Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The force of the horse's second orgasm knocked her over and she lay on her back beneath him. She looked up at his stomach and wondered what it must be like to be a female horse. That way he could mount me without any trouble. This way, if he did that, he would kill me before he could even get it inside me.

She would have to find a way for her to be able to fuck this horse, or any other horse for that matter, without getting herself killed in the process. The way she had fucked Chris' horse had been too hard on her. Her arms had gotten so sore holding onto those stirrups, and she had wasted a lot of energy that way.

She got to her feet and looked at the horse. Don't worry, she said to herself. I'll find a way. With that she went into the room where Phil and Jack were still asleep. She looked at their sleeping forms and suddenly got disgusted. She grabbed a blanket and went back into the stable and curled up in a corner.

This was where she belonged, and from now on this was where she would sleep. She would sleep with the horses just like she had sex with them. She had always known that horses were her whole life. Now she knew that more than ever. It wasn't long before she was sound asleep.

The next morning it was Phil who found her in the stable and woke her up. Without saying a word to him she went and took her morning shower. She ignored all the remarks that the men in the shower made to her, and she didn't even once look at any of their naked bodies. She didn't have to.

When she was dressed she took the horse out for a morning workout. He was a good runner and she knew that he would win many races. If nothing else, Phil was a good jockey. More than anything Vicky wanted to be able to ride in a race, but that was impossible. No woman had ever been a jockey, and no woman ever would be.

She thought about this as she brought the horse back to the stable. Phil was still out on the track working the other horse out. She could just barely make him out. Jack was inside the room having a cup of coffee and smoking one of those horrible cigars of his.

He looked up at her and smiled. "How you feeling today?" he asked.

"I feel okay," she said, fixing herself a cup of coffee.

"Where's Phil?"

"He's still working Linda out on the track," she replied, sitting across the table from him.

"She's a good horse," he said. "Won a few races in her time."

"Maybe she'll win some more."

"No," he said, "she's too old. It's up to Lucky's Pride to win all the races now. He's the young one. I'll get a lot of money for stud services for him someday."

"That you will," Vicky said.

Jack was playing with his coffee cup. It was obvious that he was nervous about something.

"Are you thinking of marrying Phil?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," she replied.

"You know of course that he can never... that you'll never have any children? You know that, don't you?"

He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Vicky decided to be cruel. "I know he can't get it up. I know he can't fuck me and that he can only go down on me. That's okay."

"You're just like she was," he said.

"You mean, I'm just like she is. Your wife is still alive Jack and you know that. She's alive and well in Mexico and she's fucking all the animals that she can. What's the matter? Couldn't you ever get it up with her? Is Phil really your son?"

"He most certainly is my son," Jack yelled. "You miserable little whore. You're no damn good. None of you are any good."

"Now, Jack," she said, getting on her knees in front of his chair, "is that any way to talk?"

"You're all no damn good," he said again and again.

She undid his zipper and pulled out his soft cock from behind his jockey shorts. She stroked it up and down and then she kissed it lightly on the head. It didn't look as if it would ever get hard, but she kissed it anyway. She took it in her mouth even and began to suck on it.

"Don't do that," he begged. "Please don't do that."

The more he begged her not to do it, the more she did it. She kept it up until she felt him getting hard, and that took some time, but he finally did get hard, and then she sucked on him all the more. She could feel him grabbing at her hair, and she went after him like a wild woman now.

It wasn't that long before he was shooting off in her mouth. It had been years since anyone had done this to him, and he had been saving up for this moment. The come just came shooting out of his cock in gushes, and then he just went limp again. His whole body shook until it couldn't shake anymore.

She drained the very life right out of him and then she carefully put his wilted cock back in his pants. She got to her feet and just looked down at him with this evil grin on her face.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it, old man?" she sneered. "Don't you just wish I had let you fuck me instead?"

She laughed at the top of her lungs and then she made her way outside again. It was hot out still and there was no breeze. She saw Phil ride up.

"You better go and check on your father," she said. "I don't think he's feeling too well."

She watched Phil run into the stable and that made her laugh all the more. Then she spied this huge black car driving into the area. It was obviously one of the more expensive makes and the man who owned it had to be rich. James Nickles, she thought to herself. That's who it must be. She watched the car as it drove right past her.

As she found out later in the day, Tom had taken off from the tracks. Before he had left though, he had called the man he worked for to tell him he was leaving. James Nickles, who never usually left his mansion, had driven all the way out to the track by himself to try and talk Tom out of leaving. But by the time he had arrived, Tom had already left.

The anger was written all over his face, and he was desperately trying to find someone who could take over for Tom. There wasn't anyone available. Everyone else at the track was working for someone else. That was when Vicky made her move. And when she saw what his horse looked like, she made her move even faster.

"I'll be your trainer," she said to Mr. Nickles, going right up to him, when she saw that he was all alone.

He had just looked at her and laughed. "Why, you're just a kid. You're still wet behind the ears."

"I may be just a kid," she said, "but I know more about horses than any man alive. I'm sure Tom told you all about me."

"So you're the girl," he said, looking her over with more interest now. "From the way Tom talked about you the other day I expected an older woman. Not that much older, but certainly not a teenager. I suppose you and Tom must have fucked before he left, didn't you?"

"All last night," she replied.

"Did he tell you he was leaving?"

"Yes he did," she lied.

"Did he say why?" James asked.

"No, he didn't mention that," she replied.

"With you here, I'm surprised he didn't stay," James said, really looking her over now. "I would have, and you can bet your last dollar that I am going to stay now that I'm here. Yes sir, I'm not leaving for anything."

"Do I get that job?" she asked.

"Wouldn't you rather be my wife instead?" he asked. "I can give you anything you ever wanted. If you like horses that much, I'll buy you all the horses you could ever want. The best horses that money can buy."

"Let me think about that for a while," she said.

"Okay, you do that. In the meantime, let me see what kind of a trainer you'll make. I'm really curious if you know as much about horses as you say."

"I know more than anybody," she said a sly smile coming over her face, "and someday I just might show you just how much I do know."

James looked at her and a knowing smile came over his face. He didn't say anything though, and he just walked away. He turned though and said, "I'll be back later tonight."

"I'll be here," she said.

Vicky got the few things that she had and moved into the room behind the stable where Mr. Nickles' horse was. Phil and Jack didn't say a word to her when she went and got her things, and they didn't say a word to her when she left. In her new room, Vicky fixed everything just the way she liked it, and then she went out and checked on the horse.

The animal was damp with sweat and still breathing somewhat heavily.

The jockey had just brought him in from his afternoon workout. Vicky told him she would take care of the horse, and the jockey just went off without saying a word. Vicky just stood there, her mouth wide open. What a horse, she thought. What a beautiful horse.

In her whole life she had never seen an animal like this. He was perfect in every way. She stroked his head, his long neck, and all across his back to his flanks. She would have to devise that method she had been thinking about the other night, and do it quickly. She could hardly wait to get this horse's cock inside her.

She could see his erection now. It would fill her up to the brim, and there would be lots left over. And when he came, the force of his orgasm would probably knock her right out. She could feel her mouth watering for it and the next thing she knew she was down on her knees beside the horse, and she was grabbing for his cock.

The horse's cock was still soft, but not for long.

"Come on, Jocko," she said, calling him softly by his name. "Get hard for me, Jocko. That's it, big boy. Get hard for me. There, that's it."

Jocko's hard cock looked like the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life. For now all she wanted to do was look at it. It was just too enormous for words. She held it up in both hands and she felt its hard skin. Jocko was moving somewhat but she made him stop doing that soon enough. Now she was pressing his cock gently, and then she applied a little more pressure.

Jocko seemed to like what she was doing, and he was making these soft sounds way down in his throat.

"That's it, Jocko," she said. "I'm going to make you feel okay, and you're going to make me feel okay. Just you wait and see. You and I are going to make each other feel all kinds of things. All kinds of things."

She began to stroke his cock back and forth along the whole length of his long meaty shaft, and then she even began to stroke his balls. She rubbed them both, and then she began to kiss them. Before kissing or sucking on his cock, she meant to do a complete job on his balls first.

And that was just what she was now starting to do. She kissed them all over first and then she began to suck on them. She pressed her tongue into them and then she just licked them all over. She could feel them swelling up and that made her lick them all the faster and all the harder.

Of the three horses she had now sucked off, she could tell that he was going to be the best. His balls were so big and hard that she'd gotten turned on just by looking at them. Soon she was getting even more turned on, now that she was actually sucking. So turned on that she couldn't stand it.

She was stroking his cock the whole time that she was sucking on his balls, and that made her shake all the more. She could feel herself getting warm inside, and she could feel his huge cock getting warm inside also. It was actually burning up inside already, and it made her hands burn just by touching it.

"You beautiful cock," she said out loud. "You great big, beautiful cock. The things you and I are going to do together. This is just the beginning."

Now she was sucking all the harder on his balls, and she was stroking him even harder than she had been. She had one hand up on the head of his cock and she was squeezing it. She was fingering the crack, and even trying to get her finger right inside it. She rubbed it back and forth just as hard as she could.

Jocko stood perfectly still the whole time and was letting her do whatever she wanted. And she was doing just that. She was now kissing the bottom of his cock, the part just above his balls, and then she began to run her tongue up the entire length of his cock right to the head.

She just kept running her tongue back and forth like that and she could feel his huge meaty cock throbbing all the more because of it. He was really throbbing now, but she could tell that it would be awhile before he came. She licked him all the harder now, and shortly his huge cock was standing out like a medieval maid may never have seen except in their sleep or strangest fantasies. It was deep into her cheeks now as she reached out to nearly arm's length to grasp the penis at its base and, with both hands milk it down with her fingers. The sheathed muscle rippled under her sliding clutch.

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