Load of Big Cock and Bull - Cover

Load of Big Cock and Bull

by jack tar

Copyright© 2024 by jack tar

Fantasy Sex Story: stared at a huge cock on the beach , but it did not take susan long to sample it. but a more shocking surprise was in store later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Size   Nudism   .

We’d only just got settled on our favourite nudist beach when we both noticed the gigantic dick attached to a man of about thirty-five. He hadn’t gone ten yards past us before we both realised he was the same bloke we’d seen on the beach last year.

There’s a story there if you’re interested, we were walking in the surf last year when this bloke walks past with the biggest dick we’d ever seen and we’re talking seven or eightr inches soft here and at least two inches thick. Any way we said hello as we past, smiled and nodded as we past a second time. Later in the day we were discussing the people we’d seen and Susan mentioned this chap in the surf. I said the one with the goatee beard and would you believe she hadn’t noticed he had one! Shallow or what.

So there we were, both realising this monstrous dick was the same one, Susan never forgets a dick and I’m pretty good with faces so between us we were sure. Giving him a decent start we decided to follow to get a better look. We past each other several times paddling in the cold sea. As last year we said hello and commented on the cold water. Susan unable to take her eyes from his tackle and he appreciative of her full breasts and slim waist. Or was he simple regarding my inferior equipment, who knows.

Wed returned to our stuff before he headed back to the dunes behind us. Just a he was about to disappear from view he turned to Susan who was mesmerized by his swinging dick as if it was a hypnotist’s watch! As he looked at Susan he flicked his head into the dunes as a signal she should follow him.

To say that Susan was gob smacked is putting it mildly, if asked she would say she hadn’t realised she had been so obvious but she had I’ve got to say. For the next ten minutes she did nothing but giggle and gloat at the fact that she could pull even with me there, ha ha!

After ten minutes I told her she should follow and see how his dick shapes up, they say that big dicks sometimes don’t grow much when the blood starts pumping, his might or might not grow to epic proportions. Susan tried to make out she’d never go up but just as I was about to cool to the idea she jumps up and say’s I’ll just see where he’s sitting and be right back.

Ten minutes later I’m still on my own so I decide it might be prudent to check. By then the thought that she might be in some kind of danger had entered my mind. I should have had more faith in my woman I suppose because when I found her she was sat across from the man sitting I might add with knees flopped apart and her pussy open for him to look at.

Her display was working on her quarry as his dick was showing the first signs of wakening. He said I should sit if I wanted and I did, making up a triangle with the two of them. This allowed me not only to view Susan’s dripping pussy but also to check on the developments in front of her.

They’d be making small talk it seemed. They’d got past the minimal introductions and were discussing his awesome tool. Paul was justly proud of it and with just a few strokes of his hand it grew quickly to ten inches and between two and a half and three inches wide.

Susan was sitting quietly just staring at the sight before her eyes. As I watched her she slipped her right hand between her legs and began to rub at her clit. I moved to sit behind her at this point and took over the job for her. As I slowly jerked her off I asked Paul about his dick, if he had trouble getting it up women and if he was able to get the whole lot in. Paul told me he always made sure his women were ready for him and he nearly always got it in. the head was some much bigger than the shaft that once it was inside the rest followed easily. Occasionally he’d bottom out for a few thrusts but usually it would all go in. Susan shuddered through her first orgasm at this point and began to giggle as she usually does sometimes.

Paul asked her if she wanted to touch it, with out a word she crawled across on her hands and knees to reverently touch the beast for the first time. I wished I’d brought my camera with me at this point as she looked just like a worshiper before her idol. Paul was resting back on his hands with his legs parted in front of him. Susan on her knees and elbows gently fondled his straining dick. Slowly her face moved closer and closer until she was able to touch the exposed head with her tongue.

After licking the purple knob for a few moments she took it carefully into her mouth. At this point Paul closed his eyes and let his head fall backwards. Totally unconcerned that I was there. As I watched the tableau before me, I suppose I should have been annoyed at the way Susan was acting. I’ve never seen anyone become so compliant so quickly as she had over Paul’s dick. I wondered just how far things would go the dunes offered so much privacy that anything could happen in the next fifty minutes, as they say.

Paul’s breathing had increased I noticed and he had begun to arch his back. Pretty soon he would come I knew. Susan did as well I’m sure, would she finish or would she pump him by hand. In the end she did both, keeping just his knob in her mouth but vigorously pumping him as he grunted and groaned his way though a powerful orgasm of his own.

As the first spurt of his sperm hit the back of her throat Susan involuntarily pulled her head back to receive the rest of his cum onto her face and then her chest. He ejected at least three times more sperm than I ever have. Susan reluctantly stopped her rubbing and once more sat back as she had been when I arrived. She made a big deal out of clearing all his cum from her face and tits with her one finger which she licked clean in an altogether provocative manner. Paul still resting back on his hands watched as well.

I glanced at his dick after Susan had finished to see that it was still fairly hard a full twelve inches I was sure. Paul thanked Susan for a fantastic blow job. Susan seemed to come out of her trance at this point, she was looking some what shamefaced as I looked at her. I gave her a wink and a smile and she smiled slyly back at me. I decided it was time I returned to our stuff and stood up. Susan jumped to her feet as well and after a slightly embarrassed parting we walked hand in hand back to the beach. We walked to the sea where Susan cleaned herself in the water.

As we walked along the shore Susan tentatively asked me if I was alright. I hadn’t realised I was quiet and told her I was fine, the sun was getting to me I said. A little later we were sat by our stuff again both thinking about what had happened. Paul appeared as he had the first time beside us on his way to the sea. His dick had once more receded to a size that mine only reaches when hard.

With a cheery wave he made his way to the waters edge where he walked up and down for a spell. On his way back he squatted near Susan, the glistening knob of his huge member just reached the sand as he was in conversation, a detail that I was sure Susan would notice, he once more thanked her for earlier before telling us he had to split. Before he left he gave us his phone number and said he’d like it if we called him. Before we could reply he’d jogged off into the dunes.

It had starting to turn cooler by then so we decided to leave as well. It wasn’t until we were on our way home that I asked Susan if she planned to call Paul. Her hasty response was that she had no intention of ringing him. I wondered if she regretted what had happed earlier, she always said she thought casual stuff was something she’d never do but I knew she had been completely helpless to stop herself.

Later in bed as we made love her enhanced response to my administrations told me she was thinking of Paul. I didn’t speak of my thoughts at that time I decided to give it a day or two.

About the middle of the next week I told Susan it would be alright if she wanted to contact Paul. We could meet him somewhere for a drink if nothing else. He’d seemed like a pleasant bloke and I knew Susan would go for the idea. At first she tried to make out she was totally against the idea but about a week later I asked again and she said it might be nice to meet him, just for a drink she stipulated!

I left it to Susan to do the necessary and the next evening she told me she’d contacted Paul. She’d arranged for us to meet him at a pub we’d actually been to which was near his home. That date was four days away and as it grew closer I couldn’t help notice Susan getting more and more excited. For my part I was trying to decide exactly how I felt about the situation. By the Friday night I had decided that as long as Susan was happy, I was and I would cope with whatever came along. After all she’d already gone down on him which hadn’t bothered me in the slightest. In fact I’m sure we both got a buzz from thinking about it.

All Saturday Susan was on edge. She took three showers and spent an age deciding what to wear, a fact which amused me. Susan usually dresses to show off her body to it’s full extent but here was a guy who had no illusions as to what she looked like, he’d only seen her naked!

The drive to the pub seemed to take for ever but was over in just over half an hour. At the last moment I thought Susan was going to loose her nerve. I’d opened my door when Susan asked me to wait a moment. She looked across at me and said she was just going to meet him, nothing else. I blew her a kiss and smiled before getting out of the car.

Paul stood as we entered and met us as we walked to him. I shook his hand before he and Susan kissed briefly. Stepping back from her he told her she looked great which never fails to make Susan feel like a million dollars. Paul led us to his table before getting a round in. For the next couple of hours we got to know each other, at closing time he asked if we fancied a coffee at his house which was only a short walk away.

Paul lived in a smart semi which was tastefully decorated Susan looked around her as we sat alone in his lounge. I watched her nervously sitting on the edge of the couch, I was sitting back on an armchair. Paul came in with our coffees which seemed to add to her discomfort.

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