Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Veronica Nickles, she thought to herself. That's some name. But it will always be just plain Vicky to me. Vicky relaxed in the hot tub, letting the warm water overcome her whole body. She had been out riding all day and she was exhausted. Every muscle in her body ached.

She and James had been home a week now from their honeymoon. Vicky was getting so she felt at ease in the Nickles mansion. It was bigger than the house that the Butlers in and it had more maids, servants, etc. Vicky's room was so big that sometimes she thought that she would get lost in it.

For their honeymoon, they had gone to Bermuda, and then onto Mexico City. Vicky had enjoyed the trip but she hadn't enjoyed James' persistent demands for sex. It seemed that that was all he ever wanted to do. When they weren't in bed, he was moody and all he did was sulk.

Vicky had gotten so she could handle him though and she had even gotten to the point where she could keep him away from her when she just didn't feel like having him near her. And now she even had her own room so it was even easier to keep him away. All she had to do was lock the door.

Jocko was still out at the track, and Vicky hadn't found any of James' other horses that appealed to her quite so much. If James didn't have Jocko brought home soon like he had promised her, she would just have to go out to the track one of these days. She just couldn't stay away from him any longer.

Vicky knew that she was getting hornier and hornier by the day. And there was only one cure for it all. And that was Jocko. James knew that and he was keeping Jocko away from her intentionally. I'll fix him, she thought. Unless he has Jocko brought home soon, my door stays locked to him. If he's going to keep me horny like this, I'll see how he likes having horns of his own.

A smile came over her face when she thought about how mad James had gotten last night when he came to her room and found the door locked to him. He had pounded on it for over an hour and then he had screamed at her at the top of his lungs. Finally he had broke down in tears, and begged her to let him in.

She hadn't let him in and this morning she hadn't come out of her room until she was sure he had left for the day. Then she went right out and went horseback riding. Today was the day that James' sister was to arrive, and Vicky was anxious to see just what she looked like in person.

In her picture, James' sister had looked quite beautiful but Vicky was anxious to see if she really looked that way or if her picture did her more justice than she was due. Of course there was always the possibility that she was even better looking than her picture.

Now that her body didn't ache so much, Vicky felt a lot better. She felt as if she could go out riding for the rest of the day if she wanted to. Then Vicky thought of the various horses in James' stable. One of them might be better than nothing at all. After all, she would have to wait a few more days for Jocko, and between now and then she was just going to get more worked up.

Vicky made up her mind. Tonight she would go down to the stables and pick out one of the studs. It didn't matter to her which one it was, because right then any one of them would do. Just so long as he had a fairly big cock. And all horses had fairly good size cocks. You could count on that.

Right now though, Vicky felt like spending the rest of her life in this tub. She had never taken a bath in a tub this big, and she had scented the water with this fragrance that left her breathless almost. So this was what it was like to be rich, she thought to herself. No wonder Chris turned out like he did.

Since her marriage she had seen her parents and told them where she was and she had even seen Chris and his family. She could see how jealous Chris had gotten when he finally realized what he had passed up. The night she had seen him he had slipped her a note saying he wanted to go to bed with her.

She had ripped the note up and given it back to him. Since then he had called everyday, but every time she heard his voice she simply hung up on him. He had made her suffer all those years, so now she intended to make him suffer just as much if not more than he had made her suffer.

Vicky wondered if perhaps she should go down to the stables now, or if she should wait until that evening. Right now, there would still be the stable hands, and she didn't want to take the chance of any one of them seeing her. Then they could blackmail her, and she didn't want that.

After all, that was how James had gotten her to marry him in the first place. In essence, what he had done was that he had blackmailed her into marrying him, and she would never forgive him for that. Because of that experience, she didn't want to go through anything like that again.

From now on she would be very careful. She also had to keep James from ever seeing her again. Having him suspect was one thing, but if he ever caught her again, there was no telling what he would do then. Vicky suddenly felt the need to be respectable, and that included having James think well of her also.

No one must ever know about what I do, she thought, thinking of all the people who knew already. There was Chris and that man in the woods, whoever he was. Then there was Phil and Jack, and of course, Tom. James was the only other person who knew, but already there were too many people on the list. She didn't want to add any more names if she could help it.

She looked at the small clock over the bathtub and she saw that she had been in the tub an hour already. The water was still warm though, and she was tempted to stay right where she was. After all, what could she do once she got up? It was a long time till tonight. She had no reason in the world to rush.

Just then she thought she heard a noise right outside the door, and then she looked up just in time to see the door open. A tall young looking woman stepped into the room, closed the door behind her and sat on the toilet. The woman just sat there looking at Vicky, and Vicky just looked back at her.

The woman looked like she was in her late twenties, and she was extremely beautiful. More beautiful than Vicky could ever dream of becoming. She had red hair and her skin looked like it was a golden brown. Vicky couldn't tell if it was a tan or if that was her natural color. It might have been a little of both though.

It came to Vicky all of a sudden. This was Beatrice Nickles, James' younger sister. She was more beautiful than her picture, and she knew it. It was written all over her face, and in that expression that looked as if it was carved on her permanently. It was Beatrice who spoke first.

"I didn't really think you would be this young," she said. "Why you're not even twenty yet. James' last wife was twenty-six. You're almost ten years younger than she was."

"That's a point in my favor, don't you think?" Vicky said, trying to be more sophisticated than she was.

"That's possible," Beatrice said, smiling all of a sudden.

"We didn't expect you so soon," Vicky then spoke up. "We thought you might come tomorrow or the day after."

"I know. That's why I came today instead. I don't like being expected."

"Well, I don't like expecting people."

Beatrice had to laugh. "I think I'm going to like you. You sound just like I did at your age. Yes, I think you and I have a lot in common."

"We do? What makes you say that?"

Beatrice stopped laughing. "You have the look of a pervert about you and I like that. I have that same look, and I always have. Of course your perversions are probably different than mine."

Vicky smiled now. "And what are yours?"

"I'm sure James didn't mention to you how I had affairs with his last two wives," Beatrice said. "I'm sure that's the one since I didn't tell you. You see, I'm a lesbian, and I have been one since I was sixteen. Well, I've been a practicing lesbian since I was sixteen. I'm sure I've been a lesbian since the day I was born. And what about you?"

"Well, I'm not a lesbian," Vicky spoke up.

"Not yet anyway," Beatrice then said.

"Were James' other wives lesbians?" Vicky then asked.

"Not at first," Beatrice replied. "They were like you in that respect. They swore up and down that they would never have sex with another woman. Right up to the point where they had their tongue in my pussy."

"I don't remember swearing up and down that I would never have sex with another woman," Vicky then said.

Beatrice smiled more warmly now. "No, I guess you didn't. You also haven't told me what your pet perversions are either, and I'm dying to hear about them."

I'll just bet you are," Vicky said, raising one leg out of the water, and bending it at the knee.

"I think you're trying to seduce me," Beatrice said.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Vicky said, trying to sound as shocked as possible.

"Let's just say, I have a certain intuitive knowledge about these matters."

"You can say that if you want," Vicky said, "but it doesn't mean anything to me."

"Not yet it doesn't," Beatrice said, getting to her feet.

"Still want to hear about my pet perversions?" Vicky asked, lowering her leg back into the water.

"I'd rather show you mine right at the moment," Beatrice said, approaching the bathtub.

Vicky stood right up in the water. "You mean, practice them on me? I'm a married woman. And I happen to be married to your brother."

"That's all the better. It's all in the family."

Beatrice was standing right in front of the tub now and she reached out and began to rub Vicky's tits. Vicky could feel her nipples getting hard and she could feel her tits swelling up to twice their size. Beatrice's hands were soft. Softer than any other hands that had ever touched her.

Vicky could feel herself tingling all over as Beatrice continued to rub her tits. Beatrice was doing all kinds of good things to her. Things that no one else had ever done. Things that Vicky found that she really liked.

Beatrice bent forward and began sucking on one of Vicky's tits. Her mouth closed around Vicky's tit like a glove or a steel trap, or both. Vicky could feel Beatrice's tongue stabbing out at her, and that made her tit tingle even more than it was already. It made her whole body tingle.

Vicky felt Beatrice's hands going all over her body. First they were on her shoulders, and then on her stomach, and then on her back, and then on her ass, and then on her thighs, and then back on her ass. Beatrice's finger was reaming her asshole and then it was probing deep inside.

Vicky liked having Beatrice's finger in her asshole. She liked the way Beatrice worked it in and out of her asshole. It sent shivers all through her. She could hardly wait for Beatrice to eat out her cunt. That would probably be like no one else had ever done it. Maybe between her and Jocko, Vicky thought, I'll get all the sex I need. I won't need anyone or anything else. I certainly won't need James, not that I ever did.

Beatrice was helping her up out of the tub, and now Vicky was standing on the bathmat and the water was just dripping off her. Beatrice seemed to like the fact that Vicky's body was so wet, and she indicated as much by the way she was moving her tongue all over Vicky's body now.

"I'm sure your brother and my husband wouldn't like this at all," Vicky said. "In fact I'm sure this is why he divorced his other two wives. We better be careful if we want to have a more permanent relationship than that."

Beatrice was too busy licking her all over to pay any attention to anything she had to say. Vicky pushed Beatrice down on her knees and that was when she finally felt Beatrice's tongue between her legs. Beatrice got her tongue right into the folds of Vicky's cunt, and really pressed in hard.

The next thing Vicky knew, Beatrice had pushed her down on the floor and she was lying flat on her back. Beatrice had Vicky's legs over her shoulders, and she had her face buried between Vicky's ample thighs. Vicky could feel Beatrice's tongue rimming her pussy and rubbing back and forth on her clit. That sent the two of them into a frenzy.

Vicky pressed her pussy against Beatrice's mouth just as hard as she possibly could and Beatrice pressed her mouth against Vicky's cunt just as hard as she could. She got her tongue right inside Vicky then and really began to move it around inside. Vicky felt all kinds of tremors going through her then.

Vicky's whole body was on fire. It was the way that she felt whenever she sucked off a horse. The same exact feelings. And that one time when that horse had eaten her out. She had felt this way that time as well. And of course there was the time that Chris' horse had fucked her.

Whenever Vicky was having sex, she would remember all the other times as well. She would even remember those times with Herbert, and actually she wanted to forget those times completely. But even those times she couldn't forget, in spite of the way she felt about Herbert and the type of person he was.

Beatrice's tongue was really making Vicky quiver inside, and Vicky could feel her whole body starting to shake. Vicky could feel that she was on the point of orgasm, and that was the best feeling in the world as far as she was concerned. The only feeling that was better was the feeling that her body had experienced during orgasm.

Now, she was building and building towards it, and that was what she wanted to do. She could feel the tremors increasing and she could feel her cunt juices flowing more rapidly. She was getting more and more excited, and Beatrice's tongue was going faster and faster inside her.

Vicky knew that any second now her whole body would explode, and once it did, it would keep on exploding. Beatrice was sucking on her harder and harder, and that was when it happened. Vicky felt that familiar shudder that told her her orgasm was near, and then she felt the orgasm itself.

Her whole body shook then and the come just came pouring out of her. Beatrice lapped it all up and kept coming back for more. Vicky could hear the loud sucking sounds that Beatrice was making and the sounds Beatrice made when she swallowed Vicky's come. That turned Vicky on all the more.

"Suck me harder," Vicky yelled at her.

Beatrice gave it her all then, and Vicky could feel herself being lifted off the floor. Beatrice was lying on the floor now and Vicky was sitting up on her face. Vicky began to bounce up and down on Beatrice's face, and the harder she bounced, the better Beatrice liked it.

Vicky could feel Beatrice's tongue way up inside her, and her come poured out all the faster. It was going all over Beatrice's chin and one of her cheeks, and it was dripping down on her neck. Beatrice was getting more than just a mouthful.

"You like that, don't you?" Vicky said. "You like it so much, you can't ever get enough of it. Well, go ahead, suck me harder. Suck me just as hard as you want, I like it too. I like anyone to suck me out. Suck me as much as you want, I don't care. The more you suck me, the better I'd like it. The better I'll like you."

Vicky could feel herself on the point of orgasm again.

"That's it," she said, "I'm going to come again. I'm really going to come again. Suck harder. I want you to suck harder."

Vicky could feel that Beatrice was sucking just as hard as she possibly could.

"Oh," Vicky moaned, "I'm really going to come this time. Even more than I did the last time? Can't you feel that? I can. I can sure feel it."

Vicky felt the come gushing out of her. That's the way it always comes gushing out of a horse, Vicky thought to herself, remembering Jocko, and the others. I'm coming just as much as they do. At least it feels that way to me. I'll bet it feels the same way to her.

Vicky felt her whole body going limp. Her legs were still around Beatrice's neck, but she released her grip, and eventually let them fall to the floor. Beatrice was still kneeling between her legs, her breathing greatly increased, her breasts heaving up and down.

A wicked smile came over Vicky's face. "You still want to know about my pet perversions?" she asked.

Beatrice looked down at her and nodded. "Yes."

"Normally I wouldn't do this, but in your case I'll make an exception. I'll show you tonight."

"I'll bet you're even more wicked than I am," Beatrice said, letting her tongue lick up the come that was on her lips.

"That just might be," Vicky said, lifting her hips off the floor and then letting them fall again.

That night at supper the three of them ate without saying a word. Afterwards, in the living room, with after-dinner drinks in their hands, James turned to his sister and said, "What do you think of my child bride?"

Beatrice looked at Vicky and then at James. "I think she is very charming, and a woman in every sense of the word."

James seemed to freeze right where he was standing. "How do you mean that?" he asked.

"Well," Beatrice said, after a long pause, "just look at her. It's evident from the way she carries herself. Don't you think?"

James seemed pacified by that remark. "Yes, I think you're very right there."

"Your other two wives were really the children," Beatrice went on. "It's a good thing for you that you got rid of them when you did. They would have ruined your life for sure."

"Yes," James agreed, "they would have."

Beatrice lifted her glass to her lips and drained the last few drops from it. "I think I'll retire for the night. I've had such a long day. Traveling always did wear me out. I'll see you both in the morning."

Vicky stood also at that point. "I think I'll retire also. I have a headache." And then she looked right at James. "I'll see you at breakfast, and not before."

Vicky had a hard time suppressing a laugh.

She followed Beatrice up the stairs and the two women separated and went to their own rooms. Just before they did that, Vicky whispered in Beatrice's ear, "Meet me in the kitchen around two."

Beatrice simply smiled, and then kissed Vicky lightly on the lips, letting her hand slip down over Vicky's thigh. Vicky let it stay there for a moment and then she broke away and went to her own room. Once inside her room Vicky fell on her bed laughing. She didn't know what had come over her, but she felt something strange inside her that was making her act this way.

She lay on the bed like that for some time and then she got up and changed out of the clothes that she had worn for dinner that night. The dress was especially low cut, and she had worn it for Beatrice's benefit, and not at all for James' benefit. Beatrice had stared at her all evening.

Vicky quickly shed all her clothing and stood in the middle of her room stark naked. Vicky liked the feeling of being naked. It had a soothing effect on her as well as giving her a great sense of elation. She walked over to her full length mirror and stared at her reflection.

"You are so beautiful," she said out loud. "You are so very beautiful."

Vicky laughed again when she remembered the expression that had come over James' face when Beatrice had made that remark about Vicky's being a woman in every sense of the word. He knows, she thought to herself. And if he doesn't, he's awfully worried that maybe something did happen between us.

That sent Vicky into another laughing fit. As she stood there shaking with laughter, a thought occurred to Vicky. Why should she wait till two before she did anything? She carefully slipped into a blouse and slacks and slowly opened the door to the hall. It was empty.

Quietly she crept down the hall to the back stairs and down she went. This stairway was reserved for the servants, and James had told her that she was never to use it. Vicky wondered why as she made her way down to the first floor. The stairs ended right near the kitchen, and Vicky made sure that no one inside the kitchen saw her as she crept out the back way.

Outside the night air was cool and refreshing. She ran towards the stables as fast as she could. There would be no one there, and she had lots of time before she was to meet Beatrice. Lots of time to do whatever she wanted. And there was quite a bit that she wanted to do. Quite a bit.

The stables were empty just like she knew they would be. Empty of other people that is. The horses were all in their stalls, and they all seemed to be resting peacefully. Vicky went down the middle of the stable, observing them all, her face lighting up every time she passed a stud.

Vicky could feel herself becoming more and more elated. She could feel her cuntlips getting wet and she could feel her whole body quivering inside. It had been so long and she was so horny. How had she been able to hold out this long? She must have been crazy. She should have come down here a long time ago.

In the far corner of the stable she noticed a dog house. Oh yes, she remembered, James told me about his dog. The dog was inside the dog house, and Vicky went right up to it to see what he looked like. He was a huge white dog and Vicky was amazed at his size. She had no idea what kind of dog it was.

The dog was half asleep and it looked up at her with this silly expression on its face. Vicky began to pet him and he seemed as if he was becoming more friendly. Vicky could tell right away that he was an extremely friendly dog, and that he was certainly not a watch dog.

She pulled on his collar and managed to get him to come out of his dog house. Now she could see how really big he was. He's huge, Vicky said to herself. He's even bigger than that dog in that man's cabin in the woods. A lot bigger.

Vicky began to pet him all over, and as she did this, she felt a tingling sensation between her legs. I wonder, she said to herself. I wonder if this dog would know just what to do? She began to reach underneath him and she was now holding onto his soft cock. She was on her knees and the dog was right in front of her.

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