The Courier - Cover

The Courier

Copyright© 2000 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - After yet another arguement with Ash, Misty finds herself befriended by an understanding woman with a tragic past. Together they must overcome the end result of Ash's anger at being rejected, and the sinister macinations of a power hungry Sylph Co scientist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   Humor   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

Misty couldn't help but giggle as Miranda squirmed beneath her, but was surprised to find that her inexperienced tongue was enough to drive Miranda so close to the edge with so little effort.

'She'll probably laps into a coma once I get good at this!' Misty thought mirthfully as she dragged her tongue up to Miranda's clit, tracing circles around it as Misty carefully slid her index and middle fingers where her tongue had previously been.

It took Miranda several minutes to find release again, her body adapting to the overpowering sensations. And as her body began to shiver, Misty reached up, taking Miranda's hand as she continued licking her lover's clit, prolonging the woman's orgasm to the point where Miranda was thoroughly exhausted by the time she came down.

"No fair," panted Miranda with more than a hint of mirth, her body shivering as the sensation of Misty sliding up to hold her was almost painful.

"What is?" inquired Misty coyly, kissing Miranda's neck before sliding her arms around her beloved.

"Sapping all my energy like that," replied Miranda happily, running her hands up and down Misty's back affectionately, "Especially when you have more than I do!"

Misty smiled, sighing contentedly as she laid her head on Miranda's shoulder. "But I like making you happy," she whispered, giving Miranda's ear a gentle kiss.

"And you do," replied Miranda, sighing contentedly, "But would you object to me seeing if I could lower that energy level of yours a little more?"

Misty stifled a giggle, hiding her blushing face in Miranda's hair. "No," she admitted shyly, "But I... I had no idea I was so... Insatiable!"

Miranda laughed, holding Misty tightly and kissing repeatedly until she found the girl's lips. "I love you!" she replied rhetorically, holding Misty a little tighter, "And in that way, I'm just as insatiable."

Misty closed her eyes, smiling as she tried to regain control of her emotions. Miranda's words and affection that evening had dislodged her feelings of self- doubt, giving her new self-confidence and making her feel truly loved for the first time.

"I think I can live with that," Misty commented happily.

"Good," Miranda replied with a glint of mischief in her eyes, "Because I have every intention of getting my fill of you this evening."

"I thought you already had," giggled Misty, running her fingers down Miranda's cheek affectionately.

"Only in some ways," the woman amended, "Yet, my ears still hunger for the sound of your sweet voice so impassioned. My fingers still long to caress your soft skin, and feel of your muscles beneath. My eyes thirst for the taste of your beauty, and my heart cries out to know your ecstasy one last time..."

Misty closed her eyes as her body shivered in response. "I love you so much, " she whispered, her eyes on the verge of tears, "I just wish I could tell you how much..."

"I already know," assured Miranda, carefully wiping away the beginnings of Misty's tears with the backs of her fingers, "Now let me show you the depth of mine."

Misty opened her eyes and gave Miranda a soft kiss. "I don't know why I'm crying," she replied.

"It's just an emotional release," explained Miranda with a gentle smile, "It's good for you."

Misty laughed at the thought, but had to agree. "So, how do you want... ?"

"Just sit up," instructed Miranda, keeping her tone soft, and watching intently as Misty moved to sit upon her knees, straddling Miranda, "Okay, now come forward..."

Miranda reached out her hands, placing them lightly against Misty's bottom, guiding the shuffling girl closer to her mouth. "That's it," she urged, licking her lips unconsciously in anticipation, "A little closer..."

Misty glanced down, and already her breathing became shallower as she realized what Miranda had in mind. "Oh wow..." she muttered, feeling Miranda's tongue trace a careful path along each her labia in turn, all the while gently massaging the firmness of Misty's bottom.

Miranda closed her eyes, sighing contentedly as she felt Misty's body shift so that she could hold onto the windowsill, not far above the headboard. As she continued her tongue's slow caress, Miranda coaxed Misty forward and back by gently pushing and pulling with hands, making it so that Miranda barely had to move her head.

Above her, Misty gritted her teeth and closed her eyes as the wind blew the curtains of the open window into her face, tickling nose. "This is too much, " whimpered Misty euphorically, opening her eyes half way, and seeing the deserted beach through the sparse palm trees outside. The gibbous moon hung just over the water, giving the dark ocean a more silvery tinge, and the wind seemed to whisper its approval as Misty felt her body tense up.

"Oh, oh Miranda..." she muttered under her breath, taking a firm hold of the window sill, "I think I- OH!"

Miranda opened her mouth and surrounded Misty's womanhood with her lips before sliding her tongue in as far as she could, desperate to taste her lover's passion. As she felt and heard Misty climax above her, Miranda let out a long stifled cry of desire. She bent her legs at the knees as her toes curled and pushed against Misty's gently rounded bottom in an attempt to bring the girl closer.

All the while, Misty kept muttering her name over and over again as her ragged breathing sounding almost like sobbing as she squirmed upon Miranda's tongue. Her body seemed intent on holding onto the feeling, and Misty was more than willing to let it. She closed her eyes tightly, letting go of the windowsill and reaching back for Miranda's hands. The woman responded quickly to her lover's need, and the two linked fingers as Misty attempted to ride out the storm of her orgasm.

For her part, Miranda suckled gently against Misty's labia, her tongue swirling, and darting in and out in random patterns. She forced her eyes open and felt her heart almost burst at the look of passionate joy upon Misty's face. Miranda quickly closed her eyes, holding onto the image as Misty leaned against their joined hands and moved her hips against Miranda's mouth, desperately trying to force out every ounce of pleasure she could get.

At long last, Misty cried out one last time, catching Miranda off guard and smearing wetness down the woman's chin as she fell back onto the bed exhausted. Miranda took a moment to catch her breath, and quickly sat up on her elbows. She then tried not to laugh as she saw Misty lying with her limbs far apart, breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling.

"Are, are you okay, love?" asked Miranda half concernedly.

"Uh-huh..." Misty managed as Miranda struggled to her knees.

"As long as you're sure," replied Miranda with a mirthful smile and the deep desire to hold the girl.

Miranda soon got her wish, as she walked on her hands and knees over Misty's small body and slowly lowered herself to one side. With one hand, Miranda slid her arm under her beloved's head, cushioning Misty with her arm and draped one leg across Misty's as she her free hand idly explored the girl's sensitive skin.

"Thank you..." whispered Misty, closing her eyes and turning on her side to snuggle closer to Miranda.

"You're very welcome," the woman replied, holding Misty with her free arm and quietly observing as Misty rested until the candles had burned low...

When she opened her eyes, Misty found herself lying on top of Miranda, her head resting on her lover's chest. As she looked up, Miranda stirred, and smiled down at her.

"Did I wake you?" Misty inquired sleepily.

"Not really," confided Miranda, shaking her head, "I always have trouble sleeping after making love. Usually about five minutes after I get just a bit hyper. No big deal, though. Oh, and don't worry, I didn't take advantage of you..."

Misty bowed her head, chuckling softly. "Don't worry," she assured, "I have no problem with your hands going anywhere they want."

Miranda sighed happily, and hugging Misty before kissing her. "I hate to say it, but I have to put the candles out," she replied sadly.

"You could have done that while I was asleep," commented Misty quizzically.

"No," said Miranda, shaking her head, "I'm afraid I just didn't have the strength to tear myself away from you."

Misty smiled, sighing happily as she rolled off Miranda and reluctantly out of her arms. "I'll still be here when you get back," she assured.

"I hope so," responded Miranda with an exaggerated look of loss as she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her hand running the length of her lover's arm as she stood, until her fingers at last lost their grip on Misty's.

Misty watched patiently as Miranda circled the small room blowing out candles, watching her naked form seeming to fade out as the lights dimmed until only the light of the moon and stars revealed the path back to Misty's open arms.

"See?" inquired Miranda a touch mellow dramatically as she crawled across the bed towards her beloved, "I would walk naked and unshielded though the darkest night for but a single kiss from the woman I love..."

"Any one I know?" inquired Misty teasingly, laughing aloud as Miranda pounced upon her, holding the girl down and tickling her mercilessly as she repeated kissed Misty's face all over.

"There!" replied Miranda, half out of breath, "That'll teach you!"

Misty let out half a giggle, her pulse still racing. "Sorry, couldn't resist, " she replied, leaning up to kiss Miranda.

"I think I can forgive you," Miranda told her with a smiled, "But only if you say you love me."

Misty paused, teasingly looking thoughtful for a moment before replying. "Okay, " she said softly, as they held each other, "I love you, Miri."

"As the Moon loves the Sun?" inquired Miranda in mock sadness, "Only to feel the full force of your lover's light but once a year? Or as the Night loves the Stars? Holding them forever in its never ending embrace?"

"I love you as I love you," Misty whispered, her lips almost touching Miranda's, "As I've never loved another, as I never will again."

Miranda leaned down, and kissed Misty with all the passion she could muster, her tongue passing between their lips to find Misty's and moving her hands to take handfuls of her now unkempt hair as the woman pushed one of her legs between Misty's.

"I love you, so much," repeated Miranda, leaning down to kiss Misty as she moved her captured leg back and forth, rubbing her bare thigh against Misty in a pleasurable manner.

Misty caught her breath and let out a long sigh, relaxing and giving into the sensation. "That feel so nice," she professed, "But I don't know if can again..."

Miranda chuckled as she rolled onto her back, taking Misty with her. "I'm sorry, I was only teasing," she replied sincerely, "It's just so hard not to now that I know I can. I love you so much, and I just want... I dunno. I guess I just want to let it all out somehow."

"There'll be other opportunities," assure Misty, optimistic as always.

"I know," admitted Miranda, laying back, holding Misty, "We have the rest of our lives ahead of us..."

Miranda was awakened by the sounds of shouting voices and hammering. 'They're fixing the hole Team Rocket made... ' she thought wistfully, glancing down at Misty, still cradled protectively in her arms, sleeping contentedly. "At least you're not a light sleeper," Miranda told the girl's sleeping form, a happy smile etched across her pretty face, "Now if I could remember what I did with my watch..."

Miranda looked around the room, feeling a little disoriented until she remembered that the two were sleeping backwards in relation to where the beds were positioned, and spotted their pokeballs sitting on the small dresser.

"Hey! Nezumi!" she whispered, trying not to wake Misty, "Yo! Come on out!"

But the ball containing the rattata remained closed. "Jerk," muttered Miranda, surreptitiously reaching over the side of the bed with her foot and grabbing the first garment her toes could find.

She lifted her leg and gave Misty's panties a startled look. "Oh well, they'll have to do," Miranda muttered quietly, and swung her leg in the general direction of the dresser, tossing the undergarment in the process.

Misty's panties hit Nezumi's pokeball, causing it to roll backwards to the wall the dresser was against, and roll sideways along it to the edge of the dresser where it promptly stopped.

Miranda gave the stubborn object and annoyed look, and reached her foot under one of the pillows they hadn't bothered using. She then kicked up, tossing the pillow into the air and caught in with her hand.

'Wake up!' Miranda thought as loudly as she could, and threw the pillow at the dresser.

It struck the fake wood and caused the whole dresser to shudder, fortunately causing Nezumi's pokeball to fall off the end. The pokeball bounced several times, and rolled to within a few feet of the bed, just out of Miranda's reach.

Miranda sighed warily, wiping the sleep from her eyes. "I have to have the voice activation system in those things upgraded," she muttered, hoping the pokeball was close enough for it to respond to her whisper, "Nezumi, dear. Could you come out for a moment?"

The pokeball rattled, shaking back and forth before splitting open and sending forth its arching beam of crimson light. As it faded the still sleeping form of Nezumi materialized.

"Maybe I should just give up," muttered Miranda, looking at the beam of sunlight that was shining through their window and trying to judge how long she'd been asleep, "But it would be sorta impolite to just lie here all day."

"... say something?" mumbled Misty, stirring a little under the bed sheet Miranda had thrown over them during the night.

"It's nothing dear," whispered Miranda, as Misty snuggled closer.

"Nez?" came Nezumi's quiet inquiry, followed by the small rodent scrambling onto the bed and giving Miranda a wary look.

"Hello, dear," Miranda replied happily, reaching over to scratch him between the ears, "Could you find my watch?"

Nezumi gave his trainer a curious look, and glanced over at Misty before meeting Miranda's eyes with a sly grin.

"Don't even think it!" chuckled Miranda; blushing as she covered her eyes and shook her head, "Just find my watch, okay?"

"Nez! Umi!" the pokemon assured her with a sarcastic salute before bounding off the bed and riffling through the pockets of Miranda's jacket.

He came back a minute later and dropped the object into Miranda's waiting hand before scrambling up to the window to watch what the humans were up to.

Miranda glanced warily at her watch. "9:32" it told her. 'I suppose it's about that time, ' she thought reluctantly, hitting the bottom on the side to make the device go into pager mode. "4 New Messages" scrolled past the display. "Mom must have heard what happened," reasoned Miranda, dropping her hand and staring at the ceiling, "She's probably worried."

Misty stirred again, this time leaning up on one arm to look Miranda in the eye. The woman glanced back and couldn't help but smile in amusement at her friend's disheveled appearance.

"We should get up," admitted Miranda, and Misty nodded with half closed eyes before falling back down and giving Miranda a hug before sliding off the bed, trailing the bed sheet behind her.

"Hey! No fair!" laughed Miranda, leaping up and chasing after Misty before wrapping herself up in the sheet and grabbing the girl from behind.

"Sorry," responded Misty with a weak smile, holding onto Miranda's arms and nuzzling her neck, "I'm still asleep."

"I think I can fix that," replied Miranda with a chuckle, kissing Misty's neck as she lead her into the bathroom...

Miranda stepped into the shower first, spreading her hands before her to test the water before gesturing for Misty to follow. "I should warn you ahead of time," said Miranda as Misty followed her, "We may have to take a trip to Lavender Town today."

"Oh?" inquired Misty through tightly closed eyes, adjusting the showerhead so that the running water hit her in the face.

"Yeah," explained Miranda, finding the soap, "My Mother left a few messages when she found out what happened last night."

Misty tensed up for a moment, and Miranda laughed as she adjusted the water's direction. "Not about us, silly!" she teased, giving Misty a hug and kiss from behind, "About the thing with Sylph Corp and Team Rocket."

"Oh, yeah!" misty laughed a little nervously, turning to face Miranda, "You scared me for a second there."

Miranda shook her head smiling. "My personal life is my own," she explained, rubbing her hands against the bar of soap she held, "But the business with Kathy's experiments is another matter."

"Do you think it'll reflect badly on the entire corporation?" inquired Misty as Miranda began washing her skin.

"Unlikely," assured Miranda, lingering on Misty's breasts with her soapy hands, waiting just long enough to get Misty's attention before moving on, "It'll probably spark and internal investigation, but the Lilcamp Trading Company isn't likely to walk away from our number one client that easily. Our company IS completely 'Jenny Free' after all!"

Misty laughed at the comment, stepping forward as Miranda's hands went around to her back. "But seriously," she continued in a worried tone "what will your Mother say... About us?"

"Not much," replied Miranda with a shrug, turning Misty around and lathering her back, "I think she'll be happy just to see that I've finally found someone. She's worried that I'll turn into one of those silly pokemon trainers who's never satisfied and has to collect at least one of each and every single kind. But Mom seems to think that more human contact will stem any of those urges. Not that she really needs to worry or anything."

Misty gave a nervous laugh as Miranda's fingers sought out her tense places. "It is silly, isn't it?" she commented, bowing her head contentedly as Miranda rubbed her shoulders and neck, "If someone were to catch one of each kind of pokemon, how could you keep track of them all?"

"I'd be worried that I'd be neglecting most of them," added Miranda, reaching for the shampoo, "I only have Nezumi, Umi and Wraith to take care of, yet I feel like I'm neglecting them sometimes."

"Will having me around change that?" asked Misty in a more serious tone as Miranda's fingers began washing her hair.

"No, I don't think so," Miranda replied, "If anything, I might slow down a little and spend more time with them. If I hadn't met you, I would probably would have left last night, and been half way home by now. See? You're a good influence on me."

Misty smiled, tilting her head back and sighing happily, Miranda's fingers massaging her scalp as they ran through her hair. "Do you think I have too many?" she inquired, suddenly worried by the fact that her collection was so much larger than Miranda's.

"Misty, dearest," assured Miranda, turning the girl around and holding her close, "You have a big heart, and you have a lot of love to give. There's no doubt in my mind that you cherish each and every single one of them. And hey, our pokemon are like an extended family. And after meeting your sisters, I'd have to say that you need all extended family you can get!"

Misty surprised herself by laughing. Usually the thought of her three self absorbed siblings either made her angry or sad, but today she could laugh at them. Just as they always laughed at her.

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