Seducing With Orgasms - Cover

Seducing With Orgasms

Copyright© 2000 by John Demille

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Looking for a way to have sex, a nerd set his sight on his sister and hatches a devious plan to have her...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Squirting   Exhibitionism  

Tracy returned to her old self after that. She spoke to me again but now without the contempt that she'd shown before. She was actually nice to me.

However, she never mentioned what I did to her in any way. Sometimes I would catch her watching me.

Three days after our last episode she was constantly looking at me in the evening. I think she was expecting something. She went to bed a little earlier than usual.

Keeping with the plan I didn't go to her room that night. In the morning at breakfast, she was giving me this puzzled look. I didn't react; I acted as if I haven't done anything or didn't notice her look.

All I wanted was her to talk, I wanted her to bring up the subject and tell me what she wanted. I wanted her to ask for it, beg even. This is the hard part. It would be very hard for me to wait.

I kept treating her like before, just my sister. No more, no less. A week later I started seeing new signs on her. See, before, I've never seen my sister naked; a week after the last encounter, I bumped into her coming out of the shower totally naked, she pretended to be embarrassed and instead of running to her room she walked quickly with her head down, looking at the floor. She is trying to get me aroused or simply sending signals that she didn't mind a repeat. I had other ideas.

Couple of nights later we were watching a movie on TV, I was in the recliner and she was on the couch. She got up and left the room and five minutes later she came back to lye on the floor in front of me after she had changed clothes to a large T-shirt and tube socks. She had her butt towards me, and the T-shirt was all the way to the middle of her thighs. She looked perfectly innocent. Couple of minutes later she started fidgeting, and soon her t-shirt crept up until I could see between her legs, she had no panties on! She pretended to be oblivious to her state of dress, or in this case, undress. I noticed but did nothing, however, my cock did and stood at attention.

"This movie is boring, I'm going to bed, good night Trace."

I stood up and headed for my room. Once in there and out of my clothes, there was a knock on the door and it opened to reveal Tracy.

"I'm going to bed too. Have a good night."

And she just stood there not making a move to actually go to bed.

"Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I said in a very brotherly tone. She looked at me in a more puzzled look and turned with a huff and stormed to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Soon, I thought to myself, soon.

Another week of this went by, and I was as solid as a rock, on the outside at least. I didn't know how long it will take her to break down, could be longer than I could last.

She kept up her side of the process but never did what I wanted. When our parents weren't home she paraded in the house practically naked or with a silly cover like a towel that doesn't hide her bush or her ass, or a very wide neck t-shirt and she kept bending towards me at every chance showing me her tits. She was driving me nuts. I almost grabbed her couple of times but with a will of steel I stopped myself before she noticed.

More than three weeks had passed by. One afternoon in the back yard beside the pool, I was stretched on a towel, tanning. Tracy came out and headed towards me, she stretched her towel next to mine and layed face down.

"Can you please put some sun lotion on my back?"

"Sure." And I proceeded to squeeze the stuff on her and spread it in a very sensual way, but staying within my brotherly boundaries. Five minutes later she sighed, turned over on her back.

"I don't like tanning this way; it leaves too many lines on me. Do you have a problem if I took off my top so I can tan better?"

Was she really asking me this!

"No problem sis, do whatever you like. Don't mind me."

Standing up, she took off her top in front of me, and hesitating a little she drew down her bikini bottom.

"Might as well do it properly, you don't mind do you?"

"No it's ok." I said calmly.

Five more minutes and I guess she could not take it any more. She just exploded:

"What the hell is wrong with you, I've been parading myself in front of you for the last two weeks, and you don't seem to care. What more do you want me to do?"

"Do? For what? What do you expect me to do? What do you want from me?" I said in a low voice in sharp contrast to her yelling.

"Don't pretend that you don't know. You know very well what you did."

"What I did, you didn't seem to like. Since you're my sister and I love you very much, I didn't want to force into anything."

Taken aback with my declaration of my brotherly emotions for her she paused and didn't know what to say. But,

"Didn't want to force me into anything! What the hell did you think you did those three times? Did you think that I was consenting to all those things that you did, you practically raped me you bastard!"

"No, I didn't, and I didn't think you were consenting then so I didn't want to hurt you anymore than I already did. Afterwards I came to my senses and realized that I did something wrong and I didn't want to repeat it."

She didn't know what to say to that. She can't blame me anymore.

"I liked it." She barely whispered.

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears; she finally said it.

"I liked it." A little louder.

"You liked it? What I did?"

"Yes I did. You don't bring me to multiple orgasms like I've never had in my life and not expect me to like it; of course I liked it."

"Well you should have said something."

"Said something, are you blind? I was parading naked in front of you for God sake's, what more do you want."

"I want you to say it. Remember those lessons in school, 'When a girl says no, it's No'. I didn't hear a yes so I assumed it's a NO." I would have paid money just to see the expression on her face right then.

"Are you kidding me? You tie me down and gag me and that you didn't see that as something bad that I would object to. What kind of bullshit is this?"

"Well, I know now that my ways were wrong and I promise you that I'll will never do anything bad to you again. I'll never do that anymore." The look on her face got better and better, I was giddy on the inside.

"What do you mean you will not do that anymore?"

"Well you said it was bad, so I won't do it anymore."


"But I want you to do it." This one came out very faint and low, if I weren't straining my ears to hear her I would have missed it.

"Excuse me?"

"I want you to do it again." A bit louder than before.

"You want me to do it?"


"Did you like it? I thought you didn't."

"Yes I did. I liked it all."

"You liked it all? What about the spanking? That too?"

"Yes." Barely audible.

At this, I came closer to her. She was sitting on the grass, her legs flat on the ground. I came to sit right beside her and brought my legs around her, my left leg went over hers and I started whispering to her.

"You liked me spanking you?" I asked and ran the tips of my right hand's fingers down her spine very lightly. She gasped at the sensation and said,

"Yes; not in the beginning, but after couple of minutes the pain faded and was replaced with a deep burning sensation across all my bottom. When you, you know, sucked me after, I had the best come of my life."

I could see her nipples hardening and distend quite noticeably. So I put my left arm under her tits and grabbed her right side and drew her in to me until her left side was touching my chest, and I leaned my chin on her shoulder.

"Glad that you liked it. I doubted that you would, but I took the chance. I love you, you know. You are my sister and even if you treat me like shit I still do, and this is one of the things that I learned and I thought you might like it. But, I had no way of coming out and asking you to allow me, so I had to do it this way."

She put her right hand on my arm and pushed up over onto her tits and left it there.

"You did it perfectly, and I loved every minute of it. I thought that you were going to do it again, and I was looking forward to it, but you didn't, you were just torturing me."

"No I wasn't. I just wanted you to decide on your own. I wanted you to ask for more if you wanted it. And here you are."

Silence this time lasted a little too long and I felt that the conversation came to an end, which meant time for something else.

"Do you want some more?" I whispered.


"Yes what?"

"Yes what?!"

"Yes, yes what?"


"That's right."

"You want me to beg for it now?!"

"I love hearing you say it, it's such a turn on for me."

"You're a pervert."

"I thought you like me and what I did."

"I do, but you're still a pervert; you're still my brother you know. Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to do this kind of thing. But, I like it too, and this makes me a pervert too, I guess."

Reluctantly letting go of her tits, I pushed myself back slowly and stood up. I extended my hand to her.


Without a word, she grabbed my hand, and I pulled her to her feet and walked before her to the house. She followed me into my room.

"On the bed."

She layed in the middle of my queen sized bed, looking at me expectedly.

"In position."

With that she raised her ass from the bed and held it up with hands supported on her elbows. I went to her and started licking her gently and gradually increased my pressure as her moans increased in frequency and pitch. Soon, I was licking her clit and she exploded into a very wet orgasm, and collapsed on the bed.

"I love wet orgasms. They feel very intense. The best."


With that I started taking my shorts off. She just watched silently. Climbing on the bed I said, "My turn."

"Your turn? What do you want me to do?"

"What do you think? I gave you pleasure, and I expect pleasure back. Do you really think I'm doing this just for you? Do you think that all I want is just to lick you to orgasm and then leave?"


"Then, it's my turn. Remember, I gave you very good orgasms, the least you can do is do the same for me."

"I'll try, I've never done that before."

"Never before? Are you kidding? You're trying to tell me that you've never given head before?"

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