Family with the Hots - Cover

Family with the Hots


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - She played the nice woman's role for a while but she could not do it anymore.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

"What is it?" Marsha Jensen asked her father, a look of seriousness crossing her lovely young face. "Did I do something wrong? Why did we come all the way up here for a talk?"

Mark glanced out at the lake through one of the cabin windows. The sun was just beginning to set, and it cast a golden, shimmering glow across the lake that was almost blinding. He lit a cigarette, ignoring his daughter's question for the moment. At three o'clock that afternoon, wondering whether he ought to bring Julie up to the cabin for another session of wild lust, his decision came to him.

There was no substitute for what he really wanted. Glancing at his daughter's lusciously budding tits, straining at her snug T-shirt, and then running his eyes down over her jeans, over her plumply-curved ass, Mark knew he'd go crazy if he held off any longer.

Julie was a hot little piece, mad about him, but she still wasn't his own luscious daughter. And nothing else but this fifteen-year-old angel would satisfy him. Hell, as long as he was taking risks, he might as well go all the way.

"Marsha," he began sitting down on the sofa beside her and putting a fatherly arm around her shoulders, "I've heard some bad things about you. Terrible things."

The adolescent's face turned chalk-white. "What things, Dad? I haven't done anything wrong, I swear it!"

Her firm little tits rose and fell nervously, and Mark felt an irresistible tingle in his cock and balls. Ever since he'd spanked her months before, feeling her silky hot ass quiver violently beneath his fingers, he knew he had to explore every inch of that satiny young body.

"I heard," he said in a solemn voice, "that you were promiscuous. That you were giving yourself sexually to a great many boys at school."

Tears stung the girl's eyes. "That's a lie!" she said heatedly. "Oh, Dad, that's not true! I swear, I've never--I've never even had a boy. Honest!"

And her father suddenly knew it was true. The lie had simply been to find out if she was still a cherry. And now that he knew, his massive prick began to rise in his pants with furious power. It wasn't just that Marsha was his own lovely fifteen-year-old daughter that fired his overpowering lust. She was the living embodiment of his own wife, Sheila, when she was fifteen. Irresistibly sexy and cute, with the lush promise of being a ripe- breasted, long-legged, stunning beauty when she grew up.

And Mark Jensen damn well wanted his daughter's cherry before any clumsy boy got it.

"Then you're still a virgin?" he said softly.

"Yes, of course, Dad. I wouldn't lie to you."

"Sit on my lap, honey," he said in a hoarse voice. "It's time we had a father-to-daughter talk. Something serious."

Unhesitatingly, Marsha snuggled herself on her father's lap. He wasn't always this affectionate, but when the opportunity came, Marsha always grabbed it.

Mark wrapped his arms around her waist. His huge prick pounded so fiercely in his pants he knew she had to feel it, although she gave no sign. But, he remembered, she was still a cherry. For about another ten minutes, if he could help it.

He began by rubbing her belly gently, reaching beneath her T- shirt, his rod leaping at the feel of soft young flesh. No matter what the penalty might be, he had to suck and fuck every tawny inch of this luscious girl's flesh. It was an obsession that had haunted him for years.

"The thing about having sex is this," he whispered in her ear, inching his fingers closer to a hot young tit. "Some boy could get you in real trouble, Marsha, possibly get you pregnant. Or hurt you in some other way. Because boys are inexperienced, you see, baby?"

"I'll be careful, honest, Dad. I know about things like that. Mom told me."

"There's a safe way to do every thing in this world," he told her, his voice beginning to crack with obscene desire. The feel of her hot little ass gently squirming on his fleshy rod was beginning to shatter what was left of his control.

"I could fix it so some clumsy boy would never hurt you, Marsha. You trust your father, don't you, honey?"

She craned her neck around to look him in the eyes, genuinely baffled. "Sure I trust you, Dad. But I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"I mean," he said softly, "that there is a certain accepted practice in some cultures that, well, that allow the father to take care of things like that. Like his daughter's virginity. That way, you're ready, you're prepared for what's coming in life. It's perfectly normal in certain societies," he added hastily, astounded at his own glib lies.

Marsha's lovely young face gaped in awe. "I still don't understand, Dad!"

He decided at that lust-maddened moment to show her what he meant exactly, rather than use any further persuasion.

Mark slipped his fingers up beneath his daughter's T-shirt and grasped a burning small tit in each hand. He began massaging them gently, rolling his thumb and fingers around the nipples, his meat quivering with frenzied desire.

"Dad, don't!" sobbed the dark-haired teenager. "Daddy, you're--I'm--Oh! Golly, Daddy, you're doing something wrong!"

But all the adolescent did was moan and, wriggle more hotly on his lap. To fifteen-year-old Marsha, what was happening was completely confusing and unlike her father. Yet, she didn't dare deny her virgin pussy was beginning to seep hotly as her own father fondled and stroked her budding tits. And she was acutely aware of the fact that the giant throbbing bulge just beneath the crack of her young ass was an erection.

"It's not wrong," Mark said quickly, rubbing her tits lasciviously and pressing his hot prick up against her juicy little ass harder. "I know exactly what I'm doing, baby, and Daddy is doing it for your sake. You do exactly what I tell you, honey, and afterwards you'll be happy. You do what I tell you!"

In that fatherly command lay magic words. Marsha had never disobeyed her father, both out of fear and love. And the luscious adolescent wasn't about to now, even though she felt there was something terribly guilty about it.

"Daddy! You're getting me hot!" the teenager sobbed. "Oh, Lord, Daddy, it's--it's wrong... Mmmmmmmm!"

Mark Jensen, at that moment of naked lust, was beyond any redemption or penalty. His gorgeous, hot-breasted young daughter was wriggling her succulent ass madly on his pounding prick, in spite of her protests. And now he slipped one hand down to her warm crotch, pressing and rubbing lasciviously. He could feel her juices begin to soak through. Marsha was nearly hysterical with both confusion and passion.

"Daddy! Why are you doing this? Ooooooo, Daddy, Oh I feel funny! Unnnnnngh!"

"For your own good, honey," he told her hoarsely. "Wouldn't you rather have your own father introduce you to sex than some idiotic boy? You know I love you, honey. You're my own daughter. I know what's best for you. Daddy knows."

Quickly, Mark unzipped the fly of his daughter's jeans. He slipped a hand inside her warm crotch. One finger pulled aside her panties, and he found her juicy, soaked young cunt already pulsing and waiting for him. Kissing her on the nape of the neck, one hand still fondling and squeezing her hot tit-mounds, he began fingerfucking his teenager daughter.


He'd slipped one finger inside her hot cherry-cunt, and it was so hot and juicy he feared he might come in his pants. Damn, what a hot tight snatch! Undoubtedly Marsha was telling him the truth when she said she was a cherry. But now he wanted the wild sensations of his own daughter's naked succulence on his lap before he fingerfucked her to her first orgasm.

"Let's get undressed, baby," he whispered hoarsely in her ear. "Come on, Daddy knows best."

After fifteen years of total obedience, even her near hysterical confusion could not keep the lovely adolescent from complete obedience.

Panting feverishly, Marsha stood up and quickly stripped out of her clothes. Mark rose too, but his gaze never left his daughter's lusciously curved little body as he stripped. Damn, she was beautiful, even more beautiful than her mother at fifteen.

Marsha hesitated, her cheeks flushed and her budding tits heaving. She gaped at his massive long prick.

"You won't--you won't hurt me with that, will you Daddy? It's so big! And I'm a virgin!"

"Won't hurt you," Mark reassured in a voice hoarse with raw lust. "Come on back and sit on my lap."

The girl obeyed, trembling wildly. Her father's mammoth rod of flesh now hovered up between her tender thighs, its purple knob quivering with urgency. Now Mark began to gently fingerfuck his daughter, his blood pounding urgently at the gushing, sticky heat of her tiny cunt. His only fear was that he'd come, shoot his rocks right up into the air from the delicious satiny heat of her writhing ass on his lap. Meanwhile his other hand played with her softly-mounded hot tits. In less than a minute, Marsha was loudly sobbing and jerking her juicy cunt against his stroking finger in mad, fucking motions.


He'd found her tiny clit-bud with his fingertip and worked on that for a while, until his entire hand was dripping with her cunt-juices. Even his wife, Sheila, or his next-door neighbor's luscious young daughter, Julie, couldn't compare to the succulent, satiny fire of his own beautiful daughter.

Now Mark pierced deeper, feeling the resistance of her cherry, a thin membrane. For one long moment Marsha cried out and quivered her silken nakedness furiously as he pierced it. Then her father plunged his middle finger in as deep as he could into her tight, silken cunt. Marsha began fucking his stroking finger to a frenzied rhythm, twining her ankles around his and clawing at his naked flanks with her fingernails.

She twisted her head around to kiss him passionately on the lips. She clutched his hand feverishly to her furiously heaving young tits, profound moans coming from her throat. Then his young daughter seized his quivering cock in one fist and began jerking on it with obscene fervor.

To Mark Jensen, upstanding citizen of Rockville, respected pillar of his community, this was one of the most depraved, joyous moments of his entire life. His own beautiful, innocent daughter was jerking him off while he was tenderly fingerfucking her. And she loved it, at least as much as he did.

Low animal moans were coming from Marsha's throat as she fervently kissed him, and from the feel of her cunt-juices gushing profusely onto his fingers, Mark knew she was having her first orgasm. Christ, he couldn't wait to fuck her in her beautiful hot ass! It writhed and wriggled on his bushy crotch like a live animal on fire, begging to be spanked and pierced and even kissed.

For one endless moment, the fifteen-year-old quivered deliriously on her father's lap, and Mark knew she was coming furiously. His stroking finger dug deeper into her hot juicy slit, probing its sticky sweetness, wondering if he could actually get even half his colossal thick prick inside there.

"AAAAAGH!" Marsha cried out, tearing her lips from his. "EEEEE, DADDY, DADDY, IT'S--OOOOOO--WILD AND WONDERFUL! OH IT'S CRAZY! OH, DO IT TO ME NOW, NOW, NOW!"

She'd had her first blazing climax, but Mark wasn't ready to fuck her yet. He wanted to eat her first, to give her the wildest possible thrills imaginable. In that way, even if she met some silly school kid she got a crush on, she'd know where the hottest thrills lay. She'd always come running back to her own father.

And he had to train her to give him a torrid blowjob, too. Because in his own house, Marsha's bedroom was just next door to his. And night after night, he intended to slip in there and suck and fuck his own lovely daughter to his heart's delight.

Mark gently pushed her off his lap. Her silken hot nakedness was shivering like a leaf. He felt an obscene thrill of pride that this lovely adolescent, lush with the promise of raw sex, was his own conception, his own gorgeous daughter.

"Sit on the sofa with your legs spread," he told her.

Still gawking with reverence at the mammoth of her father's quivering cock, Marsha obeyed. Mark knelt between his daughter's spread thighs. For a few moments he teased her by tracing his tongue around her luscious little pink cunt, the most fetching, juicy and kissable thing he'd ever seen. Then he rammed his tongue deep into her honeyed slit, and the girl screamed loudly and shuddered with madness.


And now Mark Jensen began eating his luscious young daughter's delicious cunt with a dedication he'd never even shown his own wife. Jesus, she was delicious and fiery! Even Julie's hot pussy couldn't compare to Marsha's gushing tight slit. She was cramming her boiling pussy into his face now with a fury of happiness, pounding his bare shoulders with her fists to vent her newly-aroused lust.


He tried holding her silky hot ass-cheeks tightly in his hands as he devoured her fragrant pussy, but so wild were Marsha's movements, so lustfully furious were her hips, he could barely hang onto the satiny flesh. Cunt-juice seeped into his mouth in a small flood as she shuddered her slit in a frenzy into his eager mouth.

For ten minutes he let his own daughter come in waves of lust-inspired orgasms, purposely holding back his urgent desire to give her the fuck of her life.

"I CAN'T STOP COMING, DADDY!" Marsha had locked her damp sleek thighs so tightly to his face he felt as if he were suffocating. But her cries of lustful happiness more than made up for it. "OH, DADDY, DADDY, EAT EEEEEEE! GOD IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! I LOVE YOU, DADDY, LOVE YOUR HOT MOUTH! WOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAGH!"

By now, Mark could barely breathe from the burning sweet pussy-juice smeared over his mouth and face, and from her frenzied, jerking cunt. Still, he let her come again, fatherly love mingling in a strange blend of naked raw lust for his own beautiful daughter. He wanted to let her know how wonderful, how blissfully obscene it could be to be lovingly and lewdly sucked off.

Because in a moment it would be her turn.

At last he drew his lips and tongue away from her honeyed slit. She kept on jerking and twitching in violent spasms, her virgin glands unable to absorb the intense shattering thrills of being passionately fingerfucked and blown. Especially by her own father.

"Oh, Daddy," Marsha sobbed, her plump little tits quivering, "I never dreamed sex could be like that! Please, please do it to me now? Please?"

But first, Mark decided, she had to reciprocate. It was better, he wanted to intone solemnly, to give than receive, but even that sounded ridiculous.

"Stand up for a minute, baby," he ordered. When she did, he sprawled back on the sofa. His gigantic, bristling long prick hovered out with obscene impatience.

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