Bestiality and a Young Girl - Cover

Bestiality and a Young Girl


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She was raised them, and then it was the pleasure of her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   First   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Veronica--or, Vicky, as she preferred to be called--watched as Christopher and his latest conquest rode off together towards the woods. Vicky felt the tears rushing to her eyes, and there was nothing she could do to stop them. She ran back into the stable and cried her eyes out.

It was just no use. No matter how hard she tried not to love him, the more she did love him. He was the only man she would ever be able to love as long as she lived. There was just no one else as far as she was concerned. She rubbed the tears out of her eyes and looked slowly around the stable.

She had been practically born in this stable seventeen years ago. Her father had worked for the Butler family all his life as their horse trainer, and so had his father before him. As long as the Butlers had been keeping and training horses to race, a North had worked for them as their trainer.

Three generations of Butlers and Norths had groomed the finest horse flesh in the whole country, and now that association was going to be upset by the fact that Veronica had been born a girl and not a boy. Her father had wanted a boy in the worst way, but after she had Veronica, her mother could not have any more children.

The older Veronica got, the more she wanted to be the first female trainer the Butlers had ever had. She knew as much about horses as any man, and she could ride as well as any man. Actually, her great ambition since she was five was to be a jockey, but there were no women jockeys either.

And now Christopher Butler had once more shown her that he didn't know she was alive. This was the fourth girl this week that he had taken horseback riding with him. Christopher never saw the same female twice, and at the age of twenty, he showed no signs of ever wanting to settle down with a wife and family.

It was summer and Christopher was home from college. Last summer he had gone off to Europe, and that had been more unbearable than this summer had been so far. At least she got to see him, even if that's all it ever amounted to. However, there were those rare occasions when he would talk to her.

It was never much of anything. Usually it would be something like, "Hey, pony girl, saddle my horse for me, I'm going riding. And saddle one of the tamer ones for my guest." The guest was always a beautiful female who looked like she had just stepped out of a novel or off the pages of a magazine.

They were always beautiful, and whenever she was near enough to one, Vicky would feel like a boy. Vicky kicked at the dirt and almost yelled: "Why the hell can't I be a boy? I'd be better off. I wish there was some operation I could go through to become a boy. I'm no good as a girl, but I'd make the best male horse trainer and jockey there ever was."

Vicky looked out the stable entrance in the direction that Chris and Bunny--that was what he had called the girl, and she didn't seem to mind, and in fact had been falling all over him like the stupid blonde that she was--had just ridden off in. "Why doesn't he ever see me?" she asked of herself. "Am I that ugly?"

She saddled her own horse and walked him out of the stable and mounted him. Whenever she got depressed she would take Old Bess out and give her a good work-out. Actually the work-out was more for herself than Old Bess. Vicky was the one who had to get Christopher Butler out of her system, not Old Bess.

Vicky mounted Old Bess and off they went. She thought about that one boy she had met in school this past year who had actually asked her out. It was the first time any boy had ever asked her out, and Vicky had been scared to go out with him at first, but it was her mother who made her go out.

Her mother was a maid for the Butlers as had been Vicky's grandmother, and Vicky's great grandmother. Vicky could just see herself ending up as a maid for the Butlers, and so could her mother. It was her mother who surprised her by saying, "Find a nice young man and marry him and get away from this place. You'll rot here like the rest of us if you don't."

Vicky had known that her mother was right, but Vicky wanted to "rot here." She could never move away from the place and all that it meant to her. It was in her blood just like it had been in the blood of every male North. The fact that she was a female didn't change that.

She had gone out with that boy--Herbert was his name, and he was just as plain as his name implied--but she had not wanted to, even though he was the first boy who had ever asked her out. She still dreamed of the day when Chris would ride up to her window on his horse and carry her away with him. She knew that that just had to happen.

But Herbert had not been all that shy, even though he was boring and she hated the sound of his voice after she had been with him only five minutes. Herbert also turned out to be stronger than her, although he looked like a summer breeze would knock him over, and when he began to kiss her later that night, she wasn't able to fight him off her.

And he hadn't just kissed her either. No, he had done a lot more than that. He had gone all the way and actually fucked her. Vicky wanted to turn him in for rape, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. Vicky could still remember Herbert's naked body on hers and his huge cock inside her.

They had been riding in his car, and he was supposedly taking her home. In the movie he had kissed her roughly and he had even gotten his hand under her sweater and underneath her bra. Her tits still hurt from the way he had squeezed them so hard. She had not said anything at the time, but she had tried to make him see that she didn't want him to touch her anyplace, let alone touch her tits.

She had not wanted to make a scene in the movie, but now she sat way over on her side of the car looking out at the darkness, because that was all she could see. Herbert hadn't said a word to her since they left the movie. I guess I hurt his feelings, Vicky said to herself. Serves him right for the way he man-handled my tits. He's damn lucky I didn't yell rape right out loud for what he did. He should be begging me to forgive him for doing that rather than just acting as if I committed some crime.

Then, because she was curious, she asked him the one question that had brought on everything else. "Herbert?" she said, "have you ever fucked a girl?"

Herbert answered very quickly as if he had anticipated her asking him just that question. "Of course I have. I'm not some stupid virgin like you."

"What's so stupid about being a virgin?" she asked.

"Everything," he said.

The next thing she said had sealed her fate for that evening. "I'll bet you're lying to me, Herbert. I'll bet you never fucked any girl because no girl in our school would let you fuck them. You're too funny looking. I'll bet I'm the first girl you ever took out. And you know something? I'll bet you I'm the last girl you ever take out."

Herbert turned red. "You're right about one thing. You are the last girl I'll ever take out. I plan on marrying you when we graduate at the end of next year. From now on, you and I are going steady."

With that he began to pull off onto this lonely dirt road.

"Where are you going?" she asked, forgetting everything he had just said about going steady and getting married. All that mattered now was that he was taking her off the main road and towards the woods. Now what did he have in mind to do to her?

It came to her in a flash. She just knew that he was going to try and fuck her. She could see it in the eyes. She begged him to take her home right then and there but it was no use. He kept driving down that dirt road and he was driving a lot faster than he had been when he had been on the main road.

He was driving like a madman, and she felt like a trapped animal. She knew now that he was stronger than her. He had proved that in the movies when he had mangled her tits like he had, and by the way he had made her submit to him like she had. His arms were much stronger than hers.

Unless she could somehow get out of the car and run away from him, she was doomed to being raped by this creep. She could see how ugly his cock must be, and she could feel it deep inside her. She was indeed a virgin, but she had read books and looked at lots of pictures.

She knew all about fucking even if she had never done it. But she was saving herself for Christopher Butler. He would be home on vacation soon, and she was building up the nerve, that is, trying to build up the nerve, to go right up to him and say, "Fuck me, Chris Butler. Fuck the only woman who could ever really love you."

And now, her virginity, her cherry, was going to be taken away by this jerk unless she could stop him somehow. She was determined to save herself and her cherry for Christopher. Someday he would want her, and she wanted to be perfect for him. She didn't want to have to tell him that Herbert had fucked her first. Chris would feel cheated.

Herbert had stopped the car, and she had tried to get out as quick as she could. He grabbed her though before she could even open the door; he was so fast that it seemed like he had stopped the car and grabbed her all at the same time. She could feel his mouth on hers and she could feel his hand under her skirt and then under her panties.

She fought as best she could, but there was just no room in the front seat to do anything. And he was a lot stronger than she, although he looked like the perfect weakling. He had his finger in her pussy already and he was working it in and out of her like crazy. In spite of herself, she could feel her cunt lips getting wet.

His mouth was still full on hers and she could feel his tongue way down in her throat. She felt like she was going to gag. His finger just kept going in and out of her. Right then she made the mistake of relaxing because she thought that maybe all he wanted to do to her was finger her. That wouldn't take her cherry away. Only fucking would. Maybe if she just gave in, he would finger her and get his rocks off and then he would take her home, and that would be the end of it.

But he hadn't done what she thought he would. As soon as she relaxed, he began to take her clothes off, and then he was naked and on top of her in the back seat. It all happened so fast that she was dizzy from it. He was on top of her, his cock was deep inside her, and he was fucking her.

She cried when it finally struck her that he had popped her cherry, and that now, Chris would never want her because she was a little whore. And that's just how she thought of herself as she felt his cock going into her deeper and deeper and filling her up, and making her juices flow the way they did.

She hated him even more, because once he had started fucking her, she had actually responded to him. She had wrapped her legs around his waist and she had put out for him the same way that she had been planning all these years--and it seemed a lot longer than it was--to put out for Chris.

This was how she had intended to act that first time with Chris, and now she was acting this way with Herbert of all people. And she really was giving him all that she had, grinding her cunt into him just as hard as she could and kissing him all over his neck and shoulders.

She had been so turned on by him that she had even come before he did, and she had opened up wider for him, and moaning away at the top of her lungs, she had felt his come shoot into her burning, hot pussy, and that had made her go even wilder, closing her cunt around his hard cock as tight as she could.

They hadn't talked after that, and they had just kept on fucking. Finally, he had taken her home and she had gone to her room and cried all night. Before she had gotten out of the car, he had given her his class ring and she had taken it, although she didn't want to. She even accepted his date for the next night. She reminded him though that maybe he should wear rubbers after that, but he said that since they were going to get married anyway, it didn't matter whether she became pregnant or not.

The only thing that had saved her from a life of ruin with Herbert had been his reckless driving. A week later he had smashed up his car and gotten killed in the accident. She felt bad after awhile because she had been glad that he had died, and she knew that it was wrong to think like that about anyone.

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