Beast Feast Sister - Cover

Beast Feast Sister


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - She aquired a new craving for animals and there was only one person to help her, her brother.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

When Tony had left Karen's apartment, bitterly ashamed and embarrassed by his inability to get another hard-on, the pitiful fellow had turned into the nearest bar and ordered a stiff whisky--as if to compensate for his less-than-stiff prick. He had drained the glass at a single gulp, but unlike his balls, the glass could be instantly refilled, and he ordered another drink.

Standing at the bar, he thought wistfully about the beautiful woman he had so miserably failed. He'd had plenty of girls in the past, and disappointed most of them by his lack of control. But he'd never had a girl as beautiful or as sexy as Karen.

Oh, how he groaned, regretting his condition! He remembered her black-bushed, juicy pink fuckslot, streaming with cunt cream, open and inviting--and then grimaced as he recalled how his hot fuckjuice had squirted out onto that sweet pussy before he had gotten in it.

He thought about her sensual, full-lipped mouth, imagining the joy of having her suck hungrily on his cock, the ecstasy of hosing her with his thick slime and having her swallow it down with relish.

Tony concentrated on his cock and balls, willing his fuck rod to harden, his balls to refill.

It stayed limp.

Then the poor fellow had another idea. He felt that he owed Karen a coming, and if his prick failed, then by all rights he should have at least sucked her off.

Why hadn't he thought of that before? Thinking of it now, his tongue began to tingle. He was ignoring his prick and concentrating on his tongue and lips now, thinking about licking Karen's clit and tongue-fucking up her pussy and sucking her cunt cream out as she whimpered and moaned and melted. He wondered if he should go back to her apartment and offer to give her some head?

And then a strange thing happened.

Tony became aware of a tingling sensation in his groin, and looking down in amazement, he saw that the front of his pants stood out like a tent around a tentpole.

Tony had a hard-on!

He could hardly believe it! But he knew what had happened. Because he had been ignoring his cock and balls, as he thought about using his mouth on Karen, his psychological hang-ups had failed--and his prick had been able to respond.

A huge smile spread across Tony's face.

He wasn't sure if Karen would have welcomed him back with only a stiff tongue, but he felt damned sure that she would welcome his enormous hard-on. Without even finishing his second drink, he turned on his heel and marched out of the bar, his hips thrust out, his hard-on proudly displayed in the front of his pants.

He returned to Karen's apartment and let himself into the hallway. Pausing, he could hear juicy sounds--heavy panting and gasping coming from the front room. He didn't think Karen had had time to bring another man home so he naturally figured that Karen, frustrated by the episode with him, was giving herself a handjob.

He heard a loud gasp, then a soft moan. He faintly heard a hissing, slurping sound that he assumed was being made by Karen's fingers as she shoved them up her cunt. He grinned, pleased that the girl would soon have something much nicer than fingers up her creamy pussy. He started down the hall, then halted. Tony was inordinately proud of his new erection, and figured it would be a good idea to put it on display--to let Karen see how stiff his prick was at first glance.

He whipped his zipper down and his cock came storming out of his fly, bucking and jolting with vitality. Cock first, the happy fellow walked down the hallway and turned into the front room, the scene of his previous failure--and stopped dead in amazement.

"Holy shit!" he whispered.

His eyes bulged out like a pair of hard-boiled eggs and his jaw dropped open so wide it was almost resting on his breastbone. His naked cock towered up before him, angled high, the head so hot it was smoking.

It was truly an inspirational sight.

Karen was kneeling, her head on the couch, her ass hiked up and her massive Alsatian mounted on her sweet ass, steadily driving his hairy black prick up her fuckhole! Cuntjuice, thick and creamy and streaked with doggy slime, gushed out of her open pussy, running down her thighs and drenching the dumb brute's plunging prick.

Tony's lips moved wordlessly. He could hear the dog's cock slide into her hole, pumping up her fuck channel with moist squashing sounds. Her ass jerked wildly about, and Karen wailed with the bliss of it. She was obviously at the crest, her cunt melting, and the savage beast was pouring it to her, ready to get his rocks off.

Abandoned to their shared ecstasy, neither the girl nor Rover were aware of the man in the doorway.

What the fuck should he do? Tony wondered. He thought about rushing over and dragging the dog's prick out of her cunt, to slap his own hard-on in there instead. But he didn't think that Karen would be pleased to know that she had been caught getting screwed by her dog, and besides, Tony was afraid of the big brute.

Then all need of a decision was taken from him. As he stared at the incredible sight, watching the dog's hairy black cock slam in and out of her steaming fuckhole, Tony's balls swelled and his prick thundered. He looked down at his cock in dismay--and his scumbags blew.

Tony's fuckjuice came spurting out of the head of his cock in a creamy geyser. He came so hard that his ass and hips jumped back on the recoil. His jism arched in a long parabola, a creamy jet, flying halfway across the room and splattering on the carpet behind the Alsatian's heaving ass.

Tony had been so inspired by seeing Karen taking dog cock that every drop of his cum load spurted out in that single massive jet. He staggered, his legs turning weak, his loins hollow and drained. His spent spunk glistened on the floor, a slimy trail leading from his cockhead almost to the couch. A slender gossamer thread of jism, like a cobweb, stretched from his pisshole to the carpet--and once again, to his sorrow, Tony's balls were empty.

The poor man gazed at his crotch and sobbed as he watched his cock, so proud and firm a moment before, slowly sink down in a limp coil, and his balls, so full of fuckjuice when he'd walked in, shrink and shrivel.

He gnashed his teeth and rolled his eyes and almost burst into tears. Once again, premature ejaculation had confounded the unhappy fellow. He grasped his prick in his hand and gave it a vigorous tug, but the damned thing just retracted further, slipping from his fist like a slippery worm.

Karen and Rover were still fucking frantically away as the doggy emptied his potent balls into her cunt and she melted around his spurting fuck rod. Tony looked at them enviously, shaking his head.

Then he moved quietly from the room, tucking his useless prick back into his pants. There was no point in staying now. His cock and balls were drained, and with that huge dog prick, Karen would have little use for a man's tongue. There was no point in letting her know that her depraved dog-fucking had been witnessed.

Sad and sorrowful, the pitiful premature ejaculator let himself out of the apartment, and limp-pricked and empty-balled, returned to the bar to drown his grief.

And he was right, too. Now that Karen had discovered the joys of dog cock, what did she want with a man?

What she wanted, in fact, was more dog cock.

And by a happy coincidence, Rover's hard prick was still buried in her cunt.

Karen wriggled slightly tentatively. Rover's cock ripped in her cunthole very promisingly. She cupped his balls and smiled when she felt his huge scumbags begin to swell again. She looked back over her shoulder, seeing his big head hovering over her, drooling onto her ass. She saw too, a mysterious line of jism, glistening like the track of a snail, running along the carpet from the doorway almost to the dog's haunches. But never for a moment suspecting that anyone had been there to witness her degenerate joy, she assumed that Rover's cock must have been dripping when he first sneaked across the room toward her upthrust ass.

"Wanna fuck again, boy?" she purred.

"Woof!" Rover responded, wagging his tail.

Karen push-pulled her pussy on his stationary, iron-hard prick, frigging through an inch or two. His powerful body began to quiver. Although she had creamed wonderfully on their first fuck, her ever-ready pussy was starting to simmer again. Karen was ready for another doggy fuck.

But then, since they had already done it doggy style, she wondered if it would be possible to couple face to face with a dog. She wasn't at all sure. But she was damned well going to find out!

Karen tried to squirm off the Alsatian's prick, moving forward, but the potent brute clamped his paws tighter around her hipbones and shuffled along after her ass, keeping his cock buried. She shook her ass, but he moved with her, dancing on his hindlegs. His fat prick was well jammed up her hairy cunt, and she couldn't seem to drag it off. Her pliable cuntwalls were molded to the outline of his long prick and flaring knob, so that he was stuck up her fuckhole as if it were a Chinese finger puzzle.

Holy shit, Karen suddenly thought, as a worrisome idea struck her.

She knew that two dogs often became stuck together after fucking, and now she wondered if maybe Rover's cock was stuck up her cunt in the same way. The idea of having a cuntful of thick doggy prick, in itself, was not at all unpleasant, but Karen wondered how long it took before the dog's cock would soften and retract. She knew little about dogs, having bought Rover for a specific purpose rather than as a dog in general, and she had no idea. It struck her as sort of funny that, having just been fucked by a dog, she knew nothing whatsoever about doggy breeding habits.

She wriggled and squirmed. Rover's cock stayed lodged up her cunt-channel. Oh, wow--will I have to crawl over to the telephone and call for help? she wondered. That, to say the least, would be embarrassing.

And who should she phone, anyhow? A doctor? A dentist, accustomed to removing teeth from their sockets? Maybe a plumber who knew how to unclog a drain, or a dog breeder who would be familiar with the problem? And would it be more embarrassing to have a total stranger come to her assistance than someone she knew intimately? Getting more and more concerned, her mind darted wildly about. Karen even thought about her brother, who worked at the local zoo and, no doubt, would know how to extract a dog cock from his sister's pussy. Maybe if someone simply threw a bucket of cold water over them?

Embarrassed in advance by the prospect, Karen renewed her efforts to uncouple, thrashing frantically. Rover woofed and yelped and clung to her, mounted on her ass like a stuffed trophy.

She reached between her thighs and got a good grip on his balls. They weren't as bloated as they had been before he came, but they were swelling up all over again. She tugged back on his balls as she jerked her ass forwards. An inch of hairy stalk pulled out of her slot, dragging her cuntlips along with it. Karen switched her grip, folding her fist around the root of his rod. She began to twist and turn her cunt as she held his prick stationary.

Inch by inch, Rover's cock slid from her gash. The dog, quite content to be stuck up her, whined, and his haunches humped as he tried to slam his fuckmeat back in. But Karen held him firmly, and continued to squirm and twist as she unwound her fuckhole from his meaty plug.

She pulled all of his long black cock out, and only the naked meat of his cockhead remained stuck in her cunt, flaring and throbbing, spreading her open. With a last jerk, she pulled her pussy free. Rover yelped and hopped down to the floor. Karen fell forward against the couch, breathing heavily. Her vacated cunt was gaping open and steaming as cum and cuntjuice gushed from the abandoned tunnel, soaking her groin and pouring down her thighs.

The Alsatian thrust his head into her crotch from behind and began to lap at the overflow. Karen's ardor had diminished as she struggled to free herself, but as his wet tongue slapped into her pussy and dragged over her fuck button, she began to heat up again. She smiled. Now that she knew it was possible to uncouple, there was no reason why she shouldn't enjoy another cuntful of doggy prick, and let the faithful beast unload his fuckjuice into her again.

But she wanted it face to face this time, for the variety of it and so that she could look up and see the big brute as he hammered away, see the depraved reality of the bestial coupling, adding a visual, physiological thrill to the fiery sensation in her cunt.

Rover's muzzle was buried into her crotch, under her ass, his tongue flashing up her pussy. Karen raised one knee and twisted around, rolling over. Her thigh crossed over the dog's head and shoulders so that she had turned fully around without losing contact with his tongue. Now she was sitting on the floor, her back against the edge of the couch, her knees raised and her thighs parted. The Alsatian stood before her, his head down in her crotch, slurping away with gusto, lapping the slime of their previous encounter out of her flooded pussy. His head bobbed up and down like a rocking horse. His bushy tail swirled behind him. The beast was making soft, moist whimpering sounds as he fed.

Karen reached down and stroked his head. Her other hand caressed her fat tits, kneading the firm mounds and pulling at the stiff tips. She moaned softly. Rover's nimble tongue felt lovely, as always, and it was tempting to let him finish the job. But now that she knew the delights of doggy cock, Karen wanted to get stuffed again, instead of creaming on his tongue which, after all, was no novelty.

She pulled Rover's muzzle out of her dripping cunt. The dog tilted his head and cocked an ear inquisitively. This was a memorable day for the dog, as well as for his mistress. He was learning new tricks, and he was eager to proceed with his education and training. Karen stroked his head and he whined. Thick ribbons of pearly cuntjuice streaked his muzzle and flecked his lips. His tongue lolled out, running heavily with doggy slobber and pussy cream.

Karen slid up onto the couch, her ass perched on the edge, and her long, shapely legs extended, heels on the floor and thighs parted wide.

In this position, Karen's soaking crotch was elevated to the level of Rover's head. The Alsatian sniffed, whined and shoved his muzzle into her cunt again. His tongue slithered up her cunthole and Karen moaned. The long, thick lapper seemed to be plunging as deep as a prick. Her cuntwalls and lips sucked on the dog's tongue, and her fuck bud throbbed against the slippery red prickmeat.

Cuntjuice poured down into the crack of her ass, and Rover bobbed his head down and slurped it back up greedily. As his tongue flipped up, cream sprayed onto her slim belly and into her tangled cunt bush.

She reached down and spread her cuntlips wide open, stretching the folds, urging the doggy to lap as deeply up her fuck tunnel as he could. Her thumbs flicked across her clit, and she slipped a finger up into her pussy alongside his flashing lapper. Again, she was tempted to cream his tongue--and again, she wanted cock even more.

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