Barnyard Orgy - Cover

Barnyard Orgy


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Teaching two bitches a lesson.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Seth wondered whether this was what hell was like - the thick smoke, the swearing and fighting, the eerie reddish light that fell on everything like the glowing of coals from a fireplace grate. Seth could hardly breathe in the wet heat, a combination of body-heat and alcoholic fumes and the swampy evening heat. Ten o'clock at night and still at least 85 degrees, Seth thought to himself, pulling his T-shirt off over his head. Bar or not, it was too hot for a shirt. He would only put the shirt back on if they tried to kick him out, although he didn't think that likely, seeing that the place was so jam-packed that the bartenders were running like whipped horses. Heck, he'd already been in here an hour barefooted, and proprietors were generally more against bare feet in their establishments than they were against bare chests. As he stuffed his shirt through the belt loop of his jeans, he noticed another boy pulling off his own shirt. The boy nodded to Seth and came over to where Seth was standing at the side of the stage.

"Hot night," the boy commented.

"Sure is," Seth agreed, and they exchanged names. The boy was called Tyler, and he looked to be about the same age as Seth, just underage for getting into a bar, especially a bar like the Dingle Dangle.

"When's the show start?" Seth asked.

"Should have started already," Tyler said. "You come here alone?"

"Came with my pa and his buddy." And Seth told Tyler about how he lived on a farm out in the sticks, and about how they'd come into town to visit Cal and to celebrate Delbert's birthday. He didn't tell Tyler about Ruby, however. Seth was never supposed to tell anybody about Ruby, or Cal could get in big trouble for hiring out his daughter from time to time. Not that Seth cared that much about whether Cal got into trouble, but he knew that if he opened his mouth it would mean the end of Ruby's hot ass for him, and with the scarcity of females out on the farm Seth couldn't afford to lose Ruby's ass no matter how few and far- between were the occasions he got to town.

"You ain't never seen the show then?" Tyler asked. "You ain't never seen Candy Lee?" His eyes danced. "Shit, man, hold on to your dong!"

At that moment, the stage lit up with blue and red lights, the wailing voice of Ferlin Husky on the juke box stopped, and the crowd of drunk, swearing, laughing men hushed. The red curtains behind the stage rustled and a naked female leg shot out from between them. The naked leg, toes of the foot pointed, twisted this way and that, and the crowd broke into whistles and hoots as stripper music began pulsing through speakers. Tyler nudged Seth, whistling and clapping, and Seth watched with his mouth open, his cock throbbing down one leg of his jeans. The curtains parted slightly, and Candy Lee wiggled out in a red bikini that barely covered anything. She might as well have wrapped a couple of ribbons around herself, Seth thought.

Candy stood in the center of the stage no more than five feet from the two boys as she began her dance and tease routine. She stroked her body with her fingertips, writhing and twisting as if she were being fucked. She ran her pointed toe up and down her long smooth leg. She cupped her tits in their bikini cups as if trying to pop them out of the confining material. Seth licked his lips to see her nipples protruding through the satiny red material of the tit-cups. Her nipples were as big as the tips of his thumbs. Without realizing what he was doing until he did it he groped his cock and began trying to jerk his prick off through his pants. He was hot. Flaming arrows seemed to shoot through the core of his cock.

Candy turned in circles, wiggling her beautiful full ass at the crowd, arching her back, slipping her fingers under the crotch of her panties and pouting seductively. The men went wild. Seth could feel the panting of the men like a tropical wind swirling through the bar. The air became suffocating. Seth felt sweat running down his naked torso like warm tears. His jeans became unbearable, wrapped around his pulsating loins like cellophane. He caught himself on the verge of ripping off his jeans and lunging up onto the stage to wrap himself around Candy Lee. He was in love with Candy Lee. She was the hottest female he'd ever seen, with her wet red lips and her ruby fingernails and her wild brown hair, the hair she tossed easily back and forth over her head and shoulders, the hair she licked and chewed, the hair she gazed at him through as if through a veil. She was beckoning him. She wanted him. Come to me, she seemed to be saying with her pouts. Come with me behind my veil of beautiful hair and shove your wonderful ten-and-a-half-inch cock into my body. We shall fuck forever, my darling, just you and I, fucking forever. Come to me, darling. Come.

Candy Lee reached behind her back with one hand, and her tit- cups tumbled onto the polished yellow wood of the stage. All eyes in the bar seemed to follow the hypnotic descent of the red tit- cups before bouncing back up to catch Candy's enormous young tits. Her tits swayed in the reddish-blue haze like ready-to-burst water-balloons. Candy grabbed both tits, squeezed her nipples, and laughed silently as two quick spurts of white fluid shot out like milk out of squirt guns. The white spurts appeared to vaporize in the smoky air, and Seth blinked his eyes a few times, thinking he was seeing things. Candy licked her lips and began sliding out of her panties, giving the crowd no time to dwell on her tits.

She rolled forward, hiding her tits and cunt as she eased the panties over her squatting legs. Her long hair hid all but her knees and shins and her beautiful feet. After she'd stepped out of her panties, she remained squatting, hiding her nakedness from the crowd as she turned her face up and licked her lips. The crowd screamed. Tyler stood beside Seth, shaking as if he were going to topple over any second. Candy shot to her feet and showed herself. The crowd was like a cannon going off.

"I wanna fuck you!" Seth screamed. "I wanna fuck you!" He rubbed his cock with both hands as if feverishly kneading bread dough. He was vaguely aware of his words, but he wasn't sure whether he was shouting them or just thinking them.

Candy danced maddeningly, showing off every inch of her unbelievable body. Seth guessed her to be in her early twenties, and she was built like a female out of one of those slick fuck magazines his pa bought from time to time. Seth had never seen bigger tits, and when she leaned over and showed the crowd her cunt, Seth swore that he'd only seen such hairy slabs of cuntmeat on a cow. Candy was ripe and Candy was hot. Candy spread her cunt-slabs and Seth saw a writhing mass of purple meat inside, a mass of wet purple meat. Fuck juice dripped from Candy's fingers. Pussy juice ran down Candy's legs. Seth could hardly stand up from the shaking. Seth thought he was either going to faint or explode. He put both hands on the stage to brace himself, gazing at Candy's spread crotch with his tongue hanging out and dripping. He was aware of Tyler beside him, also leaning on the stage and panting like a dog.

Candy saw them and danced over. Candy's beautiful foot hovered before Seth's eyes like a cobra about to strike. Her wiggling toes touched his lips. Seth opened his mouth feeling the hot toes between his teeth. He sucked on them like a baby sucking on a bottle. Candy's toes were salty and sweet. Seth had never sucked on a girl's toes before, but now he thought he could suck on Candy's forever.

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