Making A Family - Cover

Making A Family

Copyright© 2001 by Charlotte North

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Alone at home one day, John finds his mother's secret diary. He learns her most secret fantasies and sets out to fullfill them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Rough  

Susan Morris sat by the picture window of her suburban home, waiting. She had been sitting in this same position daydreaming for the last two hours, her eyes trained on the driveway and the road it connected to. She had taken the day off from work just to sit here and wait for her son, John. It had been nine long months since she'd seen him and she was so looking forward to his homecoming.

It had been a hard year for Susan. With her husband's death two years ago, she had come to rely heavily on her only son. John it seems had assumed the roll of man-of-the-house quite quickly and had taken over nearly all the duties of his dead father. He paid the bills, did minor repairs on the house and kept the yard clean and tidy as well as making most of the major decisions for the two of them.

Susan felt safe and secure with her son around. His first year at college had been a real trial for her and she found herself in periods of depression caused by loneliness and insecurity. She was even seeing a psychologist to help her make it through her roughest times, although that helped very little. But now her son would be home for three glorious months so she wouldn't need the shrink's services for a while.

When John's car finally pulled into the driveway, Susan jumped from her seat, straightening her clothes and plucked at her hair. She ran to the front door and flung it open, then, she stopped dead in her tracks. The man that was getting out of the car was not the boy she had sent off to school the previous fall. John had become a man. He had filled out amazingly well. His shoulders had broadened, and muscles Susan never knew her son had now bulged from his jeans and t-shirt. His dark brown hair was longer now and gave her son a slightly rough appearance.

"Hi, Mom!" he yelled to her as he pulled some luggage from the trunk. His voice had changed slightly as well.

Susan couldn't contain herself. Bursting from the doorway, she sprinted the walkway towards her son. John dropped his bags and held open his arms as his mother rushed into them. The fell together in a warm and loving hug in the driveway.

"Oh, John. I've missed you so much!" Susan whispered as they rocked each other slightly.

"Me too, Mom," he told her "and I'm so glad to be home."

They held each other tightly for several long moments. When John finally broke their caress, he stepped back and held his mother at arms length, looking her up and down. It was amazing to him that his mother grew more beautiful with age. At forty years old she would put any woman ten years her junior to shame. She kept her short dishwater hair highlighted with blonde and refrained from wearing makeup to preserve her natural look. Her figure matched the natural beauty of her face. Her breasts were not large but full and creamy. Her hips flared outward, giving her a mature, womanly look and enhancing the round, firm flesh of her ass. Her blue eyes danced as her son gazed at her like a long lost lover.

"You look fabulous, Mom." he told her and they hugged again.

"So do you, Son. You've grown to be such a good looking man."

John's chest swelled with pride. The truth be known, he had always had a crush on his mother, and hearing her call him a good looking man gave rise to his ego - and his manhood. They walked back into the house together, John carrying his luggage and his mother holding him tightly to her.

Susan treated her son to his favorite lasagna meal and lavished him with praise and love as they chatted. John told her excitedly of his new girlfriend Sarah, who was just seventeen and who was the most wonderful girl he had ever met. Susan smiled and listened attentively like a good mother, but deep down inside she felt a pang of jealousy and fear. John read it in her eyes and quickly changed the subject. He tried to always stay sensitive to his mother's feelings. The evening slipped quickly by and John, exhausted from his long trip, retired to bed early, but not before placing a warm loving kiss on his mother's lips. Susan soon followed and wrote another entry in her personal journal before falling off to sleep.

Susan gently rubbed her eyes open, glanced at the alarm clock on her nightstand and instantly shot out of bed.

"Oh, no!" she groaned as she realized she was going to be late for work. She forfeited her shower to make up for lost time and threw on her clothes. Brushing her hair she rushed down the hallway towards her son's room. She stopped dead in her tracks in his doorway. Her eyes widened as she stared down at her sleeping son sprawled nude on the bed, his covers in a heap at the bottom.

Trembling, Susan stared at his naked manhood. She couldn't believe her eyes. John's sex had developed drastically since she last saw him without clothing. His penis, hanging limply between his spread legs was almost seven inches long and was deliciously full around. His large, hairy balls dangled below and added an extra sexiness to the package.

At first Susan wasn't quite sure what to do. Her first thought was to leave quickly and forget what she had seen, but instead she entered his room heading for the bed, not taking her eyes from John's crotch. She lifted the bed sheet and pulled it up and over her son's naked body, covering him all the way to his shoulders. Leaning over, she kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Hi, mom." he whispered as he awoke.

"Good morning, darling" she said as she brushed his hair from his eyes. "I'm late for work and I have to hurry but I'll be home around six."

John sat up in bed, kissed his mother on the cheek and said, "Ok, have a great day, Mom. I'll miss you"

"Miss you too, sweetheart," she said as she turned and headed for the door.

John watched his mother's ass and legs as she left his room, causing his cock to rise slightly under the sheets.

John spent most of the morning lazing around in shorts, watching TV and relaxing, but as noon approached he headed upstairs to shower and shave. Passing his mother's bedroom, he peeked in. The bed was a mess and clothes were strewn about the floor. Susan had not had time to straighten up before she left for work and the room looked frightful.

Shaking his head and smiling he entered the room and began to pick up his mothers discarded clothing, dumping them into the hamper. Picking up her robe, he uncovered a sexy pair of lace bikini panties under it. John quickly hung the robe and picked up his mothers underwear. They were turned inside out and he could easily see the yellow, dry piss stains in the crotch. He held them to his nose and breathed deeply. The scent of his mother's cunt wafted up, filling his mind with lewd incestuous thoughts. He licked at the crusted panties and stroked his now swelling cock through his shorts as he tasted his mothers dried piss and pussy juice for the first time.

John tossed all plans for the shower aside temporarily as he climbed onto his mother's bed. Holding the panties close to his face he sprawled himself out. He was about to remove his shorts when his foot brushed against something solid lying under the blanket. Curiosity won out over the pair of soiled panties and John reached under the cover to see what was there. He pulled a small hardbound book from the blankets and read the cover. "Personal Journal" was all that was printed on it.

John's brain began to have one of those right versus wrong debates. He knew that it would be wrong to read his mother's diary. It was her personal thoughts, her own demons or desires and they should be left personal. He knew that. Still, he also knew that if he simply put the book back that he would never be able to get it off his mind. He knew in a moment of weakness and curiosity he would rush to her room, find the book and read it. Cover to cover!

'Oh, well, ' he thought, 'I might as well get it over with. It's probably just boring stuff like "today I did this, yesterday I did that" '

That thought eased his conscience enough to allow him to at least read the first page. Opening the cover he stared at his mothers handwriting.

"My Secret Fantasy" was all that was written there. John's heart began to pound as he came to the realization that his mother was writing down her sexual fantasies. He excitedly flipped throughout the pages, noting the sporadic dates that she had written. The first page was dated September 17, one week after he had left for school. He noticed there were weeks when she only had one entry but other weeks she had written nearly every day. The last entry was dated the night he had arrived home.

This was too good to be true. John was about to learn his mother's most secret of desires. Stripping his shorts off and dropping them to the floor, he began to read.

'This is my first attempt at keeping a diary and I am only doing it on the recommendation of my psychologist. Dr. Wells says that if I write down my feelings, it will help me to vent the frustration they cause. I don't know if this will help and Dr. Wells has no idea what my frustrations are but he is a doctor and I am frustrated so it is worth a try. Forgive me Diary if I ramble on, as I've said it is my first time.'

'I guess the best way to start is to just to blurt it right out on the paper. I am in love with my son!'

John stopped cold. He couldn't believe what he was reading. His own mother! In love with him! Then he realized why she had looked so disappointed when he had told her about Sarah. His cock lurched up rigid, screaming for attention. He responded by wrapping his fingers tightly around his manhood and stroking himself - slowly, as he read.

'Not the proper type of love a mother has for her son. The type of love a woman has for a man that is far her superior. I daydream about him all the time. I miss him so now that he is off at school and I count the hours till he calls and fills my heart again.'

'Along with my feelings of love for my son are wicked, perverse thoughts of him. They plague me day and night until I think I may go out of my mind with lust. I am losing control of my own emotions and find myself constantly fantasizing about him. It is impossible to explain my desires or where they are coming from. That is where you come in my Dear Diary. Upon you I will vent my lust for my son in an effort to prevent myself from acting on my dreams and alienating the person I care about most. I am afraid that if I ever attempted to live out my fantasy, John would leave forever. And who could blame him? What would he think of a mother who lusted after her own son in such perverse, bizarre ways? So - to keep him from finding out just how I feel, I will write it all down.'

'It all began at the start of this past summer. The knowledge that he would be leaving for college in September plunged me into a depression that I could not shake. Probably fear and insecurity caused my initial feelings for him, knowing that he would be gone and I would be left alone to deal with life on my own. The feelings became worse as the summer drifted by and I could easily mark the day he drove away as being the second worse day of my life. The first being the day my sweet, sweet husband died. But all of that is a different story and one that I don't think is related to my problem.' 'I suppose it all began the day I walked by the bathroom. The door was standing open and the shower was running inside. I peered in to see the outline of my son standing in the shower, his young profile framed in the misty glass of the shower door. I couldn't take my eyes from his naked body. I watched as he washed himself thoroughly, first his chest then down to his belly and with each movement downward I became more and more excited. I swear, I was frozen there, unable to move as he pulled at his young cock and balls and washed them completely. My clit was aching and an uncontrollable urge to enter the shower and drop to my knees struck me.'

John stopped reading. His mind was spinning as he continued jacking his cock. His mother was hot for him. REALLY hot! This was a dream come true for him and he read on.

'Thankfully, I was able to control myself and turned quickly from the doorway and ran to my bedroom. Seconds later I was naked on the bed, masturbating wickedly like a horny little girl with lewd thoughts of incest racing through my mind. I came long and hard and afterwards I felt happier and more contented than I have in years.'

John pictured his mother sprawled out on her bed, naked, thrusting her fingers into her own cunt. The image sent jolts of pleasure into his balls as he jacked his cock faster now and turned the page.

'I became more bold as the days passed, wanting to see more and more of him, dying to touch him in un-motherly ways. As my lust for him grew so did my courage. It wasn't long before I was peeping in on him as he slept. I felt so nasty standing in his doorway frigging myself like a bitch in heat, and that made it even better. Eventually I worked up the nerve to enter his bedroom and stand beside his bed while I masturbated, half hoping he would wake up and catch me. Oh. What would he have done then? I can only imagine! And who would have blamed him for taking liberties with me? Certainly not me! He would have the right to do anything he pleased, catching his mother acting like a no-good common whore. And that's exactly what I am. A common slut for my son now, and he doesn't even know it!'

John's balls were beginning to boil and large drops of pre-cum were forming on the tip of his cock and dripping down onto his belly. His mother's carnal confessions brought out new feelings in him and he said aloud, "Damn right, Mother! Who would blame me for fucking a common whore like you!" His cock lurched up when he said the words and he almost exploded into the air. He released the swollen cock-shaft and allowed himself to calm down before reading any further.

'But now he is away and I'm left alone for nine long months with only the memories of him to keep me warm at night. I think about him all the time and my thoughts are always sexual. I still have not changed his bed sheets and there are nights when I kneel at his bed, my face pushed into the spot where he slept, and finger myself to orgasm. It has become a compulsion now, one that I have no control over. I fear that I may not be able to control myself when he comes home for the summer.'

So ended the first entry in Susan Morris's journal. John quickly flipped through the pages. He made a quick estimate. There were probably at least sixty more entries in the book. He new he would never make it through the entire journal before she returned home. He turned to the last entry. It was dated the previous night.

'He is home at last. My handsome, unknowing stud has finally returned. He has grown into a strong, virile looking man over the year and I hardly recognized him when he stepped out of the car. My juices began to flow as he held me. It was heavenly! How can I resist my own son? I saw the large bulge in his pants and even now I'm thinking how wonderful it would be to see him naked, to touch him, feel him inside me... '

John's balls were beginning to ache as he jacked himself. Setting the book aside he knelt over his mother's pillow.

"Yes, Mother." he hissed "I'm going to cum. Your filthy slut mind has my ball's bursting with cum for you, Mother! I'm going to shoot my fuck onto your pillow!"

With that, a long stream of cock juice shot from his prick, landing dead center in Sarah's pillow. He aimed each subsequent squirt of fuck cream around the first and soon the entire center of the pillow was coated in sticky white cum. He wiped his cock clean on the edges, grabbed his shorts and the book and hopped out of bed.

John looked back at his mother's cum drenched pillow and smiled before leaving. He spent the rest of the afternoon in his own room reading and planning. Tonight he would have his hard cock planted firmly between his mother's legs.

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