Daughter Loves Horses - Cover

Daughter Loves Horses


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She wanted to know why her mother divorced her father for him. She went to visit and soon found out...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Cindy was seated on the edge of a bed in a room of the Holiday Inn across from Ft. Lauderdale Beach. Two young men named Bill and Jeff, flanked her, each of them holding a leather-bound black Bible, both of them dressed in gray suits, shiny black shoes, starched collars and black ties. Sweaty and sandy, and dressed in her scant bikini, Cindy felt like a complete tramp. What must Bill and Jeff think of her!

"You're a sinner, but we were both sinners once, too," Jeff said. "Until we were born again."

"Amen, brother!" said Bill.

They looked at Cindy with their eyes glowing of righteousness and holiness, and she felt like the scum of the earth.

"Amen," she said, ready to confess to them her unholy life with Oscar, ready to confess how she'd been sorely tempted and tested at The Glades.

Jeff patted her on her sunburned thigh. "We praise the Lord, sister Cindy, that you have seen the light and have agreed to talk with us. We praise the Lord that we were able to rescue you from that den of iniquity out there. We hope you'll never be tempted to go back to that beach again."

Cindy remembered that she'd forgotten to bring along her beach towel, but she vowed to forget it. It was better that she lose a beach towel than her immortal soul.

How lucky she'd been to be rescued by two such fine and holy young men as Jeff and Bill! She'd lain on that wretched beach for hours, propositioned left and right by lusting males, by old men and young boys--and she'd been tempted to go with them. That was the terrible thing--she'd been sorely tempted. If Bill and Jeff hadn't come along, sweeping across the beach with the rest of their evangelical group like a holy fire purging wickedness, she might well have succumbed to temptation, she might at this moment be in another motel room, crushed helplessly under the heaving body of some bestial college man. There had to be a million lusting college men out there, all of whom had only one thing on their minds, the animals, the sinners!

"It sure is stuffy in here," Bill said. "The air conditioning's not working right. I'll remove my jacket and tie, if it's all right by you, sister Cindy."

"Go right ahead," Cindy said.

She was impressed by the courtesy of these two fine young men. She wished they could convert the world and teach all the animals out there some manners. They were doing a noble thing, giving up their spring vacations to work the Florida beaches in hopes of saving souls. They came from an evangelical Bible college in Alabama. A bus-load of students from the college were staying here in the Holiday Inn for two weeks. It was convenient for them to be able to simply walk across the street to do their holy work on the beach.

"I believe I'll remove my coat and tie too," Jeff said. "That is, if you don't mind, sister Cindy."

"By all means," Cindy said.

They removed their coats and ties, then read alternately from their Bibles. They dropped to their knees and prayed, asking Cindy to join them, which she did with enthusiasm. As they preached and prayed, as they alternately dropped to their knees and sat back up on the bed, their faces reddened and they perspired. They asked Cindy for permission to remove their shoes. Finally, their shirts came off. Both young men were breathing heavily from the exertion of their preaching.

"May I use the bathroom?" Cindy hadn't pissed since arriving at the beach, and her bladder was ready to burst. They agreed most graciously to excuse her.

When Cindy returned from the bathroom, she found that Bill and Jeff had stripped down further, and now were wearing swim trunks. The room was stifling, they said. Cindy sat between them on the bed as they read to her more from their Bibles.

Cindy was listening intently to their rich, evangelistic voices when she became aware that Jeff's bare foot was touching her own, that his thigh was pressing to her thigh. When she moved her leg away from his, his leg moved with it, pressing against it again. Then his bare foot was on top of hers, covering it, rubbing it. His toes wiggled. His hand fell on her thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. He was reading from the Bible, as if he were unaware of what his hand was doing.

Cindy tried to ignore the body contact. She trusted him. He was a holy young man, after all.

Bill's leg suddenly pressed to her other leg. Bill's bare foot covered her bare foot. Bill's hand, hot and moist, fell on her thigh and squeezed.

Cindy began to get a little nervous, but still she trusted them. They were holy young men, after all, saved young men. They had been born again, hadn't they?

It all happened so fast that Cindy had no time to resist. One moment she was sitting there, the next moment she was lying there with her bikini ripped off. Their swim trunks came off, and she was shocked to see their big, dripping hard-ons, which they rubbed against her smooth flesh as they crushed her between them.

She lay flat out on the bed, squirming and gasping as they humped at her like two rutting billygoats. Their mouths devoured her lips, her tits. Their hands plunged between her legs, groping her crotch, her ass. She gasped, arching up as stiff fingers slipped up her pussy.

"Jezebel," they kept calling her. "Temptress!" They quoted scripture as they assaulted her, scripture that sounded like lines from an erotic novel as it came from their mouths.

"Wicked temptress!" Jeff muttered, then stuffed his tongue down her throat.

"Vixen of Satan!" Bill said, lapping at one of her tits as if at an ice-cream cone. He gnawed her nipple, sending needles of fuck sensation through her loins.

She gasped, arching up, juices bubbling from her finger- stuffed pussy. She was totally helpless. She couldn't have fought even one of them off if she'd possessed the iron will to do so, which she surely didn't. She'd resigned herself to their assault. She was glad it was happening. She was enjoying it, loving every second of it. They were right--she was a vixen of Satan!

"Fuck me!" she whispered. "I wanna be fucked!"

The two young men paused in their assault, their ears pricked up as if they couldn't believe what they'd heard.

"Fuck me with these big things! Stick 'em in me!"

She gripped their cocks and squeezed. They groaned as if she'd stuck electric needles up their pricks. They called her an animal. Jeff yanked her up to her hands and knees and got up behind her, rubbing his cock between her legs.

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