Peeking Sister - Cover

Peeking Sister


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Trying to help her sister, she got herself into an interesting situation.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   DomSub   MaleDom   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Novel-Pocketbook  

When he heard Nina slam the door of the guest bedroom and lock it after he slapped her, Axel poured himself a hefty shot of bourbon neat in a highball glass and selected a fresh cigar. There was a sardonic glint in his flinty grey eyes under their grizzled brows and the barest shadow of a cruel smile on his hard sensual mouth. In a way this was the moment he savored most. He had just given the wheel of fate a random spin... and now to see what would happen.

One thing he was ready to stake his last dollar on - Nina was going to enjoy herself breaking in this big timid black-haired broad from Maryland - and he certainly didn't begrudge her that. It turned him on to see her make it with another woman from time to time, and the act only made her all the more itchy for him. Unfortunately the scenario didn't call for him to watch them sucking each other's hot little pussies this time but what the hell, he shrugged philosophically, you can't have everything.

As he lit his cigar, he made himself a mental bet that he would hear a symphony of lewdly unmistakable moans and wails from the guest bedroom before he had smoked it to the end. Then he picked up the phone and called his friend Jock Richmond who lived in an elegant renovated townhouse on a quiet tree-lined street in the East Seventies.

"How'd it go?" he asked when Jock came on the line against a background of party chatter and clinking glasses.

"No sweat," Jock drawled casually. "In fact, it was a gas. If I ever go broke, I think I can make a good living snatching purses."

"You won't go broke," Axel grunted. "What was in the bag?"

"Nothing important," Jock replied. "Sixty odd dollars, driver's license, the telegram, locker key, lipstick, hairpins -"

"What did the telegram say?" Axel asked.

"Tiffany in terrible trouble. Need your help desperately. And the address." Jock answered promptly. "Just what you told Gallagher. Signed Cliff, of course."

"Good," Axel said adding drily. "We can call them Cliff and Tiff. A cute couple."

"Yeah," Jock agreed. "And I picked up the suitcase at the station. This girl certainly doesn't go in for wild lace panties or anything like that. Stella said she had never seen such a prim and proper assortment of clothes. Not to say downright drab. You sure we got the right bird, Axel? There weren't even any cosmetics in the suitcase, except a deodorant."

"Vaginal?" Axel inquired blandly.

"No, not vaginal, dammit," Jock snorted. "What are you, a dirty old man or something?"

Axel ignored his friend's gibe. "We've got the right bird, all right, Jock," he assured him. "I'll lay you five to one. She's been well-wined and dined and she's in the guest bedroom right now with Nina."

"No bet," Jock declined hastily. "Not if Nina's working on her. By the way, how'd I look in that wig this afternoon?"

"You should wear it always," Axel grinned into the phone sarcastically. "Now about tomorrow... You straight on what to do?"

"Yeah. First I show up with her suitcase around ten in the morning. I'll be dressed like sort of a seedy messenger boy. Once I'm in the apartment, I show her the horrible dirty pictures of her little sister being forced to do those horrible dirty things. Then I explain to her what she has to do to get her sister out of this awful mess she's in. Then, as my personal reward for this service, I get to fuck her up the ass. Right?"

"Right," Axel confirmed. "Then you drive her to the studio. Make it realistic. Have her lie down on the floor in the back of the car and cover her up with a blanket. She's not supposed to know where you're taking her."

"Roger," Jock chuckled. "There's just one question. Suppose she wants to suck me off instead of getting fucked up the ass?"

"Weeeeelll..." Axel reflected aloud. "I don't think she will... but fuck her up the ass anyhow. That's important."

"Okay, Director. You're the boss," Jock laughed. "See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." Axel put down the receiver with an amused grin. Jock was a good man, he mused, swirling the rest of his bourbon in the bottom of his glass before downing it. He looked at his cigar - it was about a third of the way down - and cocked an ear toward the guest bedroom. Nothing yet. Patience, he told himself as he poured out another shot of whiskey, the night is young. Then he bent down to unlace his shoes and leisurely undressed. He believed in being prepared. As he slipped off his underpants, his thick heavy cock lurched up off the huge sac of his balls in a ponderous arc, already half-erect in anticipation of what was to come. Patience...

"What the hell's going on in there!" Axel loudly rattled the knob of the locked door, grinning malevolently to himself and trying to picture the scene inside the bedroom... His blonde wife and the innocent young brunette all nakedly tangled up together on the bed, gasping for breath, their faces all wet with each other's cum juices... He had been standing outside for a good five minutes listening to the mounting chorus of sighs and mewls of pleasure which finally culminated in June's long drawn- out banshee-like howl of ecstasy and Nina's heart-felt moan of release. Christ, they sounded like a couple of wild animals in there, and his pounding lust-gorged cock which swung out in front of his heavily muscled body like the boom of a ship was bobbing impatiently up and down, semaphoring anguished messages of protest at the delay up to his brain.

"Open up! Open up, goddammit!" Axel bellowed in a last warning. When there was no answer as he had known there wouldn't be, he drew back a pace and poised himself for a lunge at the door. There was going to be one hell of a carpenter's bill for the night's work but, shit, the added dramatic effect was worth it, he told himself. He hurled his body forward and there was a loud splintering crash as his boulder-like shoulder struck the solid door panel, tearing the lock from the stanchion. The door banged open against the wall, and he stood there stark naked with his mammoth cock in wrathful erection, looking with his grizzled hair and bushy brows like a vengeful god from Greek Mythology, ready to hurl a thunderbolt at the objects of his displeasure. Nina and June, both stark ass naked, sitting up in the middle of the bed and clutching each other in their arms, were frozen in a tableau of pure terror.

"Ah ha!" Axel roared, pointing an accusing finger at June. "So that's how it is! Innocent fun and games! I bring you into my house and try to help you, and you thank me by seducing my wife! You fucking lesbian! You don't like men, eh? Well, we'll see about that! We'll see how you like having this big fellow rammed up your tight little lady-loving cunt!" Lewdly stroking the thick foreskin back and forth on his massive shaft of flesh he strode toward the bed where the two women cowered together at his approach.

Jesus, Nina was thinking as she gripped the voluptuous naked body of the genuinely terrified June tightly in her arms. Jesus, Axel, you crazy ham, take it easy before I break out laughing and ruin the whole show... "Axel!" she cried out piteously to her towering husband. "Don't touch her. It was my fault, really it was. I got carried away."

"I don't believe it," Axel growled, raking June's lushly ripened curves with rapacious blood-flecked eyes. "Since when did you start to like pussy better than cock?"

"But darling, I don't. You know I don't," Nina protested vehemently. "If anyone knows I don't, you should," she added, disengaging herself from June and edging seductively toward her husband. "It's just that I had too much to drink, with dinner and after... Come here, you great big wonderful cock. I'll show you what I love doing best in the world." She stretched out her slender arm and lovingly grasped the enormous girth of his twitching penis in her little hand, tugging it gently in the direction of her face. At the same time, as her back was now to June, she gave Axel a malicious wink and formed the word HAM with her lips before impudently sticking out the pink tip of her tongue at him.

"Yeah..." Axel questioned in a slightly mollified voice. "You feel like sucking on something real after that little nubbin you've been nibbling at?"

"Oh, I do, baby, I really do!" Nina half-moaned. "I want to taste that thick salty cock of yours in my mouth and feel it shoot its hot cum down my throat! Come on, baby," she urged, patting the tumbled covers near the head of the bed. "Climb up here and make yourself comfortable where I can get at you. I've had the appetizers, and now I want the main course."

"Well..." Axel, allowed, still a little grumpily. "It might be educational for our lesbian friend here. She might even want to try sucking a little cock herself after she sees how much you like it. Whaddaya say, June, dear?" he added sarcastically. "I guess I can call you dear now that you're practically a member of the family." He climbed up onto the bed, positioning his bull- like shoulders comfortably against the headboard and spreading his sinewy thighs to give Nina easy access to his massively rigid member. It seemed to sprout like some angrily throbbing growth from its dense mat of iron-grey pubic hairs and the pendulous sac of sperm-heavy balls sagging beneath it.

From the moment he had burst like a raging madman into the room the fearful young brunette had been unable to tear her eyes from the gleaming bulbous head of that immense penis. She was hardly aware of the angry heavy-set man behind it or of the taunts he was shouting at her. Her entire being was focused desperately on that menacing dark-red protuberance as if somehow all the lightning in the world had gathered there and would strike her down if she made the slightest false move. As it bore down on her across the room, she followed its course with a nightmarish sense of helplessness. It kept coming closer and closer, but she was powerless to move! And now it was on the bed beside her, with its tiny little slit mouth in the end gaping wetly at her, and Nina... dear sweet Nina... was crawling toward the monstrous thing as if it was some kind of hideous pagan monolith to be worshipped and adored.

God, what was Nina saying? What was she going to do? Now she was hunched down subserviently on all fours between Axel's hairy legs, and one of her little hands was reaching out to tenderly cup those horribly swollen testicles while the other was gently stroking the taut skin up and down the huge virilely throbbing shaft. Never in her born days had June imagined that the male sex organ could attain such awesome proportions. Axel's penis couldn't be normal!

I'll keep him away from you... and... That's all I am, my husband's private cocksucker... The phrases uttered like what seemed light years ago flashed back into June's mind and abruptly she understood. Nina was sacrificing herself for her. To keep her hateful brute of a husband away from June, she was going to do something she loathed... something that just didn't seem possible anyhow... suck her husband's thick menacing penis. June's stomach churned as she watched Nina's sweet mouth approach the tip of Axel's mushrooming member, and she shuddered as she saw her poor dear friend's wet pink tongue dart out and lick away the tiny drop of glistening semen that had welled up in the distended slit at the end. Every instinct she had told the trembling girl to leap off the bed and run away from this lascivious sight.

She would never be able to bear seeing the sweet blonde woman who had so generously befriended her and given her such rapturous pleasure only a short while before be subjected to such a vile perversion. But Nina had begged her not to leave her alone with Axel, she remembered. She couldn't run away and betray her friend like that but, Oh God... she couldn't bear to stay and watch either.


June felt her skin crawl as she saw Nina's tongue cease licking the lust-swollen head of her husband's long pulsating penis and start laving a wet trail down the heavily-veined underside of the still-burgeoning shaft right to its junction with the almost hairless, crinkly-skinned scrotum which she was kneading rhythmically in both her hands now. Nina gave sharp little nips to the sperm canal as she worked her way up and down it. God, she seemed to almost be enjoying her disgusting task, but, of course, she had to pretend to love it or her hulking brute of a husband would probably haul off and slap her again.

"You better suck it now, Nina," Axel leered knowingly. "June just can't wait any longer to see what it's like to suck a nice big juicy cock. She's drooling at the mouth already."

June flushed deeply and her startled head flew up to find Axel's hard grey eyes fixed mockingly on her. She suddenly became aware that she was breathing in short shallow pants and that she was unconsciously kneading the soft flesh between her thighs in time with the ministrations of Nina's hands to Axel's balls. A tingling flush of embarrassment and humiliation spread over her sensually tingling body as she stopped the movement of her hands and turned her eyes away from Axel's sardonic gaze. She tried to concentrate on something else. Anything except the lewd rite being performed almost under her nose.

"Yeah," Axel pursued shrewdly. "I think the prim and proper Miss June Wright of Laketon, Maryland, is enjoying watching this."

God, he's guessed! June thought wildly when she heard the knowing words. But it wasn't possible. It was just a coincidence... and she wasn't enjoying watching it. It was loathsome, vile, revolting! Just the idea that she was sitting naked on the same bed with this sadistic ogre was enough to make her die of mortification. In spite of herself a loud slurping sound drew her eyes back to the mobile tangle of flesh and hair between Axel's legs just in time to see Nina's wetly ovalled lips slip off the saliva-streaked cock-head and the rapid gulping movements of her slender throat.

God, June wondered bewilderedly to herself, had she already done it? Had she already made Axel cum and now she was swallowing his semen?

But no, she saw at once that wasn't the case. Nina took a deep breath and pushed her tautly rounded lips back down on the bulbous cock-head until her stretched upper lip slipped over the bulging mushroomed tip that rose from the rock-hard shaft, and a second later, the whole enormous cone was buried in her mouth. The same honey-sweet butter-soft mouth that she herself had so eagerly explored with her thrusting tongue just a little while ago. How was it possible?

As if bewitched, June watched the delicate mouth withdraw again with the same obscene sucking slurp, then plunge down over the head, this time swallowing up part of the thick white rod of flesh. Over and over the movement was repeated and each time a little more of the lust-thickened penis disappeared up inside Nina's gluttonous mouth until the tip of her daintily molded nose was dipping into the twisted tufts of grey pubic hairs. Still she showed no sign of letting up.

"Uuuuuuuuhhh. That's it, baby. Suck it! Suck it!" Axel groaned hoarsely, and June saw that beads of sweat were forming on his forehead and that his eyes were screwed tightly shut in a grimace of desire. Thank God, he wasn't staring at her any more with those flinty piercing eyes, she thought, watching the way his powerful buttocks were beginning a slow grinding upward motion to drive his thick rigid length of hard cock farther down Nina's throat. His hands had tangled themselves in her golden hair to regulate the accelerating rhythm of her pumping mouth. Nina's eyes were closed too, June realized, watching the older woman's lips peel obscenely back along the impossible length of Axel's mighty shaft... They were gone, those two, lost in a billowing cloud of wanton enjoyment. There was no one to see her!

Suddenly it was too much for her, and the dammed-up flood of her desire torrentially swollen by the lascivious spectacle she was watching swept away the last barriers of her resistance. Her hands flew down to her feverishly throbbing vagina like homing doves and urgently began their familiar tasks of pinching and rubbing and teasing and skewering. A tiny moan escaped her lips and completely out of control she squirmed around to prop herself against the headboard beside Axel where she could more easily watch Nina plunging her head down on his thick straining cock and at the same time have freer play with her own hopelessly aroused pussy. She was soon so far gone in her delirium of self-fucking that when her nakedly perspiring body jerked against the hardness of Axel's brawny arm, she did not pull away. Did not pull away even when she felt his hard hand slide under hers, tangling in her pussy hairs, and his thick strong fingers replace her own in her volcanically steaming pussy. With a gasp of delight she gave herself up for the second time that evening to the magic of a strange hand doing for her what she had had to do alone for so long. Only this time a faint voice far back in her mind told her that it would be completely different... that when she came to her senses she would be desperately ashamed. But it was too late!

In spite of all his mature self-control gained over the years, when Axel felt the eager response of June's gracefully flaring hips to his hard finger probing up into the moist velvety depths of her tight young cunt and the way her erect little clitoris pulsated as it slid back and forth under his thumb, he almost came right then and there in his wife's mouth. His earlier groans of tormented pleasure hadn't been feigned. Nina was a past master at sucking his cock just the way he liked it and tonight, obviously aroused to a fever pitch by her preliminary sixty-nining with June, she was going at it like a wild woman. It never ceased to give him a lewd added thrill to see his dainty elegant young wife go crazy slaving over his cock and balls... and the way her eyes sparkled, then went all smoky with satiated hunger when he shot his hot cum spurt after spurt into her greedily gulping mouth was about one of the most soul-satisfying experiences he'd ever had. But not tonight, he reminded himself. Tonight he was reserving the first big load for this hot little pussy squirming so passionately under his pumping hand. Christ, by its tight feel and the way it was snugging around his outstretched middle finger when he speared up into her wetly quivering vagina it must be damn near virgin. One thing was for sure... it hadn't been used by a real cock for a long time because the way it was jerking and twitching it ought to be wide open by now.

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