The Courier - Cover

The Courier

Copyright© 2000 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After yet another arguement with Ash, Misty finds herself befriended by an understanding woman with a tragic past. Together they must overcome the end result of Ash's anger at being rejected, and the sinister macinations of a power hungry Sylph Co scientist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   Humor   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

The only illumination in the small room was provided by a few emergency candles from Miranda's backpack. The quiet, slow, soothing music that filled it came from the small radio/cd player she usually had attached to the handlebars of her bike. And the subtle ocean breeze that cooled the air passed through the open window, stirring the thin curtains until they resembled ghosts, waving approvingly in the dim light.

Miranda put her arms around Misty, holding her carefully as they swayed slowly to the soft music. She smiled in what she hoped wasn't a silly manner, noticing that her nervousness was echoed by Misty.

"Y-you're sure you're alright with this?" stammered Miranda, her heart feeling heavy in her chest as she searched the depths of Misty's eyes.

The girl nodded, bringing her hand up to hold hone side of Miranda's face. "I wouldn't be here otherwise," she assured, gently coaxing Miranda to within kissing range, "I just hope you're alright with it."

"The feel of your skin beneath my hands has haunted my thoughts since we went to the hot springs," Miranda confessed, "And I feel as though part of my soul has broken off and taken up residence in your beautiful eyes..."

Before Misty could respond, Miranda covered the distance between them, pressing her lips firmly, yet not forcively against her friend's. She pulled back as she felt Misty's fingers entwine her dark hair, and a soft moan escaped the girl's lips.

"And the taste of your kiss has become a vice that I am far too weak willed to overcome," whispered Miranda before kissing Misty several times in a quick teasing manner.

Misty could only look longingly up at Miranda as the woman pulled back and smiled at the blush that had come to her companion's cheeks. "Every new emotion that crosses your lovely face, makes you seem all the more beautiful," Miranda went on, running her hands down Misty's spine until she found the bare skin of her lower back, "And I only fear that at the high point of your ecstasy, I shall be so overwhelmed with love for you, that my heart shall surely burst..."

Misty smiled and leaned against Miranda, her small hands wandering over the woman's back, soothing Miranda's tense muscles. "You've already seduced me, " giggled Misty, closing her eyes and trying to suppress her suddenly compulsive blushing.

Would you have me stop?" inquired Miranda; brushing Misty's hair aside before nuzzling her ear, "Say the word and you shall be granted my silence."

"No!" exclaimed Misty, laughing at her own outburst, "No way. I'm not giving up on a fellow incurable romantic that easily!"

"I'm glad," sighed Miranda softly, giving Misty's ear a gentle nibble before a quick kiss, "I know what it's like to have to deal with being the only romantic around. It's not fun."

Misty nodded, tracing her fingers down the woman's back as Miranda traced her lips down the curve of her neck, pushing Misty's shirt aside before planting a kiss upon her bared shoulder.

"When I'm with you I almost forget what that's like," sighed Misty, pulling back, leaning into Miranda's embrace as the woman's kisses moved up the front of her neck and over her chin before stopping a frustratingly small distance from her lips.

"Then I shall write you poetry every day," Miranda promised, quickly kissing Misty to just one side of her mouth, "On the anniversary of the day we met, you shall find roses where you least expect them," again Miranda kissed Misty, this time on the opposite side, "And I promise to fulfill every desire that you present me with, for as long as you shall have me-"

Misty cut her off by leaning forward, kissing Miranda a little roughly, and causing the woman to take a step backwards into the wall. Misty giggled as Miranda struggled to maintain both her balance, and lips pressed against Misty's.

Instinctively she flung her hands hard against the wall behind her, shaking the foundations of the pre-fab building, and making Misty laugh all the more. Miranda shuffled her feet further apart in an attempt to stay upright as Misty relentlessly pressed their lips tighter, cushioning Miranda's head from the thin wall with one hand.

"You okay?" inquired Misty in an innocently sarcastic tone that made Miranda smile, and her gray eyes flash with desire.

"You're passion is overwhelming, yet appreciated," chuckled Miranda in reply, smiling as she kept her arms away from Misty in an inviting gesture of mock submission.

"And so is yours," assured Misty, putting her free arm around Miranda near the small of her back and kissing her lovingly, "So long as we don't tear this building down."

Miranda laughed, brushing Misty's short hair from her eyes and kissing her on the forehead. "Then it'd be one more thing for the clean up crew to deal with in the morning," she joked, slipping her arms around Misty once more and spinning her around.

"What are you doing?" inquired Misty with a laugh as Miranda danced her around the room in several slow circles before sitting down heavily on the edge of the bed with Misty still standing before her.

"Nothing..." teased Miranda, giving Misty's navel a kiss that ended with her running the tip over her tongue around it.

"Miri-!" exclaimed Misty, leaning back and taking twin handfuls of her companion's hair as her body quivered in response to the sensation.

"What?" teased Miranda, kissing a line across Misty's stomach where her denim shorts met bared flesh.

Misty caught her breath and glanced down in time to see the woman bring her hands around long enough to undo the button on her shorts. Miranda then looked up, meeting Misty's intense gaze before sliding her hands around and giving the girl's bottom a firm yet gentle squeeze.

Misty bit her lower lip, watching with both apprehension and longing as Miranda took down her zipper using only teeth, and pushed the opened fabric aside with her face before kissing Misty through her undergarments.

Misty gasped, taking a firm hold of Miranda's shoulders as she felt Miranda's tongue probe the cotton surface her lips had encountered, teasingly moving lower, but not far enough.

"It- It's hard to stand!" confessed Misty, shuffling a bit so that her legs were farther apart and she was leaning on Miranda's shoulders for support.

"It'll only get worse," promised Miranda with a barely suppressed giggle, running her hands down Misty's legs, her fingers taking full advantage of the taut muscles just beneath the soft skin.

"What, what if I fall?" asked Misty a little hesitantly as Miranda admired the girl, running her hands back up until her fingers pulled lightly at Misty's denim shorts.

"Then I shall catch you," replied Miranda, quoting Misty's earlier promise, and chuckling unconsciously at the mild embarrassment she still felt.

Misty smiled and shook her head, secure in the knowledge that with a word she could end Miranda's explorations, but without an ounce of desire to do so. Instead she encouragingly adjusted her stance to allow Miranda pull her shorts down.

The woman gave her a mischievious smile as the denim garment slid easily down over Misty's firm thighs, and leaned forward to follow it's passage with a string of crisscrossing kisses down her lover's legs.

Once Misty's denim shorts had hit the floor and were in a heap around her ankles, Miranda stood and took Misty by the shoulders, guiding her in a small circle until Misty's back was to the bed. Miranda then smiled, and after running her hands down Misty's arms to her hands, gently pushed the girl down onto the mattress.

"I think I'm trapped," commented Misty, her voice full of mirth as she bent her legs at the knees, bringing them up where Miranda could help her out.

"Oh, good..." chuckled Miranda with a mischievous smile, running her hands up the backs of Misty's legs before taking hold of her nearly discarded shorts, "But I promise not to take advantage of you too much!"

Misty laughed, hiding her embarrassment with her hands and letting Miranda pull the garment the rest of the way off. "Unless of course you want me to," amended Miranda, pushing Misty's legs back down before moving her hands back up to just under her panties.

Misty relaxed and smiled at Miranda trustingly. "I'm not worried," she encouraged, chills running along her spine as Miranda began to kiss her way back up her legs, the woman's hands tracing their way back down.

"You should be," teased Miranda, giving Misty's inner thigh a careful nip with her teeth before moving to rest upon her forearms, her face so close to Misty that she could feel the warmth emanating from the girl as a result of her heightened tension.

Misty didn't respond, instead she gave Miranda a nervous smile and simply nodded, gritting her teeth and falling back into the pillows as the tip of the woman's tongue traced the line between her inner thigh and undergarments before moving across the thin fabric so lightly that Misty imagined she felt it more than she actually did.

Miranda pulled back, observing Misty's reaction, and only resumed once she'd caught her breath. Once more, Miranda ran her tongue over Misty's panties, this time pressing harder, but not with as much pressure as the girl would have liked.

In response, Misty took two handfuls of the bed sheet beneath her, her small hands clenching into fists as she closed her eyes against the tingling that traced invisible paths all through her body until she almost wept.

Miranda smiled as she looped her index fingers over the top of Misty's panties and began to slowly slide them down. The girl arched her back in frustrated anticipation, her whole body suddenly aching for Miranda's touch. The woman was forced to oblige, as her own hunger for Misty flaring within her, making Miranda plant a slow, deep kiss just above where Misty wanted her the most. Misty cried out in response, her half anguished exclamation of desire muffled by clenched teeth as Miranda's breath touched her skin, nearly setting her off.

Miranda closed her eyes against the sound, the realization of Misty's passion filling her entire being with overwhelming emotion. "Patience, patience," she whispered, more to herself than to her lover as Misty's panties clung for a moment as she pulled them down past the girl's sudden wetness.

"Miranda, please..." came Misty's quiet voice, causing Miranda to look up, "Please don't tease me."

Miranda smiled reassuringly, and reached out her hand to hold Misty's. "I always finish what I start," she promised, catching her breath and giving the girl's hand a squeeze, "I just want to make sure this is both special and memorable. I don't want you to regret this."

"I won't," assured Misty with a weak smile, reaching down to run her fingers through Miranda's hair, "I wouldn't be here if I thought I would."

Miranda nodded, sighing happily as Misty's hand moved across her cheek, giving Miranda the opportunity to tilt her head to one side and give Misty's palm a playful kiss.

Misty smiled, blushing at the gesture, almost forgetting her vulnerable state until Miranda surreptitiously slipped her undergarments off and leaned forward to give the girl's stomach a teasing kiss.

Miranda soon found her companion taking twin handfuls of her hair, keeping the woman's raven locks from interfering with her handiwork. She looked up; catching the desire in Misty's eyes as she slowly traced a line of slow kisses downward before pausing with her lips mere millimeters from Misty's clit.

Without breaking eye contact Miranda moved slightly parting her lips and letting her tongue slide between them. Misty gulped down her nervous tension, her breathing becoming difficult as her body screamed out for Miranda's touch.

Miranda took a deep breath as she moved closer, trying to keep her own desire at bay, not wanting to end the effect she was having on Misty by rushing herself, no matter how much she wanted to.

Instead, Miranda carefully slid the tip of her tongue in a slow, random pattern across Misty's infinitely soft and supple skin. The girl cried out in response, the sound causing Miranda to involuntarily shiver. With infinite patience Miranda explored until she found the small, hard object she longed for.

With a hint of satisfaction, Miranda ran her tongue around Misty's clit, coming close, but never actually touching it as her hands ran up the girl's legs, feeling goose bumps rise along her skin as she went. When at last Miranda's fingers were in place, she gently pushed aside the folds of Misty's outer labia and rested the end of her tongue against her lover's clit.

Misty let out a sound that resembled a long whine mixed with a moan as Miranda probed her new found prize gently, barely touching it with her tongue, yet feeling the undeniable heat of Misty's body. The girl closed her eyes in response, slowly letting out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, as Miranda wove her tongue in careful circles around her clit, both teasing and satisfying her lover, yet leaving Misty needing more.

With a gasp, Misty let go of Miranda's hair and clawed her fingers across the mattress, arching her back, and pushing herself against the woman's mouth. Laughed with a touch of hysteria, Misty found herself overcome by joy as Miranda's lips closed about her, beginning a pleasant suckling of her clit.

Misty fell back down, nearly crying as Miranda's mouth came away. "Please-!" she managed, sitting up on her elbows and catching her lover's gaze, "I- I-!"

"Don't want me to stop?" teased Miranda a touch breathlessly, running her tongue over her teeth in anticipation.

Misty nodded weakly, her toes curling of their own accord as Miranda's index finger traced a line up between her labia and spreading moisture across her clit. Misty could only quiver as her lover licked her again, this time making approving sounds before moving a little lower, and allowing her fingers to do more of the work.

Misty soon found that Miranda's fingers were as nimble as her hands were strong and comforting. As she slid her tongue slowly down between Misty's labia, tasting the girl's sweet wetness, Miranda's finger traced playful circles around her clit, occasionally rubbing it gently.

"As I thought," commented Miranda with a little sigh of satisfaction.

"Wha-?" began Misty, her vision blurry as her mind swam in near ecstasy, yet she managed to see Miranda's smiling face clearly as she slid her tongue back down, this time pressing a little harder.

"It's like sweet mana," Miranda replied with a bit of a giggle; separating Misty's labia with her probing tongue and finding the girl's body complying as she hoped.

"Don't say such things!" gasped Misty, loosing her train of thought as her lover's tongue changed from its slow caressing penetration, to pushing itself forward, testing her resistance.

Miranda only chuckled under her breath, covering Misty's womanhood with her mouth and suckling gently as her tongue explored inside, and her fingers took turns teasing Misty's clit.

"You-!" moaned Misty, her body squirming against the all consuming sensation that seemed to well up from Miranda's ministrations and fill her entire being with desire, "You're going to-!"

"To what?" teased Miranda, pulling away again as she felt Misty's body coming close to sensual release.

"Ohhh!" Misty cried out pleadingly, as Miranda ceased all contact and watched her lithe, athletic body quiver beneath her.

Miranda waited for a few agonizing seconds, letting Misty's body calm down a little before leaning down to take the girl's clit gingerly between her teeth and slowly assault the captured protuberance with her tongue.

Misty felt as though she were rising and falling through layers of ecstasy at Miranda's slightest whim, but was far to enraptured to care. She both laughed and cried, breathing shallowly and letting out a pitiful sounding moan of longing as one of Miranda's fingers poked tentatively at her labia. Misty only vaguely heard the woman's quiet exclamation over her own, as one of Miranda's fingers slowly slid its way inside of her, testing for resistance at each step.

Miranda could see Misty holding her breath as the girl's inner walls clung tightly to her finger, but only offering a token resistance. Miranda smiled at the way Misty's body tensed up as she pushed her finger forward, only to allow her passage as she leaned down and lovingly rubbed Misty's clit with her tongue. Miranda caught her breath as her finger disappeared completely into her lover, and looked up in time to see Misty let out a held breath and arch her back invitingly.

Miranda then waited for Misty's breathing to slow before pulling her finger back, and sliding it forward slowly, still finding the going a little difficult, but well worth the effort.

"Is this alright?" Miranda asked as Misty's body writhed beneath her, Miranda's finger moving carefully back and forth, collecting moisture as it went.

Her lover let out a long sigh, and looked up, her eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "It-" Misty managed, her vocabulary unsuited to describing her current situation at the best of times, "It's alright, I like it!"

Miranda chuckled at the sight of Misty blushing again, continuing to slide her finger back and forth, this time running her free hand up, over Misty's stomach, and under her shirt. After a moments teasing, Miranda moved her hand to cup one of Misty's small firm breasts, causing the girl to grab Miranda's wrist almost involuntarily.

"What's wrong?" Miranda inquired, her voice full of concern.

"I, I'm just self-conscious," Misty replied, moving her head to one side and staring out at nothing.

"You have nothing to feel self conscious about," assured Miranda, pulling her finger free, and sliding it across her tongue experimentally, "nothing at all..."

Misty turned back to face her, her eyes going wide as Miranda suckled her own finger for a moment. "Oh! Sorry!" the woman exclaimed, blushing in embarrassment and covering her face with both hands, "Force of habit..."

Misty giggled at the comment, and struggled up to a seated position. "That's okay," she replied, leaning forward and kissing Miranda gently on the backs of her hands until the woman moved them.

"You sure?" Miranda asked in mock concern, reveling in the feel of Misty's soft kisses upon her lips.

"Yes, definitely," Misty responded a little distantly, her thoughts still scrambled as she moved onto her hands and knees so that she was looking down at the still kneeling Miranda, "Now stand up for a minute."

Miranda gave her a smiling questioning look and got to her feet, as Misty looked up at her hungrily, moving forward until she was sitting on her knees, and undoing Miranda's pants.

"But I'm not done with you, yet!" protested Miranda with a laugh.

"I just want to level the playing field," assured Misty with a coy smile as Miranda's jeans dropped to the floor before her small hands moved up under the woman's shirt.

"Careful," cautioned Miranda, sighing contentedly and leaning her head back as she felt Misty's carefully placed hands run experimentally across her breasts, "It wouldn't take much to set me off right now."

"Really?" inquired Misty innocently, her hands moving along Miranda's breasts as though she were handling some ancient artifact of unimaginable value.

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