Making A Family - Cover

Making A Family

Copyright© 2001 by Charlotte North

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Alone at home one day, John finds his mother's secret diary. He learns her most secret fantasies and sets out to fullfill them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Rough  

When Jenny awoke Saturday morning Susan was already brewing coffee in the kitchen, dressed in her short robe again, this time without panties. She hadn't expected Jenny to be up so early but smiled as the girl entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Jenny!" she said brightly.

"Good morning."

Jenny was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sat. Susan poured two cups of coffee and joined the teen at the table.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked as she sat down. Her robe fell open at the bottom fully exposing her shapely thighs and hairy cunt.

Jenny noticed the naked pussy sitting directly in front of her and said nothing, although it held her attention for several long seconds. When she reluctantly pried her eyes from Susan's luscious looking sex and looked back up she said, "Pretty good I guess, "

"Did you have trouble falling asleep?" Susan asked innocently.

"Well, you and John were pretty loud last night," she said, smiling up at Susan.

Susan was taken aback. She couldn't believe the kid was being this forward with her. Her and John had fully intended on Jenny hearing, and hopefully, seeing everything, but she hadn't expected the girl to blurt it right out. Susan tried to feign shock and embarrassment.

"Oh my God!" she yelped as she covered her mouth. "You heard us?"

"Yeah. But it's ok. I kind of liked it."

"You did?" she asked, much quieter.

Susan smiled to herself. Everything was out in the open. Now she could be honest with Jenny. She didn't like lying to the girl now that she knew her and she was starting to care for her and didn't want to lose Jenny's trust.

"Yes. It really got me turned on. That's the reason I couldn't sleep." Jenny said. She was lying to Susan now but only to save herself from confessing that she had watched them from the hallway.

"I'm so sorry, Jenny. I didn't mean for you to hear any of it. That son of mine has a constant erection and... well, someone has to take care of it. I suppose I should have gone downstairs to him but..."

"No! It's OK! Really!" Jenny interrupted. "I really liked it!"

"Did you masturbate while you listened?" Susan asked her, a wicked grin on her face.

"I had to! It got me so horny listening to you! But I could tell my cum wasn't nearly as good as yours", Jenny said sheepishly.

"You need the real thing! That's all."

Jenny face turned to a slight pout at the Susan's comment.

"I don't think I'll ever get the real thing now!" she whined.

"Of course you will. Your time is coming. My son can't wait to get you in the sack!" Susan comforted her.

"Why would he ever want me when he has you? Your beautiful and mature and experienced and I'm none of those things."

"Your very beautiful, Jenny", Susan said as she took the teenager's hand.

"Not beautiful like you are Susan! You have full breasts and even a beautiful, very hairy pussy. I bet you have lots of men." she glanced down at Susan's crotch as she spoke.

Jenny's mood was sinking rapidly and Susan knew that she had to do something quickly to keep the conversation on the up beat.

"Stand up, Jenny." she ordered the girl as she stood herself.

Jenny stood slowly and faced Susan wondering what she was up to.

"Take your robe off please," the older woman said.


"I wanted to show you something, but if your uncomfortable being naked in front of me that's ok." With that Susan started to reseat herself

"No. I'm not uncomfortable." Jenny said nervously. "I've never been nude in front of anyone before though. You won't laugh at me, will you?"

"Of course not! If it will put you at ease, I'll remove mine as well. A female body is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Especially your female body, Jenny!"

Susan let her bathrobe slip from her shoulders to the floor and stood proudly, her breasts pushed outward and her legs parted slightly. She watched as Jenny slowly and silently remover hers. Susan sucked in her breath as the girl revealed her young pubescent body.

Jenny's pale skin glowed softly in the morning window light, creating a beautiful portrait of youthful innocence. Her small breasts jutted firmly outwards, her puffy nipples taught and thick. Her thin waist and tight belly curved perfectly into her small hips. Susan hummed as she gazed at the teenager's vulva. Taking a step back, she bent slightly to examine Jenny's pussy.

"Well?" Jenny said, expecting an explanation for all this nudity and visual exploration.

"Jenny," Susan sighed as she moved closer to her, "You are a gorgeous young girl!"

"No I'm not. I look like a little girl next to you," she complained.

Susan gingerly reached out to stroke a finger across Jenny's breast, wanting to feel the texture of her nubile tit flesh. The teenager flinched slightly at her touch, more out of surprise than rejection.

"So soft, Jenny. Your skin is like satin. Feel it!" Susan didn't stop stroking as the girls fingers joined hers. Jenny's breath caught in her throat at the touch of Susan's finger as it traced small paths around her nipple. She felt her tit-nub tighten and small tingles of pleasure danced through it.

"Mmmm." Jenny moaned unable to hide her pleasure. Her own finger crossed over Susan's at her nipple and both digits worked together on the nub as if they were of one mind.

"Your nipples are perfect, Jenny. Large, puffy areolas are a real turn on for men and you have the puffiest ones I've ever seen."

Susan used two fingers to tweak the hardened bud before sliding her hand from the girl's breast down to her belly.

"Jenny, you tummy is so soft and your hips flare out perfectly."

Jenny closed her eyes and sighed at the soft touch of Susan's fingers drawing swirls across and down her belly. Susan knew this was a very erogenous area and played there for several minutes causing Jenny to go to her tip-toes in an unconscious effort to move Susan's hand lower. Not wanting to spoil the mood Susan leaned over and whispered softly into Jenny's ear as her hand moved downward.

"Just beautiful, Jenny." Susan whispered as she reached the girls pubic mound. "Such soft, silky pubic hair. It doesn't hide the beauty of your pussy."

Jenny groaned loudly at Susan's erotic touch, pushing her hips outward invitingly. Susan found she had to stiffen her willpower to keep from throwing the teen on the floor and ravishing her with her mouth. Her own pussy was beginning to drool and her fingers trembled as they played between Jenny's thighs.

Susan pinched lightly at Jenny's soft labia, pulling on it gently to stimulate the girl. She was not surprised to feel the wet coating of teen girl cum between them. She slowly stroked one finger up Jenny's fuck slit and paused at her clit.

"You have a very sexy clitoris as well, Jenny. It swells beautifully at a simple touch. That's very nice."

Jenny swayed on her toes as Susan rubbed slow circles on her clit and then gasped when the pleasuring digit was removed.

"Oh!" Jenny said as she opened her eyes, embarrassed for getting so hot.

"There now! Don't you feel beautiful after all?" Susan smiled.

Jenny thought for a moment, her mind foggy with desire.

"Yes. Yes I do, Susan! Thank you", she gasped.

A glowing smile appeared on Jenny's face as she beamed up at her new mother figure.

"It just takes someone else pointing out your beauty to make you feel better", Susan explained as she reached for her robe. "Now we'd better go get dressed before that horny son of mine wakes up and rapes the both of us!"

Jenny's eyes spread wide in disbelief. She couldn't believe that Susan had taken her this far only to leave her hot and horny. She desperately wanted to show Susan how beautiful she was and now she wouldn't get the chance. She disappointedly picked up her robe and threw it back on. Susan saw her bewilderment but said nothing.

Both girls headed up the stairs to change. When Susan reached her room, she closed and locked the door. Panting hotly, she sat on the edge of the bed and tried to regain her composure. What had happened to her? She had never been attracted sexually to other women but this young girl had her cunt dripping and her heart pounding. She put her finger in her mouth and sucked, savoring the taste of Jenny's sweet pussy froth.

Meanwhile, in the room next door, Jenny was trying to regain her composure as well. She was completely frustrated. Susan had brought her to a new level of excitement with her soft, gentle touch and Jenny's body was aching for more. If only they had been alone in the house, she was sure Susan would have made love to her. She had seen the lust in her eyes and knew that Susan too was very excited.

John, Susan and Jenny spent most of Saturday lounging around lazily, watching TV and chatting idly about idle things. The sexual tension in the house was high but Susan and John ignored it. Jenny for her part couldn't get her mind off of sex. She normally thought about sex all the time but here it was almost being flaunted at her. She felt as if her pussy would melt away before she ever had a chance to use it. She ached for the chance to talk with Susan about her predicament again but never got the chance.

Early in the evening Susan excused herself and went to bed leaving the two teenagers alone in the living room. Jenny was relieved when John didn't send her off to bed as well. Instead he sat close to her on the couch and put his arm around her. Jenny looked up at him and, closing her eyes pushed her lips up towards his, expecting him to kiss her.

"Jenny, listen to me", he said as he pushed her gently away. "I promised your father I wouldn't do anything with you. I really want to. Badly. But a promise is a promise and I want him to trust me so that we can go out together."

"Damn him", she pouted. "If he has his way I'll be a virgin when I'm forty years old!"

"Your father just loves you a lot and is trying to protect you."

"Does your mother love you, John?" she challenged him.

"Sure. What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, your mother loves you but she fucks you!"

John's face went a little pink at her candor.

"Yes. I heard you last night and your mom admitted it to me this morning", she told him.

John smiled wickedly and said, "Yes, it is quite convenient to have a mom that likes fucking me. Are you saying you want your father to fuck you?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind it. I think he's very sexy and I don't think he has been with another woman since my mom."

"Well", he said, avoiding the fact the Joe had been with Susan earlier that week. "If your father hasn't been laid in that long, he must be miserable. I can't imagine that he hasn't already ravaged your hot little body."

"Oh, I don't think would even think about something like that. He's never even seen me naked!"

"Believe me, Jenny", John told her. "If he hasn't seen you naked it's because you haven't let him. I have no doubts that your father would make love to you in a flat second if you gave him the chance."

"You think so?" she asked.

"No doubt!"

Jenny thought about that and John allowed her a brief moment and then said, "You know, Jenny, that may be just the thing to do!" He tried to act as if he had just come up with the idea.

"What?" she looked up at him her eyes bright.

"Seduce your dad!"


Jenny looked a little puzzled. She didn't quite understand why John was telling her to seduce her father if he himself wanted her.

"Look. If your father were to screw you, he wouldn't really have much to say if you wanted to do the same thing with me. Would he?"

Jenny thought for a moment and then a light went on in her head. She suddenly realized she could have both her father and John. For a moment she was ecstatic but that soon faded as her insecurities took over.

"He'll never go for it. He has no interest in me that way. Look at me! Why would he want to do it with a little girl."

"I am looking at you!" John almost shouted. "Your absolutely one of the hottest chicks I've ever seen! I promise you that if you offer that sexy body of yours to him, he'll eat it right up!"

"Do you really think so?" Jenny asked mournfully.

"I know he will!"

"Ok! I'll give it a try, but I don't really know what to do. If I didn't do it right, it might make him angry and ruin the whole thing."

Jenny was unsuccessfully attempting to trick John into 'showing her' how it should be done, but John didn't take the bait. Instead he turned the trick back onto the girl.

"Well, I guess Mom and I could show you the basics," he told her. "I don't think Mom would mind if you watched us."

"That wasn't what I had in mind", she said, pouting again.

"I know, Jenny, but I want to gain your dad's trust and this is the best way. Now. Do you want to see a demonstration or not?"

Jenny's belly started flutter a bit and she became distinctly aware of a familiar tingling sensation in her clit.

"Yes! Of course!" she said brightly. She had planned on watching them with or without their knowledge if opportunity arose but the thought of watching them with their consent thrilled her even more.

"Ok! Lets go see if we can get Mom to agree!"

Both teenagers rushed up the stairs with excitement and stopped short just outside the bedroom. Susan was fast asleep with the blankets pulled up around her. John placed a finger over his lips and then, bending over, whispered in Jenny's ear.

"Be very quite and stand beside the bed."

Jenny nodded and followed John into the room. Taking a position very close to Susan's bed she watched John undress. Her virgin pussy began to slicken with girl cum as she watched him disrobe, drinking in the sight of his firm muscles and well proportioned young body. She grinned shyly when he finally exposed his hanging cock and balls to her.

Jenny was amazed to see that John's penis was very long, even though it was soft. She wanted desperately to reach out and touch him, to feel the weight of his large balls, the firmness of the shaft and the texture of the shiny cockhead at the end. Her face went pink as she stared at him, embarrassed that she couldn't take her eyes off his sex.

John lifted his flaccid cock meat and pointed it at Jenny, stroking back and forth on it a few times jokingly before climbing quietly onto the bed.

Susan's breasts were rising and falling slowly as John peeled the blankets off of her. Her nipples were soft and appeared nearly flat against the large brown areola. Jenny was amazed at how different they looked now as compared to that morning when they stood out fully erect. She moved closer still to the bed and leaned her head over to examine Susan's breasts.

John slowly pulled the blanket further down and stopped only when his mother's knees were exposed. Susan was wearing a pair of plain, pink cotton panties and even though they were nothing fancy, she still looked like an erotic feast waiting to be devoured. Her abundant bush pushed the material out from her crotch and tufts of the plentiful cunt fur bordered the triangle of fabric that attempted to hide it.

John's movements pulled Jenny's attention from Susan's crotch and she watched as he moved his head towards his mother's breasts. His mouth formed a perfect 'o' as he bent, and when he was just inches away from the flattened nipple he blew cool air across it.

Jenny was surprised at how quickly Susan's tit responded. The areola seemed to puff outwards slightly and the nipple rose upward, extending itself as it swelled. Jenny felt her own little breast buds rising as well and she wish she could feel John's breath on them.

Soon Susan's left tit-nub was fully erect and John moved his attentions to her right. As the second nipple grew Susan moaned softly in her sleep and Jenny's hand went to her own breast, massaging her own taut nipple through the thin camisole top she was wearing. John saw the girl's movements and looked up at her.

"Take your top off", he whispered.

"But I thought you said..." Jenny whispered back.

"I promised I wouldn't touch you. I didn't promise I wouldn't look at you."

Jenny smiled as she peeled off the thin top, excited at the thought of exposing herself to him. She wondered what other loopholes to the promise John could come up with.

"Damn!" John hissed softly as he gazed at the fifteen-year-olds nubile breasts and flower pink nipples. His jaw dropped in admiration and his tongue swiped across his upper lip wetly.

Jenny smiled as she looked into John's appreciative face. She could see the hungry look in his eyes as he gazed at her and she loved it. She wanted to throw herself on bed and beg the boy to ravage her brutally.

"The pants! Take them off too!" John hissed. His eyes were wide with excitement and cock was beginning to rise rapidly between his legs.

Jenny stared directly at John's growing fuck rod as she peeled off her tight jeans and panties. She licked at her lips sensuously, trying to seduce John into breaking his promise.

"Jesus!" John whispered as he gazed at her completely naked body. "I'd give anything to be your father!"

"I'd give anything to be your mother tonight!" Jenny giggled softly. Her inner thighs were beginning to feel sticky and she had to spread them slightly to stop the distraction. John climbed off the bed and went to her.

Jenny thought he was going to break his promise to her father and fuck her silly but was surprised when he went to his knees in front of her. Tilting his head upward, he put his face within fractions of an inch of her crotch.

Inhaling deeply, John sniffed the young fresh pussy in front of him. The sensuous fragrance of Jenny's virgin sex wafted up through his nostrils, sending warm liquid pleasure into his balls. John's prick went fully erect in the short few moments he knelt before her.

Jenny's clit tingled with his face so close to it. She could feel his warm breath blowing gently across the blossoming sex bud when he exhaled. She was about to rock her hips up at him when they were interrupted.

"Hey! What are you two doing!"

Both teenagers jerked with surprise when they heard Susan's voice. John stood and began to laugh as he put his arm around Jenny and pulled her close. Jenny reached her hand down to touch his cock but John stopped her, pushing her hand away.

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