his desk at the front, his glasses shimmering almost menacingly. When absolute silence at last took hold, and the cacophony of chattering voices finally died, he began. "Good morning, class," he intoned rhetorically, "Today I am pleased to announce the arrival of a new student to our class. Her name is Agasha Yuriko, a transfer student from Kyoto. I trust that you shall all make her welcome."

With that, a smallish female figure with deep emerald green eyes, and long midnight- black, tied back into twin French braids, stepped carefully and quietly into the room, almost making no noise at all. She gave the other students a weak smile and bowed to them before being ushered to the only free seat left in the class.

Minako stifled a chuckle as she realized it was next to hers. 'Must be my Karma!' she thought, 'But I guess it IS appropriate for "Venus" to be the one to give a new student the gift of friendship!'

She glanced at the new girl and smiled brightly. "Hi! " she said quietly, as their teacher began writing part of the day's lesson on the black board, "I'm Aino Minako, and I'm very pleased to meet your acquaintance!"

The girl blushed visibly, looking down at her desk, for some reason unwilling to meet Minako's gaze. "I, I'm Agasha Yuriko," she stammered quietly, "But I guess that you were already aware of that..."

Minako shrugged, trying to look busy as the class was instructed to commence note taking. "Well, yeah, but 'Politeness is a virtual shoe'!" she whispered in response, quietly misquoting and causing Yuriko to stifle a giggle.

"You mean 'Virtue'," corrected Yuriko, glancing sideways at Minako while writing furiously as Togashi-sensei began the lecture.

Minako shrugged and smiled. "I do that some times," she confessed, "It's kinda like... Well, stuttering, I guess. It just happens, and I have no control over it usually."

"That's okay," replied Yuriko after a moment, "We all have our little quirks. Habits that we have no control over. Things that we just can't stop doing... No matter how desperately we want too..."

Minako turned to face the girl with a look of genuine concern, noticing the sadness in the girl's voice. "If, if there's anything that you want to talk about later..." she offered quietly.

Yuriko shrugged. "I don't know..." she responded sadly, "It's... Kinda personal."

"Even too personal to discuss with a friend?" Minako inquired.

"Um... You want to be my friend... ?" Yuriko inquired, giving Minako a surprised look, without halting her note taking.

"Yup," Minako responded, "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I be? I know what it's like to be the kid in town... Trust me. I know!"

Yuriko smiled and turned back to her work. "Thank you, I am honored to be your friend, Aino-sama..."

"You needn't be so formal," commented Minako, "We're friends now!"

"Thank you again, then. Very much Minako-san," she replied.

Minako sighed heavily and shook her head. "No problem Yuri-chan," she sighed, and went back to her school work...

The rest of the morning's classes went by fairly dully, and Minako found herself distracted throughout most of them. Her mind continually thinking back to her meeting with Yuriko whenever the class got too boring. Fortunately, though, Minako somehow managed to find herself somewhere in the vicinity of Yuriko for most of their classes, her to grow more accustomed to Yuriko's presence.

For the most part, Minako was intrigued by the girl's mannerisms. The way she always responded to every question from her instructors with a polite exactness and formality that almost seemed unnerving. But her answers were always respectful, and accurate. She also seemed to have no problems with the more difficult subjects like "Introduction to Reverse Calculus", and "Fourth Dimensional Geometry", which moved her past Ami on Minako's list of study partners.

But there was also a strange, indiscernible quality about Yuriko that drew Minako to her. She couldn't explain it, even to herself. And Minako was happy that she didn't need to explain them to anyone else.

Unfortunately, though, come lunchtime, Yuriko was nowhere to be found, causing Minako's mind to conjure up a thousand sinister fates that could have befallen her friend, seeing as she was new in town.

Towards the end of lunch, though, as she wandered the campus in search of Yuriko, Minako happened upon Artemis, wandering about and seeming somewhat lost. When he caught sight of his ward, he ran towards her with a worried expression upon his face.

"Minako-chan!" he called, when he was sure no one else was in earshot, "I've been looking all over for you, kid! Where've ya been?"

"Oh... I'm sorry, Artemis-kun, apologized Minako, looking forlornly down at her feet.

"When you weren't at our usual meeting place, I thought you'd gotten a call from the others about a Youma or something!" the guardian cat explained, "Hey... Is there somethin' wrong?"

"I... Kinda lost someone," commented Minako, looking up at the sky and leaning against a tree.

"What?!" exclaimed the cat, before realizing what Minako was saying, "Oh! Hey, don't scare me like that! I thought someone had died!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Artemis-kun," she murmured, and picked him up, "No, it's just that I met a new friend today. She's kinda new here and I was just kinda worried that something bad may have happened to her."

"Because she didn't stick around for lunch?" commented Artemis with a sarcastic grin, "I'm sure that your just over reacting. She probably went home for lunch. And unless I miss my guess, you're either taking your 'job' way too seriously, or your jealous that she might have other friends besides you. And judging by the look on your face, kid, I'd say that-!"

"Oh no!" exclaimed Minako suddenly, interrupting the guardian cat, as the sound of ambulance sirens filled the air, "Yuri-chan!"

Minako quickly ran towards the approaching sirens, jostling Artemis violently as she went. "Ow! Hey! Slow down!" complained the cat whist Minako squeezed him tightly as she approached a crowd of students who had began crowding around the exterior doors of the gymnasium.

Within moments an ambulance backed up and two paramedics raced out, as the gym teacher and several rugby players moved to hold back the assembled crowd. "This can't be good," muttered Minako as reached the outer edge of the group.

"Minako-chan!" gasped Artemis, forgetting himself as the girl finally came to a halt, wedging herself between several gossiping on lookers, "I-! Ooops! Meow! Meow! Meow!"

A few people glanced over at the suddenly very innocuous feline, but quickly lost interest as the paramedics came back through the gymnasium doors. The crowd instantly pushed forward for a better look as the stretcher was wheeled out, and as one they, breaking into several different speculative conversations.

Minako leaned forward, standing on her toes to see over the other students, giving a momentary sigh of relief as she saw that the body on the stretcher wasn't Yuriko. Instead, it was Mirimoto Tsukasa, the captain of the school's rugby team. The white sheet that had been draped over most of his body did little to hide the extent of his injuries, as peculiar bloodstains soaked through it. His skin, which had become inhumanly pale, made it seem as though he was barely alive. He breathed only with the assistance of a respirator, which Minako guessed had something to do with the dark purple bruises all along his neck, making it obvious that he'd been partially asphyxiated.

Tsukasa moaned in pain; his glazed over eyes stared up into nothing. The near constant rumor mongering of the crowd drowning out the observations of the two paramedics as they prepared to lift him into the ambulance. But as his head rolled to one side, the crowd gasping at the sight of his emaciated face, Tsukasa's eyes went wide with fright.

His whole body began convulsing madly, his dry throat letting out a long terrified scream that sounded more animal than human as he thrashed about violently. "He's going into cardiac arrest!" one of the paramedics shouted, as Tsukasa's screaming increased in pitch, and he began babbling incoherently, as he struggled to break free.

"We need a sedative!" shouted the other paramedic, doing his best to hold down Tsukasa as he began coughing up a mixture of blood and sickly green goo, "And get these kids out of here! NOW!"

Minako quickly extricated herself, not wanting to see anymore of symptoms of the effect that she knew all too well. "Still think I'm overreacting?" she whispered to the cat.

Artemis shook his head. "Wow! That was more than just some sporting accident!" he commented, "I haven't seen an energy drain victim that bad off in months. That must have been one hungry Youma. You'd think they'd be more careful since the Sailor Senshi've been on their cases."

"You sure?" inquired Minako, glancing back over her shoulder as she walked to a more private area.

"Definitely!" exclaimed Artemis; "There aren't exactly a whole lot of things that'll do that to a person. At least he wasn't reduced to ashes."

"That doesn't sound very peasant," commented Minako, and practically dropped the cat before suddenly tearing off without warning, "Yuri-chan!"

"Hey!" grumbled Artemis under his breath, "Watch it next time!"

"Minako-san..." Yuriko replied quietly as she approached, the wind at her back blowing her hair dramatically, a slightly nervous smile crossing her face as she stepped quietly across the courtyard.

"Hey!" called out Minako, running over to give her friend a quick hug, "You had me worried! There was an... accident. I thought you might have been hurt."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Yuriko replied softly, glancing over at the dispersing crowd of students, "I just went to have lunch with my mother. I also needed to do some thinking... I didn't mean to cause you any worry."

"I see," commented Minako evenly, taking a step back, "Well, I'm sorry for overreacting, but I guess you just had an effect on me. And you can't be too careful these days. Especially with what just happened to Tsukasa-san."

"Who?" inquired Yuriko, giving the departing ambulance a quick glance, "Oh? I see..."

"Yeah, it looked like some kind of wild animal attacked him," lied Minako, feeling relieved that it hadn't been Yuriko on the stretcher.

"How odd," the girl commented, turning back to Minako and glancing down at Artemis with widening eyes.

"Oh! Um, this is my cat. 'Artemis'," explained Minako, "Sometimes he follows me to school."

"It must be comforting to know that you have a guardian watching over you," Yuriko replied with a smile as she leaned down to offer her out stretched hand to the cat.

"Well, sometimes," admitted Minako, smiling at Artemis, "But other times he can be a real pain in the butt!"

The cat gritted his teeth giving her a sidelong glance as Minako glanced back at him with a sarcastic grin. "He's very unusual," replied Yuriko, as the feline leaned into her hand, purring loudly as he was petted, "He almost seems like one of those Egyptian cats."

"Well, let's just say that Artemis-kun's lineage goes way back!" laughed Minako, ignoring her guardian cat's attempts to make her jealous.

"We should probably be going soon, though," Yuriko replied sadly, standing up straight and staring down into Artemis' big blue eyes, "Classes begin anew soon enough. It would be most unfortunate if we were late, let alone if we got caught out here with wild animal's attacking students. Unless we could convince Artemis-san to protect us..."

The cat meowed loudly at her words, causing both girls' to laugh. "You're right, though," replied Minako, "We'd best head back. But tell me, Yuri-chan, would you be willing to let someone walk you home after school today? Maybe we can help each other with homework?"

Yuriko smiled sadly. "I, I'm sorry, Minako-san," she said, turning away as the wind blew her twin black braids to one side, "I can't today. I, I'm getting a ride home with my mother today. I'm sorry..."

"Oh. Okay, well then, how about tomorrow?" inquired Minako.

Yuriko shrugged. "Maybe..." she replied quietly as she forlornly turned and walked back towards the school.

"Um... Okay," responded Minako, "I guess we'll just have to wait and agree then..."

"'See'," corrected Artemis in a low voice, as his brain processed the information that he'd just received.

"Whatever..." replied Minako as she left him behind.

'How odd... ' thought Artemis, 'Yuri-san was lying... '

Much to Minako's dismay, Yuriko somehow managed to disappear without a trace once again, shortly after the end of their last class. But Minako spent only a little time searching for her friend. Mostly she just stood by the parking lot, watching as parents and relatives came to collect their children and loved ones.

After ten minutes of waiting with the crowd of people who still chattered and gossiped on and on about the incident with Tsukasa, Minako found not a trace of Yuriko, and as she finally walked away, she noticed Artemis sneaking towards her.

Minako gave him a sad smile and picked the cat up. "I'm sorry about earlier," she told him, as she walked through the open gateway, "But I guess I was just getting a little carried away..."

"It's okay, kid," replied Artemis, leaning against her, "We all loose control sometimes. But I did find out a thing or two today, though."

"Oh?" inquired Minako.

"Yeah," continued Artemis, "I found out that that Tsukasa guy's been in hospital all afternoon, under constant observation, but the doctors have absolutely no clue what's wrong with him."

"No duh," commented Minako, only half listening to the cat, "So I guess you were right then."

"You bet!" exclaimed Artemis, suddenly getting that look in his eyes that said he was up to something, "So I popped by to see Ami-chan this afternoon. I told her about the situation and she agreed to stop by the hospital after school."

"Does Luna-chan know?" inquired Minako teasingly.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" demanded Artemis, suddenly going on the defensive, "It's just a little reconnaissance! What could possibly go wrong?"

"Well," continued Minako, "I just think you should have told everyone else as well. Maybe we could get some more insight that way. You know, fresh ideas, that kind a thing?"

"What?! You have no faith in my planning skills? Is that it?!" accused Artemis, feeling strangely insulted.

"No!" exclaimed Minako, "I just think that only three of us knowing that the Dark Kingdom's on the move again isn't a good thing. And if the others knew about it, we'd have some kind of back up in case something goes wrong with your little scouting mission. Ami-chan's powers aren't the most offensive, ya know."

Artemis turned away, looking slightly insulted. "I don't know what's gotten into you today," he grumbled, "But if you're so concerned about one little Youma, go ahead! Alert the others! Even though this IS the sort of thing we used to be able to take care of on our own. But, that was before we came here..."

"Are you saying that I've gone soft since I joined a whole team of Senshi, as opposed to going it alone?" inquired Minako with a scowl, "Are you implying that I can't take care of one lousy Youma all by myself?! Well, you needn't have called in Ami-chan on this one! 'Cause Sailor V is on the case!"

"That's the spirit, kid!" the cat laughed as she tore off in the direction of the hospital...

Ami found it surprisingly easy to get in to see Tsukasa. The only thing resembling security was a sign on the door marked "Family Members ONLY". And the woman at the nurse's station easily bought her story about visiting her mother.

Once she'd slipped quietly into the dimly lit room, Ami shook her head in dismay. The large number and variety of medical devices that the medical staff had hooked the student up to were insane. Most of monitors and observation devices would tell them nothing; irregardless of how long they had him hooked up. But then, current medical technology was seldom enough to treat victims' energy drain.

Quietly, Ami pulled out her computer and began scanning Tsukasa for various things that not even several million yen in mundane monitoring equipment could have told her.

As she waited for the results, she could hear the sound of someone approaching just outside the door. Quickly, and with out looking back, Ami slipped under the bed, closing the cover of her computer most of the way to hide the light.

Soon a nurse entered the room, and stood near the bed. Ami held her breath as the woman made a few peculiar noises, before chuckling to herself. A second later, Ami's computer beeped, signaling that it completed the scan.

The Sailor Senshi carefully opened the lid and nervously glanced down at the screen, barely noticing as the nursed took pause and listened intently. "Task Complete" flashed across the screen, and with a shaky finger, Ami hit "Enter".

Glancing up, she saw that the nurse had gone back to her work, and Ami gave an internal sigh of relief as she went back to the task at hand. The Senshi's eyes narrowed as she found what she expected to find. Tsukasa's life force had been drained to 10% of normal... and was somehow falling rapidly.

Ami's eyes widened with fright as she realized what was going on. She glanced up as several monitoring machines began beeping, buzzing and clicking madly, desperately trying to sound an alert status.

'Oh no!' thought Ami, feeling a serge of panic as the sounds of Tsukasa's struggling filled her ears, and the bed began shaking violently above her head until the heart monitor gave off a prolonged high pitched whine, 'She... She... '

But her thought was interrupted by the heart monitor giving a single "beep", before going back to flat line status. Ami gulped as the nurse again chuckled to herself, and left the room. 'This can't be happening!' Ami thought to herself, as her computer confirmed her worse fear. Tsukasa had been completely drained, and brought back as a Youma. The heart monitor still counting out a single heart beat every ten seconds. Indicating that the complex bio-systems that maintained a Youma were operating "normally".

Ami waited for the heavy door to close, recording everything that was happening on her computer, and pulled out her Senshi Transformation Rod. 'I hope this works... ' she thought, fighting down her nervousness, and held the rod straight out.

"Mercury! Star! POWER!!!" she exclaimed, and was relieved as she was dragged sideways into subspace for a few precious seconds...

Once Sailor Mercury popped back into the real world, albeit under the bed, in an awkward position, she scrambled out of hiding and faced the newly created Youma. But, as she struggled to her feet, she was relieved to find Minako bursting into the room.

"The nurse!" exclaimed Mercury, "She's the Youma! Where'd she go?!"

"Nurse?" inquired Minako, "Which one? OH! Mercury! Look out!"

Instinctively, Sailor Mercury leaped to one side, knocking over the IV stand, just as a jet of green acid hit the floor where she had been standing. "Keep it busy!" called Minako, pulling out her Transformation Rod.

"Um, no problem?!" Mercury responded nervously, as she stared at the oozing black globular monstrosity that had once been Tsukasa. He/it turned what could best be described as its face towards the Senshi and opened its mouth, which was little more than a jagged line cut through the center of its torso. It drooled for a second before letting out an innerving sound similar to a slimy roar, sending its acrid smelling breath out to fill the small room.

"You sure did get ugly!" commented Minako, raising her Rod, "Oh, well! Venus! Star! POWER!!!"

Mercury saw Minako vanish out of the corner of her eye with a soft -pop- and quickly leapt up across the room to evade the long, slimy black tentacle the Youma had grown at her.

She took a moment to regain her footing, and realized that a small bit of its ooze had landed on her arm. The formless goo seemly trying to envelop the appendage, but failed miserably due to its sheer lack of mass.

"I sure hope that you're not immune to ice!" commented Sailor Mercury, crossing her arms across her chest as the Youma turned to face her, "Shining! Aqua! Illusion!!!"

Instantly, a jet of freezing water blasted forth, enveloping the Youma, and freezing almost instantly. He screamed loudly as he endured the instantaneous frostbite of the near absolute zero temperature, and tried to ooze out of the way shortly before his body was frozen solid.

Mercury gave a smug grin at her handiwork, and turned as Sailor Venus popped back into reality beside her. "Hey! Not bad, Mercury-chan!" she commented with a wide grin.

Mercury nodded, and was about to speak when she saw Venus raise her arm. "Oh! Venus! NO!" she cried, but it was already too late.

"Crescent! Beam!!!" the Senshi shouted, sending out a beam of solar intensity photons that sliced into the frozen Youma. The golden laser beam melted a small hole in Mercury's ice, and cut its way deep inside the Youma's body, causing it to emit strange hissing a popping sounds. A vile noxious steam that rose swiftly upwards from the hole followed this, and Mercury's eyes went wide.

"Get down!" she exclaimed, dragging Sailor Venus to the floor as the Youma's shaking body began to crack and splinter before exploding out wards. Dozens of sharp edged frozen Youma chunks filled the air for several seconds, causing smaller pieces to land messily around the two Senshi.

"Wow..." commented Sailor Venus, with amazement, "That was just too easy! But awfully messy, though."

"And unfortunately you didn't give me a chance to scan him for further information on the Youma who created him," Mercury commented, trying to hide her frustration as she picked frozen goo from her hair, "Its Negative Planar energy signature would still be all over any Childer it brought across. But now all that's left is a handful of Youma goo. I guess I'll just have to work with the information I acquired at the time of his Embrace."

"Oh, I'm sorry," apologized Venus, feeling foolish, "I suppose I've had allot on my mind lately. I guess I just got carried away... And lost control..."

"It's okay," assured Sailor Mercury as she picked up her computer and studied the readings, "It happens. But I think that we should get out of here before we have to answer any tricky questions..."

"Agreed," replied Sailor Venus, and followed her friend out of the room...

Once outside the hospital, and out of uniform, Ami and Minako found Artemis waiting for them. He looked up from the newspaper that was lying on the ground before him and gave them a quizzical look.

"So how'd it go?" he inquired.

"Oh, just fine," replied Minako confidently, causing Ami to give her a nervous sideways glance, "It was nothing we couldn't handle!"

"Um... Actually," inserted Ami, "The Youma who did this made an appearance before Minako-chan arrived. It finished what it started."

"Oh?" inquired Artemis, fixing the two with a look of concern.

"Yeah, it turned Mirimoto-san," Ami finished.

"Did you get a reading on it?" the cat inquired hopefully.

"Um, only a partial one," replied Ami tensely, "I didn't have a whole lot of time... It all happened so quickly. But I did find that the Youma was once female."

"Technically it still is," commented Artemis with a look of disdain.

Ami shrugged. "I also got a reading on its... um, her, feeding process. It's kinda odd..." she replied somewhat carefully, "I may need to run further tests to analyze what my readings, but it seems that we're dealing with something of a succubus..."

"What's that mean?" inquired Minako.

"Um, I think it's better if Rei-san explains that one," replied Ami nervously, as Artemis chuckled to himself.

"What's your problem?!" Minako demanded, suspiciously eyeing the feline.

"Oh, nothing," he said innocently quickly trying to change the subject, "But hey! You know, this isn't exactly an isolated incident. I was browsing through this old newspaper I found. Apparently, several dozen people in Kyoto fell victim to similar symptoms. But, before the matter could be investigated, the victims all either died or disappeared. Hey! You know what this means don't you?!"

"That this goes allot deeper than we thought?" volunteered Ami.

"Nope!" laughed Artemis, "It means that you guys have to expand your operation to cover Kyoto!"

"Oh, get serious!" scolded Minako, glancing at the paper, "So, does it say anything else note worthy?"

The cat shrugged and glanced downward at the paper before replying, "Only that the symptoms were being attributed to some kind of chemical spill. The police kept it all fairly under wraps, though, so the press really wasn't able to get their claws into it."

"Sometimes I feel like we're the Reality Police," muttered Minako, "We always seem to wind up trying to keep things like that quiet."

"Wait a second, here," interjected Ami, "You said 'were' and 'wasn't', as in past tense. Just how old IS this newspaper, Artemis-kun?"

"About 50 years old," the cat replied as the two Senshi slapped themselves on the forehead.

"Artemis!" the both exclaimed in exasperation.

"And wherever did you find a paper THAT old, anyway?" inquired Minako suspiciously.

"Eh, I'm a cat," he replied nonchalantly, "We're always getting hold of things that we shouldn't. But it doesn't mean that the incidences aren't connected. Most of the previous victims were males in their late teens to early twenties, and all of them had suspicious contusions, and abrasions similar to Tsukasa-san's. And, I'd like to point out, Youma ARE immortal!"

"It's possible," commented Ami, taking out her communicator, "But I think what we need is some current information. If there is a correlation, old newspapers probably won't help us too much unfortunately. But it's a start. Anyway, I'm calling a meeting."

"Good idea," commented Artemis, as he read some more.

"Hypocrite..." muttered Minako.

"What?!" the cat replied sarcastically, "I just agree that this situation requires some fresh input, that's all."

Minako shrugged and glanced over at Ami as she finished making arrangements to meet the others at Rei's place. "All set," she announced, "And I asked Rei-chan to do a little digging based off my findings. She promised to have something by the time we get there. Also, Mako-san said she'd try Artemis' trick and dig up some old newspapers on her way over."

"Good!" proclaimed Minako, slamming her fist into her palm, "Now we're getting somewhere! With any luck we can wrap this up tomorrow, and I can concentrate on making Yuri-chan come out of her shell!"

Artemis sighed as Ami turned to him curiously. "New friend?" she inquired.

"Yup!" replied Minako nodding, "And this girl really needs a friend too. She's new in town and knows nobody. Also she's very... Mysterious. I get the feeling that all Yuri- chan needs is someone to help her lighten up a little and have fun. Then maybe she'll come out of her out of her shell."

"Yeah!" laughed Artemis, "Just like a seagull and a clam!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" demanded Minako, rolling up her sleeve menacingly.

"I think what Artemis-kun is trying to say, is that sometimes... You just try to hard at your roll," Ami explained carefully, "And that the best way to coax a clam out of its shell isn't to drop it from a great height, hoping that it's shell cracks open."

"Are you implying that I'm too pushy?!" Minako demanded of the cat, earning a strange look from a passer by.

"Um! Err, no!" stammered Artemis, backing away slowly with a bit of a smirk, "Just that you can be a little too... over enthusiastic about being Sailor Venus sometimes."

Minako cringed, knowing how true the cat's statement was. "Oh, alright," she muttered, "I'll back off a little."

"Good," replied Artemis, "Trust me, good friendship happen on their own. There's no sense in scaring her away by being too pushy. Now let's get going."

"Sounds more like dating advice," commented Ami.

"Oh just-!" stammered Minako exasperatedly as Artemis chuckled and lead the way to the Cherry Hill Temple...

As the trio entered Rei's room, they found the other three Senshi and Luna in the midst of a heated debate that paused only for the briefest of seconds as the door slid open and closed.

"Problem?" inquired Artemis as he sat down beside Luna.

The other Guardian cat rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Same old, same old..." she muttered in reply.

"So, why didn't you tell ME that there was something weird going on?!" demanded Usagi, looking hurt and angry in an ineffectual sort of way, "I AM the leader of the Inner Senshi after all!"

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