Family with the Hots - Cover

Family with the Hots


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She played the nice woman's role for a while but she could not do it anymore.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

Breakfast at the Jensen house was usually a cheerful affair, with lovely young Marsha gaily chatting away about school activities. Mark would pretend to listen, while secretly hungering for his own daughter and reliving the most obscene moments with his neighbor's daughter. Jack would boast about his prowess in basketball and football. And Sheila, the dutiful mother would happily fuss over them all as she served breakfast.

Fifteen-year-old Marsha was chatting as usual today, but no one was rally listening. Jack ate like a ravenous horse. The wild orgy he'd gone through the night before with his sultry, insatiable music teacher had left him with a sharp tingle in his balls and an enormous appetite. And for the first time in his life, he was watching his own mother and little sister with a new gleam in his eyes.

Seeing his mother sexually, she was about as ripe and lush as the divorcee across the street. But she was actually more beautiful in a striking way, with the sensuous curves of her full tits and ass holding even greater promise. With a shock, Jack realized he was getting a hot erection just watching his stunning mother move around the kitchen. He couldn't resist wondering if his mother's sultry mouth and luscious ass-cheeks gave his father half the satisfaction the statuesque music teacher had given him last night.

As for his little sister, well Marsha had a long way to go before she could be classified a woman. But she wasn't exactly a dog at fifteen, either, not with her pert, budding tits and cutely rounded ass.

For the first time, Jack wondered if his little sister was still a cherry. Well, hell, he reminded himself, there was only one sure way to find out.

At the very same moment, Jack's father was wondering precisely the same thing about his daughter. Damn, but little blonde Julie had been a wildcat in bed yesterday, her tight hot pussy all honey and fire. A massive hard-on was beginning in his pants while he furtively watched his daughter and mechanically nibbled at his bacon and eggs.

But beneath Sheila Jensen's placid, motherly smile were the most bizarre and obscene thoughts of the entire family.

With long dark shimmering hair and a plump curvy figure, Sheila could still pass for thirty. But the look of motherly contentment on her striking face was strictly a put-on this morning. She was lewdly thinking about what was going to happen this afternoon, while her husband was hard at work and her kids in school. The mere thought sent shivers of anticipation running up her spine, and sparked a hot tingle in her silken ass.

She'd taken great care to conceal the red punishing welts on her ass-cheeks from her husband. The whip marks on her back usually disappeared in a few hours, because her ripely curved ass always got the worst of the whip. And that, she realized with a blush of shame and excitement, was where she loved it most. Especially by a brute like Al, their next-door neighbor. Her pussy still hurt too, from the latest brutal, relentless rape, but even that pain felt pleasurable.

The classic, middle-class All-American family continued to eat their breakfast, each consumed with their own strange thoughts. More than once, both Mark Jensen and his smiling wife glanced in an odd way at a small, crocheted sign on the kitchen wall. Love Thy Neighbor, it read.

In the seemingly peaceful, tree-lined block of Rockville a number of earnest citizens were trying to do just that.

At one-thirty that afternoon, Sheila stripped to take a long hot bath. Because she watched her diet carefully, her luscious tits were still firm above a narrow waist, each tipped with a huge dusky nipple. She was still strikingly sexy, by anyone's standards.

As she soaped her velvety naked skin down in the bathtub, once again she wondered how the whole bizarre mess began. Their next-door neighbor was the complete opposite of her own husband. Mark was a gentleman, well-mannered, undeniably handsome in a distinguished way. He was a perfect husband and father, although a little stern at times.

Their next-door neighbor was a crude, violent-tempered bear of a man, with a streak of cruelty that usually kept his family in a state of subdued terror.

And it all began just three weeks ago with a rape.

One afternoon when Sheila was alone in the house, he'd knocked on the door. All he wanted, he'd told her, was to talk to her about a forthcoming camping trip between their respective daughters. Sheila knew he'd been drinking, could smell it on his breath. But in Rockville, you were polite to your next-door neighbors. So she'd let him in the house.

There was something ugly, even revolting about this giant of a man with his huge shoulders and brawny arms. But after eighteen years of being a faithful, contented housewife, there was something about him that excited Sheila too.

Maybe, she later realized, it was because he was the total opposite of her own husband. Maybe it was a lurking, desperate need for variety, just one time. Maybe it was the idea of being savagely forced, instead of seduced, the feeling of being reduced to utter humility and degradation.

Whatever it was, things were never the same after that.

After chatting with her for a few minutes, Al suddenly began telling her what a strikingly sexy woman she was. He admired her tits and legs, he told her crudely, the provocative way she walked so that her beautiful big ass bounced, like an invitation. How could any one man like her husband satisfy a hunk of woman like herself?

In a trembling voice, Sheila ordered him to leave the house.

And then the rape began. First, he'd gotten her upstairs into Marsha's bedroom by claiming that his own daughter, Julie, had left a sleeping bag there. And in moments, he had her pinned easily down on the bed, prying her knees apart with one powerful knee, pinning her shoulders down with one thick arm. His hand ripped her dress up, then tore her panties aside as though they were made of tissue paper.

Sheila was too paralyzed with horror to scream, or at least that was what she'd told herself later. She sobbed and whimpered for him to let her go, threatened to tell her husband, to run to the police later. And then his colossal hot prick was violently ramming inside her, like a burning poker. The pain was terrifying at first because his cock was much bigger and longer than her husband's.

And then slowly Sheila's struggles began to subside. To this moment, she couldn't be certain why. She wasn't enjoying the sex itself so much, but it was the feeling of utter helplessness, of being brutally ravaged. Her will turned to jelly, and the gradual realization dawned, as he fucked her tight pussy with savage drives, that she liked the feeling.

She was shocked, horrified and completely helpless by this animal. She was degraded beyond belief. And as her cunt began to ease up and her juices flow, she made little fucking movements of her own, feeling terribly and deliciously guilty.

In less than five minutes the housewife was responding with low animal moans of her own, thrashing her hips up to meet his massive pistoning meat, sinking her teeth obscenely into his shoulder. The placid, contented mother was suddenly excited in an eerie way she'd never known. And for fifteen solid minutes, he'd continued fucking her relentlessly, battering her now-eager pussy with violent strokes of his colossal hard dick.

Sheila came again and again, wild series of orgasms that left her whimpering with humility and obscene joy. She was completely crushed and overpowered, totally helpless beneath more than two hundred pounds of ravaging male. And she loved every moment of it.

Now, lying naked and voluptuous in her bathtub, Sheila still couldn't figure out why she craved this grotesque treatment. But crave it she did. She wallowed in the feeling of complete submission and obedience, whimpering to cater to his every perverted whim.

A few days later the chains and the whips began, in his own house while his family was gone. And the strangely turned-on housewife began to love that too, in fact began to crave it like an addiction.

Because, after eighteen years of contented marriage, the perfect middle-class mother could no longer get excited without the humiliation and punishment that came first.

Finishing her bath, Sheila dried herself down with tiny tingles of excitement racing through her satiny flesh. She dabbed perfume on her taut nipples and on her dark nest of cunt-hairs. She slipped on a dress without a bra or panties beneath, and didn't even bother to put on nylons. The quicker they got down to business, the more she loved it.

Twenty minutes later she was slipping through his back door. He was sitting at the kitchen table, gulping beer. The familiar leer crossed his face, the lecherous grin that meant some special punishment was coming, and the sexy housewife shivered with fear and lust.

"Welcome to hard times," he grinned. "Get your hot ass over here and set it on my lap, honey. Time's a wastin'."

Hating herself, and still unable to resist, Sheila went over and sat on his lap, trembling. His mammoth bulge pulsed against her ass-cheeks. One of his huge hands slid up her belly and squeezed both of her plump tits harshly. Sheila moaned, partly in pain, partly in feverish excitement. God, how she loathed this animal! But already that jellylike feeling of weakness consumed her soft curves from head to toe.

"I--I don't have much time," Sheila said tremulously. "If we're going to get started, let's start."

"Can't wait for it, huh? How do you want it, cunt? In that gorgeous mouth of yours, your beautiful ass, between your juicy tits, or just straight old action up your wild pussy?"

Sheila was intelligent enough to know any doctor would tell her she was deliberately punishing herself by having an affair with this savage. But the question wasn't even why. The question was why did she crave it so much, like a drug?

"Hurt me a little first," Sheila murmured, her face turning crimson with shame. "Then do what you want with me."

He rubbed a powerful hand over her crotch and Sheila began shaking with unwanted excitement. A minute later she was humbly following him upstairs to his bedroom. With shaking fingers she stripped naked, while he undressed. Physically, he was the epitome of raw male power, with the biggest cock she'd ever seen in her life. Even limp and dangling, its thickness and length were terrifying. The sensuous, naked housewife felt at that moment like a complete slave.

Which, she knew deep down, was exactly why she was here.

"Face down on the bed," he ordered harshly.

Spread-eagling her arms and legs, Sheila did as she was told. She held her breath as he hooked the chains up to her wrists and ankles. She craned her neck around to see him pick up the vicious black whip, a short one with a dozen trailing thongs.

Lying nakedly helpless with every satiny inch of her flesh exposed, Sheila knew she would die of pure shame if her family could see her now. How could she explain the eerie tremors of excitement that raced through her blood each time she was chained like this, waiting for the bizarre mixture of pain and ecstasy that always followed?

"Jesus, that's a juicy ass," Al exclaimed, his colossal prick beginning to leap with excitement. "I suppose that fancy husband of yours kisses and licks it. But you know what I do with it, don't you?"

Sheila gritted her teeth and held her breath. Her ripe naked ass-cheeks trembled furiously, waiting. Then the first sting of the whip came down and a low scream rolled from her throat. Another stinging lash, and then another, until the ripely curved housewife was crying softly in anguish.

But at the same time, Sheila's cunt had begun to throb hotly as the red glow spread outward from her glowing ass. It was the same old breathless sex excitement that could only be triggered by being helpless and punished.

"Fuck me now," she pleaded, burying her face in the pillow. "Give me your hot prick now, please!"

Instead the whip tore down across her naked, velvety back and she couldn't suppress a loud scream. Al toyed with the whip for a minute, his prick now pounding to its full length, its crimson knob dripping. All his life, he'd resented what he considered the upper crust. The super-successes like his neighbor, Mark Jensen, who owned his own automobile agency. The ones with the gorgeous, snottier-than-thou wives like this one. Nine times out of ten, he figured the wives were really bored deep down, looking for new kicks and thrills.

And that was Al's specialty. He'd figured this one out perfectly after watching her for a year or so. All sweetness and family devotion on the outside, hotter than a smoking pistol for variety on the inside. He'd calculated exactly what would happen when he'd first raped her. She'd be back for more, and then more as he turned her into a crawling, submissive slave.

The burly neighbor considered his options as he played with the whip, as she trembled and sobbed helplessly on the bed. He could rape her mouth with his massive dick, until she was gagging desperately on his flood of come. He could ravage her luscious ass, especially now that it shone a bright pink from punishment. He knew damn well she loved that. He could screw her dog-style. He could eat her hot, delicious pussy for a few minutes until she was going crazy, and then rape her with the butt-handle of the whip, until she whined for mercy.

It was the sight of her juicy pink cunt, quivering beneath her dark pussy-hairs that made his decision for him. Besides, he loved the feel of her glowing hot ass squirming obscenely beneath his plunging cock, grinding against his bushy crotch.

He climbed on top of her trembling naked body, his big hands grasping her swollen, burning tits. Sheila sucked in her breath, not knowing where he was going to put his monstrous shaft. Already her tiny asshole flexed in agony.

Then his huge knob pierced her wetly trembling cunt, and the helplessly bound housewife let out a soft cry of pain-pleasure. It quickly became a deep obscene moaning as he began fucking her with brutal power, driving deep and hard in her tender cunt.

Then came the verbal taunting. When he wasn't punishing her with the whip, he was tormenting her with words.

"Love fucking a big slob like me, don't you, honey?" he whispered in her ear. "Getting your juicy ass whipped and then your hot cunt serviced. Right?"

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