Bros Before Hoes - Cover

Bros Before Hoes

by Eccho Steem

Copyright© 2024 by Eccho Steem

Science Fiction Sex Story: A commission I wrote containing payback for the most abysmal sin A human can commit against another.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Fiction   School   Science Fiction   Body Swap   DomSub   Spanking   Black Female   Oral Sex   Squirting   Revenge   .

Milo couldn’t be happier with his life right now. He’s at the tail end of the worst part of his life, his freelancing career is starting to get off the ground, and he’s now in a relationship with the greatest girl he’s ever come into contact with. He never thought he’d be this happy in his senior year.

“Shut up,” Rosaline says with a giggle, lightly shoving Milo, “I like kittens. Leave me alone.”

“I’m just saying they’re little prissy brats,” Milo retorts with a shrug, “Yeah, they’re cute, but they just go around ordering you around like they own everything. They’re like the late stages for a spoiled rich kid.”

“Well, I don’t care what you say. I’m getting one.”

“And I’m not gonna stop you. I’ll just place it somewhere really high if it annoys me.”

“Then it’ll climb back down and scratch you.”

“Then I’ll eat its food.”

“Then it’ll bite you.”

“Then I’ll bite it back to assert dominance.”

Rosaline giggles again at Milo before saying,

“Oh my gosh, you’re such a jerk.”

“What, you never complained when I ate your kitten before. What’s different now?”

“Milo, stooop.”

As the pair enjoy each other’s company, Milo’s friend, Rayleigh approaches them, taking note of their merriment.

“What’s up, lovebirds?” he starts, “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing much,” Milo answers, “Just discussing how she wants her kitty in my mouth and how it’ll result in me getting scratched.”

Rosaline gasps and blushes at Milo’s phrasing before pounding his shoulder, prompting him to laugh at her embarrassment.

“Classy, you two, real classy,” Rayleigh says with a smirk, “Well, the reason I came over here was to inform you that Alex is inviting everyone to his house for a bit of an end of the year get together. So you guys wanna ride with me or do you wanna continue your kitten conversation at your place first?”

Rosaline pouts at his statement before folding her arms. Milo embraces her in his arm before answering with,

“Yeah, we’ll go. Didn’t think that Alex was the party type.”

“Senior year just brings out the inner party animal, I guess.”

“That honestly doesn’t surprise me. Especially since he’s been stressing like crazy since the year started.”

“Yeah, this might be more therapeutic for him than anything. Alright, I’ll tell him he’s got two others on the guest list.”

Rayleigh walks away, leaving the pair alone again.

“You’re so embarrassiiiing,” Rosaline whines through a playful pout,

“Yeah, you’re right, I’m the worst,” Milo plays along, “Tell you what, I’ll embarrass myself by fucking up a backflip when we get to the party. Will that make it better?”

“Noo. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“It won’t be permanent. I’ll just knock the wind out of myself.”

“No. You’re not gonna inflict harm upon yourself in any way.”

“Ok, you win, mom. I won’t intentionally hurt myself. But what if I-”

“Oh, hey there, Milo!” a familiar voice says, gathering the pair’s attention,

“How are you doing?” another familiar voice follows.

Milo groans in agitation before palming his face, immediately recognizing the two voices. These two girls have made his and Rayleigh’s entire high school experience a living hell. The fact that they only have to deal with one more month of it couldn’t make them happier. Not only are they gonna be done with school forever, but there’s a fairly favorable chance that they’ll never have to see either of these girls for the rest of their natural lives.

“What do you want?” Milo questions, not even looking at the pair above him,

“Is that any way to greet your best friends?” Bianca teases,

“Yeah, why do you have to be so mean to us?” Jenna chimes in, ruffling his hair.

Not wanting to be framed for inflicting harm on the girls again, Milo just endures the verbal and physical torment.

“Ooo, Milo,” Jenna taunts, turning her attention to Rosaline, “Why didn’t you tell us you got yourself another girlfriend?”

“W-wait, ‘another’?” Rosaline questions, confused at the insinuation, “What is she talking about?”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you about us? Milo, you big meanie. You can’t keep these things from her. You’re in a relationship. You gotta tell her these things.”

Irritated with the lies she’s spewing, Milo snaps back with,

“What? What are you talking about? There was never an ‘us’.”

Jenna brings her hand to her chest before letting out an exaggerated gasp and saying,

“Oh my. So cruel.”

“Yeah, Milo,” Bianca piles on, “Not cool, dude. How could you forget all the good times we all had?”

“You ... all?” Rosaline questions with disgust,

“Rose, I swear, they’re lying,” Milo assures, “They’re just a couple of assholes. Let’s just go.”

He stands up, bringing a reluctant Rosaline up with him, but before they can walk away, Bianca stops them in their tracks, saying,

“Wow, quite the language you have there, Milo.”

“Come on, you know good and well that boy has quite the mouth on him,” Jenna says, “Let me tell you something, you’re a very lucky lady. Has he shown you how educated his tongue is yet? He just reaches all the right places, doesn’t he?”

“Well, he’s kind of a cheater. He’s basically obsessed with having you sit on his face. But he more than makes up for it with how much he’ll touch you, know what I mean?”

Rosaline’s face gets redder and redder with every word. Partly because of the perverse speaking from the pair, but mostly because their descriptions of Milo’s actions are 100% accurate in her experience. Their claims are getting more believable the longer she listens.

“Oh, if you think that’s cheating, just wait until you see how he found out how to do those things,” Jenna says, “One look at that internet history would have a nymphomaniac blushing.”

Milo’s immediately shaken to his core as soon as the mention of his search history is mentioned. Taking note of his sudden apprehensive demeanor, Rosaline looks at him with even more disdain than before.

“Not only that, but let’s just say he might have the law giving him the side eye,” Bianca chimes in, further strengthening Rosaline’s suspicions,

“What- ... what do they mean by that, Milo?” Rosaline questions, fearing the answer,

“Rosaline, just listen,” Milo starts, trying his hardest to dissolve her suspicions of him.

He takes her hands into his, but she immediately snatches them away, staring directly into his eyes and holding back tears in hers.

“What do they mean by that?” she repeats, demanding to know the answer,

“Well, if you’re that curious, let’s just find out together,” Jenna says, swiping away on Milo’s phone.

Milo, petrified beyond belief, tries desperately to retrieve his phone. But Bianca stops him in his tracks, holding him in place and giggling.

“Seriously, putting your phone in shorts that baggy is just begging people to snatch it,” she says as Milo tries fighting out of her grasp,

“Ok! Let’s see what we have here on Milo Turner’s search history on his phone!” Jenna announces, gathering the attention of everyone in the gym,

“Jenna! No! Stop! Ple-” Milo pleads before Bianca covers his mouth with her hand,

“Alright, let’s see, here! Ahem! Just last night we have: ‘POV Step daughter sucks step dad’s cock while mom sleeps’! ‘Mommy domme pegs her baby boy’! ‘Kitsune femdom erotic audio’! ‘Granny stuck in a wall and begs for anal pounding’! ‘Dragon Maid Kanna Yuri Smutfic’! ‘ ... Wait a minute ... What’s this?!”

Milo, instantly realizing what Jenna has found, tries even harder to break out of Bianca’s hold. But she has him locked in too tight. His fighting proves to be for naught. He’s already overflowing with embarrassment, but if Jenna follows through with exposing what she’s found, he’ll never hear the end of it. So he continues desperately fighting Bianca until,

“Big brother you’re the best Especially when you touch my breast I like the way that you touch me Your chin-chin makes me kimochi Just put your dick in my mouth I’ll make it go in and out-”

The entire gym erupts in a mix of laughter, repulsion, second-hand embarrassment, and a combination of all three. Milo can’t even bring himself to look at Rosaline, who is recoiling at him with a look of shock, horror, confusion ... and hatred. She doesn’t recognize him anymore. She can’t believe what he’s been hiding from her. And she fears that’s not even a fraction of what he’s been hiding.

Rayleigh snatches Milo’s phone out of Jenna’s hand before frantically closing out of the tab. But the damage is already done. Everyone’s either laughing at Milo or giving him a look of utter contemptment, Jenna and Bianca are joining the former, laughing up a fit, and all Milo can do is sit back down against the closed bleachers and cover his face in shame. Rayleigh then notices that Rosaline is nowhere to be found. He scans the gym for her, catching her angrily storming through the gym door. He then spots Milo’s lime hoodie that he let her wear haphazardly tossed in the trash bin.

From the noises of his peers, to the tragic end of his best friend’s relationship, to the heinous act that the two girls before him committed, Rayleigh is seething with rage. They’ve done some terrible things to them in the past, but this was diabolical. He can’t believe that they would stoop this low. They completely demolished the image of one of the most respected guys in the school. And they’re laughing about it. It’s so infuriating to him. They get to do anything they want with no consequences. No one to teach them what happens when you constantly meaninglessly antagonize. Well, he’s had enough. He refuses to have that be the case anymore. Somehow, someway, Rayleigh will embed that message into their skulls.

A few weeks pass after the incident and Milo continues to remain in his room. He doesn’t bother mending anything with Rosaline, finding it to be a lost cause, he doesn’t interact with his parents, he doesn’t answer Rayleigh’s attempts to reach out to him, he doesn’t even plan on attending school for the last month. He’s too ashamed to bear the thought of showing his face in public with everyone knowing what they know. Thankfully, his grades allow him to afford to do that.

As Milo continues lying in his bed and thinking about his ruined status in the eyes of his former peers, he hears a knock on his door. Believing it to be his mother, he ignores it in hopes that she’ll leave him alone. As expected there’s another knock and it’s met with the same treatment. He’ll set her mind at ease when he eats his breakfast later. He just doesn’t want to see her or anyone.

But things take an unexpected turn as another knock is heard. This time being slightly louder than the previous knocks. However, it still doesn’t prompt a reaction from Milo. He just continues to lay in his bed in hopes that the unwanted visitor will get his message. That is until he finally hears Rayleigh’s voice say,

“Ok, screw this. Open the door, dumbass!”

Milo is taken aback by the subversion, but that still doesn’t motivate him to get out of bed. He still doesn’t want any company. Rayleigh ignores Milo’s nonverbal objection and opens the door himself and steps into his room.

“Sup, dude,” he greets, “Haven’t seen you in a bit. You doin’ alright?”

Milo doesn’t answer. He doesn’t even look at his intruder.

“Yeah, I figured. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna stand here and give you some long-winded boring speech about how you shouldn’t waste your time wallowing away in the confinements of your room and how you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and fuck the horse and whatever. Not gonna do any of that. That’s just gonna be a huge waste of time. Instead of telling you to get out of this room, I’m dragging you. Come on.”

He grabs onto Milo’s arm and pulls him out of bed. Milo doesn’t really put up a fight. For one, Rayleigh would just relent until he conceded. Plus, he doesn’t have the energy to persist. It’s just easier to follow along until Rayleigh’s done. The lack of a struggle takes Rayleigh by surprise, but it doesn’t slow him down. He drags his friend downstairs and outside into the passenger seat of his car before stepping into the driver’s seat.

“Ok,” he starts, “We’re gonna go somewhere.”

“Yeah, we’re in a car,” Milo grumbles, wanting this to be over and done with already,

“How right you are. Now, where do you wanna go?”

“Back to my room.”

“Alright, bowling alley it is.”

Milo sighs as Rayleigh grabs his laptop from the dashboard and places it on his lap. Rayleigh then starts typing on the laptop, prompting Milo to look on in confusion. What was the point of asking him if he was just going to type away on his computer? He rolls his eyes before leaning his head on his hand and looking out the window.

But just one glance shakes Milo to his core. Beside him is someone’s car that he doesn’t recognize. He looks forward through the windshield discovering the aforementioned bowling alley. As he takes a moment to process what exactly just happened, Rayleigh just gives him a smug grin.

“Yeah, still wanna be in your room now, Debbie downer?” he questions.

“Wh- ... WHAT?!” Milo shouts, not able to form any other words in his mind,

“Cool, isn’t it? I don’t know what happened, either. I just accidentally spilled some soda on it a few nights ago and it kinda sparked out. A full day in cinnamon and sage coated rice later and I’m in the possession of a keyboard that grants anything I type.”

“Creepy. Wait, cinnamon and sage?”

“Michelle was trying something and mom and dad wanted to be supportive.”

“You know, you say things like this and wonder why I wonder what the hell goes on in your house.”

“ANYWAY, you do know what this means, right?”

“Yeah. We can pretty much do whatever we want.”

“That’s one way of looking at it.”

Milo’s mind immediately starts racing at the infinite possibilities. He’s still trying to fully digest this. Anything that’s typed on that laptop becomes reality. They can travel back in time. They can raise the dead. They can achieve world peace. They can summon super models. They can change the laws. They can reshape the entirety of what they’ve come to know. And no one can stop them.

But Milo’s brainstorming is brought to an abrupt end as he hears Rayleigh typing on his laptop. With curiosity piquing, he asks,

“What are you doing?”

“Just a bit of debt collecting.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Right as he finishes his sentence, Rayleigh along with the rest of the scenery starts to fade. Confusion overtakes his mind as he peculiarly finds himself in a standing position with an unsettling unstable platform below his feet. As reality warps before him, Milo starts getting dizzy. He closes his eyes to avert the shifting setting.

After moments of patiently waiting, he starts to focus on what he can to get a feel of where Rayleigh could possibly have sent them. He takes a step forward, feeling the unstable platform shifting with the weight applied from his step along with a subtle squeak following behind. He immediately recognizes the platform to be a bed. He’s in someone’s bedroom. But as he’s coming to terms with his current environment, he hears something that freezes him in place,

‘Woah, this bottle is stronger than I thought it’d be. I’m already getting light headed.’

There’s no mistaking that voice. That’s Jenna’s. Milo snaps his eyes open, dreading the sight of the soulless blue eyes of the sadistic brunette. However, to his surprise, she’s nowhere to be found. He scans the bedroom for the girl, but she’s not seen anywhere. But during his search, he feels a slightly irritating sensation on his shoulders. He reaches for the source of the feelings, discovering it to be ... his long ... brown ... hair.

‘The hell?’ he questions in his head,

‘Wait, who said that?’ Jenna’s voice questions,

‘Where the hell are you?!’ he exclaims, walking all over the room,

‘What the fuck is going on?! Why can’t I move where I want?!’

Milo relentlessly continues his pursuit, checking under the collection of plushies on the bed.

‘Wait, stop! I just organized those!’

Looking in the closet and carelessly tossing aside the shirts, skirts, dresses, and cheerleader uniforms.

‘Quit it! You’re going to rip them!’

Ripping down the signed boy band and inspiration posters to find a hole or something.

‘No! What is wrong with you?! I got that for my 6th birthday, you asshole!’

But coming up short at every turn. And the constant sounds of disapproval to his actions are driving him insane. Why can he hear her, but not see her? What did Rayleigh do to him?

In his pursuit, he passes by a mirror, catching a glimpse of himself. And with the brief sight of the reflection, he immediately recognizes that something isn’t right. He hesitantly steps in front of the mirror, taking a look at what is shown before him. His growing confusion and anger are immediately mixed with shock and horror.

His rugged hands have been replaced with the soft pale hands that have slapped his butt, earning a loud sound to be heard that caused him to catch the blame and be labeled a perv. His long hairy legs have been replaced with the short smooth legs that pinned down his arms while being force fed worms. His emerald green eyes have been replaced with the soulless blue eyes that gleefully watched his suffering over the years. His lightly bearded stoic face has been replaced with the clean silky face that smiles and laughs at his misfortunes. He is Jenna.

Milo stumbles back in disbelief. He’s in the body of the person he hates more than life itself. Why would Rayleigh do this to him? Where is he?

“Wow, you really don’t make it hard to find out where you are, huh?” he hears Bianca’s voice say behind him.

He turns around to the door and he spots the caramel toned girl standing in the doorframe accompanied with her signature curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and smug grin. He reflexively panics at first, but his mind starts piecing everything together. If he’s been put in Jenna’s body, it’s probably a safe bet that Rayleigh followed through with the obvious. And as if to make it even more obvious, upon further investigation, Milo spots his laptop in her arm.

“Wha- ... what did you do?” Milo questions, covering his mouth as he hears Jenna’s voice instead of his own,

“I thought I made myself clear,” Rayleigh replies, “We’re gonna do some debt collecting. Remember? ‘We can do anything we want’. These skanks know damn well what that’s like. Year after year, they’re relentlessly on our necks with no one believing a word of it because ‘They’re such sweethearts. What could they possibly gain from doing anything malicious?’. Well, here they are: drinking alcohol, prank calling authoritarian figures, and committing other various acts that they have no business doing while we tried so desperately to stop them after we just so happened to pass by.”

Milo considers Rayleigh’s words, admitting to himself how fun it would be to give them a taste of their own medicine. But before his voice of reason can speak up, he hears Jenna saying in a dreadful tone,

‘Listen, I don’t know who or what you guys are or what you want, but just take it. Take whatever you want. Just please leave us alone. We don’t wanna cause any trouble. Please don’t hurt us.’

She wants mercy to be shown to her. And there’s no doubt in his mind that Bianca’s pleading for the same thing. They have the nerve to beg for mercy after everything they’ve done. Then his mind suddenly goes back to a few weeks ago. They ruined his image. They decimated most of his friendships. They demolished his relationship. The last thought cements his mind. He wants them to suffer.

“I’m in,” Milo says,

“That’s my boy,” Rayleigh replies.

The night ensues, seeing the pair of vengeful boys finally giving their oppressors their just desserts. Milo mixes a concoction of different drinks with Jenna expressing her disapproval throughout the entirety of her pleas. But her words fall on deaf ears as Milo gulps down every last drop of the drink.

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