Ape Girl - Cover

Ape Girl


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She always like hairy men, and she didn't know why, until...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rough   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Blair Fortner leaned over her open suitcase and let her strawberry blonde mane cascade down over her shoulders and hang in her way. She was used to working through that veil of hair.

But she was going to have to figure out something to do with it now. African weather was notoriously humid, especially where she was going. The intense heat and humidity wouldn't go too well with long, damp hair. There was jungle rot to think about. She riffled through a pile of safari shirts and found the one she was looking for. Wouldn't it be a blast to wear it to dinner tonight? Amidst all those fancy evening clothes.

That and a pair of safari pants with lace-up jungle boots and a safari hat. Just the outfit guaranteed to draw attention. Not that she was in need of much more than she usually got.

Her nineteen year old body was a model of full-figured perfection. Her shoulders were taut and straight, her waist was small and trim. And best of all, she rose to nearly five foot eight inches in height. She loved being tall, and she loved having a good body.

Her legs were long, sculpted and tapering, all the way down to her feet. And her hips were curvy as a calendar girl's. Her breasts stuck straight out and in a marvelous defiance of gravity, thrust up at the tips. The places occupied by those twin plum- colored pliable nipples of hers. The ones that grew stiff and thick whenever she got aroused.

Which hadn't been often lately. But this was no time to think about that. She found a pair of thick woolen socks and kicked her bedroom slippers off. It would be such a hoot to wear this to the dinner party. That ought to perk old man Divers up a bit. Him and that snobbish son of his. Dr. Divers, her father called him. She did, too, when she wanted to address him face to face. When she was talking about him, it was always 'suck face' or 'bird turd' or something else appropriate.

He was one academician she loathed. Even if he was head of the Zoology department. And even if his darling son Owen was a professor in that august body of men.

Her father was part of that department, too. But in Blair's eyes he was a bit special. He did most of his work in the field. He usually shunned fancy black-tie affairs like the one he had promised to go to tonight, and he was a kind and loving man.

Blair only wished that he would re-marry someday. Having lost his wife, though it had been ten years earlier, must have made him a bit lonely. And then there had been suitors. Or whatever the female equivalent of a suitor might be. Women after his heart, though some of them had probably been after his wallet.

Dr. Fortner was a widely-published and respected authority on Greater Primates. He had popularized them actually, had written several commercially-successful books on the subject as well as countless more academic studies.

His blonde daughter never bothered to hide the fact that she idolized him. And he never bothered to hide the fact that he doted on her. Adored her. And he took her everywhere he went.

She had gone to schools all over the world. Grammar school in the Philippines, and in Ceylon, where he had gone to do his extensive and definitive studies of the gibbon and spider monkey. South America, where he had gone to research the New World monkey. And in Chicago, where he worked at the zoo studying the big one... king ape. The gorilla.

There had been lots of trips in between. A full, rich life for a young girl, nearing her twentieth birthday. And Blair had loved every minute of it. Well, most every minute.

She never liked the boardroom crowd. The dinner party group. The social scene.

And as beautiful and exciting as she was, she far preferred the depths of a dense jungle to the piazzas and parlor rooms of the well-to-do academic set. Or even the non-academic set.

Her father was no stranger to the jet set crowd, either. He was one of their pets. He told witty and involving stories, was erudite and charming. But he, too, quickly tired of the social scene. Like his daughter, he preferred the company of the outdoors. And he could hardly wait for the next field assignment, whatever it might be.

Blair pulled out a flimsy see-through bra and pair of bikini panties from her bedroom drawer. She paraded into the bathroom with them dangling from her hand and untied the terry-cloth cord of her robe.

She opened the coat and stared in the lighted mirror in front of her. It would be so good to get away from civilization again. Into that jungle. The place she loved and dreamt of constantly.

She looked at her massive knockers in the glass and spread her legs to look into her cunt. It had been a while since anyone had put his hands on her or made her cunt lips tingle. Well, there were compensations. Like knowing how to make yourself feel good at times like this.

Hell, she wasn't made of stone. She was a hot, eager young woman with a lot of sexual energy to go around. Only problem was, nobody seemed to be worth going around.

She sat on the edge of the tub and spread her legs, lifting one perfectly shaped foot up onto the porcelain rim. She could see across the room into the mirror quite plainly. In fact, she had a front row seat to her own open cunt slit.

She could see the rosy-colored folds stretch wide as she pulled her legs out and watch them shrink in together as she pushed her legs in again. What an amazing organ, that cunt of hers.

She reached up and fingered the stubby mauve tips of her gigantic tits. The rubbery nipples flexed and extended under her grip. She pinched them hard, sending a little jolt of electrical power down to her cunt and rushing back again.

"Oooooh," she said, letting a thin strand of hot air out her pursed lips.

She spread her cunt lips apart with her fingers and reached for her clit. How lucky to have such a big, slippery pink one to grab onto, she thought, as she ran her fingers up and down its length, circling it occasionally and feeling the glow spread to all parts of her body.

Her clit bounced up big and wet as she continued to run her fingers around it and up it and down it. Harder and harder. Faster and faster.

And sweeter and sweeter came the warm glow that now radiated throughout her entire body. It felt so hot and crazed to be sitting there alone doing this. But what the hell? She didn't have anybody else to do it for her.

Well, all right. She didn't want anybody else to do it for her. Not now anyway. She slipped her other foot up onto the rim and sat in a rather primitive pose as she began dicking herself with the fingers of one hand.

She slid the fingers inside her tight little tucked-in pussy and slid them out with a soft popping noise.

Rotating them round and round inside her the next time, she let out a soft cry of mixed pain and joy as she continued to rub her thick, bulbous clit at the same time.

She looked in the mirror. It was a primitive pose. Sitting there like that with her legs spread and her knees bent at sharp angles. So sharp that her feet were stuck right next to her ass cheeks.

Blair arched her back and stuck her fingers in deeper with each thrust. She reamed her cunt out and watched as the clear cunt honey flowed out her tight, pink throbbing hole and ran down her cunt crack. It flowed along her pussy lips and down, down to the porcelain tub rim, wetting everything in its path.

Her nipples glistened up rock hard and sweaty from the heat of the bathroom as she continued to finger her pussy with abandon. Such a primitive way of sitting and masturbating, she thought. Where had she seen it before?

She rushed her fingers in, skewered them round and round, spooning out loads of clear joy juice that oozed ever faster out her succulent tight wet cunt slit.

Ah, yes, the zoo. She had seen the big female apes sit like this and diddle themselves waiting for the male apes to come back. Or, if they were left alone for more than a few hours, they would do like this, just waiting for their mates to get aroused enough to fuck.

That was one thing Blair liked about apes. They were very open about their sexual activity. Not closeted and secreted like human beings. So free and easy. And they did whatever they felt like doing whenever they felt like it. Sort of like what she was doing right now.

She dug her fingers high into her pussy. So high in fact that her buns left the tub rim. She came down quickly enough though, catching her balance and shoveling her hot hand inside her pussy and wringing it around and around.

"God," she cried out in a flurry of sexual bliss. She knew she was about to go off. Humping herself this hard with her hand usually did the trick. It was a little lonely, but it sufficed for now.

She blinked her eyes rapidly and saw stars in front of them when they went shut. She rocked herself back and forth and up and down on her merciless, pumping hand, which had become her fist by now.

She bounced harder and harder up and down on that fist and threw herself into a sweet paroxysm of climax.

"Oh, wow!" she called out again and again as a whole string of climaxes gained momentum somewhere inside her and shot out her cunt. What a marvelous feeling of release! What ecstasy!!

After the ninth or tenth blitz, she lost count, Blair slowly wiggled her drowned and soaking fingers out of her pussy and licked them greedily.

Why was she doing that, she wondered, stopping herself suddenly and looking into the mirror. Ah, yes, she had seen the female apes do that. They often licked their cunt cream. Sometimes, they fed a little to the male to get him aroused.

It seemed to be the same routine to Blair. No matter what the species. Women always had to put out the greatest effort. But it seemed to her quite suddenly, she knew not from where the thought came though, that female apes had it a bit better in the sex and love department.

For once they enticed the male with their smells or their foreplay activities, the males would completely dominate them. She had seen them. In the field and in the zoo.

The males would take over complete responsibility of the sexual mating act. They would jump up and down on top of the female, or fuck her in a standing position, ramming their hook- shaped penises right in between their legs without needing to be further aroused, talked to, or promised much of anything.

Whereas human females had much more to do. They had to continue to keep the male's interest once he was hot. Stroke his ego, tell him he was a good lover, vary the position, suggest a variable. Even buy filmy negligees to continue the wooing process. Promise them loyalty. Pledge their fucking love for Chrissake... even assure them that they wouldn't hate them in the morning.

Well, human men had their good points. Only right then, stepping out of the shower and drying herself off, Blair couldn't think of any.

"Blair!!!" a familiar voice shot up the steps. "Are you up there?"

"Come on up," Blair shouted back. At least Cathy was good company. Cathy didn't have to be enticed.

"Shit those stairs are steep," the girl said, huffing and puffing as she pulled into the bedroom. She plopped her adorable tight buttocks on the chenille bedspread of one of Blair's twin beds and stared at her friend. Her friend who stood there completely naked with her hands on her hips.

"Glad you got dressed for me," she said, swallowing some leftover air and finally catching her breath.

Cathy Meltzer was Blair's best friend. Had been since childhood. She and her parents lived next door. The father was a veterinarian. A wealthy family, but unpretentious. Blair liked that.

Cathy had been to the top schools in the country, but she always spent her summers cleaning out her dad's dog kennels and tending to sick cats. They shared a deep love and appreciation of nature, and most especially, of nature's creatures.

"I'm just getting dressed now," Blair said, nonchalantly. She had always had a rather nonchalant attitude about her nudity.

She didn't mind that anyone saw her in the buff. Cathy hardly counted at all. Not that she had no scruples. Just that she had long ago adopted the attitude of the animals her father studied... nudity is the natural state of things. Why be ashamed of it? The animals aren't.

"Good," Cathy said, eyeing her friend with a teasing little grin, "I'm glad you're not going to Dr. Divers' dinner party completely naked."

"It's a thought," Blair said, stepping into her black nylon panties. She loathed underwear. Maybe she wouldn't wear any. She paused a moment and decided she wouldn't.

"You're not serious," her friend said, seeing Blair step back out of the sexy hot little panties and toss them on the bed.

"Oh, shit, Cathy, I'm gonna wear clothes," the girl said, putting her hand on her soft cotton safari shirt, "just not gonna wear underwear."

"Savage!" Cathy said, swinging her adorable legs as she sat on the bed and grinned at her friend.

"Thanks," Blair said, unbuttoning the shirt and stretching her luscious body out to slip into it, "I consider that a compliment."

"I know," Cathy said, "that's because you're warped."

"No," Blair said, buttoning the thing up all the way to the neck, "I'm practical. You ought to know that by now."

She stared in the mirror at the rather prim appearance the shirt had, even though it was thrown over a curvaceous and tantalizingly big bosom. She unbuttoned the shirt low enough to show the tops of her breasts.

"Gonna give the locals something to spill their soup course over?" Cathy said, putting her hand over her mouth to stop the giggles.

"Why don't you come along and see what does happen," Blair said, "you've never had a chance to attend a really boring academic dinner. Guaranteed dullest evening in memory."

"No thanks," Cathy said, "I've got a date. A hot date."

That was a little odd. Cathy was a beautiful raven-haired little pixie. But her tastes usually ran to dogs, cats and other assorted domestic animals. She was a normal, sexy nineteen year old, but Blair seldom saw her with a guy.

"Who?" Blair said, shaking her slacks out and stepping into them. She wiggled her hot, taut hips around, to fit the pants around them. They were tight, the way she wore most of her clothes.

"A guy from school. Named Harold Rhymer. Sounds hot, doesn't he?" Cathy again tried to muffle a giggle, but it slipped out.

"Look," she said, "why don't you stop by the house later? Bring your date."

"I would like to say Good-bye to your dad," Cathy said, sitting up and bringing her weight to the balls of her feet. It was getting near time to go if she wanted to go and get ready. It wasn't every Saturday night she went out. "When are you two leaving?"

"Ship leaves tomorrow night," Blair said, "around eight."

"Wow!" Cathy said, a note of admiration coming into her voice, "what a blast! A cruise to the jungles of darkest Africa-- "

"Well, it's not exactly a cruise. We're going by ocean liner, but it's not a luxury vessel. And we're not going to darkest Africa. We're going to the jungles, but there are mountains there, too."

"It must be something to go to a wild, untamed place like that. Nobody to bother you. No parking tickets, no traffic jams, no TV, no supermarkets..."

"No black-tie dinner parties," Blair continued, "no inflation, no college upper crust snobs, no disgusting men..." Her voice cut off. She hadn't meant to say that exactly that way. She hadn't meant to say 'disgusting men' like that. It slipped out. But it did slip out.

Perhaps she had meant it in some strange way. Some way she couldn't quite fathom. "I'm off," Cathy said, hopping up and scurrying toward the door. "See you later... savage!"

She laughed as she went running down the steps. Blair heard her laughter all the way down the stairs. What the hell was she laughing at?

The dinner-party was every bit the atrocity that Blair suspected it would be. The food was tasty enough, but the company sucked.

Professor Divers was regally seated at the head of the assembled guests. The little party was his way of bidding a fond adieu to his department's most prized professor and most fierce competitor. None of his books had ever been published for popular markets. He wrote long, scholarly studies on the mating habits of flatworms and the nocturnal activities of the two-toed sloth. In other areas, he had even less to offer.

"Blair, dear," he said, grasping her hand with his gnarled hairy one, "you're looking positively radiant this evening."

What a bunch of crap! He was patronizing her and she knew it. How could he say such a thing anyway? She was wearing khaki pants, a khaki blouse and Army boots, for Chrissake.

"What are you going to do with all that lovely hair?" Mrs. Divers said, nodding her head in Blair's direction, "I expect you'll have to cut it off."

"Well, the jungles are steamy," Blair said, stirring a little milk into her cappucino, "but I've decided to risk not going bald for the occasion. I'm thinking of wearing it in braids or something."

Actually she hadn't given it much thought.

"Such a lovely color," Owen Divers chimed in. He was such a sweetie. Always waiting for Mommsie and Daddykins to have their say before he opened his mouth, "Do you call it Titian blonde, I believe?"

"Strawberry blonde," her father said, reaching for the sugar, "like her mother had."

For some reason, it still made Blair feel a little sad every time he brought up her mother. Why couldn't he just find a nice college widow and get remarried? She would miss him terribly, but the man must get lonely. Surely at least just for companionship... Her thoughts were cut off by the very charming Mrs. Haver, the wife of another Zoology professor. One whose specialty was long-legged birds.

"Aren't you afraid you'll be a bit lonely out there in the bush?" she said, lifting all three of her chins up as she raised her head and eyed the girl, "I was. My goodness, the year Jackson and I spent there, I nearly lost my sanity. No one to talk to, no one to listen to me, except Jackson, of course..."

Blair was vaguely aware that Mrs. Haver was droning on ad nauseam. But something the woman had said made her thoughts rush off and carry her along with them. What was it?

Ah, yes, the loneliness thing. Why wouldn't she be lonely out there? Away from everything and everyone she knew that was familiar to her. Not another white person around for hundreds of miles. Why had she no fear of those outer reaches of the world? Why was she even looking forward to the peace and solidarity of it?

She tapped her spoon on the table as the woman continued to buzz on, her voice rambling off in a jagged monotone. She was actually eager about getting out there. Fiercely eager.

In fact, it's all she had thought about for days. All the plans and packing and shots she had had to get. She had loved every second of it. She would miss her entire sophomore year at college. Oh, she would get her Zoology credit all right. And she needed it, since she was planning to become a zoologist herself. But she would miss Homecoming, the football games, the swimming meets, the dorm friends, the dates...

Her thoughts stuck on that last one. Dates. Men. Young men. The ones she had been seeing in the last year. Ah! That alone would make a book. She resolved to write it someday. After she had been celibate for a number of years. That is what she was planning.

To cut herself completely off from sex. To go without it. It had been so ever-loving disappointing this last year. And, often, before that, too. Not that the guys she had been with were animals. That was just the problem. They weren't animal enough.

There hadn't been a risk-taker, a devilishly daring one, a really energetic one, a truly macho one in the bunch. There had been some incredibly good fucks, though, she had to admit. And a couple of them had been superior. But no tingle as far as she was concerned.

There had been Gary Fulton. He had been a lot of fun. A super guy, really. Captain of the swimming team. A body like an Olympic star. Not handsome, but then, she never really saw the use of handsome men. They were just so stuck on themselves.

But he had been rugged and outdoorsy. Not like little darling Owen who sat across from her now, trying to flirt with her. Owen was two years older than her, but she always felt she was babysitting him whenever they were alone.

Their one and only date had been a disaster epic. He had taken her to a remote beach for a quiet, private swim. At least that's what he said. And she had gone there, to get just that.

She had ridden all the way out to the ocean cliffs with him and they had skipped across the sand together. That part had been fun. She even dared to hope that they might be friends if they could have a bit of fun together. But then, the shit hit the fan.

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