The Dinner Invitation - Cover

The Dinner Invitation

by acguy

Copyright© 2024 by acguy

Fiction Sex Story: An older gentleman receives a dinner invitation from a younger couple.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   .

I had met Paul at the gym. He offered to spot for me as I moved up in weights one day, and we hit it off. I had just turned 60, and I think he was worried I would hurt myself. He was about ten years younger than I, but we had more in common with each other than with the young guys who usually strutted around the gym trying to look tough. Both of us being named Paul also added a little connection. He was familiar with all the equipment and techniques for proper lifting while I was still learning, and he was happy to teach me.

I had been doing okay so far, having lost over five stone in the last year and a half. My doctor had given me an ultimatum after I let myself go when I lost my wife to Covid. Lose weight or prepare to join her. I took his words to heart, and although it had been a hard slog, I was proud of my success.

Paul and I usually ended up at the gym at the same time once or twice a week and worked out for an hour. Afterwards, we would sometimes stop at the pub for a quick pint. Beer was one of the things I had cut way back on with my lifestyle changes, so I always kept it to one small ale. Today, as we sat with our beers, I noticed that Paul seemed a little out of sorts, which was unusual after our workout, and I asked him if he was feeling under the weather at all.

“No, I’m just worn out, mate. My wife has been insatiable lately for some reason,” he confessed, shocking me.

We had never talked much about our spouses, although he knew my wife had passed. He had once shown me a photo of his wife, Faith. She was, in a word, stunning.

“I don’t want to hear it, mate. It’s been three years for me, so quit your whining and be thankful.” I said with a bit of heat in my voice.

“I’m sorry, Paul, that was insensitive of me,” he apologized, although he had a thoughtful expression.

I apologized, telling him I was oversensitive after such a drought and not to worry. We sat and chatted about other things until we had finished our beers and then went our separate ways.

Things went on like this for several weeks, and I continued to notice even more of a change in my physique. I knew that much of my success was due to the help I’d received from Paul. I want to do something to thank him for all the help. I wasn’t sure what that would be until I saw a review for a new Indian restaurant. Paul had mentioned his love of this cuisine many times, partially due to his wife’s heritage, with a parent or grandparent coming from India.

When we next met at the gym, I told Paul how grateful I was for all his help and how, in my mind, he had been influential in giving me a new lease on life. I wanted to take him and Faith out for a meal at the restaurant I’d read about as a thank you.

At first, he denied being instrumental and told me I had been the one to do the hard work necessary. He was just happy to help. It wasn’t until I told him to humour an old man that he finally agreed, although he did say that age is just a number, and I was by no means old in spirit. We arranged to meet on Friday evening at 8 for a meal.

When Friday night arrived, I had gone all out to look good and show off all the hard work. I’d had my beard trimmed, and what little hair I had left had been cut. Due to the weight loss, I needed some nicer clothes, so I took the opportunity to get myself a new sports coat, dress shirt, and trousers that fit me well.

I had just parked and exited my car when Paul parked beside me. I took the opportunity to open Faith’s door and help her as she got out. I was glad I had dressed up after seeing Faith and Paul’s attire. She wore a calf-length black leather skirt with a white blouse that was almost sheer and revealed a black lace camisole underneath. I offered her my arm as we headed into the restaurant. Paul smiled and shook his head as he asked, “Are you hitting on my wife, Paul?”

“Not at all; I am just being the gentleman I was raised to be,” I replied, giving Faith a wink.

Faith chuckled and said to Paul, “Pay attention, honey. You might learn something.”

Paul shrugged his shoulders and raced ahead to open the door for us. “Of course, Ma’am. Thank you, Sir, for educating me,” He sarcastically replied.

We all laughed as we waited to be seated after this exchange. As we were guided to our table, I made sure to be in a position to help Faith with her chair, pulling it out and offering a hand as she sat. Paul rolled his eyes and sat down, remarking under his breath, “You can go off people, you know, Paul?”

The rest of the evening followed with laughter and pleasant conversation. We all agreed the food was delicious, although Faith did say that her Butter Chicken and Vegetable Biryani were better. Overall, it was a successful evening with delightful company. I must admit I was quite taken with Faith. Not only was she beautiful, she was knowledgeable about many subjects and had a wonderful sense of humour.

By the end of the evening, she had extended an invitation to visit for dinner at a future date, which I readily agreed to. After settling the bill and thanking Paul again for all his help, we walked out to our cars.

I made sure to open Faith’s door as she got to their car, getting another look from Paul. Both Faith and I laughed, and then she unexpectedly gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, whispering in my ear, “Thank you, kind Sir, it’s quite a turn-on to be treated nicely by such a distinguished gentleman.” I was momentarily shocked, especially as her hand brushed my crotch as she went to sit in the car.

I must have hidden it well, as Paul seemed not to notice as I went around and shook his hand before wishing him a good weekend. I stood by my car and waved as they drove off before getting behind the wheel. I sat momentarily in thought, wondering if Faith had actually been flirting with me.

I drove home after convincing myself that I had been imagining it. But once I got home and changed, I admit I had an enjoyable session with my hand and a bottle of lotion thinking about Faith.

By the end of the weekend, I had convinced myself I had imagined it all. On Monday, I was back at the gym and starting my routine when Paul came in. With a scowl on his face, he made a beeline for me, and I braced myself for an altercation.

“Just what the hell did you think you were doing flirting with my wife right in front of me? You’ve got a big set of bollocks on you, mate.” He shouted.

I sputtered, not knowing what to say in response as everyone with earshot stared, waiting for the fists to fly.

Suddenly, Paul burst into laughter, “Oh, the look on your face is priceless.” He managed to get out as his laughter continued.

“You bugger, I thought I was a dead man.” I finally managed to say as I got over the shock.

“Never fear, mate. I was just having a little fun. We really enjoyed the night. Faith wants to make sure I invite you over this Friday for dinner. She was going on and on about how nice you were and how interesting our conversations were,” he said as he clapped me on the back.

We spent the rest of the session joking back and forth as we did our sets. After we had showered and changed, Paul said he had to run. He had to get back home to his horny wife. I gave him two fingers as he walked off to his car, laughing.

We saw each other again on Thursday, and he confirmed I would be over for dinner on Friday and gave me the address. I was impressed as they were located in a lovely village about fifteen minutes from town. After our workout, we managed a pint at a nearby pub. Paul mentioned that Faith was looking forward to the dinner. She had planned on a few Indian dishes her mum had taught her to cook.

“Please tell her I’m looking forward to whatever she prepares, Paul. Now I better get moving. I need to get a few bits and bobs in for the weekend. Can I bring a bottle of wine for tomorrow?” I asked.

Paul replied, “No need, mate. We have a well-stocked wine fridge. My instructions were to tell you to be there at seven p.m. and not to dress up. Casual will be the theme for the evening.”

We said our goodbyes and headed off in different directions. I stopped at Tesco to pick up some milk and a couple of ready meals to tide me over for the weekend before heading home to my empty house.

I spent most of Friday just puttering about the house, thinking about how much I was looking forward to the evening and seeing Faith again. I knew nothing would happen other than enjoying a meal and conversation, but I would still be able to be close to her. I finally admitted to myself that I was smitten with my friend’s spouse. I suddenly felt guilty and thought about cancelling, but it would be rude at this late stage.

It was finally time to leave if I wanted to get there by seven. I had dressed casually as requested, in light brown trousers and a white open-neck shirt. I donned a jacket as I went out the door. It was already chilly, with a chance of rain later in the evening.

At five minutes to seven, I stood before their door and knocked. Paul answered and, with a handshake, said, “Welcome, mate. We’re so happy you could make it; come in.”

The house was as impressive as I expected, tastefully decorated and brightly lit. Paul showed me into their front room and offered me something to take away the evening chill. I asked for a small whisky over ice, and he said he would be right back. Faith, wearing an apron over black body-hugging yoga pants and top, ran in and hugged me tightly. Pressing herself against me, she kissed my cheek and whispered, “I’m so happy you could make it, kind sir.” Then she rushed out again, leaving me blushing.

Paul returned with a whisky over ice for each of us, and we sat and chatted about the weekend’s Champions League matches. He was a devout West Ham fan, while I had been a Manchester United supporter since my childhood in Cheshire. United was doing poorly this year, with only one win and three losses, while West Ham was at the top of its group, a fact Paul took great pleasure in reminding me.

I was saved from further ribbing when Faith called out that dinner was ready. As expected, the dining room was tastefully decorated, and when I commented on it, Faith beamed and thanked me, saying that she had redecorated the entire house after they had moved in a few years ago. I told her how much I loved her decorating style and would love suggestions for my tired-looking home if she had the time. She said it would be a pleasure and she would call so we could discuss it later this weekend.

A veritable Indian feast was laid on the table, and the aromas were intoxicating. There were a few dishes that I didn’t recognize, but I did see Butter Chicken and the Vegetable Biryani that Faith had promised last week.

We all sat and talked while we had a leisurely meal. I tried a little of everything and found that Faith was not boasting; this meal surpassed what we had eaten at the restaurant.

As we sat back from the dining table, I told Faith, “My compliments to the chef. This was one of the best meals I have had in years.”

Paul smiled, saying, “Faith has many talents on top of her brains and beauty.”

Faith blushed at our compliments and thanked us as she got up to start clearing the table. Both Paul and I soon joined her, and in no time, we had the table cleaned and the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

After looking at my watch and seeing it was already past ten, I moved to head home and thanked them both for the hospitality. Before I got too far, Faith interrupted. “Paul, there is no rush, is there? We were hoping you would join us for an after-dinner drink. I enjoyed our conversations tonight. There is no need for you to go home to an empty house just yet.”

I quickly replied, “I would love that, Faith. This has been such an enjoyable evening so far.”

Faith gave me a sultry smile and said softly, “Let’s make it a night to remember then,” as she took hold of my hand and pulled me into the front room.

“Paul, be a dear and mix us some drinks while we get settled,” Faith asked her husband. He smiled and nodded as Faith asked me to sit on the loveseat. She soon sat beside me, leaning on me with an arm around my neck. As I tensed and gave her a look, Faith turned to me and said, “Relax, dear, I’ve already mentioned that I find a gentleman like you very attractive.”

As I tried to pull away, I said, “I’m sorry, Faith, I just don’t feel this is appropriate. Your husband is a good mate.”

Just then, Paul returned carrying our drinks and said, “What if her husband thought it was fine, Paul? I’ve already mentioned how insatiable Faith has been lately, and when I mentioned your current drought, we both decided that perhaps you could help us out while we help you.”

As Paul passed out the drinks and sat opposite us in an armchair, Faith added, “Paul, my husband, and I sometimes bring women to our home to play. I’m bisexual, and while Paul isn’t, he does like to watch or join in when I am with a woman. I have always wanted to make love to two men at once. Would you please stay and help me live out a fantasy?”

I sat stunned, looking from one to the other. They both patiently waited for my response with smiles. My mind was going a thousand miles an hour as I thought about their offer. I felt Faith put her hand on mine and gently squeeze. I reached for my drink and took a big gulp before looking at Paul again. He nodded and smiled.

“I must admit I am shocked beyond words,” I said to them both. I looked at Faith and said, “I can’t deny that the thought of being with you excites me. I’ve never done anything like this before. How would it work?” I finished, looking at Paul.

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