Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Vicky was the first one to wake up the next morning. She got out of bed quietly so as not to wake Phil or his father. It was just a little after dawn, but Vicky knew that she couldn't sleep any longer. She had never been able to sleep late in the morning, and she never would be able to.

She went out back to where the bathrooms and showers were and she went in and washed herself. The water was ice cold, but that was just the way that she liked it. She couldn't wait to start working the horses out, and she couldn't wait for the races to begin. They'll never think to look for me here, she thought, and probably they won't even look for me to begin with.

I'll bet mother's happy, Vicky thought. She always did want me to get away from that place.

"Hello, there," the booming voice said.

Vicky looked up and saw the large man enter the shower. He was over six feet tall, and he had a cock on him that looked like it was hanging right down to his knees. Vicky couldn't take her eyes off it, and she could see that he knew that, and was taking advantage of the fact.

"Don't have separate showers here for men and women," he said. "Guess we'll just have to make do with what we got. Who you with anyway?"

"I'm with Phil and Jack," she said.

"You married to Phil or something?" the man asked.

"We're thinking about it," she replied.

"You'll make him a nice wife, I'm sure," he said.

"How can you tell?" she asked, very coyly.

"That's obvious from the way you're built," he said. "You got a nice body on you that I wouldn't mind getting in my bed some night. No, I wouldn't mind that at all."

"You married?" she asked.

"No, I've never been married," he replied.

"What's your name anyway? I'm Vicky."

"My name is Tom, and I work for Mr. James Nickles," Tom relied. "He's got himself the best horse at the track this year."

"Is Mr. Nickles rich?" she asked.

"Rich ain't the word for him," Tom laughed. "He's got more money than most other people put together."

"You his trainer?" she asked.

"I'm one of them. He's got six of them, one for each horse. Yeah, Mr. Nickles don't mess around."

"Is he here?"

Tom looked at her and smiled. "He'll be here in a few days. In case you're interested, he ain't married, and he's looking for a nice looking wife to pretty up that big house of his. Yeah, he sure does want a pretty woman awfully bad."

"Well, I hope he finds one," Vicky said, turning off the water and getting ready to go.

Tom was still washing and he just looked at her. She stood there looking back at him.

"I'm not married yet," she said to him, hoping he would get what she was driving at.

He apparently did. "I go for long walks at night. It sure does get lonely walking alone. Maybe you'll join me some night."

"How about tonight?" she said.

"Nine o'clock?" he said.

"Where should I meet you?" she asked.

"Right here," he smiled. "Just for old times' sake."

Vicky laughed out loud and so did Tom. Then Vicky ran back to their small room--hers and Phil's and Jack's. Jack was awake now, but Phil was still dead to the world. Jack looked at her naked body and then hurried out to take a shower himself. Vicky had a hard time not laughing.

She looked over at Phil's sleeping form and then she went over to the bed and shook him. Phil woke up, and when he saw her he tried to hide his head under the covers again.

Yanking the covers off the bed, Vicky, said, "Time to get up, stud. You've got a lot of work to do."

With that Vicky left him lying there, dressed, and went and saddled one of the horses. For the rest of the day Vicky gave the horse a thorough workout, racing him around the track. By early evening both horse and rider were exhausted.

Vicky took another shower that evening and at nine o'clock she met Tom just like she had said she would. Tom's huge frame was leaning against a tree, a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. He looked like a cowboy in a movie or on a poster. He had on a blue shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

Vicky walked up to him very slowly. "I didn't notice you out on the track all day."

"I had some things I had to do," he said, taking her hand as they walked off towards the woods. "Like what? Your boss show up?"

"Not yet, but he called and said he'll be around in a few days. I told him all about you."

"What did you tell him?"

Tom smiled. "I told him what a nice piece of ass you were, and how I was going to get to you first."

"What did he say to that?" she asked.

"He reminded me how I got to his other two wives first."

"Other two wives?"

"Yeah. He's been married twice before."

"What happened?" Vicky asked.

"They both ran off with younger men," Tom replied.

"Just how old is your boss?" Vicky then asked.

"About forty, I guess."

"That's not so old," Vicky said, thinking about it for a minute or two.

"It's not terribly old. And he can still get it up."

"That's all that counts," Vicky said, yanking her hand away from Tom's and running into the woods as fast as she could.

Tom was right behind her, running as fast as he could to try to catch up with her. Vicky was a fast runner, and she had taken him by surprise, and had therefore gotten a head start on him. Tom was still a good distance behind her, but he had her in sight the whole time.

Vicky ran around trees and backtracked and did all kinds of things to try and confuse him, but he came at her from out of nowhere and wrestled her to the ground. Vicky felt his arms around her waist and then she felt the ground coming up to meet her. She lay on her back and he lay right on top of her.

They were both breathing hard, and they were both on the verge of laughing. Tom sat on her stomach and had her arms pinned to the ground. Vicky made a mock effort to try and get away, but she put no effort into it. She was just as happy to stay right where she was.

She could feel his erection pressing through his pants and she could hardly wait for him to get it inside her. She could just imagine how it must feel. I'll bet it's as big as a horse's cock, she thought to herself. Or at least, I'll bet it's almost as big. She remembered how big it had been this morning when it was just soft and hanging down his leg. I'll bet it's twice that big when it's hard, she said, hoping to herself that it would be.

She felt his hands going up under her blouse and then she felt him taking off her blouse and bra. He was lying flat on top of her now and she could feel him sucking hard on one of her tits. She had big tits, but he had a big mouth, and he seemed to get almost her whole tit in his mouth.

She could feel her nipple getting rigid and she could feel him pressing his groin hard into hers. She began to rotate her hips under his in a circular motion, and she began to raise them off the ground as high as she could. It was hard to do that, with all his weight pressing down into her.

She loved all this weight on top of her though. The heavier he felt, the better she liked it. Now she really had a man on top of her, and that was what she had always wanted. The only so- called men she had had sex with were Herbert and Phil. And she had hated Herbert, and Phil wasn't even a man as far as she was concerned.

How could he be if he couldn't get it up?

Tom's hands were all over her and she could feel him pushing her blue jeans and panties off her. She had her hands down the back of his blue jeans and under his jockey shorts. She was rubbing his ass and then she was rimming his asshole with her finger, and then she was getting her finger right inside his asshole.

That really turned him on, and that was when she began to work her finger in and out of his asshole just as fast as she could. She really got her finger into him as deep as she could and she really began to stroke him hard inside. She could feel him lifting his ass into the air so she could get her finger in deeper.

"Do that to me," she moaned.

"I'll do a lot more than that," he grunted.

She could feel him taking off her blue jeans and panties and then she undressed him. Now they were both naked. They were both on their knees and facing one another. He threw his arms around her and she threw her arms around him. They pressed in close to one another, and their lips met in a burning kiss.

She could feel his hard cock pressing in against her hairy mound and she reached down and got it right between her legs. It felt so good rubbing against her clit. She could feel him leaning back so that he was sitting back on his backside, and then she felt him lifting her slightly in the air.

She wrapped her legs around him as she felt him lowering her right over his cock. She could feel the hard shaft easing right into her an inch at a time. She trembled each time she felt more of his cock go in. This is the first man, she thought to herself. The first real man.

His cock was in her all the way. She tightened her legs around him and she began to hump up and down on his cock. She would raise her hips so that his cock would slide almost all the way out of her, and then she would lower herself so that he would go back in her, all the way to the hilt.

He just filled her up the way those horses had filled her up and that drove her wild inside. This was the only man who would ever be able to satisfy her the way an animal could. She just knew that. There could be no other man in her life. Not Christopher Butler either. Compared to Tom, he was nothing. And besides he was nothing but a pervert anyway.

She felt Tom's cock filling her up time after time. She could feel it going all through her. It filled up her whole body and not just her cunt. He was really making her quiver inside and she could already feel her sex juices flowing inside. They were dripping down his cock and right onto his balls. She could tell her juices were making his cock burn up inside.

She could feel his cock the way it was burning so much, and she was sure that he could feel her burning pussy. She was kissing his neck and then she was biting right into his shoulder. She could feel him kissing her neck and shoulders, and then he was sucking on her tit again.

That really made her quiver inside. He made both her nipples rigid, and he kept them rigid. She could feel both her tits swelling up, whenever he was sucking on either one of them. He went back and forth from one to the other, and he made both of them burn inside like they never had before.

She could feel her whole body getting ready to explode, and she could feel that his body was getting ready to explode also. She could feel how much his cock was trembling inside her, and she could feel how it was beginning to jerk back and forth. I can hardly wait, she thought.

And she didn't have to wait much longer. His seed came spilling out of him and it filled her right to the brim. Her own come came pouring out of her seconds after his come had shot up inside her. He kept shooting into her, and every time she felt more of his come inside her, she just shook all the more.

"It feels so good," she moaned from way down in her throat. "It feels so very good. I don't ever want it to stop. I don't ever want you to take that beautiful cock out of me. I want your cock in me always. Always."

She thought she was going to black out, but she didn't. He let her fall back so that her back was on the ground now. His cock was still deep inside her, and he was still hard. He was still in between her legs and he was still sliding his cock in and out of her. On every inward stroke she shuddered.

There was no telling now how long he could stay hard. She hoped that it could be all night. At this rate, she thought that it just might be all night at that. He pulled out of her just then, but only long enough so he could turn her over on her stomach and then he lay down on top of her, and got his cock right back inside her. It felt so much better this way.

She felt him raising up on his knees and she raised up with him until she was up on all fours. Just like a couple of dogs, she thought to herself. And thinking that, she remembered that dog in that cabin and that horrible looking man. The dog had been ugly too, but his cock had felt so good inside her. She thought about that now, as Tom began humping in and out of her.

That dog had fucked her until she was too sore to stand, and now Tom was doing the exact same thing. He was making her just as sore as that dog had, and almost as sore as Chris' horse had. He was an animal in his own way, even if he wasn't really an animal in the full sense of the word.

She could feel his cock sliding in and out of her and she closed her cunt muscles in all around him. That's it, she said to herself. Fuck me just as hard as you possibly can. The harder the better cause that's how I like it. I don't like it soft and gentle. No, I don't like that at all.

If there was one thing Tom wasn't, it was soft and gentle. He was far from it. And he showed that over and over by the way he kept ramming his cock in and out of her. His hands were grabbing at her thighs, and then she felt his finger rimming her asshole, and then probing fight inside. He shoved that in and out just as hard as he could also.

He was going to cause her all the pain that he possibly could. He was going to make her as sore as any animal had ever made her. If he only knew how much I like animals too, she thought to herself, I wonder what he would think then? Would he want to watch me, the way some men would? Would he help me like Phil did?

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