Saving Morgan - Cover

Saving Morgan

by Family Love 1954

Copyright© 2024 by Family Love 1954

Erotica Sex Story: A brother has to save his sister from a violent marriage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   .

I’ll give you a perversion list for this story: Incest, Brother/sister, MA/FA, MA/Ft, Ft/Mt, voyeurism, hairy, shaved.

I was in my rented room in Boca Raton after finishing a double at Chic-fil-A. My phone went off.

“Why do I have to read about your life on the internet?” My mother.

“Because I was too ashamed and too proud.”

“How bad is it?” I could hear my father in the background.

My fellow teacher, and wife of five years, Jane—we met in college, got married, and started work immediately after—had been involved in a scandal at her high school. She got fired and I got fired because of ‘optics’. The divorce was vicious.

“I can never teach again, I’m broke, and I have no skills.”

There was a sigh and a long pause, “We’re tight here and we’re bonded so we can’t hire you.”

My mother and father run a private investigation company.

“Thank you but this isn’t your problem to solve. You did warn me.”

“Water under the bridge. It seems like neither of you is good at relationships.”

Since I didn’t ask a question, Mom filled in, “Morgan is in a hell of a mess.”

“What’s going on?”

My sister, Morgan is two years older than me. We weren’t close growing up. Once she was in college, she never came home, so I hardly know her. She married Skeeter, who was the prototypical quarterback. The only time I met him was at the wedding and I immediately despised him. He is beautiful and stupid and only aware of half of that.

“She refuses to say, but she calls on the verge of tears all the damn time.”

“Mom, I feel for her, but how is this my problem?”

“She wanted your number; seems your phone wasn’t working.”

“I’m sure that sitting in the evidence locker has run the battery down.”

Another sigh, “Never mind, we found you, that’s what we do. Now, I’ll text you Morgan’s number and you will call her.”

“Do you want...”

“NO. We don’t want to know anything. She married that penis with a head of wavy hair and we’re certain that is the problem. She’s just like you and won’t tell us shit, so we’re out and shall remain so. Good luck.”

Thus ended our conversation.

It took six calls, leaving a voicemail each time before Morgan called back.

“What happened to your phone?”

“Nice to hear from you, Morgan, how’s things?”

“No, seriously, you changed your number.”

I sigh, “I’ll text you the link.”

“Huh? Yeah, fine. Look, can you get some time off from the school?”

“What’s going on, Morgan? We haven’t talked since you got married and now you’re using our parents to find me.”

My sister sighs, “Okay, quick. I think Skeet is fucking around and plans to leave me. He makes a shit-ton of money, but he hides it and I need to find it and find out what he’s doing before he gets smart.”

I laugh, feels good, haven’t done that in a while, “Get’s smart? Morgan, if somebody gave Skeeter a brain cell, it would be lonely.”

My sister sighs, lotta sighing going on, “You know what I mean, so, can you help me?”

“Read the link and call me back.”

Thirty minutes later my phone goes off.

“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me. Really? A student? A GIRL student? A senior? In her fucking car at the fucking mall?”

“I know the story, Morgan.”

“They were naked and licking...”

I interrupt, “Yes, sister, I know. I found out when somebody sent me the video.”

“Fuckin’ A.”

“So, to answer your question from your first call, yes I am free, but I don’t know what use I’ll be.”

“I need a partner in crime. You know a lot of computer shit and you can keep a secret. I have nobody to talk to here, they are all Skeet’s friends, and I can’t trust any of them.”

“I haven’t got two nickels to rub together.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll tell Skeet you’re visiting and put you in the guest house.”

Guest-HOUSE? Yikes. “You sure he won’t wonder why I dropped in out of the blue?”

“Um, no. Look, don’t get mad, but after reading that stuff my plan is to tell him I need to help you out.”

I’m steaming, but I hold it back. I need a change in fortune and a change in location, so maybe this is fate stepping in, “That is a shitty thing to do, but I sense you’re desperate.”

“I’m Sorry, Charlie, I really am. And, yes, I am desperate. If that prick leaves me, I got nothing.”

“So, looks like we really are partners in crime.”

Morgan laughs. Doesn’t sound like she has much practice, “Yeah, guess so. This could be fun.”

“You have a curious concept of fun, sister. Text me the address.”

“Thank you, Charlie.”

Morgan lives on a horse farm. That’s what they call them but the only crop I see is money. Her ‘farm’ is in Wellington, outside West Palm Beach.

You see, our family comes from Indiana. Up there, a farm is hundreds of acres, and the yard is full of tractors and huge machines with bins, arms, and shit. We all moved south when Morgan got married. Seemed like a good idea.

In Wellington, a ‘farm’ is ten acres, every inch landscaped, except for the horse ring that is raked dirt. Not a turd in sight and a stable that you could eat off the floor. Farm my ass.

It’s five-thirty in the afternoon. I park my ten-year-old Hyundai in front of the house/mansion. Wood frame with lots of little roofs, dormers, and windows. Grass as soft as a baby’s ass and as green as the money that created it.

I push the doorbell. The Westminster chimes ring out from the bowels of the interior. How original.

The door opens revealing a five-foot-nothing whisp of a girl in her teens with deep red hair, pale freckled skin, and green eyes that you’d rob a bank for.

“G’afternoon, you’d be Charles, the missus brother, welcome.”

I stand there and hope she’ll talk some more. God, I love the Irish.

“I’m Kate. Me brother Sean is the trainer. Let me take that and I’ll show you to your lodgins.”

Kate bends over in front of me to pick up my large duffel. Her loose tank top sags and reveals a perfect handful breast, freckled, with a small, hard, nipple. I look away. Come on man, she’s a kid.

The bag is large and heavy, and Kate has to walk bow-legged to carry it. “I can carry that.” I ask. “No, won’t do for the guest to carry their own bag. Mr. Arschloch won’t permit it.” She replies in that lilting dialect.

Rules are rules, but I feel like shit having this kid haul my bag.

The guest house is attached to the stable. A two-flight exterior stair accesses the second floor. I follow Kate who is wearing a loose pair of nylon shorts. I’m still on the first flite as she walks up the second set of stairs. The leg of her shorts open, and I can see the cotton undies she’s wearing, yellow with little birds holding back a thick pelt of that red hair, whisps sneaking out next to the mound in the middle. If she was old enough and I had any money, I’d offer all of it to her just to pull those shorts down and let me bury my face in her red pubic hair. I look away. I’m so fucking horny I’m looking at kids now.

At the top landing, I catch up as Kate is opening the door. I can’t help but notice her nipples are rock hard and she’s sweaty. I look up at the flat roof of the building as a distraction, my cock is hard and I’m not happy about that.

We step into a hall, one door at our end of the hall, and looking right, four more doors down the hall with windows in the outside wall.

My ‘lodgins’ is a cozy one-room apartment. A queen bed, kitchenette, bathroom, large flat screen, love seat, and comfy chair, with one wall of well-stocked bookcases.

Kate puts my bag on the bed and faces me. The look in her eyes, as she runs them over me matches the feelings I have looking her over. I have to ask, “How old are you?

Kate blushes, smiles, runs her hands up and down her thighs, “I know I look like a kid, but I’m eighteen. I can show you my driver’s license.”

I feel my cock growing, and regret not looking at her longer. “No, I’ll take your word for it.”

Kate fidgets a bit, “Well, I’ve lots to do. If you need anything I’ll leave my number.”

The whole time Kate’s eyes are on the bulge in my shorts and mine are on the two hard nipples of her barely there tits.

I move my eyes up to meet hers. My face warms, “Thank you, that would be nice.”

She turns to leave, “Um, Kate?”

She turns back, ‘Yes, Mr. Charles?”

“Just Charlie, please. Um, I was wondering if I could, I dunno, buy you a coffee or tea?”

Kate smiles from ear to ear, then frowns, “I’d love that, Mr. Charlie. I’d love that so much, but I can’t.”

“Oh, there’s somebody else?”

Kate doesn’t answer right away, “No, not really. It’s Mr. Arschloch. My brother Sean is a horse trainer, he’s very good. He got me this job. When Mr. Arschloch hired me, he said if I fucked any of the guests, he’d fire me and Sean and ruin us.”

“Has he ever...?”

“Oh fuck no. Never. When he hired me, he said, I don’t want to fuck you, your tits are too small. What an ass.”

Seeing the look on my face, she laughs, “I’m sorry. Sean says I talk too much and I’ve no filter.”

“Well, at least I’ll always know how you feel.”

She’s blushing, “And I know how you feel too. Aw fook, there I go again.”

I know my cock is making a bulge in my shorts. I love talking to this girl, she’s so unfiltered.

“Well, since we can’t fuck, we can talk, right?”

Kate’s blushing again, “Aw, now yur makin fun o’me.”

I take her shoulders gently in my hands, she looks up, “No, not at all. I can behave, but I like talking to you. That okay?”

“I’d like that, but it can’t be here. I’ve no restraint.”

“Yeah, good plan. I doubt I could hold back either.”

I let her go and Kate is opening the door when she looks at me over her shoulder, “Ya know what I’m gonna go do?”

Now I blush. I’ve never talked to a woman like this, “I can imagine.”

“Well, Charlie, imagine it while you do the same.”

I want to strip down and masturbate. Kate is so beautiful and so unfiltered. But Skeet isn’t here, and I want to have a look around. I’ve never been to any place like this.

The stairs, though wood, don’t creak as I walk down. The guest house is a rectangle. At the far end is the stable, stalls on the ground floor, hay loft above. Everything is done in pastel paint and it looks like it was painted yesterday.

I walk the length of the house and I’m at the big horse door of the stable. I hear Kate, “Sean, he’s soooooo handsome, and he likes me, doesn’t mind my dirty mouth a’tall.”

“You can’t fuck him, sis.”

I look around the corner. They’re standing in the closest stall. I can see them through a tangle of harnesses and stuff. I stay still, I want to hear more.

“I know. But jus bein around him gets me wet and my titties go hard.”

I stifle a gasp as I watch Sean’s hand come up and gently cup his sister’s breast, “This cute little titty?”

Kate doesn’t stop him, doesn’t move, “Aye, and the other one too.”

My cock is rock-hard, but I’m looking at incest. They are siblings. My cock doesn’t care. Kate’s hand is on her brother’s bulge, “I need you, brother. Can we go to a room?”

“No, the guest is there, and he might be lookin around. Later.”

Kate is biting her lip, “Can I at least help you, brother?”

Sean looks around, I stay frozen, and hope he doesn’t see me.

“Make it quick, sis.”

My mouth hangs open as I watch that little whisp of a girl drop to her knees and work her brother’s belt loose. His hands are on her head as she drops his shorts. White briefs with a bulge and wet spot. Kate runs her hand over the bulge and Sean moans quietly, “Oh, Sis.”

She is focused on his cock. She slips her fingers into the waistband and slides her brother’s briefs down. Unlike me, he’s uncut; I remember that that is a European thing. With no fanfare or words, Kate slides her mouth over her brother’s cock and cups his balls with her hand.

“Oh, fuck, Kate, you are so good at sucking.”

She stops and looks up, “Cuz I love to suck, and I love my brother. I want your cum in my nasty mouth.”

I want to take my cock out but don’t. Kate must be good, or Sean is a quick shooter. In a minute, it’s over. I see his trim ass clenching, his hands are full of his sister’s hair, “Cummin, sis. I’m gonna cum.”

Sean stifles a groan and I know he’s unloading in his sister’s willing mouth. I’ve never seen anything like this. I mean, who hasn’t heard of incest, now I see it, can’t deny it, and it is fucking hot. Kate looks up at her brother as she takes his cum. Knowing he’s done, she releases him and stands. The embrace and kiss and I know she’s sharing her brother’s cum. I did that with Jane, thought it was incredibly weird, but now, I think otherwise.

Typical male, Sean pulls his briefs and shorts up, “I hafta get back, lot’s to do.”

Kate’s looking around and then she sees me. Our eyes meet, she looks away, “Aye, me too, brother.”

They both walk away from me, and I slip out and back to my room.

I’m on my bed, naked, a huge pool of cum on my belly. What’s wrong with me? I just saw two siblings committing an illegal and immoral act and I came like a fountain. Guess I like incest. But I remember what Kate said, ‘Go to a room?’ What did she mean?

And she saw me. She knows I watched her suck her brother’s cock.

My phone goes off. Morgan’s home, time for drinks and dinner.

I haven’t seen Morgan in years. I missed her college graduation because I have Kegalbender’s complication, a rare ailment that gives you near-constant erections and doubles your semen output. I stayed home and hosed Jane. The constant erection thing faded, well, mostly, but not the semen output. The pictures show my sister in her gown and hat. My sister was always tall like mom, but she tended on the chunky side.

Morgan looks better than I remember. Mom keeps herself in great shape and Morgan looks just like her now. She’s wearing a slinky gown that clings to every curve. I walk in and Morgan comes to me and hugs me. I feel guilty, but she feels good in my arms. I convince myself that it’s only because I’ve been celibate for too long. In a boozy whisper, she says, “I’ll come by later.”

Skeet, just like I remembered him, stupid, beautiful, and self-absorbed. Firm handshake and a disingenuous smile.

It’s a pleasant meal. Nobody talks about what a loser I am. Morgan brings me up to date with her life, dressage, riding, horsey events she runs. Then it’s the Skeet show. After an hour of hearing about how he sells mansions on Star Island like they are shoes, and my sister and I sharing a look, I beg off, claiming I’m tired from my trip, and go to my room.

Morgan announces that she has office work and Skeet leaves to play poker or is that poke-her? I don’t know. I return to my cozy guest room, take a long shower, pasting the wall with my cum, put on athletic shorts and a tee, get a beer, settle on the loveseat, and put a movie on the huge flat-screen.

I’m an hour into the movie when the door opens and Morgan walks in wearing loose linen shorts and some flowy designer top.

“You don’t knock?” I ask.

She shrugs and drops into the lounge chair across from me, “My house. You mind?”

I don’t and say so. She’s my sister and my savior, so no knock is the least of my problems since Kate won’t be here either.

Morgan leans back and tosses one of her long, trim legs over the arm of the chair, giving me a clear look at her white lace thong and tawny stray pubic hairs, “That’s better. Now we can talk.”

It was at that moment that my life changed. Morgan is my sister, just my sister. Now, after seeing Kate and Sean, I’m looking at my older sister as a woman, a fucking hot woman who is giving me a look at her panty-covered pussy. Then I understand; Morgan has been drinking, she’s looped and isn’t paying attention. I look anyway.

“Up here, perv, listen.”

I blush at being caught and get my eyes on hers. Now she’s all business.

“Like I told you, the dick is planning to leave me, I’m sure. He’s got oodles of money and I want it before he can leave.”

I hold up my hand, “Sis, I know computer stuff but nowhere near enough to know where dick-brain is hiding his money. His rich friends probably helped him.”

Morgan waves her hand, making her braless breasts move and hardening her nipples. I look away. Your sister, I say to myself.

“I know that. All his money is in Panama or something like that, you’d never find it. What I want is closer and harder to hide.”

Just like my fucking cock which is growing looking at my sister’s panties. I really need to get laid. I’m reaching a new low here. But I’m confused.

“He’s got that much cash hidden here?”

Morgan looks at me like I just got off the special kid’s bus, “Think, little brother, think.”

The little light bulb goes off, “Gold. He has gold here.”

Morgan smiles, “Bingo, a lot of it, and it’s somewhere in this building, or the stable. I saw him bringing some in one day. I have no idea where he has it, but I know it’s a lot. I overhear him talking to his friends at parties about dodging the IRS by using gold. That little douchebag is going to take all that gold and blow town with some teenager with huge boobs and ditch me with the shit to clean up when he goes bankrupt, leaving me in the dirt, broke.

I’m still not quite getting this, “So, why don’t you look for it?”

Morgan rolls her eyes, “Skeeter has no idea I know. If he catches me poking walls or some shit, he’ll know. That’s why I need my pitiful unemployed, scandal-ridden little brother to scour this pile and find the goodies.”

“Thank’s sis. You make me sound like a fucking loser.”

Morgan gets up, walks over, and sits next to me on the loveseat. I can smell the alcohol on her breath. “Sorry, that’s what I’m telling Skeet to get him comfortable. He’s a paranoid little fucker and I have to make sure I keep up the dumb blond act. So, that’s the plan. Questions?”

“Where do I look?”

Morgan Shrugs, “I have no fucking idea. It’s in this building, that’s all I know. So, you in? We share the proceeds.”

My mind is going a hundred. This is crazy. I’m a boring schoolteacher. But this is the kind of adventure I’ve read about so many times. I stare at the frozen TV screen. I can feel Morgan’s eyes on me. I decide to do the one thing my little voice is telling me not to.

“I’m in, sis.”

Morgan’s face lights up with a smile from ear to ear. She turns to me, pushes me over, and climbs on top of me, “I love you, little brother!”

She’s on top of me. All of her long lean body. I try to move so she won’t feel my cock, which has been hard since she walked in the door. No good, she’s on top and I feel her breasts against my chest as she presses her hips into mine. She has to feel my cock.

Morgan grabs my head, angles it, and kisses me right on my lips. She pulls back and sees my face. She gets up quickly, “Oh, sorry, Charlie, got a little carried away. I can’t tell you how much this means.”

My face feels warm, and I cross my legs to hide my cock, “S’ok, sis, I understand. But I have no skill at this shit, so I don’t know how I’ll do this.”

Morgan is on her feet, by the door, “You’re a smart guy, Charlie, you’ll find it. Hug me goodbye.”

I offer a ‘brother hug’ and my sister blows past that and wraps herself around me. I put my hands on her lower back as she puts hers around my neck and pulls me in.

“This is nice. I miss being held.”

Not a good time to remind her I’m her brother, “I’m sorry life sucks for you.”

Morgan, talking into my neck her warm breath on that spot, “He never touches me anymore.”

My sister doesn’t seem to mind that her pervert brother has a full erection pressed into her thigh. Hopefully, when she sobers up, she won’t remember this part. I pull back and turn away, “I’ll do my best, sis.”

She leans in and quickly kisses me on the lips again, “You’ll find it.”

Morgan slips out the door and I take off my clothes and, for the first time, masturbate thinking about my sister. I feel like a creep, but I just can’t help it.

It’s morning on day two of my stay. I’m going to need better curtains. I have to have a pitch-dark room to sleep. I lay in bed and masturbate picturing Kate on her knees with her brother’s cock in her mouth and the feel of my sister’s body on mine. She was drunk, I say to myself. Just because Kate and Sean are doing it, doesn’t mean everybody does. It doesn’t help and I cum imagining what my sister looks like naked. I feel guilty, but I cum like crazy. It’s that thing I got back then, it never left, I just adapted to it.

Sitting at the glass table on the Lanai, Kate comes in with my coffee and food. She’s blushing hard and not making eye contact. She’s worried I’ll say something and fuck up her life here. I mean, who could blame her? Incest is illegal and immoral, but based on what I saw, it’s also fun. How my views are evolving.

As Kate puts the plate in front of me, I gently lay my hand on hers. Her eyes are wide, and I can hear her panting. I gently squeeze, “Kate, it’s okay. Your secret is safe with me.”

Her sigh of relief is almost a gasp, “Really? Please don’t fuck with me, Charlie.”

I’m holding her hand now, it’s so tiny and I envision it holding her brother’s erect penis. I smile. “Such a mouth on you. Not a word to anyone. My promise.”

“What do I have to do...?”

I squeeze her hand, “No, don’t even suggest that. I’ve never taken advantage of a woman and never will. Does Sean know?”

Kate takes her hand back, “NO, and I won’t tell him. He’d freak out. Twas me that started it all.”

“I’d love to hear that story.”

Kate takes her hand back and gives me that smile, “I bet you would, Dirty Charlie, I bet you would.”

Kate walks back into the house, a spring in her step, no doubt feeling a huge relief. And, yes, I would very much like to hear how she seduced her brother. Okay, I’m a perv, but I don’t care.

Skeet is working around the ‘farm’ with Sean and the head groundskeeper. They are all over the place so any investigating will have to wait.

There is a large rectangular pool behind the stable, what a surprise. I put on my tired old swim shorts, and a book, and settle on one of the lounges, fantasizing that I live here.

I wake up when I hear the gate open. A very tall, very beautiful woman around fifty, walks in. A magnificent pair of after-market tits, chestnut hair, and a perfect tan. She’ wearing a translucent gown with a belt loosely tied.

“Well, hello. Who the fuck are you?”

I laugh, it’s just too absurd, “I’m Morgan’s brother, Charlie.”

Then I notice; she’s half-looped, at ten O’clock in the morning, no doubt the reason for her warm greeting. She takes a drink from the insulated cup she’s carrying and drops her towel on the lounge next to me, tilting her sunglasses up to reveal azure eyes, “Oh yeah, Morgan said you were visiting, nice to meet you. You’re cute. I’m Charlene.”

She turns away and puts the cup on a small table. Turning back, she catches my eye that has never stopped scoping her body, and nods toward the pool, “You mind?”

Embarrassed, I look at the pool and then back at her. “Oh. Uh, no, I guess.”

I feel like a perv, but she is a beautiful woman. I look down at my book as I listen to her. Movement catches my eye, and I look up to see Charlene’s naked body arcing into the pool, those magnificent breasts in perfect profile. She barely makes a splash.

I watch her swim a few laps while I pretend to read. It’s not just that I haven’t had sex in almost a year, the woman is gorgeous. I don’t care that she’s twenty years older. She has perfect form and watching her tan body glisten with the water and her tight ass, breaking the surface makes me hard. I see something shiny in her butt. I look away and shift my cock to hide it.

Charlene gets out at the far end of the pool and slowly walks towards me. I just stare, knowing she wants me to look.

She stops at the lounge next to mine, picks up her towel, and looking into my eyes, dries her breasts, massaging them really. She smiles.

“Nice to know a woman twice your age can get you hard.”

I blush hard and move my hands.

“Stop. Let me enjoy the view.”

Since I have tacit permission, I look her over. Not a hint of fat anywhere, complete tan, and her pussy was as smooth as the rest of her. As she moves, I can see the lips of her sex.

She turns and bends over to dry her legs, giving me a perfect view of her vagina, now very wet and very open. Behind it, the round jewel of the butt plug. After Jane left, I discovered porn, never needing it before that, and I have been educating myself since then, surprising myself with what I like to watch.

Charlene turns back and drops the towel, “Take them off.” She says. I stare, not comprehending. She smiles, “Morgan said you were a little reserved. I’ve shown you my body and I’d like to see yours since it’s obvious you like mine.”

I’ve had sex with two women in my life. My wife was a sex machine, well until. I have no experience with what is going on here. But she does have a point so I pick up my ass and slide my worn-out swim trunks off, letting my erection out to see the day. I drop them next to the lounge.

“Very nice.” Charlene says as she settles on the end of my lounge, throwing a long lithe leg to each side, “You have a nice cock, Charlie.” She says as her long fingers slid down her flat abdomen and towards her slit.

“Not something I hear every day.” I reply, getting my wit back.

She laughs, “There’s hope for you, young man. Now, I use the pool here every day. After I swim, I masturbate. Do you mind?”

I’m getting into this now, “What sort of man would I be to deny a guest their pleasure?”

Now Charlene’s fingers spread the lips of her vagina; she is very wet, and her clitoris is out fully. Her fluid runs out and over the jewel of that butt plug. My cock twitches as her finger slides inside, “Would you like to join me? We can’t fuck or suck, my husband’s rule.”

“Thank you. Don’t mind if I do.” I say, taking my cock in my hand.

Charlene fingers herself watching me, “You look dry,” She says as she cups her hand, collects some of her copious lubricant, and slides her hand down my cock. She sees my eyes, “Don’t cum, baby, wait for me.”

Did I mention I haven’t had sex in almost a year? Not cumming is a battle. Charlene cheers me on, “I love watching you, Charlie. I love your cock. You see how fucking wet I am? You’re younger than my kids. This is like fucking my own son. You gonna cum for mama, baby?”

“I’m sorry,” I say, panting, “I can’t hold back.”

Charlene inches forward until my cock is almost touching her pussy, “On me, Charlie, cum all over my cunt.”

‘Cunt’ did it. I feel the electric pulse of my orgasm come up from my feet, through my balls and I was there. A long thick arc of cum shoots out and nails Charlene’s open vagina. Another, me stroking hard, this one splashing on the top of her slit, on that hard clitoris, another on her hand now ramming her pussy, her orgasm flooding around it. Number four ended up on those huge tits and five was right in the middle of her face. I cum a lot. That Kegalbenders thing. Charlene is rubbing her pussy slowly, her tongue extended, licking my cum off her lips, “Oh fuck, man. You always cum like that?”

I nod in agreement. Charlene gets up, slips on her robe, “You are gonna be a very popular young man. I gotta go home now. Ralph is waiting to lick all this off of me. Stop by sometime, Ralph would love it from the source.”

I blush again, “Thanks, but not my thing.”

Charlene walks out the gate, letting it close behind her. Life here just gets better and better.

Alone again, I debate staying naked but decide that my sister will not be amused. I go back to reading. The squeaky hinges on the gate announce a visitor.

Morgan walks in, “You’re loafing.”

My mouth wants to answer but my eyes won’t let it.

Last night, I got a hint of what Morgan looks like now. Today, I got the full thing. Her body—I guess you’d call it a swimmer’s build, wide shoulders, small hips is now hard and trim, abs defined, obvious muscles in her arms and legs. Sun-bleached blonde hair and those same blue eyes. She stops in front of me.

“Stop staring you creep, I’m your sister.”

She’s wearing a conservative bikini, at least by what I think Florida standards are. Her breasts were never huge, I’d call them proportional to her five-ten height. I run my eyes over her and pause at her hips. There’s a mound and a few strays. I saw that last night, but it’s more obvious now in the bright sunlight. I can’t help it, that’s a thing with me. Jane never shaved and I loved it, now I’m seeing the tawny wispy strays on my sister’s mound and I’m getting hard again. ‘This is your sister, asshole.’ I remind myself and get under control.

“You’ve changed,” I say, acknowledging the obvious.

Morgan laughs, “Been years, little bro. I’m a fitness geek now. Gym, tanning salon, horseback riding, nothing like it. Come on, jump in.”

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