Seducing With Orgasms - Cover

Seducing With Orgasms

Copyright© 2000 by John Demille

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Looking for a way to have sex, a nerd set his sight on his sister and hatches a devious plan to have her...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Squirting   Exhibitionism  

I'm a nerd, a geek if you will. I've been addicted to computers and all kind of sciences for as long as I can remember. I was on the net before it was popular and everybody was doing it.

Sadly, being a geek will only get you isolated. You'll have no social life what so ever. It's a vicious circle, the more time you spend on your computer the less time you spend with friends and the less time you spend with people the less likely it would be that they would accept you and that will give you more time to be on your computer.

Being an early internet user, I was exposed to many things at a very early age and you can guess from the mere existence of this story that I frequented early. I was an avid reader of anything that had to do with erotica. I read it all, and wanted it all, I was horny as any teenager, and had nowhere to go for relief but my own trusty hand.

Early on, I learned the pitfalls of excessive masturbation, namely, premature ejaculation. Say what you will, but sometimes the net can be very educational. I worked on lasting a long time under strong stimulation, visual and physical.

As horny as I was, I needed a sexual outlet other than my self inflicted pleasure. I started seeking a female for my sexual output. I so wanted sex that I didn't know what to do. I was very shy, which made the problem worse.

Looking around me I can only find my sister Tracy who was one year older than I and not very good looking. She was Ok I guess. A plain face and a slim body with fair sized tits for her frame with beautiful black hair. I had read quite a bit of incest stories and was not really disgusted with them; so making it with my sister was not a far off thing from my mind.

However, my sister and I weren't very close. She didn't like me at all and called me a nerd. So regular seduction, if such a thing exists between siblings, in play fighting or something, was out of the question. And if I started being nice to her, she would become suspicious. Another way was a must.

One day a bright idea came to me. I would force her to it. Yes I know not very original but hear me out a little.

I thought about it constantly and in about couple of weeks, I had constructed a foolproof plan. It would work no matter what, and I would get my sister in the end.

One day, finally gathering enough courage, I set my plan in motion.

My sister is a napper, you know, every afternoon she would have a nap no matter what and until she's done napping she's very hard to awaken. That first day, she was sleeping on the sofa in the living room. She was on her side facing the back of the couch, face away from the light and sticking her butt towards the TV. My parents were still at work as usual, so we were alone.

With my heart beating a thousand times a minute and a very uncomfortable erection pushing against my jeans, I approached my sleeping sister and very gently put the back of my middle finger against her pussy through her pants from the back and started rubbing very gently so that I wouldn't awaken her.

For about five minutes of doing this, I saw no effect, but I was patient. I applied a little more pressure and almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a soft moan coming from my sister's mouth. Aha! It's working; I think.

I was afraid she would wake up, but I decided to stick to the plan. Keeping up the rubbing action on her pussy lips, I heard more moans coming from her and they were becoming longer. It must be working!

After another five minutes of this I saw a small dark spot on her jeans right at the edge of her panties, and it started growing. My sister was excited. Her breath was becoming irregular and much deeper.

I decided to stop. I got up and went to the reclining chair and sat there and turned the TV on. She was still moaning lightly. I could hear a different tone in her moans, a little like frustration. I moved towards her again and shook her by the shoulder lightly.

"Trace, are you OK?"

No answer.

"Trace, you OK?" I said a little louder and shaking her a little harder. I wanted her to wake up in the middle of whatever erotic dream that she was having as a result of what I've done.

She woke up suddenly, a little jumpy. "What?..."

"Are you OK? You sounded scared or something, you were moaning in your sleep as if you were having a nightmare."

"I was dreaming." She said closing her eyes again with a faint smile forming on her lips.

"That didn't sound like a dream to me." I pushed my luck.

"Leave me alone to go back to sleep, I want to finish my dream."

This was working better than I thought. So I left her alone, but kept an eye on her. Couple of minutes later she sighed and got up and said in a disappointed tone "It's gone, I can't go back to the same dream, why did you have to wake me up nerd? Next time, if I'm screaming in my sleep it's none of your business, do you hear?"

"Fine, caring a bit for you and looking out for you got me this, fine, see if I care next time."

She got up and left the room, and I heard the downstairs bathroom door closing. Running on tip toes I went there and stuck my ear to the bathroom door. I heard a long sigh. A muffled moan. My sister was masturbating in the bathroom. It's working. Just then I noticed the throbbing in my pants, and I realized that my erection has not subsided ever since I started. Smiling, I went to my room, locked the door and masturbated thinking that soon I won't have to do this any more.

The next day, I could hardly wait for her to nap again. But to my disappointment she didn't come to the living room, instead, she decided to nap in her room, on her bed. Damn.

For three days in a row she napped in her room, with a locked door. It was so frustrating.

On the fifth day, she came back to nap in the living room; I noticed happily.

I waited twenty minutes for her to go to deep sleep and proceeded with the same thing again. This time I was more courageous and started with firm pressure from the beginning. No longer than five minutes and I saw the tell tale of her arousal from the dark spot forming on her jeans, between her legs. This time I kept it up a little longer until her breath was very irregular and she was also mumbling in her sleep. Judging that she was close to an orgasm, I stopped. This time as soon as I stopped I heard a loud, frustrated moan from her and was afraid that she might have woken up without me noticing.

Backing away from her, I went to the recliner again and turned the TV on a little loud. Soon, she woke up and started yelling at me.

"Can't you watch TV elsewhere? Can't you see I'm sleeping? Why do you have to be so inconsiderate and annoying?"

With a huff, she stormed out of the room and into the bathroom, and as before I went silently and stuck my ear to the door. She was masturbating again. I went to my room and masturbated too.

For the next two days, the weekend, I didn't have the chance to do anything. We went out for the whole two days with our parents since they were not working.

Monday, I was expecting her to nap in her room but she didn't, she came to the couch and slept. This time she was wearing shorts, thin, loose cotton shorts. When I thought she was sufficiently deep in her sleep, I went to her and this time I didn't go to her pussy directly, instead I caressed her butt through her clothes for about five minutes and then I insinuated my middle finger between her short and her underwear and started massaging her pussy lips as before. Not even two minutes into it, I could feel moisture on the back of my finger. This time I could feel her heat better and I was so excited; my finger was trembling.

Ten minutes later she was wiggling her butt on her own, her hips were moving back and forth rubbing her pussy on my finger and unconsciously seeking better friction and more stimulation.

This time her odor was very distinguishable. The musky smell filled the air, and I could hardly hold myself together to be able to stay with the plan. Her pussy juice was soaking her thin panties now, and my finger was starting to get very slick. Actually, it was so slick I had to exert more pressure to get as much friction on her panties. I could feel my finger separating her lips through the panties.

She must be having a wild dream. She was breathing so hard and so fast that I thought she was hyper-ventilating.

Not willing to take the chance of her waking up and finding my finger in her shorts, very reluctantly I pulled my finger from her panties and went to my room. It's not very good if after every erotic dream she would wake up to find me there. She would make the connection faster than she should.

Soon, I heard her going to the bathroom and I went to listen. This time her moans were not very muffled, and I could hear her very clearly, she came loudly not even two minutes after she had closed the door.

I went back to my room to relieve the pressure in my balls, and with all the practice I had, trying to last as long as possible, I couldn't hold it for more than a couple of minutes before cuming all over the place.

My plan was proceeding very well. Soon, I had to take the big step.

All through this Tracy was still as hostile to me as usual. She would treat me like shit, and wouldn't give me the time of day; as usual. I was wondering how she would react after I reveal myself to her.

The next day was very exciting, she wore a skirt and a T-shirt. I could hardly wait. This time again she slept on the couch, I think she found out that she can't have those nice dreams in her own bed.

As usual, but very excited, I went to her and started caressing her butt over her skirt. I could hear contented sighs from her. That made me happy. It's true that my intentions were perverted, but she is still my sister and knowing that I'm making her feel good made me feel happy, also it was a boost for my ego, making a girl excited without her consent, other than the fact that it made me closer to my goal.

I wanted to feel her bare skin this time, since I have the chance. But she had tucked the skirt under her when she went to sleep. So I couldn't really put my hand in there, and worse, a skirt does not hug a girl's pussy in the same way as pants or shorts do, on the contrary, it kind of tented over across her thighs making my job harder.

I was not discouraged; I knew what I had to do. I put my finger as usual and started rubbing, only I had to exert more pressure to be able to reach her pussy. With my left hand, I grabbed the bottom of her skirt and pulled with low constant force. As soon as her hips started moving forward and backward my constant pull was able to pull the skirt out from under her and away from her butt. After five minutes the skirt was away from her thighs enough to allow me to lift it over her butt, exposing it.

Happily, I started caressing her cheeks softly, enjoying the feel of her silky skin under the palm of my hand. The light fuzz on her butt was very soft, and her excitement gave her goose bumps which caused a very erotic sensation on the tip of my fingers. I could feel my pre-cum oozing out of my painfully hard cock and soaking my underwear. This time I was breathing harder than her.

She was wearing very thin panties under her skirt. I could feel the crease between her lips and the coarseness of her pubic hair. I was going out of my mind. I fought the urge to tug her panties down and shove my aching cock completely into her. Instead, I started rubbing her lips through the panties and immediately her juices started seeping out and soaking through the thin nylon making it almost transparent.

Moving my finger to the side, over the edge of the panties, I started rubbing her skin there while trying to force my finger under the crotch of her panties. After couple of tries my finger slipped under the elastic edge of her panties, and my finger soon was soaked in her juices. Moving it back and forth between her lips, I was tempted to sink it in but I resisted. The feel of her smooth lips was incredible, the hair surrounding them was softer than what I expected. Pulling her underwear away with my finger, I could see her pussy for the first time in my life. I was hooked. I don't know whether it was her pussy or every other female pussy also, but up-close in person it was beautiful. Her lips were engorged and puffy, and they glistened with wetness. They looked simply delicious. I brought my face closer and inhaled deeply; the smell made my head spin.

Afraid of getting carried away, I slowly, regretfully pulled my finger out and let go of her underwear to the sound of disappointed, whimpering moans coming from her.

Quickly, I retreated from the room and no more than five minutes later I could hear her moan in the bathroom. We were progressing very well indeed.

Meanwhile I was working on the rest of my plan and preparing the tools necessary for the next stage.

I don't know if what I was doing had something to do with it or not, but my sister started dressing more sexily and wearing makeup every day. I think she was feeling more sexy these days, and she was just expressing it at a subconscious level. Whatever it was, I liked it.

She still was bitchy towards me, which drove me to the conclusion that in no way she associated me with her new state of mind.

Things kept getting better and better. The next day Tracy wore another skirt, a big skirt, not short and tight, she was making it a little too easy. Did she know? Did she suspect anything? I don't know. But, I liked the results.

This time when I went for her, she was not sleeping on her side as usual, instead she was almost face down, with her right leg straight and her left bent and digging in the end of the couch. I almost had a heart attack, uncovering her ass, I found a bare butt. She had no panties on! This is incredible. Again, I was wondering if she knew. If she did, she was encouraging me. That meant that she didn't mind. This could work out better than I have ever dreamed it would.

Looking at her gorgeous butt, I felt myself drooling. Now I had unhindered access to her private area. I could do whatever I wanted, as long as I didn't wake her up. But, now I was thinking that maybe waking her up wouldn't be so bad.

No matter how optimistic I got, I couldn't help thinking of the worst that could happen. So I decided to stick to the plan. In her new position, her legs were spread, and I could see her pussy spread slightly with lot of pink showing. It was beautiful. I could see the delicate inner lips. They were small, but surprisingly thick. They were simply engorged and wet. I could also see her clit for the first time; it also was big and hard. This girl was aroused; she was ready for sex.

Getting on with it I started touching the inner lips with my fingers; they were smooth and slick. They felt like a juicy ripe peach slices, but much warmer. I couldn't help sticking my index finger tip into her hole. It came out coated with her juices. I brought it to my nose and sniffed, very musky, I couldn't resist and licked it all off. That was my first taste of a woman; it was not what I expected. It was simply different, not bad though.

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