Seduction of Mommy - Cover

Seduction of Mommy


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Hal French, his head hung down in silence, listened as the judge passed sentence upon him. The trial had taken only a few hours; the judge's guilty verdict had come swiftly. Because Hal's employer was somewhat sympathetic toward the plight of the long-time servant, only a small portion of the money stolen was reported. The charge had been petty theft rather than grand theft. Hal heard the judge decree a term of one month in the county jail and an additional ten-month period of probation. It was a less severe sentence than he or Arlene had expected.

Arlene rose from her seat in the courtroom upon hearing the sentence. She went forward to where her husband stood and threw herself in his arms. They kissed briefly, and she wondered how she was going to survive these next thirty days without him. Moreover she wondered how she could face her friends and neighbors, and she wondered whether Hal would ever be able to get another job. What would become of him? What would the future be like? Would they ever be a proud mother and father again - proud of their children and themselves? She said good-bye to Hal softly, trying not to show just how shattered and undignified she felt standing in the middle of the courtroom. She promised him she would take good care of their son and daughter, and, of course, she promised to be faithful.

It was shortly after midnight, less than a week after Hal had begun spending his month in jail. Arlene lay in bed, restless, trying to sleep. Judy was in her brother's room, sitting on the edge of his bed, talking while his hand rode delicately up and down her soft inner thigh.

This wasn't the first time Bill and Judy had been in bed together. Frequently they shared intimate caresses, stroking, kissing, hugging each other. Never had they experienced intercourse, and neither of them had ever expressed a desire to do so. But they both felt something warm and rewarding about their open, loving relationship. They talked often of their most personal problems and feelings. For Judy, Bill was the only person in the world to really communicate with on a deep level. They had always been close to each other, squabbling less than the average brother and sister, showing compassion and empathy even years ago. It seemed only natural to them both the first time they had fondled each other - and it seemed natural now.

"Mmm!" Judy purred at her brother's touch.

He sat with his legs crossed Indian-style, the mattress creaking beneath him whenever he shifted his weight. Judy had her feet on the carpet, her legs stretched out leisurely in front of her as she thrilled to Bill's gentle stroking of her thigh. They were facing the same direction, Judy staring across the room, glimpsing herself and her brother in a mirror which was mounted atop a dresser. The very dim nightlight seemed to make everything sensuous and erotic.

Bill leaned forward to breathe down the back of Judy's neck, causing her to shiver happily.

Judy fixed her gaze into the mirror, admiring the way her fifteen- year-old brother's muscles bulged through the thin fabric of his pajamas. His long hair really turned her on. God, she thought, he's going to make some girl one hell of a husband some day! He really has a gorgeous body. And then she stared at herself, too, noting how sexy she looked with her legs outstretched, and the transparent nightie clinging gently to her hips and breasts. She breathed hotly.

"She's a fantastic lay," Bill whispered in answer to an earlier question. He was referring to Barbara, the wife next door. For the past fifteen minutes he and his sister had been freely discussing each other's recent sex experiences. It was no secret that they both got turned on hearing about those intimate things which the average uptight brother and sister never talked about.

"I'll bet she is!" Judy said, squirming suddenly as Bill's finger went higher, nearly touching the bushy hair around her vagina. She wanted him to touch her cunt. His teasing caresses were making her crazy.

But he continued to tease while describing in detail his most recent fucking of their neighbor. During the account, his fingers dipped several times into the sopping-wet clutching lips of Judy's cunt. But he never left his hand there for more than two seconds. He was tormenting her deliberately, and she knew that sooner or later she would beg him to rub her clitoris, just the way she had begged so many other times. They would probably end up like always, their hands busy on each other's genitals, bringing each other to orgasm.

There was something special on Judy's mind, though, and she wanted to talk to her brother about it before her lust made her too hot to think.

It was the reason she had slipped into Bill's room so late at night.

These past several days she had witnessed further deterioration of her mother's emotional state. The woman never smiled, she bitched more about the way Judy dressed and the length of Bill's hair. Her whole world was broken into tiny bits, and she seemed to have nothing left to live for. She never talked about Hal's arrest, yet that seemed to be the only thing on her mind. But she's so pretty, Judy thought, and so young just thirty-three - and it's not too late for her to live a more rewarding life! Despite the ideological differences between her and her mother, Judy truly loved the woman. Tonight Judy had thought again of the outrageous scheme she had devised at the recent party by the lake. The way to broaden her mother's mind was through sex. She had learned from a psychology book the importance sex plays in developing a well- balanced personality. And she knew from observing the girls in her class. Those who were leading open, honest sex lives were always happiest and more tolerant of other people and things. Those who were still virgins or who felt guilty about their sex experiences were unhappy and insecure about other things. Her mother, Judy felt, fitted into this latter category. She was unhappy, bitchy, conservative and strict because she had never had a really satisfying sexual experience. And Judy intended to do something about this. She knew exactly the right male to seduce her mother - Ralph Young, handsome, experienced Ralph. Judy had taken careful note of the sex-hungry way Arlene had eyed Ralph whenever he visited Bill. Judy would bet a month's allowance that her mother thought about Ralph when she masturbated. And her mother did masturbate. Several times at night when her father was away, Judy had heard Arlene alone in bed gasping in sexual heat. Yes, Ralph was just the person to fuck Arlene right out of her uptight mind and into sensual awareness.

"Bill, I've got to talk about something serious!" Judy said, half panting as she brought her legs tightly together in an effort to stop her brother from petting her for the time being.

"What is it, Sis?" His hand was trapped between the overheated flesh of her thighs. He stopped his movements and waited for her to answer.

"It's about Mom," she whispered.

"What about her?" Bill grumbled, somewhat irritated at this sudden and unexpected change of subject.

Judy shifted around, drawing her feet up off the floor and repositioning herself on the bed. She sat facing her brother, her knees drawn up to her breasts and her arms wrapped around her shins for support. Bill's hand had been forced to leave the area of her thighs, and he now sat cross-legged, his hands limp and to his sides, looking at his sister in her see-through nightie.

"Don't you see how unhappy Mom's been lately?" Judy probed.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Why do you think that is?"

Bill didn't like it when his sister took on a pretense of superiority and peppered him with probing questions, but he knew she was trying to get at something, so he answered. "Because of Dad's being in jail and her being alone..."

"No!" Judy interrupted. "That's only a small part of it. She isn't getting enough sex, that's her problem."

A small frown gathered on Bill's forehead as he considered this last statement. He never thought about his mother's sex life. In fact, the concept of his mother in bed fucking made him uneasy. And yet, here was his pretty sister bringing the subject right into the open as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He thought about what Judy had said. His mother wasn't getting enough sex. Yes, now that Judy had blurted out the words, it seemed perfectly obvious to him. But where was this conversation leading? What would his sister say next?

She said nothing at all for a while. Bill's eyes timidly traveled up from her legs where he'd been staring. His glance crossed her jutting breasts and lifted more until he was looking her straight in the eyes. There was a certain electricity passing between them. They had always been able to talk guiltlessly about sexual matters. But this - this sexual matter about their own mother presented a new barrier. But the barrier was crumbling. As they stared deeply into each other's eyes, a new understanding formed between them. Simultaneously, knowing smiles formed on their lips.

"What our mother needs is..." Judy said at last, letting her voice fade into silence.

They giggled then, happily, suddenly, and together they finished Judy's sentence: "A GOOD FUCK!"

They began to laugh hysterically, trying to stifle their gleeful giggles, but barely succeeding. It was all so outrageous and wicked, but they had said the words together, and now it was right out there in the open. Their mother needed a good fuck. They had agreed on it. And now it was easy for Judy to tell Bill about the plan she had, how she and her brother would go somewhere tomorrow night, and how Ralph would come to the house to seduce their mother.

Even as she was spilling out the plan to her somewhat uneasy but attentive brother, his hand had again gone between her legs and she had opened her knees to let him play with her. His fingers did not tease around her inner thighs this time. Instead he placed a finger directly on her vagina. She gasped as she felt his touch against her wildly excited clitoris, and she spread her legs still wider. She reciprocated instantly, her hand going to the front of his pajamas and finding his cock pushing up at the thin material.

She squeezed tightly.

"Ah, Sis!" he cried.

"You want to make me come, baby brother?" she teased.

He hated to be called baby brother except at times like this. Under these circumstances, his sister's words meant something different. She meant baby brother in a loving, deeply sexual way, and he thrilled to the hot tone of her voice.

"Take your pajamas off, baby brother!" she whispered, her eyes still fixed heatedly on his. Her lips were open, her tongue making sexual circuits of her mouth.

Bill withdrew his hand from Judy's warm cunt. He undid the buttons along the front of his pajama shirt. Then he discarded the garment and rolled back onto his shoulders, his legs in the air while he worked his pants up across his knees, over his feet and off. As he stripped, Judy pulled her nightie over her head and flung it aside to join his pajamas on the floor.

Again they stared at each other for a long moment, their eyes magnetized by passion.

Judy's gaze dropped. She saw his hugely erect penis and couldn't restrain a hot gurgle from forming in her throat. She reached for the cock, felt it ooze sticky liquid into her palm as she stroked it. Her brother lay flat on his back, and she crawled up beside him while continuing to hold his penis. She kissed him. It was a wet, savage kiss that conveyed to him exactly how horny she really felt. Judy couldn't remember ever feeling so turned on. It always got her excited when she touched her own brother's erection, but tonight she was especially horny. The long discussion with Bill during which he had told her how he had fucked Barbara next door and she had related the way in which she acted at the cabin - that made her plenty hot. And his skillful petting coupled with the lewd talk about getting Ralph to fuck their mother - it was too much. She was one solid hunk of seething, tingling female flesh.

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