Family with the Hots - Cover

Family with the Hots


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She played the nice woman's role for a while but she could not do it anymore.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

At three-thirty that afternoon, Anne Hawkins, the town music teacher was once again plainly dressed, without makeup, and with her hair coiled prudely up in a bun. Her student scheduled for that time was Julie Knoll, the fifteen-year-old pretty blonde girl that lived directly across the street.

The only thing Anne knew about the girl was that her father was a crude specimen, her mother a mouse, and that the cute adolescent had absolutely no interest in piano. She dutifully went through her piano lessons like a mechanical player, just to please her parents.

It was hard for Anne to concentrate all that day. Her wild, obscene encounter with Jack Jensen the night before had left her in sort of a daze, extremely horny and quite confused. All she was certain of was that the gnawing hunger in her hot loins made it damned near impossible to concentrate on anything.

Julie showed up at three-thirty promptly. She was, Anne realized, very lovely in her blossoming youth. Her pert, plump tits bounced seductively beneath her T-shirt every time she moved, and there was no denying the girl would be a lush beauty when she grew up. Once even the jealous woman thought that Jack might have screwed her, since he was her next-door neighbor, flashed through her mind. And there was a telltale blush to the young blonde's cheeks that convinced the tall brunette that Julie was definitely having an affair with someone. Probably some silly boy at school.

Julie went through her first ten minutes of piano scales with horrifying effect, making the music teacher wince.

"Look, honey," Anne finally told her with a sigh, "there's no sense in going on. Your mind isn't on your lessons today. Since you've still got about forty-five minutes to go, you can either go home or just sit here and gossip with me."

The sexy little blonde smiled at her gratefully. "You're right, Miss Hawkins. I can't concentrate worth a damn." Julie's cute face reddened. "The fact is, well, I've got love problems, see? You know how it is."

The lush brunette didn't know how it was, since she had sex problems instead. But she may as well play psychiatrist for the girl. After all, she was irresistibly lovely, and all Anne would do was think about fingerfucking if Julie left her alone. A sudden impulse prompted Anne.

"If you want to tell me all about it, Julie, go right ahead, " Anne said, thinking it was a schoolgirl crush. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"How about wine or something like that? Beer?"

"Would your father approve?" the brunette asked, smiling. Everyone knew her father was a complete brutal bastard, the neighborhood terror.

"Don't worry about him," Julie retorted, waving a hand scornfully. "Everybody in school smokes grass, Miss Hawkins. You know that."

Smiling, Anne went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of sherry. Nice girl, Julie. Very pretty really, with the most darling breasts and buttocks. Bright, too. Sexy, too, Anne thought with a faint tingle in her lips. Such smooth, silken skin and legs...

They chatted small talk for a minute while Julie nervously gulped her wine. The blonde was beginning to feel daringly audacious about her fantastic affair with Jack's father. There were times, in fact, when she could barely keep from confessing it to other girls at school. They were dummies, of course, and would blab it around. But there was something so sweet and sympathetic about Miss Hawkins, so adult, Julie begin to feel safe about telling her. Especially halfway through her second glass of wine.

"The thing is," Julie said, with a seductive giggle, "I'm in love, Miss Hawkins. But not with any of the dumb boys at school. If I tell you a secret, promise you'll never tell anyone? Not anyone?"

Damn, but she's a sexy little thing, the aroused brunette realized as she studied Julie's young, plumply curved body. For the first time, Anne wondered about having sex with another woman. Only this wasn't a woman--she was a provocative little minx, with silky thighs and budding tits. And the sweetest mouth. For one wild moment, Anne visualized Julie's rosebud mouth burrowing hotly against her aching pussy and a shiver of lust raced through her blood. Crazy thought, she told herself.

"I promise," Anne said solemnly. "Tell me."

Julie leaned forward conspiratorially. She felt quite high from the wine, and there was something almost motherly and trusting about Miss Hawkins. The fact was, she had to tell someone about her passionate affair or she'd go crazy. She felt so good, the torrid knowledge was about to burst inside her unless she shared her fantastic luck.

"I'm having an affair," Julie whispered, glassy-eyed. "With the most beautiful, handsomest man in town. Honest!"

"Man?" the brunette echoed curiously. "Which man, honey?"

Julie leaned over to whisper in Anne's ear. "Mark Jensen. You know, Jack's father! He's so wild in bed, Miss Hawkins! So groovy, I could faint. Oh, Lordy, what he does to a girl!"

The lush brunette kept her composure with a serious effort of will. Instead of dropping her jaw, she calmly sipped her drink. That sonofabitch! All this time she'd thought Jack's father was a self-righteous, holier-than-thou bastard and it turned out he was having hot sex with his next-door neighbor's fifteen-year-old daughter!

While she, Anne, was having lustful sex with his son.

The implications of all this took a few minutes to dawn in Anne's confused mind. One stark fact emerged. If the truth that she'd seduced Mark Jensen's son, sucked and fucked him to the point of exhaustion, ever came out, she sure as hell had dynamite to throw back in his face!

Immediately, Anne plied the little blonde with still another glass of wine, which Julie happily accepted. Her secret was out and she felt tremendously better. Besides, she knew she could trust Miss Hawkins...

Two other facts emerged from the horny brunette's mind as she listened to Julie go into detail about her affair with Jack's father. One was that the fifteen-year-old blonde was rapidly getting drunk, squirming her cute ass lewdly around the sofa. The other was that, if she somehow managed to get into Julie's panties, she could in some strange way use it as blackmail.

Not to mention the experience of going down on her first beautiful young girl. And vice-versa. And at this moment the statuesque brunette found the pert blonde irresistibly arousing. Anne had never sucked on a beautiful young girl's tits, but she'd thought about it from time to time. And the prospect of burrowing her mouth into Julie's hot little cunt was growing more tempting by the second.

Besides, the adolescent was more than half-drunk. It ought to be easy pickings, if she played her cards right...

"I'm so crazy about him," Julie sighed drunkenly. "I even promised to get him other girls!"

Anne put her drink down and slid close to the girl on the sofa, their thighs touching. "You mean, honey, if you lined up other girls for him he'd appreciate you that much more?"

"Right on!" Julie gushed, her cheeks flushing.

The panting brunette slid her arm around Julie's soft shoulders and leaned close to her ear. "What about me, sweetheart? If you got me for him, he'd know you can get anyone for him, right? I mean, I look considerably sexier naked. Want to see, Julie? Just take a quick took?"

The blonde gulped, more than half-drunk and definitely curious about her music teacher. She seemed so drab on the outside, but Mark would be so happy with her if she could actually line something up for him!

"Just a quick look," Julie breathed, fascinated.

Quickly, Anne stripped, holding her firm, creamy tits out proudly, aware that the girl was awed by her lush figure.

Then, without preamble, the aroused brunette knelt in front of the adolescent, stroking her thighs with loving fingers.

"Do you know what really turns a grown man like Mark on?" Anne said in a silky, persuasive voice. "The sight of two beautiful women making it together. Loving it up together. Eating each other up, sweetheart. Why don't you undress too? Let's have a rehearsal, you know, Julie? See what we can do to turn your lover on. Just a little hugging and kissing, angel, that's all..."

Fascinated, Julie gazed at the lusciously naked brunette. She felt so giddy from the wine, and so close to Miss Hawkins from her secret confession. Excited, too, because her music teacher was sexy, naked and with her hair down. Really sexy. Julie hesitated for only a minute, but the loving caress of Anne's fingers sliding beneath her dress was making her hot, too.

"Nothing dirty?" Julie giggled. "Just hugging and kissing?"

"On my word of honor, sweetheart," Anne said in a husky voice. By now, the feel of the girl's satiny thighs in her fingers was making her mouth water and her cunt hotly tingle. Once she got her mouth dug into that juicy young cunt, it would take a team of horses to tear her away. Because ever since Jack had turned her on, the madly aroused brunette thought of nothing else but raw, passionate sex.

Awkwardly, Julie stood up and slipped off her T-shirt. Her budding pink tits sprouted forth, their tiny nipples begging to be sucked and kissed. Then the blonde was out of her skirt and panties, totally naked, and the fiercest excitement Anne had ever felt rippled through her lips and tongue and pussy. Christ, what an angel! Sweet, utterly smooth, silken young body, golden pussy- hairs, plump, juicy ass. All blossoming hot sex, waiting for naked hunger!

The panting brunette pushed the naked blonde back down on the sofa and lay on top of her, their burning pussies grinding together. Julie's budding tits were already beginning to heave feverishly as Anne french-kissed her and stroked her lovely little tits, gently pinching the pink nipples. Then the music teacher was inching down on the drunkenly aroused adolescent, moaning eagerly as she sucked on a small hot tit. She whirled her tongue madly around the swollen nipple, hearing Julie's cries of delight with lewd pleasure. She sucked on the girl's other tit for a while with lusty hunger, her fingers dipping down to explore the blonde's hotly soaked cunt.

"No," Julie moaned, "it's wrong! You said a rehearsal, you promised we wouldn't do anything--ooooooo, that's good! Oh, I'm hot, Miss Hawkins! YOU'RE GETTING ME SO HOT!"

The feverishly excited brunette was trailing her mouth down over Julie's silken belly row, inching ever closer to her juicy pink cunt. Anne hunched her shoulders beneath Julie's warm little ass, raising her glistening wet pussy to within inches of her mouth. God, it smelled fragrant! In Anne's madly aroused state she would have had sex with anything, even a dog, but this luscious young blossom was far more than she expected in her wildest moments of tormented hunger.

Instinctively, the blonde crushed her burning satiny thighs to Anne's cheeks and nudged her hot succulent cunt closer to her mouth, sobbing eagerly.

But Anne began a teasing process that drove Julie to near- hysteria. First, tantalizing herself as much as the luscious young blonde, she lashed out with her burning tongue-tip to trace fiery circles around the girl's golden cunt-nest. Her fingers stroked Julie's golden thighs in loving caresses, all the while her tongue inched closer to that juicy pink cuntal-slit.

God, her hot little cunt smelled delectable, thought Anne, like honey on fire, its warm breeze wafting through her nostrils in steaming currents that made the fiercely hungry brunette's mouth drip with eagerness.


Unable to control her ravenous hunger any longer, the lust- inspired music teacher quickly planted her mouth squarely onto Julie's honeyed cunt-lips in a passionate kiss. She sucked fervently, bringing deep surprised moans from the blonde's throat. Then Anne began to suck her off in earnest. First, she darted her long burning tongue into the juicy depths of the fifteen-year- old's boiling pussy, and twirled it around the silken walls in a frenzy of lust. She whirled her long tongue up and down in rapid vibrations to make Julie squeal with delight.


With the lustful brunette eating her juicy cunt in a ravenous frenzy, Julie shuddered under heavenly ripples of pleasure racing through her young loins. By now, she was jerking her soaked pussy up in a frenzy to meet the music teacher's avid mouth. Mark had eaten her before, but the way Miss Hawkins was devouring her, it was like an obscene roller coaster ride! And when the brunette paused to suck on her tiny clit-bud, Julie's moans became so loud they echoed throughout the house.

While the girl's hot plump ass swung up and down in a wanton frenzy, Anne lapped and sucked and kissed at the rosebud-slit with rising hunger. It was a totally new experience for the divorcee and she couldn't seem to get enough of the juicy, honey taste. The feel of Julie's sticky sweet cunt-juices smeared all over her cheeks gave her a deliciously depraved thrill.

Anne Hawkins had just discovered she liked beautiful young schoolgirls every bit as much as boys. She loved the hot crushing pressure of the little blonde's smooth thighs pressed to her cheeks. She squeezed and stroked Julie's succulent ass in her greedy fingers as she ate the girl with her new relentless hunger.

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