Love Thy Neighbor - Cover

Love Thy Neighbor

Copyright© 2000 by Big-R

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Should he help a neighbor get pregnant?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Swinging   Group Sex   Pregnancy  

It was a hot day already and only nine thirty on a Saturday morning, I had just finished mowing the lawn and put the mower up in the garage.

I brought a chair out of the garage and was sitting in the shade enjoying the breeze.Our three children were playing in a plastic wading pool and my wife Sandi was watching them.

She saw I was through and came over and used the towel in her hand to wipe the sweat off my face and arms. After a sweet kiss I got out another chair and she joined me.

She looked so cool and beautiful I thought of calling and asking my mother if I could bring the kids over early while we continued the loving from last night. When I mentioned that though she said "wait until tonight Super Stud and I will make it much better"

Sandi and I met during our last year in college.

We were both invited to a three day weekend lake party given by mutual friends. We had both arrived at the party early and after being introduced had some time to spend with each other before most of the other guest arrived. We were good together, we laughed a lot, and discovered that most of our likes and dislikes were the same. We each had liked what we discovered of the other and we paired off for the rest of the weekend. Sandi was as beautiful as a center fold in a magazine but with the beauty was a brilliant mind, and a fine sense of humor.

After burgers that evening the music was turned up and the lights were turned down and we all danced.

Sandi fitted well, I am six feet four and she is five foot ten in height so we were comfortable when we danced. She was really good, we danced the Tango, Boogied a bit and then when a Flamenco came up she put her hands over her head and began clapping in time to the music. I became her Gypsy lover and she the lovely pleading girl trying not to loose him to another. We put on a show.

Later one of Sandi's friends got her guitar out and played. Sandi sang "Killing Me Softly" and "I Think I'm Going To Love You For A Long Long Time." Her voice was better than most professionals.

The music was turned back on and the lights dimmed and a few of us danced. Dancing with Sandi was a joy, she floated in my arms and felt and smelled so good I thought I might have died and gone to heaven.

I am sure we surprised some of our friends later when we chose to sleep in the tiny little room above the boat house, no air conditioning, and only a single double bed.

I had known lots of girls since I became old enough to notice them, many of them intimately but none like this one

Our relationship developed from passion to real love that night, she was more real live woman than I had ever met before. She had more raw sex in a clipping off her little finger nail than any two other girls I had ever made love to had in their whole bodies. We did it all that night, if it didn't hurt we tried it.

Sandi is a noisy lover and the next morning we had to listen to several of our friends comment on her keeping them awake all night.

Some had seen us skinny dipping off the pier. I just said "sorry about that" but Sandi laughed and said "when a girl is getting the best loving she ever had in her life she just has to make some noise. And she has to cool off in the lake from that kind of loving too doesn't she."

Everyone laughed at her but then a few of them envied us to.

When our hostess asked Sandi what she would like for breakfast Sandi replied " something with lots of protein and give Greg an even larger portion of that too."

Sandi like me had known other lovers, a lot of other lovers. She had her first adventure in sex when she was twelve years old. Later that first morning when we were alone she told me that no one had ever turned her on like I had the night before.

I admitted to having the same feelings about her.

The weekend was busy, Sandi and I could both water ski but she could have been an attraction at Cypress Gardens. She beat hell out of me at tennis and could swim and run faster than I. The only thing I beat her at was shooting pool.

Our Love affair began that weekend and is still going on six years later. There is mutual respect and admiration in our relationship that we do not find with other couples. We have an attitude of trying to give rather than take of each other. Both of us know that we have a friendship as well as a marriage and we regard the other as more than a sex partner. We have grown to really like each other so we have become friends as well as lovers.

Sandi and I found so much in each other that we liked. We were both a bit taller than most, she five foot ten, I six foot four so we did not look like Mutt and Jeff when we danced. We fitted nicely. Often she was dancing with someone shorter than she even in low heels, and I had to lean down to hold most other girls.

When we went out she could wear heels and show those nice legs and ankles off.

Our taste in music was the same, we both liked the same kinds of foods. and we each had much the same interest in books, politics, art and sports. Neither of us enjoyed trivial people or things. Both of us had friends that were smart and capable of intelligent conversations about most subjects.

Both of us had been honor students in grade school and had entered college at seventeen years old on scholarships, and now were about to graduate after three and a half years.

As beautiful as Sandi was she had never had any problem attracting guys. We were both experienced and skilled lovers but had never before found any partner that could as completely satisfy our sensuality.

Three weeks after we met, Sandi moved from the dorm to my grubby little apartment just off campus.

We were about mid way of our senior year and we began to examine the possibility of marriage. We found that we both wanted children, as many as four. I was sure of a good job after college and I really wanted a full time mother and wife. Sandi was capable of some kind of exciting career in computers but the idea of being a home maker and good mother was of more interest to her.

Sandi thought she might be able to do computer work at home and still be a mother.

My uncle Fred had a string of twelve drug stores in the Birmingham area. He had made me an offer of them if I would graduate in Pharmacy and manage them so he and aunt Edith could begin to enjoy life and travel. Uncle Fred had attached a few strings to the offer but I could still make a very good living and pay him a large annual salary. Upon his death the stores would be mine.

We married soon after graduation and began a family. Now three children and five years later we are still as much in love as at first. We think we can make this honeymoon go on forever.

Our life was comfortable, Sandi did not have to work but she was as busy as she wanted to be setting up computer programs for business accounts, working through a large firm in our area.

There is a neighborhood party most Saturday nights at someone's house and that night it was to be a pool party at a house three doors down the street.

I felt sorry for a lot of guys that would be there.

I had helped Sandi pick out the sexy bikini and cover up she was planning to wear while we were at a gulf beach the week before. Swim suits were on sale so I bought her two alike but with different colors. Sandi in either one was going to make it "hard" for some of the men at the party.

Our next door neighbor Jim Veach finished cutting his lawn and shut off his mower. He started our way and Sandi gave me an impish grin and said she was going to get the kids and dry them off before they looked like prunes.

Jim asked if he might join me. I offered to get beers and he said he could sure use one.

Sandi was over in the shade by the play pool but she kept glancing our way and she still had that grin on her face like she was playing a joke on me.

Jim and his lovely wife Beth were married two years before and had moved in next door while on their honeymoon.

Sandi and Beth had become close friends and spent a lot of time together. Jim and I had worked together on home projects and watched a few sports events on the tube. Sandi and I liked Beth a lot but could take Jim or leave him.

I came back from the kitchen with the beers and sat back down. Jim was nervous and three times he opened his mouth as if to say something but nothing came out.

We both had been thirsty from mowing the lawns and the beer was gone in just a few minutes. I did not want another so I told Jim that I was going to go in and shower and clean up.

Jim was red in the face and his tongue stumbled over the words as he asked me if I could spare him some time to talk about something.

I told him I had plenty of time for him always.

Jim said that another beer might make this easier so I made another trip to the fridge and something in his voice had made me think I might need one too.

When I was back Jim had got up enough courage to start.

He started off by saying that he and Beth had wanted children when they married and had planned to have three or four. After being married for a year they had gone to a doctor and then been referred to a clinic.

Beth was found to be in perfect condition to conceive but he had been found to have no live sperm cells in his semen.

Lots of causes for that in males but the most likely in his case was a terrible case of mumps when he was twenty one years old. He had lost a whole semester in college and been in the hospital six weeks.

They were offered several options, they could have the clinic insert semen from an anonymous donor. They could consider adoption. They could go for in vetro where a fertilized egg could be inserted in Beth's womb from another woman.

Jim and Beth went home to think about it.

Beth had been negative to a donor. Who she asked would he be? Could he be a person with a ton of genetic problems in his parentage? Oh sure probably someone checked but were they thorough? She had even read of mistakes being made. A white woman in another state was inseminated with sperm from a black donor.

Beth would not even think of artificial insemination from an unknown donor. Besides they wanted more than one child, she did not want kids from separate donors she wanted them to have the same father and that was something no clinic could assure.

Adoption was not a choice they wanted to consider. The genetic background of the child would not be any more known than the parentage. Some times the mother of those infants did not even know who the father was. Both Beth and Jim had known of adoptions where the child had turned out to be a bad actor and an awful heart ache for the foster parents.

A year ago they had tried to resign themselves to not having children. Beth had become more and more depressed and had frequent crying jags that lasted for hours. Jim said he had been as patient and as loving as possible but their marriage was heading for a divorce. Jim knew that Beth wanted to become a mother so bad, she was likely to think of finding another person to marry and father children for her.

Jim had mentioned it first. There was one other alternative, find someone with a good genetic background and make a deal for him to be the father of their kids.

Beth was desperate and they began to talk that one out. The donor should be someone who was already a father so that his kids might be an example of what could possibly be the result of Beth's pregnancy by him.

He must have no epilepsy, heart, liver, eye or mental problems in his family background.

Because Jim was almost six foot three inches tall, the donor needed to be a tall man so the children would resemble Jim in that respect.

Then he dropped the bomb.

He said "you fit the bill perfectly."

He dropped the bomb, I dropped my beer.

I got up and said" I got to go pee"

When I got in the kitchen Sandi was at the window and had been watching as Jim made his speech. She was laughing so hard she was holding her sides.

I thought they were playing a joke on me.

I really did have to go to the bath room and when I came back in the kitchen Sandi was still laughing.

I snarled that I hoped she knew that there was always "pay back time" and I would get even with her and Jim for this. Sandi stopped laughing and said that Jim was just as serious as a heart attack, and that she had been laughing at my reaction not at the situation.

This is not a joke? I asked.

Sandi said that Beth had confided in her months ago about Jim's not being able to produce live sperm. Last week Beth had spoken to her about me fathering her children. Beth had wanted to find out what Sandi thought before talking to Jim and then to me.

In a sarcastic tone I asked just what they had decided for me to do.

Sandi said that they had not decided anything for me, that this was something all four of us needed to talk about. Sandi kissed me and said she and I would talk later.

Sandi was right as usual. We all needed to talk together about something as big in our lives as this.

I went back out to the shade at the garage and told Jim that I had to run a few errands and then take the children over to my folks to spend the night. I told him that what he was suggesting was something that Beth and he and Sandi and I needed to talk about together.

I suggested we have breakfast the next morning, I would do sausage and gravy with biscuits and eggs. Afterward we could talk.

I excused myself and Jim left, I went in the house.

Jim would have liked to have talked some more but I wanted to talk to Sandi first and I needed to collect my own thoughts.

Sandi was busy with the kids when I went back in the house.

I really did need to have her van and my car serviced so I got on with that.

What with going to the Thirty Minute Lube and Car Wash and then the gas station to fill both up, it was eleven thirty before I could talk to Sandi about Beth and Jim's problem.

I got her to sit down at the kitchen table and asked her what she thought of me fathering another womans children.

Sandi was slow about giving me an answer, then she said

" Greg this is not as if you were going to have an affair or were going to be running around on me." "Those people are in real trouble, they are good together, but that marriage is not going to last. Beth wants children so badly that if she and Jim can't have them she is going to divorce him for another man who is not sterile.

Beth is about desperate enough to start seeing other men and Jim is not going to be able to handle that.

They both want children so badly they are coming to us for help, think about it please.

It was almost time for the children to have their afternoon naps so we fed them and I took them over to my folks place to leave them for the rest of the day and that night.

I helped my dad with his lawn until I realized it was time I had to go home and get ready for the neighborhood party.

When I had left with the kids Sandi had told me that she and Beth were planing to have their hair "Washed and Ironed " at the beauty shop.

When I got home I found a note on the table, it read.

Dearest Greg ;

I am already soaking in fred's pool.
I am in a crowd and yet I am so lonely.
Please join me before I do something
desperate because i miss you so much !!!!

Your lover

I shucked my clothes and put on swim trunks, grabbed a bottle of vodka and some tonic water and a towel and headed for the party.

Who could ignore an invitation like that ?

The Browns live three doors down the street. I went to the bar and parked the booze and asked Fred Brown if he had any idea where Sandi was.

Fred said he had seen Sandi and Beth talking over the privacy fence at the back of the pool just a few minutes before.

I went around the shrubbery and found her at the fence between two huge potted plants, she was looking over the fence with her back to me.

I moved up behind her and put my hands on her hips and began to kiss the back of her neck. Since no one could possibly see us I pushed her bikini bra up and began to play with her nipples.

I had my face in her hair and was inhaling the aroma of the perfume I had bought her when we were in New Orleans. I began to push a semi-hard prick into her soft lovely ass and kiss her on her shoulders and neck. She was pushing that sweet bottom back at me and beginning to moan softly as I began to squeeze those 36d's a little harder.

I whispered that I had wanted to put my cock in her wonderful pussy all day.

In a flash she turned around and placed her soft lips on mine and passionately kissed me while she was rubbing those bare tits against my chest.

Then she said "I think you should know before this gets out of hand that this is not Sandi you are about to drive out of her mind.


Beth then pulled her bra down and gave me sweet kiss on my lips and ran her hand over the bulge in the front of my swim trunks.

Beth gave my bulging cock a squeeze and thanked me for the compliment. Then she told me I should not be embarrassed because I had mistaken her for Sandi. She explained that she had asked the beautician to cut and do her hair like Sandi's and later she had tried on Sandi's perfume. When Sandi had shown her the two new bathing suits I had bought her Beth had asked to borrow one.

Beth explained that it was a natural mistake for me to assume I was playing with my wife's tits, they wore the same size bra.

Then she kissed me again and said "And anyhow I liked what you were doing to me very much."

Beth took my hand and we wandered around the party until we found Sandi. She was with several of the ladies talking. We rescued her from an exciting conversation about a new dish washing detergent.

I made drinks for Sandi, Beth and myself and we swam for a while in the pool.

Before dark our host burned burgers and dogs on the grill and we ate.

Afterward the music was turned on and we began to dance.

Jim had told Beth he was going to spend a few hours at his lab and for her to go on to the party and he would join her later.

The party was fun and Sandi and Beth danced to nearly every selection and with almost every man there.

Beth was a wonderful dancer but normally danced only with Jim at our yard parties. With Jim not there and Beth nearly nude in that tiny bikini, she seldom got a chance to sit down. Sandi was even more in demand and both girls were having the time of their lives.

They could have been twins they looked so much alike.

The son of one of our neighbors, Ray Parker, was home from college. Ray was a very tall and nice looking guy. Ray danced with Sandi as often as he could.

Sandi wanted to catch her breath and rest for a few minutes so she slipped away to the back of the pool. Ray saw her leave and followed her, they sat on a bench and talked a bit.

Ray asked her to dance and while they were in each others arms Sandi felt him getting hard. That cock was really pushing the front of Ray's bathing suit out and he was pressing it into her belly.

No one could see them, Sandi let him rub her belly with it. When that selection was over she looked down at it and it was peeping out over the waist band of his suit.

She said "You are really hung."

Ray asked her if she would like to see it.

Sandi didn't say anything.

Ray pushed his suit down to his ankles so she could see his huge prick.

Sandi took a good long look at it and told Ray it was beautiful and then turned to leave. Ray put his arms around her and began to stroke her tits. Sandi's tits are like some sort of switch and when they are touched she gets turned on. She was frozen in place and was even having a hard time breathing.

He pushed that big cock into her pretty ass and begun to hump her. Sandi put her hands behind her back and felt of the biggest dick she had ever seen.

She just had to do something for a dick that beautiful.

She said "stand still big boy and I will do something about this hard prick for you." Sandi thinks that a mans prick is the most beautiful thing on earth. She just had to touch that monster.

She got behind Ray and with one hand cupping his balls began to jerk him off with the other. She had him jetting on the patio in a few minutes.

He thanked her and they kissed and Sandi rejoined me at the bar.

Ray danced with Sandi several more times, he asked if she would meet him somewhere so they could get better aquatinted. Sandi told him that she had never been with another man since she and I had married and that she was not going to start now. She thanked him for the compliment though and told him he had made her day. He told her she had made his day also.

Jim never did show up at the party. We left to go home at about midnight. At the driveway to Beth and Jim's house we stopped to say good night. Jim's car was in the carport. Beth told us she was glad Jim had not joined her at the party, she could not have had near as much fun if he had.

In our bedroom Sandi was on fire, lots of those guys at the party had gotten a hard on while dancing with her. Knowing that a guy was turned on to her enough to get a boner was all it took to get her harmones to bouncing around in her belly. She had three small orgasms while dancing with a hard prick pressed against her.

She really got excited and turned on when I told her about thinking Beth was her and how I had played with her tits and humped her ass with my hard prick.

Sandi is not a jealous or possessive person.

Sex went on at our house for hours.

I bet she caused several of those guys that had gotten a hard on when she danced with them to get some from their wives when they got home.

I thought we were through and about to go to sleep when she told me about giving a hand job to the biggest dick she had ever seen.

I got hard and turned on one more time and we went at it again.

We were up at eight the next morning and Sandi put on the tee shirt I had dropped on the floor and I put on the shorts. We had a cup of coffee on the back patio. Sandi wanted to know if I thought we should greet our breakfast guests dressed as we were. I told her that she would be the breakfast we would all eat if she wore only that and let that shirt ride up like it was now.

We went in and dressed and I called Jim and Beth to let them know we were up.

I got out a dozen frozen biscuits and began to slow fry a pound of sausage. Sandi set the table and got ready to do eggs.

Jim and Beth knocked on the back door, both looked as if they needed more sack time.

I offered to make Bloody Marys and had three customers.

When the sausage was done I began the gravy and got Beth to stir. The biscuits were done and Sandi put them and jams and juice on the table.

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