Jennifer's Surprise - Cover

Jennifer's Surprise

by Ann Douglas

Copyright© 1994 by Ann Douglas

Erotica Sex Story: It was not what she expected at all.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   TransGender   Oral Sex   Transformation   .

"This trip has been a waste!" Jennifer said to herself as she signaled to the bartender for a refill on the drink.

Go to the Club Med on Martinique, the travel agent had said. Its one big party with great guys all over the place. Seven days of fun and sun.

Well she'd been here four days and all the guys he's met were wither hopeless jerks or ego tripping jocks looking for an easy lay. If she wanted to meet guys like that she could've stayed home.

"Excuse me, mind if I sit here?" said a voice from behind Jennifer.

Looking up, Jennifer saw the voice belonged to a tall woman of about 30, dark haired and slightly Hispanic in her features. She wore a small bikini top which barely contained her 36" breasts and a short blue skirt.

"I know there are still some empty tables, but if I sit alone I'll have some guy hitting on me before I can even get a drink." Jennifer smiled and motioned to the empty seat across from her.

"Thanks" the older woman said as she settled into the chair and signaled for a drink.

"Jennifer Carson from New York" the 19 yr. old said as she brushed back her brown hair.

"Jade Martinez of San Jaun, " answered the woman as the bartender placed her drink before her.

"You're right about the guys," Jennifer said. "I've been hit on by so many assholes these last four days that I'm seriously thinking of going home early."

"Oh don't do that, I'm sure if you hang in there you'll find someone."

"Maybe..." Jennifer said.

The conversation went on as they learned more about each other. An hour and several drinks later, Jennifer decided she truly liked this woman. It wasn't anything she could put her finger on but there was definitely something.

"Oh shit!" said Jennifer in a low voice as she noticed her roommate crossing the bar. "Not again."

"What's the matter?" Jade asked.

"That's my roommate," she answered as she pointed to the giggling blonde crossing the dance floor with one of those "jocks". "It's been like this every night. She meets some asshole jock and winds up back at our room humping his brains out. Then I wind up spending the night camped out on the beach or in a lawn chair. I'm really getting tired of this."

"Can't you discuss it with her," Jade asked. "Did she come here with you?"

"Never met her before the day I got here. I came on a package plan, you have to have two to a room. They just matched us up when we got off the plane. I tried talking to her and her only response was that if I wanted to I was more than welcome to join in the fun. Given the selection I don't think I'm going to ever get that desperate."

"Well... maybe you can switch rooms."

"I tried that, they said they had no other requests for switches and there's no way I could afford the upgrade to a single room."

"Hmmmm..."Jade said as she ran her tongue across her red lips. "I have a single and its really a lot more room that I need. If you like you can move in with me. I can promise I won't be bringing any if those guys back to my room at night."

"I don't know..." Jennifer said, running her fingers across the top of her drink.

While she thought it over, Jennifer took a good look at the woman on the other side of the table. She was pretty sure Jade was being more than honest when she said she wouldn't be bringing any guys back to the room. Several times during their conversation, she had noticed Jade staring at her breasts, much the same way guys did. The idea that she might be a lesbian or at least bisexual didn't bother Jennifer. A few years before she had experimented with bisexuality during a vacation and found it not unpleasant. She hadn't followed up on it when she got home because she was afraid that none of her friends would ever understand. But here, no one knew here, she could be anyone she wanted.

"Oh what the hell..." Jennifer said out loud. "Why not."

"Wonderful!" Jade exclaimed. "I know you'll love it."

"To new friends..." Jennifer said as she raised her drink.

"... and new experiences." Jade added.

They finished their drinks and moved off to dinner. A quick stop at Jennifer's room afterwards took care of her luggage and they dripped it off at Jades.

"Lets leave it all for later, Jenn, " Jade said as they dropped the suitcases on the couch. "Lets go dancing."

So off they went, dancing the night away on one of the discos. Since there were plenty of women dancing together, no one gave them a second look. Dancing with Jade, Jennifer was now positive that the night would end with them sharing more than the same bed. She found that she was now looking forward to it.

Jade entered the room first, turning on the light. Then as Jennifer followed, the older woman dimmed it to half its brightness.

"Do you want another drink? Jade asked with a wide smile.

"Not unless you want me to fall fast asleep." Jennifer answered.

"Oh, definitely not..." Jade countered as her smile drew larger.

Moving to Jennifer's side, Jade brushed her long brown hair away from her face. Lightly holding the sides of the smaller woman's face, she pulled Jennifer closer and kissed her.

Jennifer made no attempt to break the kiss, having made up her mind earlier to enjoy Jade's pleasures. She opened her mouth and was rewarded as Jade's tongue found hers.

A long series of small kisses followed as they explored each other, tasting the scent of each other's bodies. Jade continued onto Jenn's neck and licked along the canals of her ears.

Finally, Jade broke the embrace and took a large step back, undoing the strings of her bikini top. Her large brown tipped breasts burst forward as the tightly bound garment fell to the floor. Running her long red fingernails across her breasts she gave them a playful squeeze.

"Do you like?" She asked as she pulled one upward and gave the dark nipple a lick.

Jennifer answered with a smile of appreciation. All of her girlfriends had breasts as white as her own, she found Jades darker skin highly exotic.

Reaching forward she replaced Jade's hand with her own, feeling the nipples harden at her touch.

"Mmmm" Jade murmured.

Lifting the breasts upward, Jennifer leaned forward and kissed them. Her tongue first caressing the nipples and then her mouth eagerly engulfing it. The warmth of Jennifer's mouth moved upward, depositing sweet kisses along Jade's body as it went. Returning to Jade's mouth, tongue once again found tongue as the two locked in a tight embrace.

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