Daughter Loves Horses - Cover

Daughter Loves Horses


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - She wanted to know why her mother divorced her father for him. She went to visit and soon found out...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The Glades was a place where sexual secrets or sexual inhibitions among its residents could not exist for long. It was a place of complete freedom for Cindy, a place where she felt more relaxed and alive than she'd ever felt in her life. She couldn't imagine leaving there to go back to school. She dreaded the thought of even putting clothes on again.

It felt so good to be nude. She felt so unfettered and sexy. She couldn't imagine how clothes had ever been invented, especially in climates where people never stopped perspiring, the kind of climate she had found here in southern Florida.

By the time the cookout was finished, the moon had already risen high, throwing a silvery light out over the vast stretches of grassland to the west, where a dull reddish glow still licked the fringes of the horizon. The breeze carried the scent of horses.

"Let's go for a walk," Gale Morgan said, and she took Cindy's hand. They headed out over the western pastures.

As Gale and Cindy walked in the lead, their tits wobbling heavily, their gorgeous female asses gyrating, Buck and Shawn followed behind, their cocks jutting up at acute angles and wagging like gigantic clubs. Neither of them had ever seen two sexier asses than the two asses waving in their faces at this moment.

The group had been walking no more than a few minutes when the sudden thudding of paws and the wild rustling of grass made all their hearts stop. Cindy was unable to stifle a girlish shriek of surprise as she wheeled to see a large animal with glowing eyes bearing down on them. Before she had recognized the creature, it was driving its dog-snout between her legs. The growling Dane stud slurped at her crotch, at her tits.

"That's one girl-crazy hound," Gale said, laughing with relief. "Cindy, darling, meet Samson."

"We've met," Cindy said, her toes curling as the Dane's tongue slithered between her crotchlips.

"They've done more than meet each other," Shawn said. "They know each other--as you'd say it, Mom--intimately."

"Really! Cindy, darling, you are a fast mover!" Gale said.

"Like mother, like daughter," Buck said.

The dog was in a licking mood, so Cindy and Gale got down on their hands and knees, shoving their excited asses up high and giving the hound a clean shot at their delicious fuck furrows. Samson growled his appreciation as he licked, his long tongue slithering up and down the asscracks and pussies of the two juice- oozing females.

Cindy tingled down to her toes. The dog had a talented tongue. She wanted to be licked all over. She threw herself on the ground on her back, squirming, offering the dog her completely exposed body.

"Lick me!" she said, showing the dog her tits, her armpits, her crotch. "Lick all of me!"

Gale and the two males watched with pleasure as the big hound slobbered all over the writhing girl. The men gently massaged their itching cocks, their spunk-filled balls. Gale worked a finger in and out of her pussy.

Samson slurped all over Cindy's toes and feet. He licked her legs and belly and tits. As he lapped at her face, she opened her mouth, letting him French-kiss her. Her arms and legs wrapped around him automatically, and as she pulled his furry body down on top of her, his red-hot dogprick slipped up her cunt. The dog growled and the girl moaned.

"Oh Cindy, my angel, you're such a luscious little slut! I wish I'd known sooner."

Gale Morgan, despite all the sex she'd watched in the last three years, had rarely gotten more voyeuristic pleasure than now, watching her beautiful young daughter fuck the enormous hound. Beauty and the beast were coupled right there before her eyes. There was something wonderfully perverse and therefore deliciously exciting about such a coupling.

"Darling, I really must join you!" Gale drove her nose under the dog's tail and tongued his furry balls. She could hear the rhythmic splashing of the dog's cock in Cindy's clutching pussy.

The scent of dog-nuts and girl-pussy made her lightheaded, drove her crazy with excitement. She licked the dog's asshole, feeling his hot asspucker twitch against her tongue. She probed the tight opening, then slipped her tongue up it.

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