Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The dog's cock was still deep inside her, and it was throbbing even more than it had been. She could feel it getting ready to explode, and then that was just what it did. It did explode, and she exploded right with it. Her come poured out of her just as his come poured out of him.

Her whole body was trembling and she could feel the waves going right through her and making her dizzy. The room was spinning around her head and the roof looked like it was falling right down on top of her. She felt the dog's cock easing out of her. He was no longer lying on top of her.

He was standing up between her legs like he had been at the beginning. He was leaning his head down into her soft, wet cuntlips, and with his tongue he was lapping his and her come that was all over the outside of her cunt, and all down her thighs and legs. His tongue made her feel that much warmer inside.

The man had been jumping all around the cabin all this time, and he had even used a hard wooden stick on himself, and he was bleeding all over because of it. He was now standing in the middle of the cabin and the blood was gushing out of his open cuts, and his cock was spitting out its sex juices.

Neither Vicky nor the man heard the sound of a horse riding up outside. Christopher Butler came bursting into the cabin and when he saw what was happening his first reaction was to laugh. Then he grabbed the man and threw him up against the wall. It was only then that the man became aware of Chris' presence.

"Where did you find that girl?" Chris yelled.

"In the woods," the man stammered. "She was just lying there without any clothes on. I could tell she had been fucking some animal, and just now she fucked my dog and she liked it."

"You know who she is?" Chris asked.

"She's just a girl," the man said, becoming very scared now. "Just like all the others you've brought here."

"She's hardly like the others," Chris yelled. "She's the daughter of my father's horse trainer. I can't have you messing around with her. With the others it doesn't matter, but not with this one."

Chris looked at the man with a look of contempt in his eyes, and then he came over to the bed. First he chased the dog away and then he lifted Vicky to her feet.

"I didn't realize you went in for this sort of thing," he said. "I'll bet you've followed me, haven't you? You've seen what I made those other girls do? Well, you probably didn't see half of what I made them do. Otherwise you would have left here a long time ago."

He handed her some clothes and told her to put them on.

"I'm taking you home before my father and your father have the whole police force out here looking for you," he said harshly. "We can't have them finding you like this, can we? Then they might want to know everything, and then we'd all be in jail. I don't think any of us would like that."

Vicky dressed as quickly as she could. She felt very close to Chris all of a sudden. In the first place, he was seeing her naked for the first time, and he was seeing her after she had just had sex with an animal. I'm sure he knows about the other night as well, she though. He knows I fucked his horse.

Chris took her by the arm and led her outside. He helped her up on his horse, and then he got up right behind her. They began to ride back in the direction of the farm. Vicky could feel Chris' hard cock pressing into her ass, and that made her feel all warm inside. Maybe now he'll fuck me, she thought.

"You just better not say a word about this to anyone, you hear?" Chris said. "After all, it wouldn't look too good for you either. I know you took my horse out last night and I have a pretty good idea what you did with him."

"What should I tell my father happened?" Vicky asked.

"Tell him you went riding and that you fell off the horse and hit your head," Chris said. "It can happen to the best rider. I'll just say I found you lying on the ground, and that you were still out cold."

"Will they believe that?" she asked.

"Of course they will."

Neither one of them said another word the whole way back. At the farm, Vicky's father was the first one to see them as they rode up to the stable. He was so glad to see his daughter safe and alive that he didn't bother to ask any questions. For the next couple of days, all the excitement died down, and life on the Butler farm returned to normal.

And as far as Vicky was concerned, that was the worst thing that could have happened. Chris ignored her just like he always did, and everyday he took another girl out riding. Vicky forced herself not to follow them, and the looks Chris gave her told her that she better not follow them.

Vicky also managed to stay away from Chris' horse, and she didn't go near him, except to saddle him those times that Chris told her to. Other than that, she just did the work she was supposed to, and spent the rest of her time in her room fingering herself to climax.

That was the only kind of sex she allowed herself, and it was beginning to get on her nerves. She needed a lot more than just that. She needed a cock inside her; a big cock that could come a lot. A cock like that horse had or even that dog. Vicky began to think about running away.

She would go someplace where they raised horses and she would get a job taking care of them. Then at night she would sneak down into the stables and do what she had to do. She didn't dare do that now because she was so afraid that Chris would catch her. She was sure that he hated her, although she couldn't figure out why he would. After what he saw me doing, he should love me all the more for it, she said to herself over and over.

But the fact of the matter was that he didn't. He seemed to think even less of her, and now he hardly said a word to her. Before, he hadn't said that much to her, and now he said even less. Vicky just couldn't take it any longer. She had to get away from him before she went crazy.

And to make matters worse, Vicky now had these strange cravings for animals. Especially horses. Every night she would dream about getting fucked by a horse. Before it had been Chris that she would dream about, but now it was his horse, or anyone else's horse for that matter.

One day she finally made up her mind to leave the Butler farm, and that night she packed a suitcase, and leaving a note for her parents, she crept out of the house and made her way to the main highway on foot. There were no cars this time of night and she began to walk.

She walked some distance before she went off the road and into the woods. She lay down and fell asleep as soon as her head had touched the ground. She slept soundly for about six hours and then the traffic woke her up. She got to her feet immediately and got back on the road and stuck out her thumb.

Car after car passed her by and then a car with a horse trailer behind it pulled up in front of her and she ran up to its opened door. There were two men inside of it, an old man and a younger man who had the look of a jockey all over his face. This is for me, Vicky said, as she climbed in the back seat. The car shot off as soon as she was in it.

"I'm Jack," the old man said, "and this is my son, Phil. We're headed for the track up here. Where you going?"

"That's where I'm going too," Vicky said.

"You know anything about horses?" Jack asked.

"I was born on a horse," Vicky said.

"Maybe you'd like to work some for us then," Jack said. "We can't pay much, but we can feed you and buy you some clothes if you need any."

"I don't need too much," Vicky said.

Vicky noticed how Phil was looking her all over. Vicky had on a blouse and slacks and it was then that she noticed that her blouse was almost opened all the way. The top three buttons were unfastened. When she went to button them, Phil pushed her hand away and did it for her.

"You're awfully good looking," he said.

"Thank you," she said, leaning back in the seat, and sticking her tits out as far as she could.

"Yeah," he said, "I'll bet you're a mean one in bed. I'll bet you wrap those lips around a man's cock, and I'll bet you don't let up for a second."

Vicky just smiled, opening her mouth slightly and letting her tongue slip out suggestively.

"You don't talk to her like that," Jack said, looking in the rear view mirror, and getting all hot and bothered himself.

"That's quite okay," Vicky said, "I don't mind. After all, the three of us will be living together from now on. We might as well get to know each other as well as we can."

"Yeah," Phil said, climbing in the back seat, "I think we should do just that."

And with that he kissed Vicky full on the mouth. He was sitting beside her and he was grabbing at her tits. Vicky could feel his hands going under her blouse and then she could feel them right on her tits. He was squeezing them as hard as he could, and his tongue was probing deep in her mouth.

Pretty soon he had her blouse and bra off and he had her stretched out on the back seat. He was still sitting up, but he was bent over her tits, and he was sucking hard on one of them. He was making the nipple real hard, and then he got as much of her tit in his mouth as he could.

One thing about Vicky. She had big tits. It was impossible for Phil to get her whole tit in his mouth, but he was trying just the same. He was trying just as hard as he could, and he was getting quite a bit of her tit in his mouth, and what he had in his mouth, he was sucking on as hard as he could.

Vicky was running her fingers through his hair and then she began to pull on his hair. That made him suck on her all the harder, as she knew it would. She could feel his teeth sinking into her tit, and that made her quiver all over. She could feel her cunt getting moist because of it.

"That's it," she was saying to him. "Suck me real hard. Suck me just as hard as you can. Bite me too. I love it when you bite me. I really do. Bite me harder. As hard as you can."

Phil did everything she wanted him to, and more. He was going after her cunt now, and he was pulling her blue jeans and panties down so he could get after her. Once he had them down to her knees he got his head right down between her legs, and he began to suck on her cuntlips.

He began to rub his tongue back and forth on her clit, and then he got his tongue right inside her. Vicky pressed her pussy against his open mouth as hard as she could. She could feel his tongue going way inside her and that made her go all soft inside. She could feel her sex juices flowing already.

He was getting right after her too and she could feel his teeth sinking into her cuntlips. That hurt at first, but after awhile it felt good, and she told him to bite her even harder, and he did. He bit her just as hard as he could, and soon he was drawing blood, along with her come.

He was lapping up both her blood and her come, and he seemed to like both. He just couldn't get enough of her. It was then that Jack said that they had better stop since they were approaching the track. Hours had passed since Vicky had gotten in the car, but it seemed like such a short time had passed by.

Jack had parked the car and they--he and Phil--were putting the horses up in the stable they had been assigned. They had two horses, one male and one female. A few other people had arrived with their horses, and they were also stabling them. Vicky watched all the horses very closely. She was trying to pick out the ones that she might prefer.

Right then the only thing that she could think of was getting a horse's cock inside her cunt or at least in her mouth. Phil had really eaten her out good, and she could still feel her cunt twitching from what he had done to her, but she had a feeling that that was all he could do.

She had asked him many times to fuck her, but he had kept on eating her out instead. Every time she had tried to reach under his pants for his cock he had pushed her hand away. I'll bet he can't even get it up, she thought as she watched him and his father put the horses up. Well, I'll find out for sure tonight. If he can't fuck me, I'll find something that can.

Phil kept looking aver at her with this sheepish grin on his face. Vicky smiled back at him. Well, you got your tongue in me, she thought. Let's see what else you can get in me. She made her way to the stable and began to look around. They would be sleeping here the whole time they were here, and she wanted to find the best place possible.

Each section of the stable was walled off from the others, and there were living accommodations in the back of them. They weren't much, but they would do. The horses stayed in front, and in the back there was a small room with two beds in it. The beds were singles, but they looked like they could hold two people.

Well, she thought, one of them is going to have to hold two people. Either Phil is going to be sleeping with me, or he's going to have to bunk in with his father. Vicky couldn't imagine herself sleeping with the father.

There was a small stove and a refrigerator in the room as well. Later on, Vicky cooked a small supper, and the three of them sat around eating it. Vicky and Phil sat on one bed, and Jack sat over on the other. I guess this is how we're going to be sleeping too, Vicky thought.

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