That Stupid Harker Guy - Cover

That Stupid Harker Guy

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: As part of the art school assignment, Niah and Harker were to draw pictures based on the other's direction. (See yesterday's story, "Wet Pussy Picture.") Today is the day for the exchange. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

Before class, Niah was more than a little nervous handing the oversized envelope with her art assignment, the wet pussy picture, to Harker. “I hope you like it,” she said.

“I’m sure I’ll love it,” he replied.

“What about your side of the bargain, the fat piglet looking in the mirror?” Niah asked him. “Did you chicken out?”

“Didn’t you get the email?” Harker asked.

“No. What email?”

“From the professor. The assignment was cancelled.”

“No. I didn’t get it. That’s terrible.”

“I know,” Harker lamented. “All that work you did for nothing.”

“I’m really pissed,” Niah said.

“I know, I know,” Harker sympathized.

“Why did he cancel it?”

“He didn’t,” Harker said. “I made that up.”

“You ... you ... you...”

“Creep?” Harker suggested.

Niah snorted.

Harker said, “Don’t be mad. I did do a picture. But I can’t show it. I’d be too embarrassed. I’ll just have to accept the F.”

The class underway, the instructor had everyone exchange the assignments and provide a critique.

“I love it,” Harker said, having opened the envelope and extracted Niah’s picture. “Your pussy is so cute and frisky. Loveable even.” He handed Niam an oversized envelope.

“I thought you said you didn’t do one,” Niam said.

“I didn’t say I didn’t do one. I said I’d be too embarrassed to show it.”

“So the envelope is empty?”

Niam opened the envelope and drew out the picture.


“What do you think?” Harker asked.

Niam bit her lip.

“Takes your breath away, doesn’t it?” Harker said.

“It’s uh, it’s very nice,” Niam said. “But the piglet’s supposed to be looking in a mirror. Where’s the mirror?”

“In the eye of the beholder,” Harker said. After a pregnant pause, he added, “Do you think your pussy and my piglet might like to get together? For artistic purposes?”


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