Nudist at Heart - Cover

Nudist at Heart

by Gandoff

Copyright© 2024 by Gandoff

Incest Sex Story: A boy grows up with the forbidden love of his little sister and discovers he loves to be nude. Knowing he can never have his sister, he joins the Navy and is away from home for 20 years. When he retires, he rescues her from a bad marriage and has her move in with him. That is where they finally admit their love for each other.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Swinging   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

The Clearing

I love get-necked, but growing up in a very religious household, the necked body was something to be ashamed of. I reached puberty and discovered that my cock could be used for something other than taking a piss, and was a lot of fun. The first time it happened I was lying face down on fresh sheets with my jockey shorts below my ass, rubbing my little hard dick up and down, enjoying the friction. Suddenly, it got all wet, my dick was ultra-sensitive, and my whole body shook. I wanted that feeling again, but my pecker went soft, and it wouldn’t work again. I wondered if I had broken something, and was greatly relieved when I woke up the next morning with a little boner. I instantly flipped over on my front and did it again. This set a pattern for me. Eventually, as my dick continued to grow, I started using my hand to get relief at least twice a day, and more often if I could find the time and the privacy.

I love the outdoors. I spent every Saturday wandering around in the woods or along the stream banks of the creek, often joined by my little sister, Becky. When summer arrived, with both of our parents working, the sitter would arrive during breakfast and our parents would leave. Escaping the house and the watchful eyes of Miss Hazel was my priority. Miss Hazel was at least 75, never married, mean, critical, and smelt like an old lady. She didn’t have a TV in her little house, so as soon as my mother left, she switched from my sister’s cartoons to one of her talk shows and told us to get lost, which we did. I headed for the back door if the weather was good, or to the basement if it was not. My sister would either join me or retreat to her bedroom to play with her dolls. I had fun when my sister joined me in our outdoor play because I really liked her, but I truly enjoyed myself when she didn’t join me.

One day, I was walking downstream in the creek and decided to have some private fun. There was the possibility that my sister would come looking for me, and the stream would be the first place she would look, so I climbed the bank and headed uphill through the woods. I found a clearing of bare dirt and grass about 100 feet across among the thick oaks and pines that I had never seen before. It was the perfect place for me to pleasure myself for several reasons. If I didn’t know about it, which meant my sister didn’t know about it. The tall oaks had a dense undergrowth of pines and cedars, making it almost invisible from outside the clearing.

I dropped my shorts on the ground and had an instant boner. I cupped my left hand under my balls, wrapped my right around my cock, and started jerking. It didn’t take long and I was shooting my cum three feet in front of me and feeling a little lightheaded. I pulled my damp t-shirt over my head and laid it on the grown beside my shorts for someplace to lie down, but it was just not enough to keep my ass from being on the bare ground, but I stayed. Being nude in the woods with the sun shining on my necked body felt so natural. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had just discovered that I was a nudist at heart. About lunchtime, I dressed, and walked down to the creek for a quick dip, clothes and all, to wash off the sweat and dirt before going back to the house for a quick sandwich and glass of tea. Miss Hazel was engrossed in one of her soaps, so I made my sandwich and went to the cool basement to eat. Over the back of an old chair hung an old blanket. My sister and I often spread it out on the basement floor so sat and played cards on. The thought hit me, lying on this blanket would be a lot better than a T-shirt. I grabbed a large plastic bag, stuffed the blanket into it, and off to the clearing I went.

This was much better. The blanket didn’t soften the hard rocky red clay ground much, but it was better than my t-shirt, and I had room to roll from my front to my back without getting up. I hung my sweaty clothes on a low branch and lay down. Instantly I was as hard as a rock. This time I took my time as I explored my nude body as much as I jerked off. When I did orgasm, cum blasted up to my neck and chest. I lay spread eagle and relaxed in the afterglow of the best orgasm I had ever experienced with the sun beating down on me. This was the way it was supposed to be, necked and free. When it was time for Mom and Dad to return from work, I reluctantly got dressed, put the blanket back into its protective plastic bag under a tree, and walked home. This set up a pattern for me for the rest of the summer. Every day my little sister didn’t go with me into the woods, I spent the day in the clearing. I eventually had a collection of dirty books and a bottle of baby oil stuffed into the heavy plastic bag for my enjoyment. In the back of one of the books I saw ads for several nudist camps, some for families and others that read, “For Adults Only”, and wondered what it would be like to be nude in the company of others like me.

School started. I was now in the 9th grade and a high school student. Wow, somehow over the summer, the girls in my grade had grown boobs, and I was surrounded by older girls that had big tits. My mind was always working, wondering what it would be like to see all of them in the nude, and of course, I had to carry my books in front of me to hide my constant boner. I could only go to the clearing on Saturdays, and then only into the fall, when it was just too cold to strip.

The summer after my freshmen year, I got a job working on a local farm. We started early every morning. The farmer would cut the hay and leave it in the field to dry for several days before bailing it. My job was to follow behind the bailer and toss the heavy bails into the wagon. When the wagon was too full to throw a bail on top, we went to the hay barn and threw the bails up into the hay loft where it was carefully stacked to the rafters. Then it was back to the field for another load. Every day, five days a week I threw hay bales. I didn’t realize it, but I was growing taller and packing on a lot of muscle. Mom complained because my Sunday clothes didn’t fit me. I couldn’t button my shirt around my neck, my thighs wouldn’t fit in my dress pants, and my feet wouldn’t fit my dress shoes. Twice that summer she had to get me new Sunday clothes. Every Saturday found myself nude and lying out in the sun in my clearing. I had a combination of a farmer’s tan and an all-over tan. My cock had finally quit growing also at a very thick seven inches, which I had difficulty hiding in those new Sunday duds. I added swinger magazines to my book collection for my Saturday reading. One of them had a listing of nudist camps in the southeast, including North and South Carolina, and two that were near me. I fanaticized taking off on a camping trip some weekend and going to one of the camps, but both read, “Adults Only.” With my money from the farm, I bought myself an old pickup truck for $400 and a weight bench with a good set of weights. I didn’t need to work out as long as I was throwing hay, but once school started, I wanted to continue building muscle.

The other change that happened that summer was my sister. She is four years younger than me and is entering puberty. I noticed she had bumps on her chest that were developing into solid A cups. I had always thought she was pretty, but now she was becoming beautiful. My sister had never been shy, like I am, and she had always been surrounded by friends. Now she was having sleepovers with other 11 and 12-year-olds with little boobs and tight asses. I truly loved my sister, and I started comparing all the girls my age with her and found them all lacking. None of the girls my age had her combination of intelligence, beauty, and personality.

For the next three years, I continued to go to the clearing every Saturday, weather and schedule permitting to work on my tan and work on my weight bench early every morning. I didn’t date very often, because I had fallen in love with my little sister and couldn’t do anything about it. The only thing sexual that ever happened between us was after I had graduated. It was a Saturday morning, and as usual, I was lying nude on a blanket in the clearing, well-oiled up head to toe enjoying the sun and reading a girly book. I wasn’t seriously jerking off, just gently rubbing my hard-on when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was Becky, and she was moving quietly from one tree to the next getting closer to me. I looked around and my clothes were hanging on a branch too far away for me to reach them, so I thought if I lay really steal, perhaps she would pass by without seeing me, but the way she was moving it looked like she was trying to sneak up on me. She knew I was there and what I was doing. My boner got ever harder and my hand started moving before I realized what I was doing. Becky stopped about 15 feet away behind a big oak tree peaking around the edge. I continued to stroke my cock as I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She moved around the edge of the tree a little more so she could see better, and I saw that she had her right hand down her tight shorts, playing with herself as she watched me. My hand went faster. Her shorts were just too tight. She unzipped them and pushed them and her underwear down and started rubbing her pussy. With her other hand and reached under her shirt and pulled on her nipples. I had to slow my hand to keep from shooting my load too soon as I watched her reaction. Her hand moved faster and faster and her mouth formed an O as she started to shake with an orgasm. That was all it took. I thrust my pelvis into the air and I erupted, shooting cum high above me, trying to keep my eyes open to watch Becky. I saw her eyes glued to my cock and following the path of my cum as it went up and fell back onto my chest. I think I shot the largest load of my life as she watched. She pulled up her shorts and slipped quietly back through the woods towards the house. The thought hit me as she went out of sight, she knew what she was going to see, so this was not her first time watching me in the clearing. I got hard again and jacked off another load before I could get dressed and head for home. That night I jacked off twice more at the memory of her watching me and me watching her.

Becky was entering high school as I was entering college. Once she turned 15 and could date, she dated every guy in the school, but the word quickly spread that she didn’t put out, according to her letters to me.


I entered university several hours from home. I could have gone to college in my hometown, but I had to get away from my sister. I was in love with her and wanted to live with her, but she was my sister. I have always been a good swimmer. One day I saw a notice posted about try-outs for the university swim and dive team, so on a whim I went. I thought I could at least watch, but somehow I found myself in line to swim. I did the freestyle and the backstroke and made the team. I was issued a team speedo and headed for the showers. I realized that the men on the team shaved their chest and legs, saying it reduced friction and made them faster, so that night, I shaved, and out of curiosity, I shaved my pubs too. In bed that night, I jacked off, and it felt great, better than ever. I took some kidding about my lack of hair, but there was one guy who took it too far. I realized he was the team bully. After a week of his comments and bullying, I told him, “Your girlfriend likes me clean-shaven!” He took a swing at me. I hit him once on the chin, and he went down like a rock. No one dared comment on my hairless balls after that.

I bought a nudist magazine and found a camp just thirty minutes from the university, so on Friday after class, I packed up my old Boy Scout tent and camping gear into my old pickup and went exploring. This was a family-friendly nudist camp with all the normal campground facilities like pool, volleyball, and basketball. I stripped down and went to the pool. Being a newcomer to camp, everybody had to greet me, including all the little girls. Of course, being 19, 6’2” tall, small waist, thick legs, chest, and arms, with a long thick cock, and being clean-shaven, I drew a lot of attention, especially from the middle and high school girls.

The camp had a rule that everyone under 18 had to be back in their family campsite by 10 PM, so I went back to the pool. Several people invited me to join them in the hot tub. The tub held at least 20 people. It had an island with seating in the center as well as seating around the outside. I ended up sitting between a grandmother-type lady in her early 50s on my left side and her 25-year-old beautiful daughter and mother of two on my right. On the other side of her daughter was her son-in-law, an out-of-shape lawyer. While relaxing and listening to the conversations around me, I felt a hand on my left knee which slowly moved up until it landed on my cock. About that time I felt a hand on my right knee which moved up to play with my hairless balls. The ladies talked to each other as they felt me up. I moved my arms from the backrest to the water and ended up fingering a wet pussy with each hand. They both had very thick and sensitive clits and started having difficulty having a conversation. The grandmother had an orgasm first, quickly followed by her daughter. Both of them had snapping pussies as I felt their muscles gripping my fingers when they came. We stayed in the hot tub until there were just five of us left since the mother’s husband had left for their campsite. The other couple were on the far side and I watched as he sat up on the side of the tub and the lady started giving him a blowjob. The grandmother said, “That looks like fun. Sit up on the side for us.” They both got between my legs and shared my cock. This was my first double blowjob. The three of us ended up in my little tent for my first threesome I had one riding me while the other sat on my face, and they swapped several times. I discovered I really enjoyed eating pussy and having a woman cum in my mouth and evidently, the ladies did too. The mother ended up on her back coming with her mom eating her out as I pumped a load as deep in grandmother’s pussy as I could. When I had gone soft and slipped out of her snapping pussy, her daughter spun around and ate my cum as it dripped out of her mother. When I woke up on Saturday morning, I was alone, but everything smelt like pussy. Before I left on Sunday afternoon, I paid for a year’s membership.

Every weekend that we didn’t have a swim meet, I spent at the camp. I dated occasionally on campus, but not very often. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break were hell. I enjoyed seeing my family, but being around my sister was torture. Every time I saw her she was more beautiful, and a true joy to talk to. When Mom would ask her about her latest boyfriend, she looked a little embarrassed talking about him in front of me, and I would turn green with jealousy. Every time I was around her, I fell in love with her a little deeper. I always went home for one week after the spring semester, and always found time to visit the clearing every day that I could. I had to find a new blanket to take with me because something had gotten into the big plastic bag and made a nest or din in it. The sun felt great and I had all the memories of my previous visits. I wondered if my sister ever came to the clearing to lay out nude or masturbate after I left home. The thought of her laying on my blanket and rubbing her clit always gave me a hard-on and I would jerk off several times dreaming of her. I also kept an eye out just in case she had followed me again, but she never did. On summer break from school, other than that one week, I took summer classes so I could graduate early with a degree in engineering, a five-year program that I could finish in four. For that four years, I continued to go to the camp on weekends, hooking up with a lady on most weekends, and going home as little as possible.

Just before Christmas break of my second year, the engine on my old 1956 Ford pickup started giving me trouble. Once at home, I went to my uncle. He put the truck in his shop and over the holidays, we replaced the engine with a 351 Cleveland and painted her forest green with black finders. My aunt insisted on making new coverings for my seats, and by the second week of January when classes started again, I had a new sexy truck to take to school. I spent as much time as possible at the shop to stay out of the house and away from my sister. At the family Christmas dinner, I was introduced to Becky’s steady boyfriend. I instantly hated him. He was a worm with no ambition or imagination, and he didn’t come from a very good family. He wasn’t good enough for my beautiful sister, but I could do nothing about it.

US Navy

I graduated with honors, and my whole family was there to see me walk across the stage, including Worm Boy. We had a fancy meal in my honor and I informed the family of my plans. I could not see myself working at some big engineering firm figuring out the stress load of a bridge truss, so I told the family I had decided to join the US Navy, and I was leaving for OCS (Officers Candidacy School) in just two weeks. It tore my heart out to see my little sister crying at the thought of my leaving, but it was for the best. I was in love with her and wanted to live the rest of my life with her, but it was a forbidden love, so I had to leave.

I had just reported to my first ship headed into the Mediterranean that fall and my sister had just started her freshmen year at University, when my parents retired and moved to Florida. I did well and advanced in rank quickly. I took my leave to go to nudist camps in France and Italy, always hooking up with a lady or two. I still took some ribbing about my all-over tan and clean-shaven pubs, but I didn’t care as long as the ladies liked it, and they did. Most European ladies didn’t shave anything, including under their arms, and they seemed to enjoy a hairless man. I had allowed the hair on my legs and chest to grow, but I kept my cock and balls clean-shaven, which brought me instant blowjobs all over Europe. At one camp in the south of England, I ended up with three ladies, one English blonde, one French brunet, and the third one a redhead from Ireland. By the time I reported back to the ship, I could barely walk, and my cock was sore and limp for a week.

Halfway through my sister’s second year, we were notified that Mom and Dad had been killed by a drunk driver. I took emergency leave to meet with my sister for the funeral. I wanted to hold her, but she was still with the worm and they were going to be getting married over summer break. He was working for his father in our hometown, and I had heard from friends back home that he was not being loyal to her, but I couldn’t do or say anything. When the will was read, Becky and I became instant millionaires, but I insisted that the family home be put in her name since I had no intentions of ever moving back to my hometown. A week after the funeral, Becky took me to the airport to fly back to Norfolk, VA, so I could make connections to report back to my ship in the Med. With tears in her eyes, she kissed me on the lips and whispered, “I miss you, and I love you so much, big brother.” I whispered back into her ear, “I truly love you too, little sister.” Now I had said it to her out loud, but I don’t think she realized the true meaning and depth of my words.

I didn’t return home to visit, instead taking my leave in various nudist camps across Europe. The Navy also sent me to different advanced schools across the country, so I was able to go to nudist camps across the US, and not only earn my master’s in engineering but most of my doctorate. Becky married the worm, but I didn’t attend the ceremony. For twenty years, I stayed away. We wrote often and spoke on the phone when possible, but I didn’t go home. In all the places I had been and all the women I had been with, none of them could measure up to Becky. I was still in love with her. I had invested my money will, and continued to add to it from my Navy pay. Other than going on leave and visiting nudist camps, I didn’t spend my money on anything.

My Boat

With 22 years of service, and rising to the rank of Navy Captain, I decided to retire. If I had stayed in another ten, I possibly could have become an admiral, but being tied to a desk and working in the Pentagon didn’t appeal to me at all, so I quit. I had all the money I could ever spend, and I had seen the world, both the nice places and the not-so-nice places. I was still a nudist at heart and wanted to continue that lifestyle permanently. I also loved the ocean and never wanted to move inland. I made a few calls and found a nudist camp on the coast of North Carolina that was in financial trouble and was for sale, so I bought it, along with another piece of 750-acre property adjacent to it for possible expansion. I moved into the owner two two-bedroom house and closed the camp at the beginning of October for remodeling. I advertised heavily in the nudist magazines about the new camp and on May 1st, the camp was reopened. All the regulars came back along with lots of 1st timers. I had hired an all-new staff, including a single lady, about my age, to be the general manager. The camp was a big success. I had a small marina built, only about 15 boat slips, and bought myself an older Morgan Outer Island 41’ sailboat, fully restored and customized for long-distance cursing. Becky and I stopped writing letters because we could now talk on the phone any time we wanted to, which was almost every Saturday night. I had a cell phone when I was ashore, and a satellite phone if I was at sea, and she had both numbers. I knew her marriage was in the pits and she was not happy, but she refused to talk about the worm and I didn’t ask. She was a very successful real estate salesperson and owned her own business, so she would tell me about the homes she had sold and the families who bought them. I told her about my boat and the places I had been.

One day she called me in tears. As soon as I picked up the phone she said through her tears, “The bastard left me. The son of a bitch took everything I owned and left me.” This was the first time she had ever talked about him to me. She said she knew he had been running around on her since before they were married. He cursed the streets and picked up hookers. He had affairs with different secretaries from his father’s car dealerships and had even gotten one pregnant. He drank heavily and when he was drunk he was physically abusive to her. He was a gambler and had lost everything they had. When she came home from work that afternoon, she found a family moving into her house. He had lost the deed to the house and everything in it in a poker game to the man. My sister was calling me from her office. I told her I would pick her up at the Wilmington Airport, and would call her back with the flight arrangements. Twenty minutes later I had her booked on a flight to the coast. All she had to do was to put a closed sign on her office door, get a cab to the airport, and be on the plane in one hour. I jumped into my old Ford truck, yes I still have it, and headed to Wilmington. She arrived five minutes before I did. She rushed into my arms crying, and I held her, whispering in her ear the whole time, “You’re safe now. You are with me and I will take care of you. I love you, little sister. I love you.” As she wept. All she had to her name was an overnight bag that she had at her office, so we jumped into my truck and headed for my boat. We drove to the little town of Oriental, NC, to a nice marina where I keep my boat most of the time. People greeted me as we made our way down the dock, “Hi, Captain Jack. Why so dressed up, Captain Jack. Looking good, Jack.” came from other boat owners as we made our way down the dock to my boat. I helped her aboard and showed her below. “So you’re Captain Jack now?” she asked. My family and all my friends from school had always called me John, or JJ for John Junior since I was named after my father, but someone at OCS had called me Jack and the name had stuck with me throughout my Navy career. We stowed her things and I told her I would take her shopping before dinner. I changed into my normal clothes and walked her up the dock. Again people started calling out to me, “Now you look like the pirate we all know,” one man said. I had put on my trademark cut-off blue jeans a colorful Hawaiian shirt and my deck shoes without socks. On the way to the store, I explained to Becky that the title Captain at the marina was honorary. Nobody there knew I was a retired Naval Captain, and I was often referred to as “The Pirate Jack.” I was friendly and helpful to everyone around the marina, but I didn’t share personal information.

I took Becky to Walmart to get the things she needed right away and told her I would take her to a nice dress shop the next day for the better quality dresses she would need. She got all her toiletries, a couple of T-shirts and shorts, and a bathing suit. I rejected her first choice of a conservative one-piece in favor of a bright yellow bikini. She also bought a very pretty tropical sun dress for dinner that evening and wore it out of the store. We went to the restaurant at the marina, which is a very fancy five-star restaurant, but allowed people to dress like we do around the marina. She asked me about my lack of a jacket or tie in such a place. I told her I didn’t have a jacket or a tie anymore, and that I was dressed up, I had a shirt on for a change. I had my entire wardrobe on board the boat, ten Hawaiian shirts, and five pairs of shorts. We were met by the maître d with, “You have another beautiful lady on your arm this evening, Captain Jack.” I gave him a look to say, you have said too much. He blushed and showed us to the best table in the house overlooking the marina.

After a great meal, I dropped cash on the table for our server but was never presented with a bill, and didn’t pay as we left. Becky questioned that and I told her that I would be billed and would pay my tab in full before I left the marina. We walked back down the dock arm in arm, mainly because Becky had drank a little too much wine with dinner and was unsteady on the moving floating docks. As we came to my boat she suddenly came to a stop as she read what was on the back. I have a bumper sticker across the upper corner that reads, “Sail Necked.” I watched her silently mouth the words. Then she saw the name printed across the transom, “Rebeca Ann.” She gave me a strange look. “You named your boat after me?” she asked. “Of course” I simply replied as I lifted her new belongings aboard and offered her a hand. After such a long day, I showed her to her stateroom, kissed her goodnight, and let her turn in. I sat in the cockpit for quite a while, basking in the knowledge that my Becky was away from that Worm and finally safe with me as people from the marina passed by and greeted me.

Just after sunup the next morning, as the sea breeze freshened, I cast off the lines, hoisted the sails, and quietly slipped away from the dock and the marina into the sound. It was about an hour later that a totally disorientated sister stuck her head out of the companionway to see what was going on, wearing her new almost see-through nightie from Walmart. I was standing at the wheel in my cutoffs, and nothing else. “Morning, little sister. Care for some breakfast and coffee?” I cheerfully asked. I had her take the wheel as I went below to make our coffee.

“John, I don’t know how to sail a boat!” she shouted as I went below. I told her to just aim at that island ahead and not to worry. I had two hot coffees ready in no time. Hers with cream and sugar, mine black. I took the helm as she took a big drink of her coffee. “How did you know how I like my coffee?” she asked.

“Because that is the way you made it when I came home for Mom and Dad’s funerals,” I replied.

“John, that was over 20 years ago,” she said with a little wonder in her voice.

“Yep, I remember everything about you.” I simply said.

Finally, she asked, “Where are we going, anyways?’

“Just out and about. No place in particular. Where do you want to go? We can turn around and go back to the marina tonight, or we could sail down to Wilmington, Charleston, or Savanna. If you want to go north we can go to Norfolk, Baltimore, New York. The boat is well provisioned, so we could sail out to Bermuda or down to the Virgin Islands. If you really want to just go, we could sail across the Atlantic and cruise the Mediterranean for a couple of years, so the question really is, where do YOU want to go?”

This kind of took her breath away as she realized that I was serious. “Why don’t we just go back to the marina for tonight? I have a few things I need to take care of back home before I disappear with you,” she said, as she drank the last of her coffee. When she said, “Disappear with you,” my heart soared.

‘“Your wish is my command, My Lady,” I said

Becky stated laughing, “You used to say that to me all the time when I was small and I wanted my big brother to do something for me.” Do you mind if I put on my new bathing suit and go up on the bow to get some rays?” she asked. I told her where to find the big towels and sun tanning supplies and she went below to get ready.

When she came topside again, this time wearing that bright yellow suit, it was blinding. There were parts of her breast and ass that had not seen the sun in a long time that was now viable and would need sunblock very soon. “You know you can go topless or all over if you would like. There is nobody within miles of us to see.”

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