Penis at Length - Cover

Penis at Length

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2000 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: There once was a man from Nantucket - whose cock was so long he could suck it... (For companion story, see "Nightmares to Dreams")

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Romantic   True Story   Celebrity   Interracial   Black Female   Size   School   .

Prologue: There once was a man from Nantucket - whose cock was so long he could suck it...

I wasn't always a freak of nature!

I guess there's some medical explanation, having to do with pituitary hormones or something, but when everyone grows up, it's usually within the realm of the physical dimensions inherent from one's parents.

Brainy parents produce brainy kids; tall parents produce tall kids, athletic parents, etc., etc...

Well, MY father had a garden variety (maybe six inch) dick! (What boy never got a glance of his father's penis, growing up?)

My high school was a five year high school, meaning the 8th grade, was Frosh, instead of the ninth grade. (Actually, both were frosh, but ninth graders called themselves "fresh" to avoid confusion.)

So, here I was, playing football, one fine October Saturday morning, when this play occurs, and I got blindsided so badly, I didn't come out of my coma until Tuesday, ten days later!!

The doctors kept me in ICU for five days, fearing brain swelling, and there were some bruises about my neck, but after I awoke from this concussion of concussions, I passed a battery of tests designed to determine if I had any permanent damage.

Ofcourse, due to my age (13), football was now 'out of the question', and with it, basketball, soccer, track, and baseball - in other words - my whole life!

But, apparently, such an accident at just the right time in life, can produce unforeseen consequences, and my pituitary gland, just getting me ready for puberty, went 'nuclear'!

In just over the next fourteen months, I went from middle of the pack, in height (about 5'4"), to 6'6", and my penis exploded out to 11 inches!

Now, that was fun because all boys bragged about having nine inches, so I thought I was catching up, but when I was finally allowed back to gym classes, I discovered NOBODY had nine inches!

Guys stared (I think in amazement minus the homo or two) at my freakish schlong, in the shower, and it continued its growth spurt until it became this fourteen inch 'monster'!

That wasn't immediately a problem; the frat I joined, naturally, had access to the high school sluts who just had to try 'goliath', as they named it, so my sex life got off to a rousing start.

But virtually every sexual encounter went the same way as this:

First of all, no matter what length a penis is when erect, it can have any of several flaccid lengths.

Some people hang five inches, but when it hardens, it only adds another inch as it thickens.

The next guy might have what we called 'needle dick, the bug fucker', but when erected, it would jump from its two inches to the same six as the next guy, and that was me, BEFORE the accident.

Now, I hung soft about only six to seven inches, but blew up to 'goliath' when I got a boner!

So, the first time I tried sex with I girl, one on one, it started with heavy petting, naturally, then we made the decision!

I began by immediately going down on this girl, figuring to get her so hot, she wouldn't get scared by my penis, and I thought it was working.

She spasmed several times, convincing me that she got her 'nut'.

Now it was time to scramble into position, and I did so, deftly hanging most of my penis below where she could see, as I rubbed the head all around her wet, creaming vulva, gaining lubrication.

Once I had the head inside, I still had to support the shaft with my hand, and it started out great; she was getting into it!

Then, I tried pumping into her.

I wasn't in, halfway, when she began moaning, in distress, which I mistook for another orgasm! So, I fed her another couple of inches!

She went apeshit, pushing her hands against me in an effort to throw me off, and begging, "Take it out! Pleeeease! Take it out!"

When I finally realized it wasn't an orgasm, I complied, but my penis erupted all over the girl's stomach and face.

Needless to say, when she got a view of the whole thing, she was terrorized! (You'd think she mistook me for fucking FRANKENSTEIN!)

When she got home, I'll bet she called every last girlfriend in school to warn them about me.

So, any girl that I might've had feelings for, shunned me (the 'secret' was out) which meant I couldn't even begin a love life!

At least, my frat was still there!

I don't know how they settle things today, but in my days, frats sometimes warred, and it could get quite ugly; no guns or knives, but a lot of studded belts and makeshift whips could inflict plenty of damage.

My turn came when I was cornered while trying to date the sister of one of the other, warring frat members.

These bastards caught and tied me up, and it took a lot of them!

Then, one of them accusingly said, "Here's what this freak was gonna use on your sister!" He was speaking to the 'offended' party.

With that, they tore my clothes off and I heard several intakes of breath as they got their first, close up, look at IT!

Being the macho idiot that I was, I accused them all of being homos, and asked which one was gonna blow me, first?!?

THAT was the wrong thing to say because, after a few moments, their 'ringleader' hit upon this idea: he said, "YOU ARE!" and, with that, they started tucking my head down toward my cock!

They didn't care whether they were breaking my spine or not, and I suppose that, without their 'forcing' me, I might never have discovered this on my own, but I actually could reach my penis with my mouth!

Naturally, I refused to open my mouth, figuring to thwart their plan, but they offered me a choice: either I suck myself off, or I might find several dicks up my ass! (I was already tied up, remember.)

Well, I could live with doing myself, especially since regular dating was out of the question, so I opened up and took in the head!

Then, they demanded to see me cum, and into my own mouth!

There is more of this story...

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