Anthropomorphic Contemplation - I - Cover

Anthropomorphic Contemplation - I

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Art students Niah and Harker tackle an assignment: a picture depicting anthropomorphic contemplation.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   .

“I’m at a loss about this art assignment—anthropomorphic contemplation,” Harker complained.

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Niah replied.

“I suppose you did one,” Harker said.

“Not just one, two,” Niah said.

“Interesting,” said Harker, after looking at Niah’s painting for a minute or two. “I guess I can see the contemplation aspect of it, but where does the antropo-whatever come in?”

“Flopper is contemplating my toes in human terms,” Niah professed.

Harker wrinkled his brow. “You sure he’s not just thinking about eating them?

“Exactly,” Niah said.

“I kind of see what you mean,” Harker said. “I kind of feel the same way.”

“Only kind of?” Niah questioned.

“Yeah, much as I’d like to taste your toes, I think I’d prefer your nipples. By the way, I notice you’ve painted yourself with bigger breasts.”

“You don’t approve? It’s one of the perks of contemplation. If you were to paint yourself contemplating, you might give yourself a bigger cock.”

“You think my cock’s too small?”

“Not at all. I was just making a point.”

“Okay, so obviously in your painting you’re contemplating something.”

“Obviously,” Niah said.

“Care to share?”

“Well, you can see I’m touching my finger to my lips. Perhaps I’m contemplating the way Kiki’s kiss feels when she just touches her lips to mine. Perhaps I’m contemplating the feel of Kiki’s cunt lips to my finger. To my tongue. Perhaps I’m contemplating the slippery weight of that little towel barely covering my sex.”

“I was wondering about that towel, the one you stole from me.”

“I didn’t steal it. I salvaged it.”

“How so?”

“That time you came all over my belly and breasts and you used the towel to mop up all the cum...”


“Let’s just say I preserved it, perhaps for sentimental reasons.”

“I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“I’m not sure that I do. Somehow it ended up in my gym bag, and I thought I might as well make some use of it before washing it or throwing it out.”

“I prefer the first version.”

“Such a sentimental soul you are, Harker.”

“I do have one other question.”


“Who’s Kiki?”

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