Passionate Family - Cover

Passionate Family


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - He was returned to his biological mother to find a very loving family waiting for him.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Laura Moore looked at her handsome husband's reflection in the mirror, her heart showing in her eyes. She adored Ray, for he had changed her whole world. She had never dared dream that she could be this happy in the dark days when she'd lost Billy, but today her happy world would be complete.

The dark-haired young wife lolled in her bath, her mind trying to absorb all the ecstasy she was feeling. She looked at the rippling muscles of her husband's arms and back as he stood in his shorts, shaving.

"Ray, do you think... Billy will forgive me?" she said, faint apprehension marring her pretty face.

Ray put his razor away and doused his face with water. He grabbed a towel and wiped his face, then splashed on some after- shave lotion before answering.

He turned his eyes downward, feasting them on the milk-white naked body of his wife in the bath. Glowing with love and pride, he looked at her soft swelling breasts, her flat, maidenly stomach, and the dark wet vee of her pubic hair where it made a shadow under the water. He knew he had been lucky to have finally convinced Laura that she should marry him. She'd had it so hard, struggling to make a living for herself and her daughter Lisa. It had been doubly heartbreaking for her, he knew, to have gone all those years without her son. But that would all change today.

He finally answered her question.

"Don't be silly, honey... of course he'll forgive you. You did the best you could, and the Baylors were wonderful foster parents. Besides, give him a day with you and he'll love you with all his heart. I do, you know... how could your own son fail to?"

"Imagine, thirteen years..." Laura said dreamily. "Thirteen long years to make up for..."

Her thoughts drifted back to that night in San Francisco when she had returned from the doctor's office. It was raining, she remembered, and cold, and she was about to have her baby. The baby was already almost a week overdue, according to her doctor's calculations. She remembered opening the door of the flat and hearing Lisa, only a year old, crying plaintively.

"Oh, God, " she had cried out, "Bill... did you give Lisa her bottle?" She ran into the small bedroom and to the crib where her infant daughter lay crying. She saw the note pinned to the crib, and her heart almost stopped.

Her husband was gone. And this time, she knew in her heart he would never come back. The gambling fever was too much in his blood for him to be tied to any one woman or a family. He had to be where the dice were rolling and the stake horses running.

Laura hadn't even been able to cry. She had to keep her courage now, with Lisa to care for and a new baby coming. She wondered how she could even earn enough for them to be fed.

When the nurse showed her their son, she cried. She called him Billy, after his father, but she never held him close to her breast or cuddled him or felt his sucking mouth on her nipple. The doctor had arranged for him to be given to foster parents in a small Missouri town. There was no other choice, as the doctor pointed out, and thinking more about her son's welfare than her own, Laura had agreed. It had been good, for the Baylors had loved and guided and cared for Billy far better than she could have, and she would be forever grateful to them.

But now, the moment of truth was at hand. Thirteen years had passed, and she and her son were strangers. She had managed, through hard work, to maintain herself and Lisa, and she had to admit it would have been too tough to handle if Billy had been there too. But it was all over now. Billy was coming home... to his rightful mother, and to a wonderful man who would love him and be more than a father to him!

Ray knelt beside the tub, his eyes fastened on the firm swell of his wife's shapely young breasts bobbing above the water line, the rosy pointed nipples popping in and out of the water. His eyes drifted below the water to the beautifully tempting body, its creamy color-accented by the white of the marble tub.

"I want you to put all those years out of your mind, darling, " Ray said with a tender smile. "It's a whole new ballgame now. The world is brand new for you!" His eyes shone with love as his hand moved to her wet breasts, his fingers caressing the soft mounds of flesh. "In a little while, Laura, Billy will be here, and we'll be a family. I'll take care of you for the rest of your life."

As she looked up into his handsome face, tears came to her eyes, but they were tears of love and joy welling up inside her. Her nipples were growing taut under his exciting touch, and she leaned up and kissed him eagerly, letting him know that she wanted him completely. They had made love that morning before getting up, but she wanted him again, and she could tell from his responsive tongue plunging warmly into her mouth, that he was as aroused again as she was.

The warm water added to the sensual feelings that were sweeping her naked body as Ray's hand crept down over her gently sloping belly and his fingers searched in among the dark wet strands of her pussy hair for the key to her passion. She gasped as his outstretched middle finger slid slowly and easily up inside the burning passage of her vagina, and the desire to feel this good, wonderful man again thrusting hard and thick inside her belly mounted rapidly toward a fever pitch.

Ray was so different from the weakling youth she had married almost fifteen years ago, when she was sixteen and pregnant with Lisa. Laura loved Ray in a thousand different ways than she had thought she loved Bill. She been such a child then, taking his careless and sometimes brutal treatment of her and thinking that that was all there was to love. Even after he'd left her, traces of that bittersweet relationship had tormented her.

But Ray Moore was so wonderful--all man, all masculinity and virility, yet with the gentleness of a puppy. At times, guilt tormented her, for she loved her new husband so totally, yet she wondered what she would do if she met Bill again.

The coming of young Billy to the household would change all that, she hoped. It had to. Soon, she would feel like a whole woman again, a mother and a lover.

As Ray's finger jiggled deep inside her tingling cunt, and his thumb rubbed insistently at her swelling clitoris, she flung her wet arms up around his broad shoulders. Her hips wriggled as his fingers aroused her loins to an alarming pitch of passion.

"Ray... you're driving me crazy... please!"

He was panting heavily as he removed his middle finger from the moist smooth flesh of his wife's vagina long enough for him to quickly strip, revealing his tanned, muscular body, his penis already rigid with desire. He bent over to pick up her dripping body, and carried her to the still rumpled king-size bed in the bedroom.

She lay there, gasping, her arms reaching out to pull him close. His eyes burned with passion as he hesitated over her voluptuous body. His massive blood-engorged penis stood up stiff and long, and she grasped it in one hand.

God, he thought, she's had so very little love, when she was made for only loving. His hungry gaze took in her tiny taut nipples, her smooth white thighs and the damp dark pubic hair that curled into an inviting "Vee" at the juncture of her loins. Her skin was glistening wet from the bath, and the muscular husband could scarcely refrain from loving her dry all over with his tongue.

Ray parted her long naked legs with his hands, revealing the pink wet mystery of her pussy to his lusting eyes. He'd never known anyone like her, and he silently vowed again that he would satisfy her forever as she had never been satisfied before he met her, in every area of her young life. Her soft wet vaginal slit seemed to beckon him on, and he grasped his rock-hard cock and moved forward eagerly on the bed between her willingly wide-held legs.

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