Daughter Hot For Dogs - Cover

Daughter Hot For Dogs


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Her Father's business was at risk and needed a way to help it.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Father   Daughter   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Oh, Daddy, don't look so gloomy this morning. Business can't be that bad."

"You're too young to understand, Sally. But my business is in serious trouble."

Sally stood behind her father as he sat at his desk, going over his business records. She was wearing her usual halter and cut-off jeans, and she had her long golden hair combed neatly down her back. To her, this was a beautiful summer morning and it promised many new and wonderful things.

To him, this was just another business day; and business, lately, was lousy. He sat with his chin in his palms, and his elbows on the desk top. He wore a suit and tie over his muscular body, and his wavy dark hair was neatly combed. But there were one or two wrinkles in his forehead, and a strained look on his otherwise handsome face.

"I told you, Daddy," said Sally, "everything will be all right soon. Business will brighten up. You'll see."

"But how can you be so sure?" he asked. "How do you know?"

She hesitated, then said: "I just know, that's all. We'll have plenty of money by the end of the month. And we'll probably be rich by the end of the year. Our luck will change."

"Yes, well, you're just a child. You can afford to believe in good luck and magic. But I'm an adult, and I have to face facts."

"Just you wait, daddy. You'll see that I'm right." Then Sally said: "Now before I go and exercise the dogs, let me give you something real nice to cheer you up."

Sally swung her father's chair around. Then she fell to her knees between his legs. The two exchanged smiles as she pulled down his zipper and yanked out his cock.

"You don't have to do this, Sally. I'm not that horny." He reached down and stroked her hair as he talked.

"Now, Daddy, you know you love my blow-jobs. You never stopped me before. Just sit still and let me do my thing."

"All right, little girl. But hurry. We don't want your mother to come in here and catch us. She'd kill me for sure."

"She's never caught us yet," said Sally.

"I know, baby. But perhaps you're getting too old to be doing this sort of thing with your father. Maybe you should get yourself a boyfriend."

"Nonsense. Don't be silly, Daddy. I'll always be your little girl. Now sit still and let me suck you off."

Sally held her daddy's cock by its root as she lowered her lips. The smell of cock was strong, and she breathed deeply through her nose in an effort to inhale as much of the aroma as she could. But though her nostrils flared wildly, she just couldn't breathe in enough of the aroma to satisfy herself.

Still breathing deeply through her nose, Sally wrapped her lips around her daddy's cock head and gripped it tightly. Then she began flicking her tongue over his piss hole. She jolted his nerves hard and made him bounce in the chair, but she never let go of his prick head.

A few drops of pre-cum leaked out, and she gulped them down. Then she shoved her tongue tip into his narrow piss slit and tried to search for more jizz. That made him howl and buck, and when he bucked, he drove his entire prick into her mouth, balls-deep.

"Mmmmffff!" Sally choked and gagged for a second or two, then regained her composure and started sucking on her daddy's big prick. "Sluuuuurrrrp!" She scratched his hairy thighs as she sucked.

Her head bobbed up and down as she worked her thin red lips all around the man's thick cock shaft. She stroked every inch of his cock meat--every bump, every vein. She made his prick shine with her spit.

"Aagh!" moaned Sally's father, Harry. "Shiiyyiit! Those little lips can really do a job." He stroked her long yellow hair lovingly and thoroughly, careful to keep the silky strands out of the way of her sucking mouth.

Sally let her daddy's prick spear every part of her mouth. Her cheeks, first the left one and then the right, bulged outwards. The roof of her mouth became slippery with cum. The back of her throat started to ache.

She deep-throated the cock and started grinding her teeth into the meaty cock shaft. She tested her father's muscular cock to the limit, and the fucker swelled up to a gigantic size.

With her lips stretched wide, Sally kept chewing on the prick. Her sharp teeth exacted severe punishment, but she knew that was how her father liked it. Even now, he begged to feel more of her teeth. And she obliged.

Wave after wave of burning bliss swept through her head and clouded her senses. She felt his pulse beating through his prick. She knew his jizz was swirling through his balls, ready to erupt. She chewed for a little longer, then began sucking again.

Harry groaned deeply, praised his daughter's lips, then threw back his head and howled as blissful sensations soared through his body.

"Ohhh!" Harry cradled his daughter's head and guided her hot lips up and down his throbbing cock.

Sally sensed her daddy's urgency. And she knew that the time was getting late. She had to make him come now.

She bobbed her head furiously. She gobbled up his cock repeatedly, sucking the fucker in and out of her mouth. Spit ran from the corners of her mouth. Cock hairs scratched her nose and chin. And there was a heavy pounding in her head that warned her to slow down.

But she didn't slow down. She kept sucking her daddy's cock. And finally the cock erupted.

"Aaagh!" he moaned, shutting his eyes and grimacing. "I'm coming! Oh, shit! I'm coming, little girl!"

He bucked up hard and out of control as his cum spurted from his piss hole and creamed her lips and gums. Violent spasms kept him bucking. The chair creaked dangerously as he bounced up and down in it. But Sally stayed with his prick and gobbled up his thick jizz.

"Eat it, baby girl. Eat my jizz." He strained his muscles as he pumped his creamy cum down her throat.

Sally sucked the cum right down, gulping loudly as she did so. Her throat muscles worked feverishly. Her lips smacked hungrily. She held the cock prisoner as she milked it dry.

"Oh, baby," he said at last, "I think you got it all. My cock is as limp as a noodle. Now ease up before you suck it raw."

Sally agreed. Her daddy's cock slipped out of her mouth. She gave his thick cock hairs and massive balls a few licks before she rose to her feet.

"I feel good now," he said, pushing his cock back into his trousers. "Now go and exercise the dogs. It's getting late." He zipped his pants then turned back around to his desk.

"All right, Daddy. And don't you worry, business will get better from here on out. I promise."

Sally wiped the cum from her face with the back of her hand as she headed out the door. She knew she had to hurry if she wanted to keep her appointment this morning.

Sally was trembling when she rang the woman's doorbell. This was her first customer, not including Ann, and Sally wanted everything to be just right. She glanced down at the black mongrel she held on a leash--studied his shiny coat, his cold yellow eyes, and his gleaming white teeth. Then she lowered her eyes farther and stared at his big prick.

The woman was quick to answer her doorbell. She flashed a wide grin at the sight of Sally and the dog.

"Becky Thomas?" asked Sally.

"That's me. Come on in."

Sally looked the tall slim blonde up and down as she followed the woman inside. Sally admired the woman's short hair style and beautiful complexion. She also loved the sweet aroma of the woman's perfume. She wondered if the mongrel, Sam, was capable of appreciating such a fine dish.

"You've got a nice home," said Sally. Then she saw that the bedroom was just as nice. Everything was pink and very feminine.

"Thank you," said Becky. She stepped onto the thick rug lying in front of the bed, then removed her robe to reveal a very scanty nightie.

"You know, I sure am glad I saw your friend's ad in the paper. I love to fuck dogs. I used to fuck them a lot when I was a teenager. But when I got married, I gave up doggie cocks for a man's cock. Men are nice too, I suppose. However, now that I'm divorced, I intend to be a regular customer of yours."

"Fantastic!" said Sally. She unleashed Sam, then sat down on the edge of the bed to watch. "You're a beautiful woman. I hope Sam makes you happy."

"Why, thank you. And I'm sure he will. He's got plenty of cock in that hairy bag, I can see that from here. More than enough to stuff my cunt. You just sit there and make yourself comfortable. Sam and I will get along just fine."

Becky got down on her knees and called Sam to her. She had soft words and gentle caresses for the animal, and quickly won his friendship and trust. When Sam began pawing her soft thighs and licking her face, she felt secure enough to let the fun begin.

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