Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The track was just up ahead of them, right off the main highway. There were no cars there and so the racing was over for the day. But they had guessed that a long time ago when they realized how late it was. Vicky had slowed down in spite of her haste to get to the track. She had slowed down to a crawl almost.

They got out of the car after Vicky had parked it in the track's main parking lot and they made their way to the stables. The first two people Vicky saw were Phil and Jack. They looked at her and then they hurried, pretending that they hadn't seen her at all. They were obviously afraid of her, and Vicky knew that, and it made her feel extra good inside.

She had a feeling that everything that happened from now on would make her feel good inside. Especially Jocko's huge, hard, meaty, slimy shaft when it was all the way inside her.

Vicky had been right about her James. He was there waiting for them just like she had said he would be. Of course he hadn't been at the front gates, but he was at the front of the stable section where Jocko was.

"What took you so long?" he asked when they were right in front of him and almost on top of him at that. "I've been waiting for you for hours."

Vicky brushed right past him and into the stable so she could get her first look at Jocko in a what seemed like a century. He was still the beautiful creature that he always had been. But then, she hadn't expected him to change any. It would be impossible for that to happen. He would always look this way to her, if only in her mind.

Beatrice and James followed behind her.

"Beatrice will tell you my plans for this evening, James," Vicky said, dismissing him with her tone of voice. "Now you take care of all the little details, Beatrice; after all, it was your dream that started all this. And take him with you so he won't be in my way. I'll take care of the important things like Jocko and myself."

She gave Beatrice a cold hard stare and Beatrice led James out of the stable without saying a word to him or a word to Vicky. She didn't have to say anything to Vicky, and there was still time to explain everything to James.

Vicky rubbed her hands together. "Well, Jocko, you and I are going to perform for the fine people this evening. It won't be the thousands and thousands that were in Beatrice's dream, but we don't need that many. For us there will be enough. Actually, we don't even need those people, Jocko. We just need each other. You know that and I know that."

Jocko just stood there like he always did, staring off at something that only he knew what it was he was looking at. Vicky smiled even more warmly now.

"Yes, Jocko, tonight is going to be the biggest night of your life, and possibly even the biggest night of my life. Who knows? I could end up like that girl Tom told me about. I could get killed, and this could turn out to be the last night of my life. It just might turn out that way. I don't think it will, and I don't want it to, but that's the way it could happen."

She walked over to Jocko and began to stroke his flanks.

"You feel the same way," she said, stroking him harder and harder, and pretty soon she was stroking him just as hard as she possibly could.

"I wonder if everything else feels the same?" she asked, getting down on her knees.

Jocko's cock hung limp between his legs. It reminded her of a soft baseball bat. Even when it was soft, it felt hard to her. It would always feel hard to her.

"Yes," she said, stroking his soft cock that was suddenly rising into an erection, "everything feels the same, but then I knew that it would. I just used that as an excuse to touch you; not that I really needed an excuse. I don't need anything but the desire to touch you, and I have that all the time."

She was stroking Jocko's cock back and forth, up and down the entire length, and right down on his balls. He was very hard now and she gazed at his hard cock for a moment and allowed herself to be amazed by it.

"Now it really is the way I remember it," she said. "Just the way I'll always want to remember it."

Vicky was stroking him even harder now, and she could feel how hot she was making Jocko's cock. It was actually burning up right in her hand.

"That's it, Jocko, get hot and hard. That's just the way you are supposed to get when I'm around you. Whenever I'm near you, I want you to be hot and hard, just like you are, just like you were that first time for me. I'll always remember that first time, and I'm sure, in your own way, you remember it too."

She brought her lips close to the head of Jocko's cock and kissed it as gently as she knew how. That made Jocko stir somewhat and that made Vicky kiss the head of his cock again, and this time with a little more pressure, but just a little more.

"You felt that, did you? Well, feel this."

And she kept kissing the head of his cock, over and over, and harder and harder each time.

"I'll bet you feel every one of those, don't you?" she then asked, pulling away for a second, but only for a second, and for no longer than that.

The more time she spent away from his cock, the less time she had to suck on it. The time she wasted talking about it, she could spend actually doing it, and she wanted to do it much more than she wanted to talk about it. Talking about it didn't get his cock in her mouth like she was doing right then.

She had the head of his cock in her mouth and she was already sucking on it with all her might. Yes, Jocko, she said to herself, as her tongue went wild over the head of his cock, stabbing into the crack, and rubbing back and forth against that opening, yes, this is what I like best of all. Your cock in my mouth. Me sucking on you like this. I've waited so long to do this again, and now I'll never wait that long to do it again.

She sucked harder and harder on the head of his cock and then she worked more of his cock in her mouth and sucked harder and harder on that. She was running her mouth up and down the full length of his cock now, and then she was sucking wildly on his balls. His balls seemed to be as hard as his cock, but then they had the last time also.

She was more frantic this time than she had been the first time with him. Much more frantic. She hadn't been this frantic with Jack and Phil's horse, and not with Chris' horse. Only with Jocko could she feel this way, and not with any other animal; horse, dog, or whatever.

Jocko was real to her because his cock was real to her. And now it was so very deep in her mouth, and down her throat even, and she was sucking like a wild woman on it. She was going to suck it right off him if she could. She certainly wanted to right then. Suck it off, keep it hard like this, and just carry it around with her. Maybe mount it in her room. Someday, when Jocko had to die, that was what she meant to do. She would have his cock mounted and she would keep it in her room.

That just made her suck on him all the more, and she was grabbing at his balls as she did this. My beautiful Jocko, she said to herself. My very beautiful Jocko. How really big you feel. You feel even bigger than you did when I first began to suck on you. Your cock is growing right in my mouth, and my sucking is making it grow, isn't it?

Now she bore down for what she knew would be the final moments just before he erupted in his gushing orgasm. And he would gush even more than he had that first time she sucked him off like this. He would gush out gallons and she would swallow it all down, and what she didn't swallow down, she would lick up later.

She had been right, and as she had known she would be. Bearing down on him like she did, her lips closing in tight around his hot, throbbing cock flesh, she could feel him start to come. It seemed like a dribble at first, and then it was followed by the gush that came right afterwards, and filled her whole mouth, and spilled over the sides of her mouth.

It was running down her chin, neck, and tits, just like it always did with her. Like she always wanted it to do.

She liked feeling his cock like this all over her body, and not just in her mouth. This way the outside of her body could experience the same sensations that the inside of her body was experiencing. It would burn. Her skin on the outside of her body would burn, and her whole insides would burn.

This burning sensation--or sensations as they sometimes were- -was what made it all worthwhile. That plus everything else it made her feel. And when she felt that he was just as hot as she was, she felt even better about what they had just done.

His come was still shooting out of the crack in the head of his cock, and she was still drinking down just as much of it as she could, letting the rest of it run down all over her body, just like she had been doing all along. She felt herself quivering inside to the point where she fell away from him.

His cock just hung loose in front of her, but all she did now was look at it. "That's some piece of slimy cock you got there," she said out loud. "Yes, that sure is. I could lick that hard piece of meat all day and all night, and one of these days I'm going to. Just see if I don't."

Then she did lean forward again, and she licked all the slimy come off him; after all, it was her slimy come on his slimy come that was all over his cock like that. She wanted to get some more of it in her mouth before she was through for this session. After all, tonight was going to be the big event. Tonight she would actually get his cock inside her.

She remembered Chris' horse--the only horse's cock that had ever been in her--and she remembered how good it had felt once it was inside her. Jocko's cock would feel even better than that once it was inside her. It would feel like twenty cocks. She just knew that it would.

"Rest up, Jocko," Vicky said, getting to her feet, "we're going to have some night, you and I. They won't be able to walk away saying they didn't get their money's worth. We'll certainly give them that, and I'm sure we'll give them a lot more."

The smile came over her face and she went over and lay in a corner of the stable. She closed her eyes, and soon she was asleep. She had a dream about Jocko, and it was quite similar to Beatrice's dream. It was also quite similar to Tom's story about that girl. Actually it was similar to a lot of things that she could think of, and which she did after Beatrice woke her up in the middle of it.

"I was dreaming," she said to Beatrice as she rubbed her eyes.

Beatrice laughed, and then stopped her laugh short. "I could tell that by the look on your face just before I woke you. I knew you were dreaming about tonight or something connected with tonight. Maybe you were even dreaming my dream."

"It was certainly like it in many ways," Vicky said, letting Beatrice help her to her feet.

Without warning she pressed right into Beatrice and kissed her full on the mouth. She got her arms around Beatrice and squeezed her tight and then got her hands under Beatrice's dress and down under her panties and right on her ass. She rubbed Beatrice's ass with a hard, circular motion, and then she began to finger Beatrice's asshole.

It was just when Beatrice went to do that to her that Vicky pulled away just as quickly as she had started the whole thing.

"That was just a sample of something you might get in the future if you did everything I told you," Vicky said, "and did them right. They have to be done right."

"Of course they were," Beatrice said, still suffering from what was a blatant rejection to her way of thinking. "After all, it was my dream, and I know it better than even you. I even had that platform built. Just like the one that was in my dream. You'll see that I didn't forget one of those little details you told me to do before."

"Are they betting on me or Jocko?" Vicky then asked.

"On both of you," Beatrice responded.

"Did you bet my money on me?" Vicky then asked.

"And my money and James' money," Beatrice responded. "We'll really clean up if you win. And you're right. It is more fun to win money than to just have it when you want it. I can feel it even before we win it."

"I knew you would," Vicky said. "Well, it's almost time."

"Should I lead the horse in for you?" Beatrice asked.

"Hmmmm, I wonder about that?" Vicky seemed puzzled all of a sudden. "Should it be you or someone else? I think maybe it should be a man."

"James?" Beatrice asked.

"No, not James," Vicky spouted off without even giving it a second thought. "I think it should be Phil. Yes, Phil. He helped me once before with his own horse, and he can help me again. Go get a jockey named Phil. He was that one we first saw with that old man. The first two people we saw when we got here. Tell him what I expect of him, and tell him firmly. He's afraid of his own shadow, and he'll be afraid of you if you talk to him firmly."

Beatrice walked out of the stable again. Vicky began to think if she should go out naked, or with her clothes on. It was a shame she didn't have that white outfit she had worn in Beatrice's dream. That would really look like something.

It didn't really matter all that much though. All she needed was her body and Jocko's cock. That was all. Anything else was unnecessary, no matter how nice it might have looked.

She looked outside and saw that it was starting to get dark. She saw Phil come in the stable right then. She smiled at him and then walked quickly past him and outside into the night air. All the people from the track were formed in a circle down a ways from her. Laughingly almost, she surveyed the crowd and then started through it as the circle moved apart so that she could get to the extreme middle where the small platform was. She didn't even look at any of the people. She just lay down on her back on the platform and let her legs dangle over the sides.

She had her legs spread wide apart and her cunt was wide open because of that.

"Just look at that pussy," she heard someone say. "She can fuck anything."

"Anything but a horse," someone else said.

"Want to place a side bet on that?" the first voice said again.

"Don't mind if I do," the second voice replied.

Then she didn't hear anything although everyone around her was talking to one another. Her thoughts about Jocko's cock blotted out anything else than might interfere with the memories she had already. She would have more memories after tonight. More things to remember whenever she thought about that huge cock.

"And I'll think about it often," she whispered under her breath.

Even though she didn't really have to since no one would have been able to hear her above the noise they themselves were making with their chatter, she preferred to keep this opinion to herself.

Then she heard Beatrice's soft voice next to her ear. Beatrice was right next to her and leaning over her. "I know you're going to come out of this okay, and that's not what I'm concerned about though. I want you to fuck him for the both of us, okay? Will you do that? It was my dream, and I deserve something out of it."

Vicky shut her eyes and was quiet for what seemed like the longest time to Beatrice who was patiently waiting for her answer. An answer she really felt would be another one of Vicky's rejections. I better get used to her rejections, Beatrice said to herself bitterly, I'll be getting a lot more in the future. A lot more.

Finally Vicky spoke up. "Of course I'll fuck him for the both of us, I was going to anyway. You see, you were wrong this time. I didn't reject you like you expected me to. And I didn't do that because I knew you expected it."

She gave that funny laugh of hers.

"Tell Phil to bring Jocko now," she said out loud so everyone could hear. She had shouted it at the top of her lungs and everyone had heard her above all their own noise. They stopped talking and looked at her. They were spellbound by her naked body. They all wanted it for their own. To fuck and to do whatever else they wanted to it.

"She was here before," she heard someone say. "I got a hard- on the minute I saw her. I wanted to fuck her in the worst way, and I still do for that matter. I'm sure I'll spend the rest of my life wanting to fuck her."

"So will the rest of us," another voice said.

They made way for Phil and the horse and Phil brought the horse right up to the edge of the platform. Vicky could feel Jocko licking the bottoms of her feet. Everything he does feels good to me, Vicky said to herself, feeling Jocko's tongue flick up and down the bottoms of both her feet.

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