Toy - Cover


by Mike McGifford

Copyright© 2024 by Mike McGifford

BDSM Story: Toy is a submissive owned by an average yet married man. Who knew she'd have the power to corrupt a fine, upstanding member of the community.

Caution: This BDSM Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   MaleDom   FemaleDom   .

“Who is that, John? We weren’t introduced,” my boss asked an hour into our dinner party while subtly motioning to the corner.

Frank is a good guy but I didn’t think he is really cut out to be a boss. He’s too polite, too politically correct. He doesn’t introduce himself to people but rather waits until he gets introduced.

He didn’t even want to create waves by pointing directly at my Toy in the corner standing there at attention with her eyes pointed straight forward, almost trancelike. He was too subtle and I think it regularly causes him to miss opportunities.

“That’s Toy. Pretty, isn’t she?”

“Ah, yes, I guess so. Did you say Tay? Why isn’t she sitting with us?”

Frank was clearly intrigued by Toy and I’d seen him glancing her way on and off for an hour. It’s part of why I hadn’t introduced him.

I knew it’d drive him crazy not knowing what the raven haired sexy young woman in strappy high heels was doing, standing at attention in her little black dress, with a lot of cleavage on display.

I was just having fun. Libby had suggested I leave her in the bedroom but knowing how Frank is, it was more fun to put her on display and see if curiosity would override his shyness. It had taken nearly an hour and a quarter.

“No, not Tay, it’s Toy, like a plaything. She’s great with kids too. She can play with them for hours until they just lay down and fall asleep. In fact she has a business babysitting, if you know someone that needs a quality babysitter. As to why she’s over there, she doesn’t sit with us. She is, as her name suggests, a toy. She’s waiting for someone to play with her.”

“You don’t even have kids, John! She’ll be waiting a while,” haha. “But why is she just standing there? You don’t think that’s a little weird? What’s her deal and why don’t you invite her to have a seat? She’s been standing there for hours.”

“Toy doesn’t mind and I only put her there just over an hour ago, Frank. Anyway, she’s a toy. You wouldn’t invite your favorite fishing rod to sit with you, would you?”

“No of course not but it’s not the same thing. She’s not a fishing rod, she’s a person.”

Typical Frank, calling her a person, not a woman or a smoking hot woman, for that matter. She is smoking hot, too. I would have been tempted to ask her out when I first met her if it wasn’t for how we met, the fact that I was already married and twenty years older than her. Those are moot points, though.

I certainly know now I wouldn’t want to date her. Toy isn’t the sort of woman who really dates, anyway. She has one interest and that’s serving. She can’t carry a conversation unless it’s about things I like.

She probably couldn’t tell you who the current president is or how much a gallon of gas generally costs. She doesn’t know or care to know. She is focused on one thing - me.

It’s not that she’s an airhead because she’s dumb or dumb because she’s an airhead. I long ago decided she’s simply chosen to be oblivious to everything but serving. I seriously have no idea if she’s secretly intelligent or not. Her greatest natural skill is following orders and I had to learn the hard way that I have to be careful what I ordered her to do because she would try to do it for me.

Libby gave her to me as an anniversary gift last year. At first I thought she was joking, then I thought she was bringing another woman in as a one-time thing to spice up our sex life. Even when Libby said she was giving Toy to me it didn’t really register that she meant ‘forever’.

When we first Toy quietly stood there while Libby talked about her as if she wasn’t even present. Some of the things she said about Toy I thought should have made Toy storm out angry but she kept standing there placidly as if we weren’t discussing her at all.

It really took a lot of convincing to make me believe that Libby was serious, especially when she kept referring to Toy as ‘girl’, like she was an appliance without a name.

My wife explained that ‘the girl’ would do anything Libby didn’t want to do herself, especially sex stuff, to keep me a content and happy husband. She finally had to demonstrate by telling Toy to bend over, pull her dress up to her hips and drop her panties so I could spank her.

Toy’s only response was a simple, ‘yes Mistress’, before doing what she had been told.

I didn’t name her Toy until much later the next day and quite a few loads of semen had been introduced to every major orifice she’s got.

Even Libby was impressed by my stamina. At first, she’d sent me to our bedroom to fuck Toy on our bed. When I hadn’t come out after a couple of hours, she came looking for me and found me balls deep in the young woman’s pert ass.

Libby wasn’t mad. She said it looked hot, seeing me fuck another woman and watching our expressions as much as my cock pistoning into Toy’s asshole.

My wife doesn’t want to try anal, so I was in hog heaven with Toy. Libby not changing her mind about gifting a woman to me once she actually saw us going at it, was exactly what I’d needed, too.

Libby even directed the action at one point that first day and has frequently since, even introducing me to the taboo pleasure of having a woman suck on the cock I’d just popped out of her gaping asshole.

My petite blonde wife did it with just a simple order and Toy sprang to obey. She even guided my boner back into Toy’s butt and she played with Toy’s clit a little, exploring her own bisexual side for the first time in her life.

After I’d come in Toy’s ass, Libby told her to drip it out and eat it while my wife promptly ignored her and started talking to me.

Libby congratulated me on fucking Toy so well and expressed pleasure that I was making full use of my gift but reminding me that she hadn’t given me Toy so I could turn around and ignore her.

When she said that I’d better have saved some strength for her too I was easily able to get it up a fourth time and we screwed in front of Toy with Toy simply caressing our bodies and otherwise not participating.

Since that first day, both Libby and I have used Toy to explore every sex act that either of us and sometimes Toy herself, have expressed an interest in. Toy never says no or even balks at an idea. Some are pretty unusual taboos and fetishes from Cosplay (Toy is a great actor!) to foot worship and even watersports.

A few things, like carefully hanging Toy by her neck and tying her to a pole like we were going to spit roast her, were great visuals that provided lots of pictures for our scrapbook but were otherwise a letdown. The pole gets in the way of Toy trying to blow me and it’s almost impossible to fuck a hanging five ten woman’s ass while she’s struggling to breathe. Not without a platform and high ceilings. We don’t have either.

We still crossed those two things off the list and I’ve had some pretty amazing blowjobs while Libby and I sit, looking through the digital scrapbook. Libby even submitted a couple of pictures to ‘X’ under a fake username, showing Toy stripping naked in front of a busy Home Depot. She had so many requests from people wanting more that she eventually closed the account.

So here we were at our dinner party for my boss Frank, to celebrate a huge corporate coup that was really mostly mine, with my boss showing an interest in Toy.

Don’t get me wrong. We were both very happy for Frank. It was Libby’s idea to have the dinner party for him and the only reason it was just us was that his boss bailed at the last minute, texting that her baby sitter had been a no-show so she was taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese instead.

When I’d called back to offer Toy’s services, Frank’s boss was already halfway to the restaurant, so we adapted. As a result, the ‘party’ was just the three of us and Toy.

“Frank, Toy is Toy. She’s my Toy. I don’t even know what her original name was. She is loyal and attentive but she’s not like any other woman you’ve ever met. She won’t date you, Frank,’’ I said, heading him off at the pass. “Her whole life is here in this house and that’s exactly where she wants to be. If you want to borrow her I’ll let her go on a date with you so you can see for yourself what I mean. If you want to skip to the chase, I can tell her to fuck you and her only question will be to ask which hole to start with.”

“You’ll ‘let’ her? You’ll ‘tell’ her? You’ll ‘make’ her have sex with me? So she’s like ... a slave?” Frank asked disbelievingly.

“Slavery is illegal, Frank. She’s just a special girl with special needs. You can use the word, but don’t attach the negative connotations, okay? I meet her needs. Without me or someone like me, she’d be lost. Luckily for me, we have each other.”

“What about Libby?” Frank hissed in a whisper as if he suddenly didn’t want my wife knowing what we were discussing. That caused me to laugh. “What’s so funny?” He asked.

“Libby got Toy for me, Frank!” I exclaimed, reigning in my mirth.

“She GOT her for you? She’’s not jealous?”

“Remember the fishing rod comparison? Why would Libby be jealous of a fishing rod if I wasn’t out fishing every chance I got? I’m married to Libby first. We share hopes, dreams, interests, likes and dislikes. I have none of that with Toy. She’s my sex toy and that’s all. Well, almost all.”

“To be honest, I ... I’m having difficulty processing all this, John. How come this has never come up at work?” Frank sounded a little miffed at me for keeping a secret, or maybe it was that he’d finally expressed an interest in a girl only to discover that she was ‘taken’ in some way.

“And how would that have gone down, Frank? I haven’t told you I have an old 4-wheeler that I’ll get running one day, either, or that I got Libby a necklace for the same wedding anniversary. If you have any sex toys, you haven’t told me about them either. It’s just not something that makes it into normal conversation. But I’m serious, too. I can loan Toy to you to play with for a little while. In fact, if Libby doesn’t mind, I’ll set her under the table while we finish eating.”

“You mean ... she’s a person, John! You can’t just ... pimp her out like you own her!”

“Yes I can, Frank. Just think of it like it’s her talking with my voice. Would you say no if SHE offered? I can arrange that too, if you want. Her chosen lifestyle is to act as my Toy but she’s so much more than that. I can experiment with her and see how Libby would react in some instances without offending my wife.”

“What do you mean?” Frank asked, his voice already more calm, curious. He seemed to be coming to grips with his emotions and wanted to know more, now.

“Toy has modeled dresses, shoes and lingerie for me before. I like to buy Libby that sort of surprise from time to time and it’s better to see it worn than just guess. Toy even has a blonde wig styled like Libby’s hair. I can’t reduce Toy’s boobs but then I’d never want to. It still gives me an idea of what I’d be getting and it’s great to see Toy model a nice bra and panty set on the Victoria’s Secret shop floor occasionally. I usually buy two bras so Toy can have one and Libby, the other. Libby would get too embarrassed to model in public like that but Toy doesn’t seem to mind. In fact she’s a bit of an exhibitionist. She’ll strip to skin whenever and wherever I say.”

“So she’s like a robot? She doesn’t even consider what she does? She’d walk out into traffic if you got angry and told her to?” Frank was working himself up again.

“That’s two different questions. Is she like a robot? She has a thriving babysitting business that keeps her busy almost every day of the week. That started with a neighbor asking if we could sit for his kids so we sent Toy and she loved doing it. She won’t lie to me so if she didn’t like it she would have said so. Robots don’t ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ anything so the answer is no, she’s not a robot. Could I get her hurt if I’m not careful? I’ve never fully tested that. I’ve also never found her limits. She’s amazingly self-disciplined. I think she would walk into traffic if I asked but why would I? I own a pistol but I don’t shoot people when I’m angry, either.”

“This is the craziest relationship I’ve ever heard of, John! And you’re telling me this is what Toy wants? I just find it hard to believe. As hard to believe as Libby agreeing to it. That she’s not jealous of another beautiful woman being in the house with her husband. You’ve made out like a bandit, buddy. Every man’s dream. You make me jealous.”

“Have you looked at Libby lately? She’s just as beautiful as Toy! As to your other comment, everyone doesn’t have a toy like Libby got me for our anniversary, for sure. But I am serious about Toy. If you want to play with her, if for no other reason than to assuage your curiosity, I don’t mind.”

“No, I couldn’t do that, John. It just seems ... wrong. But she’s truly an attractive young woman, that’s for sure. Its ... it’s a shame.”

“Frank. It’s not a shame at all. Toy’s where she’s happy. You’re not the sort of guy who deals well with people who don’t think exactly like you, so you’d be a horrible match for Toy anyway. You still REALLY need a girlfriend, though!

“I didn’t mean a shame for Toy, I meant a shame for me but you’re right, I don’t want a woman whose meaning in life is to ensure someone else’s happiness. I’d get sick of not having someone who only ever wants to please me. Still, you’ve got two women and I’ve got none.”

“Toy gives great head and she won’t spill a drop,” I reminded him of my earlier offer.

“I’m not Eddie, John. He’d jump at your offer. But ... don’t take this the wrong way ... I don’t do hookers and you make Toy out to be like a free hooker ready to gobble cock without notice. I respect women too much to subject one to that.”

“Or you don’t respect women enough. It takes a special kind of woman to take a stranger’s dick out of their pants and just start sucking. Most women aren’t that confident. There has to be something personal like money motivating them or a third party forcing them. I don’t have to force Toy to do anything. She’s like my personal genie. She won’t hesitate because she’s totally loyal. The woman you want sounds like one you can put up on a pedestal no matter how big of a cunt she is. One that will say no more often than yes.”

“You’re describing a woman with morals, John.”

“I’m certainly describing most women. Toy would hate the way you live. She’d probably love the way Eddie is, but he’d torture the snot out of her, bang her then leave her tied up for hours until it was time to bang her again. She’d still rather deal with Eddie than you, Frank. But she doesn’t need to, because she’s got me and Libby now.”

“She ... joins you in the bedroom? Both of you?”

“I’m not a selfish lover, Frank. Sometimes Libby can use the extra bump to get off. And there are things that creep her out, like ... well there are things most women won’t do ... Toy takes care of those things when I’m in the mood.”

Frank was silent for a while then eventually moved on to other things while we enjoyed the meal Libby had produced. Afterwards, Toy came over and cleared the table. She took everyone’s dishes into the kitchen while Frank, Libby and I moved to the living room.

“She has to do the dishes even though she didn’t eat with us?” Frank was once again back onto the subject of Toy.

“I feed her, clothe her, give her somewhere to sleep and both Libby and I buy her treats now and again although Libby’s are a little different to mine. Libby leans more towards the sex toy gift. Toy’s currently wearing a couple of Libby gifts.”

“John! You make me sound like a pervert!” Libby exclaimed loudly from her recliner, but I could tell she wasn’t angry, just joking. “I buy her things she might like and find useful. From her perspective, a dildo or set of ben-wa balls is a perfect little gift for her to keep herself in shape. You buy her candy and costumes. Who’s more generous?”

“You’ve got her number, Babe. I was just saying Toy’s never ignored and treated like she has no value. Frank here seems to think she’s just a workhorse,” John pointed out.

“Frank ... she works, just like everyone. She has chores to do around here and I’ll check on her to ensure she doesn’t take shortcuts. Sometimes she does, because she’s a pleasure slut before being a scullery maid and I keep her focused in that regard. Think of me as her supervisor. If she’s naughty, usually punishment falls to me. John’s too much of a softy.”

“You can’t really fire her, from what you’ve told me. It doesn’t sound like you pay her so you can’t dock her pay or write her up. How do you punish her?”

“If you really want to know, I usually tan her hide with a paddle. Usually her butt or boobs. If it’s something big, I’ll pull out the big guns and cane her feet. That really lets her know how upset I am.”

“Oh. Now I wish I hadn’t asked. So ... I WAS right after all, though. Two women living with one man always causes problems,” Frank said as if he had experience with it. “You like to punish her and she is okay with that?”

“Frank!” This time Libby turned her exclamation on my boss. “Did your parents never discipline you? They mustn’t have if you think providing corrections is a simple joy. I do it because Toy needs it to keep her centered.”

“Sorry, Libby. I just thought ... well I don’t really know what I thought. That you are less than thrilled she’s here, I guess.”

“If Toy’s not out babysitting, most days in the evening while we’re waiting for John to get home from work she sits with me and watches TV. On weekends, we watch chick flicks, we do each other’s hair and nails and I’ve given her as many foot rubs as she’s given me. She’s like my best friend and I feel proud she fits in here so well. In fact she’s ahead a little in the pampering department because John rubs her feet too.”

“ ... and her calves, thighs, butt and back,” I added helpfully.

“I’m sure Frank gets the idea, Honey.”

It took Toy about five minutes to clear the table and load the dishwasher. She then returned from the kitchen with a tray of drinks; a little pot of decaf coffee, cups, with whiskey. I like a little in an evening cup of decaf.

Frank seemed surprised and a little confused that Toy could be so thoughtful since he knew I hadn’t ordered her to bring them.

“Come sit with us, Toy, and introduce yourself to Frank. He’s been a little obsessed with you all evening,” I raised to Toy with a grin. I’m sure she’d already noticed that.

“Certainly, Sir,” Toy replied, carefully setting the tray on the coffee table and sitting next to Frank on the love seat. “Hello, Sir, I’m Toy. Did you enjoy your meal? Mistress and I worked hard to make it perfect.”

Frank saw her almost imperceptible wince when she sat and as a result brought it up instead of answering the safe, socially acceptable question Toy had asked. Usually he’d ignore an expression like Toy had let slip, unwilling to call attention to another person’s personal issues, but not this time.

“I saw you wince. Did Libby punish your bottom, Toy?” He asked, his first words spoken directly to her.

That was the boldest personal question I’d ever heard Frank ask. Asking a woman about her bottom was way out of character for Frank.

“No, Sir! Mistress gifted me a chastity belt and I’ve found that it pinches sometimes when I least expect it,” she replied frankly and without embarrassment.

“Um ... really? I’m sorry...” Frank seemed momentarily flustered by Toy’s reply. She was about to say something but Frank continued. “I ... John was saying you’re called Toy because you’re his sex toy and Libby gave you to him. But then she ... locks you up in a Chastity device?”

“Master has keys too, of course, Sir. Mistress just liked the look on me. It matches the butt plug I’m wearing. Master? Should I show Mr. Frank my ensemble?”

Toy had never had to learn to ask my permission before doing something for someone else. It was just how she is. Ensuring that what I want is her priority and her personal opinions about showing her body to someone she’s never met before don’t even figure into her thought processes. That’s why I’d decided Toy is an exhibitionist.

I nodded and Toy stood up again and simply shimmied the tight dress up past her hips so Frank could look at her gold and chrome chastity device. The exterior looks like a two inch wide metal belt fitted snugly around her slim waist, connected by fine chains to a triangular piece of shaped metal that covers her mons like a panty. The metal is shaped like a minimalist diaper that covers her pussy and ass and this is the working part of the device.

There are little padlocks that connect the chains to the chromed steel ‘panty’ then an additional padlock at the back that can be released to allow the butt part to swing down and expose the anus for bathroom or sex purposes. With it unlocked it allowed for anal sex but not vaginal sex. The whole device had to be removed for that.

Currently it was locked in place and a butt plug was in Toy’s ass. An optional attachment on the Chastity belt is a two inch dildo in her vagina so both her nether holes are occupied. I’d thought Toy would have been a little uncomfortable but she insisted that the duel probes keep her constantly aware of her purpose in life.

Toy could not poop even if she wanted to with the full setup on and she had to ask to go when the cramping got too bad. One of us would unlock her butthole for her. She could wet herself and urine would escape the device via slots in the metal but it was quite messy and her groin and thighs needed to be hosed off or she’d smell like urine afterwards. We’d already decided a catheter would be a perfect solution.

Libby thought Toy would like the device because it ensures her reliance on us and she was right. Toy loves it. It looks fabulous on her as well, completely hiding her privates.

We could take her to the beach in it and no one could complain she wasn’t adequately covered. Of course the one time we’d had an opportunity to do just that had caused a lot of interest and not an insignificant number of complaints about perverts on the beach. So I guess I am wrong. Some people complain about anything. In this instance, the complaints went nowhere.

Toy was adequately covered. I was asked by beach police if Toy would consider bikini bottoms over the device although since butt-baring thongs are legal in Miami where we were vacationing, I refused.

Toy turned around and showed Frank the back, eliciting an unintentional groan from my boss. Toy has a superb young butt.

“Very nice, thank you, Toy. Could you, umm ... cover yourself again now?” Frank asked.

“You don’t like my butt, Sir?” Toy sounded sad.

“No, no! You have a very nice bottom. I just ... it makes me uncomfortable seeing it, is all.”

“May I take care of Mr. Frank’s discomfort, Sir?” Toy asked me.

I knew she was asking if she could relieve his erection, only made more obvious by the way he thought he was casually covering his groin with his forearm.

“I’ve already offered, Toy. He said no.”

“Very well, Sir,” Toy said and pulled the dress back down into place, covering her Chastity belt and stocking tops.

“She really would have, wouldn’t she? Frank asked me after a moment’s silence while Toy got herself comfortable again. “I mean you said it, but part of me couldn’t believe it was true. How old are you, Toy?” He asked, turning his attention back to her.

“I’m old enough to legally make my own decisions, Sir.” Toy replied, which didn’t tell Frank anything except that she wasn’t an underage runaway.

I had been warned by Libby not to pry into Toy’s background when she’d gifted Toy to me and I’d had to promise Toy verbally and specifically. That’s why I didn’t know her real name or date of birth. I didn’t know if she had family or had even graduated high school. Although young, she could have even once been married.

“That really doesn’t tell me anything,” Frank laughed. “I mean something John said earlier struck a chord. If we were all to go to a bar right now so I could go hunting for a girlfriend, they’d have to card you, right? I don’t want to cause you embarrassment.

“I don’t drink, Sir, so no.”

“Then call me curious. I would really like to know.”

“Why, Sir?”

I was interested in that myself. Frank had been told Toy was with us, was my, for a lack of a better adjective, property. That had been established. Also established was that Toy’s personality precluded her from being a match with him despite his unwavering interest in her. I’d gone as far as to offer Toy’s mouth and hands for his use. He’d already turned down those offers.

The question had caused Frank to pause. He thought because he wanted to know, Toy would volunteer that information freely. She would have provided him ‘relief’, after all. Instead, she wanted to know what motivated him to ask.

“I really am just curious. I’ve never met someone like you before and I’m forty four years old. I thought I’d seen it all and done at least a small percentage of it when it comes to alternative sex stuff. I once had a girlfriend who was more into anal sex than regular sex. Her idea of foreplay was to have her butt rimmed. Her greatest orgasms came from having something in her butt. She wore a butt plug every day. You remember her, John,” Frank said, glancing at me. “Olivia, the owner’s daughter.”

I’d known he had dated Olivia. He’d also dumped her for cheating on him but as far as I knew, I’d been the only one he’d told the reason for their split. Maybe she’d been the reason he was my boss, too.

“Yeah, I remember her. Full of herself. A great example of the sort of woman I was describing earlier. A lying, manipulative bitch, but the reason we’re friends.”

When I started at the company, Olivia had worked in Accounting and had come onto me quite strongly. I’d finally gone to Frank and after that, she was an iceberg to me. I preferred iceberg Olivia to horny Olivia. I had not been interested in her and that had not sat well with her.

I had heard she was married now and a stay at home new mom. What was surprising was Frank’s public admission that Olivia was an anal queen. I’d always thought she had a bit of a stick up her ass. I guess I was close. But I’d never expected to hear Frank expose another person’s dirty secrets. It was one reason I hadn’t hidden Toy away when he came for dinner. Frank is discreet.

“When I first came here, it was to start a new life, Sir. I’m twenty seven but I know I look eighteen. Master didn’t know that because it was a condition of my submission that he not ask about anything related to my past. I have not shared anything before and Master has well respected my wishes. I still do not wish to share so I hope you will also respect my wishes, Sir.”

“I understand, Toy, and thank you. You may be interested to know that your admission is not half as important as understanding that there’s at least one reason you’re such an enigma. I was concerned you were mentally ill and needed help. Those few sentences set my mind at ease. You have limits, just not limits I expected or imagined. John’s a valuable friend and I’d hated to think I would have to choose between friendship and doing the right thing. So, John, are you and Libby, since Toy doesn’t drink, up for a beer? I really do need to get back on the market and it would be a tragedy if I couldn’t at least dance to a song with Toy. I bet she’s a great dancer.”

Half an hour later we were at a local bar and true to Frank’s words, he’d danced with Toy. It was a slow dance with a lot of close contact. I could tell Toy was enjoying herself. One dance had become two, three, then four. Frank had not even looked at another soul. Toy had his full attention.

“They make a cute couple,” Libby observed, watching them dance together.

“Maybe so, but Toy’s mine. I don’t mind sharing, but I’m not giving her up.”

“I’m not talking about giving her up, John. She’s proven herself to be perfect for us. But it’s been nearly a week since you’ve fucked her. She admitted the other day that she thinks you’re tiring of her,” Libby said sadly. “Face it, John, the novelty’s worn off.”

“I get plenty of sex from you, Libby! I don’t need a morning and night BJ and Toy’s ass is only as tight as your pussy. Are you really saying WE’RE not having enough sex? I kinda left it up to you to invite her into the bedroom and you haven’t in a week.”

“She’s YOURS, John. Discipline’s already my responsibility. I bet you’d have been a horrible puppy owner as a kid, too.”

Dad wouldn’t let me,” I pouted.

It was true, too. My dad had insisted I wouldn’t look after one and he’d never agreed to give it a try. Libby knew that.

“You wanted a puppy but you didn’t want the responsibility of house training one, or feeding it every day or taking it for walks. Toy’s finding out the same thing. You don’t put in the effort it takes to have a pet. I’d have been fine with Toy sleeping with us every night. You seem to have this idea that I’ll feel second best if you devote time to her. If I was that insecure I wouldn’t have given her to you in the first place. Look at her, Jim. She’s lapping up the attention Frank’s bestowing on her. She looks so happy!”

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