Family with the Hots - Cover

Family with the Hots


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She played the nice woman's role for a while but she could not do it anymore.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was almost three in the afternoon when Al found the letters. He was more than half-drunk, and looking for a socket wrench that he'd misplaced months ago. Recalling that he'd fixed a door in his daughter's bedroom, he searched Julie's closet. And that was where he found the letters.

There were six of them. Five were addressed to his next-door neighbor, Mark Jensen. A look of pure disbelief and then maddening fury crossed his brutal features as he read them. The impact of learning that his joy in life, his pure, wholesome daughter was having an obscene affair with Mark Jensen filled him with murderous thoughts.

Until he vaguely realized that at the same time, he was having a bizarre affair with Jensen's wife. If he confronted his neighbor about his daughter, there was a strong possibility that his own brutal affair with his neighbor's wife would come out.

Now how in the hell was he going to explain that?

The sixth love letter he found filled him with both fury and strange excitement. His own daughter had written a love letter, in the most obscene terms imaginable, to the music teacher who lived across the street! Apparently Julie was not only making it with Mark Jensen next door, but with the leggy brunette across the street.

Al couldn't figure out why the letters weren't mailed. Kids at Julie's age were funny, though. Maybe they just wanted to express their feelings, writing letters instead of keeping a diary.

"That sonofabitch!" Al shouted at no one, as he went back to his bottle of scotch. He had a good goddamned notion to rape Jensen's own daughter in vengeance. Until he realized the danger in that. It was one thing to bind and screw a neighbor's willing wife. But it was another to rape his daughter.

He heard his front door open and realized it was his daughter coming home from school. She came into the kitchen, saw he was drinking and her face dropped.

"Hi, Daddy," she said timidly.

For a long dangerous moment Al studied his daughter, wondering what he should do. A solution came to him, both wildly exciting and reeking with vengeance at the same time.

"You stand right there," he said ominously. "Don't move, understand, Julie? Just stand there!"

Al went upstairs. He got the chains out of a dresser drawer, along with the whip he'd used on Jensen's wife. He put them all in a large paper sack. Then he went downstairs to where his daughter waited, white-faced and trembling.

He grabbed her roughly by the wrist.

"Come on with me," he said brusquely. He dragged her out of the house and headed across the street.

At the same moment, next door, Sheila Jensen was doing something extremely unusual for her. She was drinking during the day. Not just drinking, but well on her way to drunkenness, with four martinis behind her. She felt terrible, reeking with guilt, wondering how she was going to confess the whole sordid affair to her husband when he came home.

Because the only solution the sexy housewife had come to was to admit everything to Mark. And then beg him to do the same bizarre things to her, so that she could get sexually aroused. Because it was the only way she could have an orgasm, she realized. To be bound and whipped and humiliated. And if someone had to do it, it might as well be her own husband instead of that crude ape next door.

She had still another drink, working up her nerve. It was the only solution she could think of, and if it didn't work...

When Anne Hawkins opened her door and saw the furious face of her neighbor across the street, and young Julie's terrified expression at the same time, she had a horrifying premonition of disaster.

"Wanna talk to you," Al said gruffly, pushing her aside as he dragged Julie in behind him.

"Julie's doing very well in her lessons," Anne said in a trembling voice. "She shows great promise and--"

"Cut the crap!" Al snapped. "Where's your bedroom?"

"Bedroom?" the brunette echoed, trying desperately to collect her thoughts. She sensed he'd found out somehow about her wild encounter with his daughter, but she tried to stall for time.

"Bedroom, Goddamnit!" He grabbed her wrist so roughly she cried out. Now he had both his daughter and the lush music teacher by the wrist. The look on his brutish face terrified Anne, and she knew she couldn't stall him any longer.

"This way," she whispered nervously. She led him upstairs to her bedroom. Julie looked like she was about to faint from terror. Without a word, Al opened the paper sack he'd brought and attached the chains to the four bedposts of Anne's bed.

"Strip and lie down on your belly," he told her.

"You can't order me around like this!" Anne bluffed, feeling a wave of horror. "You'd just better leave--"

"Can it!" Al said harshly. He held up a letter. "This is what my daughter wrote to you last night. Want me to read it, lady? Or give it to the police right now?"

Oh my God! thought Anne, feeling faint. She looked at Julie, whose terror was obvious. So the girl had probably written her a love letter after their orgy, and now her father was out for pure vengeance. With a feeling of desperation, the ripe brunette knew she had no choice.

She silently undressed. Clenching her teeth, she lay face down on her bed. In less than a minute, he had her wrists and ankles securely manacled. Then he brought out the vicious-looking black whip and turned to his daughter.

"You strip too," he commanded.

Shaking with fear, Julie obeyed. She cursed herself for being such a fool, for leaving the letter lying around. He must have found her letters to Mark too! Naked and trembling, the blonde stood before her father, expecting the worst.

For a minute, Al surveyed the naked, ripe brunette lying face down and helplessly chained on the bed. Jesus, what a body! He'd never suspected it from the dowdy way she'd dressed. Then he turned his burning gaze on his own daughter and his prick leaped.

No wonder that bastard next door had screwed her! Julie was budding with naked loveliness, her firm little tits high and lushly rounded, her golden pussy-hairs an invitation to his wildest fantasies. But his fury turned back to the stunning brunette on the bed.

He handed Julie the whip. "Start whipping her on the ass, Julie. And don't stop until I tell you!"

Tears of shame and fear in her eyes, the girl hurried to obey. She began bringing the whip down on Anne's lusciously naked ass, trying not to hurt her too hard. But almost instantly cries of agony came from the music teacher, and her sensuous body quivered in pain. But even the fifteen-year-old blonde was becoming aroused as Anne's beautiful, creamy ass-cheeks turned a bright crimson.

While Julie stung the helpless brunette's lush buttocks, Al undressed. His huge cock hovered out, quivering with raw lust. The sight of his lovely naked daughter relentlessly whipping the stunning brunette had triggered an enormous erection.

Julie stared at her father's massive hard-on with an eerie blend of terror and lustful excitement. Lord, her father was hung! He was even bigger than Mark, his prick tinged with crimson, his colossal knob almost purple.

"That's enough," he told Julie, and the girl stopped whipping the sobbing brunette. Anne's ass-cheeks were a glowing red now, and her lush nakedness was trembling violently.

"So you like to eat little girls' pussies, huh?" Al said tauntingly to Anne. Julie's letter to her had been very explicit, going into very sexy detail. He turned to his daughter.

"Get up at the head of the bed," he commanded. "Let's see just how well she eats pussy. Go on!"

Quickly, the blonde fifteen-year-old rushed to obey her father. She placed her naked back to the head of the bed and raised her knees and nudged her glistening pink cunt close to Anne's mouth. Even in her guilt and horror, Anne needed no further coaxing. She began sucking and licking at Julie's golden- fringed cunt, trying to ignore the horrible pain stinging her ripely naked ass.

For Julie's burly father, it was the most lustfully arousing spectacle he'd ever seen. Julie's face was contorted with ecstasy as the whimpering music teacher sucked at her juicy pink pussy. The maddening thought occurred to Al that all the time his next- door neighbor had been fucking his daughter, he himself could have been reaping the lush benefits of her tawny young body.

Angrily, he climbed on top of Anne's silken, trembling nakedness. Without even bothering to wet the head of his huge prick, he jammed the purple knob directly against her helpless asshole. Immediately she winced, knowing what was coming.

"No!" she cried out. "Please, no! You'll tear me up with that monster, I beg you--AAAAAAARRRGH!"

With a single massive thrust, Al tore his giant cock into her helpless asshole. Its tight squirming heat filled him with a perverted pleasure as he began fucking her savagely, her boiling anus quivering beneath the fierce onslaught.

At the same time, Al hunched down over her back and reached out to play with his daughter's hot little tits. His initial fury had now given way to an insatiable lust. Christ, the brunette's asshole was juicy and hot! Each time she tried to wriggle her satiny ass-cheeks free, an extra thrill shuddered through his stiff meat.

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