Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The come had stopped, but the horse's cock was still hard, and she was keeping it hard. She was doing everything that she could to keep it hard, and she was succeeding. She could feel how much she was succeeding. The hard cock was still hard, and it was still burning, and it was still throbbing.

Vicky was watching all the more intently now, and she was fingering herself as she watched. This was almost as good as doing it herself. Vicky could see the horse's cock popping out the sides of Beatrice's mouth, and it was almost as if she was inside Beatrice's mouth seeing just what was going on.

I knew you'd like it, Vicky was saying to herself. I just knew that you would. Just look at the way you're sucking him now. Just look at it. If you could only see yourself like I see you. I'm sure you know how much you like it though. I'm sure you know that better than I do. But still, you should see yourself like I do.

Vicky had stopped yelling altogether. Everything she said from now on, she said to herself, and so only she could hear. That's it girl, suck harder. Yes, that's it. A lot harder. Now you've got it. Vicky was in a state of convulsions herself, and the more she watched Beatrice, the more convulsive she got.

I could watch this all day, Vicky was saying to herself. I really could. And maybe I will. Maybe I'll watch it all night at least. Beatrice was still sucking hard on the horse, and it was obvious that the horse was about to come again. Vicky could see the horse's come from the last time, and how it was dripping all over Beatrice's body.

It had spilled out of Beatrice's mouth and was running down her neck and all over her tits. Vicky knew well enough how that felt, and she could just imagine how it must feel to Beatrice. She loves it just as much as I do, Vicky was saying to herself, and she can't tell me that she doesn't.

Vicky fell to the floor and lay there sobbing almost. Her breathing was more rapid than it had been, and her heart was beating a mile a minute. The horse was coming again and Beatrice was doing her best to keep all the come in her mouth. She was doing a good job of it too. She really was.

Vicky watched as the come spilled out of Beatrice's mouth and joined the other come that was all over Beatrice's body. Beatrice was just covered with it now. It was all over her neck, all over her tits, all over her stomach, all over her thighs, all over every part of her from her mouth down.

Vicky got to her feet and went over to Beatrice and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her away from the horse.

"You've had enough for tonight," Vicky pronounced. "You did good for your first time. I'm sure you'll do a lot better the next time. A lot better."

Vicky watched as Beatrice got dressed, and then the two females made their way back to the house. They didn't say a word to each other the whole time. They just went up the stairs, and then they both went to their own rooms. Vicky almost ran into hers and fell face forward on the bed.

She felt as if she were in heat or something close to it. She could feel her whole body throbbing away and she wanted a good hard cock inside her. She thought about going down and getting James, but then she decided against it. After all, she intended to make him suffer.

She intended to make them all suffer somehow. She was going to get back at the whole world for what they had done to her. They were all responsible for the way she was, and they were all going to pay for it. For the first time in a long time she thought about Tom.

He could have been so good for her. Why couldn't she have kept her mouth shut that time? He never would have found out about her if she hadn't told him. How stupid could she be? She hated herself for that, and she knew that she always would. I could just die, she cried internally.

I wonder how that Beatrice feels, she asked herself. She said she didn't want to, but she loved it once she got that huge cock in her mouth. Just like that girl with Chris that time. She didn't want to either until after she had started. Yeah, they all like it eventually. I'm getting to be just like him, she thought. I'm getting to be just like Chris.

Still thinking that, she fell asleep. Her mind drifted off into space and she could see herself standing over Chris with a whip in her hand. She was beating him as he sucked off this huge horse's cock. She was beating him and the blood was gushing out of him. She was almost killing him.

She woke with a start. She was still lying across the width of the bed, and she was still fully clothed. She got undressed quickly and climbed in under the covers. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillows. This time she did not dream about Chris. She did not dream at all.

The next morning she went and took a shower and then she got dressed and made her way down to breakfast. James and Beatrice were already sitting at the table. And when Beatrice saw her she looked down at her cup of coffee that was sitting on the table right in front of her.

"Good morning," Vicky boomed out in a loud voice. "I trust everyone had a good night's sleep. I trust no one had any bad dreams. Did you, Beatrice?"

"No," Beatrice replied sheepishly. "I slept very well."

"Did you sleep well, James?" Vicky then asked.

"As well as can be expected in a large empty bed," James shot back at her.

Vicky merely smiled. "I sleep in a large bed too, but I find it most agreeable to me. I'm sorry you don't."

"Yes, I'm sure you are," James retorted. "You don't have human needs like the rest of us."

"You knew that when you forced me to marry you," Vicky replied, "or at least you should have. What did you expect? A loving and adoring wife? You can't make someone do something against their will and expect them to thank you for it. That is, unless they really wanted to do it all along."

As she made her last remark she looked right at Beatrice.

"Sometimes," Vicky continued, "you start off by forcing someone to do something, and then you find out that they wanted to do it all along. They just needed a little push in the right direction. Isn't that right, Beatrice?"

"I imagine so."

Beatrice still kept her eyes lowered.

Vicky smiled and looked back at James.

"Beatrice and I are going on a little trip," she then said. "We decided this last night on our way to bed. Has she told you by any chance?"

James looked at Beatrice and then at Vicky. "And just where did you decide to go to?"

"Why, to the races of course," Vicky replied. "Beatrice and I are going to go and see Jocko run his first race. I thought she might like to see that. I know I would."

"When are you going?" James asked.

"Today as a matter of fact," Vicky then said. "We're going to drive down to the track, find a room in a hotel, and stay a few days. Then after we've seen a few races, we'll come right home to you. You'll hardly know we've been gone."

"I don't suppose I can talk you out of it, can I?" James said, very matter-of-factly.

"I wouldn't even try if I were you," Vicky snapped back at him, angered by his indifference.

"Well, I'll leave the two of you to make your plans," James said, getting to his feet. "I have business to attend to."

With that he walked off leaving the two silent females alone. Beatrice looked up from her coffee at last and looked right at Vicky.

"Is this Jocko one of your favorites?" Beatrice then asked.

"Oh yes," Vicky replied. "And he'll be one of your favorites also."

"You think I'm just like you now, don't you?"

Vicky laughed. "Well, you are, aren't you?"

Beatrice bit her tongue and choked back the tears.

"I don't want to be," she sobbed.

"What you want to be," Vicky added, "and what you are, are apparently two different things. You better start remembering which is which. I don't want you going through life confused the way you seem to be now."

"Why are you so wicked?" Beatrice demanded.

"I'm wicked because people like you made me wicked," Vicky shouted at her. "Because people like you want me to be wicked. And you know it."

Beatrice was silent for the longest time, and then she said, "When are we going?"

"In another hour or so," Vicky replied. "Pack some things."

Vicky drove the large black car, and Beatrice sat over on the far side of the front seat. From time to time the two females would exchange brief glances. Beatrice was lost in her thoughts about what she had done the other night. Vicky had forced her into it, and then Beatrice's own lust had taken over. Now, it was this same lust that was making her go with Vicky to the track.

Beatrice had a feeling that there was something special about Jocko, and that was why Vicky was rushing to be near him. There just had to be something special about him. Something that Vicky hadn't said in words, but which was definitely implied in her manner. It was there all right, and Beatrice could sense it.

There were a lot of things that Beatrice could sense about Vicky. Things she had sensed right from the first when she first saw Vicky in that tub. Vicky was like her in so many ways, and so unlike her in so many other ways. They were the two most alike/unalike people in the world.

Vicky pressed her foot down harder on the gas pedal and the car sped forward. She loved speed all of a sudden, and the faster they went, the better she liked it.

"You're in an awful hurry, aren't you?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes," Vicky responded simply. "I am. There's no time to lose."

"This Jocko must be something."

Vicky smiled. "He is."

"I've felt this way about other women, and you feel this way about an animal."

"It still seems strange to you, doesn't it?" Vicky asked.

"It seems very strange indeed," Beatrice replied.

"Does what you did last night seem strange to you?" Vicky then asked.

"How could it seem anything but strange?"

"You'll get used to it. I have."

"What made you do this the first time?" Beatrice asked.

Vicky thought about that a moment. "It was a man. A man I loved very much."

"And you still love him, don't you?" Beatrice asked.

"Maybe I do," Vicky replied.

"Did he ever fuck you?" Beatrice asked.

"He never touched me," Vicky responded, "he never wanted to. Now he wants to though. Now he wants to fuck me."

"Do you think you'll ever let him?" Beatrice asked.

"Maybe," Vicky replied. "Maybe I will."

"You don't act as if you want to talk about it."

Vicky laughed. "I don't."

Beatrice lit a cigarette. "Would you rather talk about Jocko?"

"Maybe," Vicky answered.

"What else is there to talk about?"

"We don't have to talk about anything," Vicky then said, looking briefly at Beatrice and then back at the road ahead.

"No, I don't suppose we do," Beatrice agreed. "I feel like talking though."

"So, talk. I'll listen."

Beatrice thought a moment, and then she said, "I had a dream about you last night. I dreamed that you were all dressed in white and that you were riding this huge golden brown horse in this huge arena. There were thousands of people watching you and they had all paid to see you."

"You kept riding around in circles on the horse, and then you got off the horse and you lay on this platform. That's where I came in. I came over to see, and without moving you off this platform, I took off all your clothes. And there you were completely naked.

"You didn't move off the platform, and you stayed right there the whole time. I took your clothes and walked back to the edge of the arena and I just watched like everyone else. That's when someone--some man I had never seen before but who looked like someone who once worked for my brother--led the horse over to the platform.

"The platform seemed small enough--or thin enough, so that the horse seemed to walk right over it. That is, it came right between his legs. The horse was right over you and it had an erection a mile long. Or at least that's how it seemed in my dream. It looked at least that long.

"The horse's cock came right up against your pussy and you felt it pressing into your cunt lips. You were wet already and this just made you wetter. You were breathing hard, and now you were breathing even harder. You were actually gasping for breath, and your heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Anyone could see that you really wanted this horse to fuck you, and naturally everyone wanted to watch this horse fuck you. Actually, they all wanted to see the horse kill you. And this whole thing was really a contest to see who could hold out the longest, you or the horse.

"The horse had strings tied around his cock an inch apart. You were able to take the horse's cock into you up until the first string, and then you were to take more of him into you depending on how loud the audience clapped. You were to take in as much of the horse as you could, and then you were to just hump him until one of you gave out.

"That's where the contest part came in. You were to hump him until one of you gave out. And it had to be that one of you would give out, whether it was you or the horse. All the people had placed bets on either you or the horse. Well, the horse started to press his cock into you, and you took it in till you were up to the first string.

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