Barnyard Orgy - Cover

Barnyard Orgy


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Teaching two bitches a lesson.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Harlan swilled down the last of his beer, then crumpled the aluminum can like a wad of newspaper. A few drops of the piss-colored liquid splashed onto the floor and Harlan wiped them up with the holey gray sock on his foot while he tossed the crushed Coors can into the trash container across the room.

"Don't mean to dirty up your home none, Cal."

"Aw, shit," Cal said, showing front teeth that looked moth-eaten, "my place is your place any time you're in town. How many times I have to tell that? Now, put up your feet and have another beer. You and the young 'uns spend the night. A lot of good drinking bars in this town - and a couple of 'em even got strippers."

"Don't say?" Harlan said, returning the wink Cal had given him. "Don't say?" He popped the tab off another can of Coors. "Well, Cal, you're forgetting what it's like being a farmer. A man can't be sitting around all day and night swigging beer when a man's got farm to run." He raised his eyebrows intentionally, smiling to himself when he saw Cal wince, "No sir, not when a man's got a working farm to run. Strippers, eh?"

Cal's face brightened as Harlan brought the topic back to strippers. "Take off every stitch, Harlan. You never seen nothing like it. Professional gals from the big city. Tits like you ain't never seen. Cunts like slabs of hairy raw liver - smoking hot cunts. Shit, you can shine a flashlight up inside 'em and they don't give a fuck."

"Don't say?" Harlan had only seen strippers at the traveling carnival in the summer, but none of them had ever spread their legs for the crowd.

"Sure thing. One of them babies even shoves a lit cigarette between her bristly lips and puffs on it. Ever hear of such a thing, Harlan?"

"Heard of it, but ain't never seen it." He scratched an itch on the sole of his right foot with the big toe of his left. The toe was naked, sticking out of one of the holes in his sock. He took a long swig of beer, letting the cold bitter liquid slide down his throat. A few drops rolled down his beard and flicked off onto his bare chest. It was a hot day, and the beer felt good, like cool rain, and it tasted even better.

"Well, you gotta see it, Harlan. I'll take you over to the Dingle Dangle Bar tonight. Say, maybe we can even get Seth inside. Give the boy a thrill. Shit, he can pass for old enough if we pull a cap down over his eyes. Besides, you being his pa and all, they'd probably let him in anyway."

"The boy's getting his thrill this afternoon. Besides, like I told you, Cal, I got me a farm to run."

"Shit, one night away from the place ain't gonna hurt none. You'd think them hogs of yours was milk cows the way you carry on about 'em. You likely fed 'em enough slop before you left to keep em eating high off the hog for a week." He chuckled. "High off the hog, Harlan. High off the hog."

Harlan smiled, chugging down the rest of his beer. "You always had a sharp wit about you, Cal. Never could deny that. Well, let me put it this way - I ain't saying yes, and I ain't saying no. We'll wait awhile and see." He crushed his empty beer can and flung it across the room. The crumpled aluminum wad careened off the wall and dropped into the trash bucket.

"Nice shot," Cal said, tossing Harlan another sweaty can of Coors from the ice-chest on the floor between them. "Maybe tonight you can get a shot at one of them open strippers. Some of them broads look like they been fucked by a donkey."

"Maybe they have," Harlan said, and Cal guffawed. "Maybe they have." And Cal hugged his paunch. Cal always was one to appreciate a good joke. Maybe that's why Cal had such a sharp wit.

The door flew open from one of the back rooms and Seth stomped in and pulled up a chair next to Harlan. As he settled himself, he clunked the heels of his overgrown bare feet on the sill of the window before which they were all seated.

Harlan slapped his son's bare chest with the back of his hand. "Get your shit-black feet off Carl's window! He'll think you was raised in a barn."

"Hey, wait a minute there, Harlan," Cal said. "Ain't nothing wrong with the boy resting his feet up there just because he ain't wearing socks like you. Shit, what's a window sill for but to cool off the tired old dogs?"

"See," Seth said, nodding to Cal appreciatively. "I ain't hurting nothing, Pa." He nabbed Harlan's can of Coors.

Harlan let the boy get a good swig of beer, then yanked the can out of his hands. "Don't be a pig, boy. Mind your manners."

Cal laughed. "Let the boy drink up, Harlan. Here's another can for you." He tossed Harlan another can, but before Harlan could get it Seth snatched it out of the air from right in front of Harlan's nose. Seth's arm was as fast as a whip. He'd make one hell of a boxer, Harlan had thought many times.

Harlan watched the boy rip the tab off the can and start chugging down the beer. "Slow down, boy. I ain't gonna have you crawling around drunk." He grabbed Seth's arm. Sudsy beer spilled down Seth's neck and over his chest.

"Now you made me spill it," Seth said. "Shit!" He wiped the beer off his bare belly. Some of it had run down under his jeans, making it look like he'd creamed in his pants.

"Don't go shitting me, boy," Harlan said. "Unless you want a good whipping. I can still take you, boy. Remember that."

"Sure, Pa," Seth said, wiping his wet hand on the leg of his Jeans. His wheat-colored hair fell in his eyes, making him look like a forlorn sheep dog.

"What're you so dang ornery about anyway?" Harlan could always tell when something was wrong in his son's head. The boy had the same shut-mouthed orneriness as his ma had had.

"I ain't ornery," Seth said guzzling down more beer. He stared straight out the window as if he were reading a sign out on the street.

"You're chewin' your dang beer like it was rawhide, boy. Don't try telling me you ain't ornery."

Cal laughed. "Leave the boy alone, Harlan. I think maybe Ruby in there' been giving the boy a hard time. She can get a might ornery herself. Just give me a few minutes with her, Seth. I'll knock some sense into her silly head." He started to climb out of his chair.

Harlan reached over and held him back. "Whoa there, Cal. Seth ain't stated his grievances yet. Now you just rest easy."

Cal sank back into his chair, looking relieved that he didn't have to get up. Harlan smiled to himself. Ever since Cal had moved to the city he'd been getting lazier and lazier, and his paunch had been getting bigger and bigger - not that Cal wasn't a lazy bastard even when he'd still been a farmer.

"Rest easy Cal," Harlan said. "These young 'uns can care of theirselves. Ain't that right, Seth?"

"Sure, Pa." A vein on the boy's temple throbbed. He guzzled down the last of his beer, then swore under his breath.

"Goddamn it, Seth," Harlan said. "Now you open up or I'm gonna lay you out flat. Why are you so goddamn ornery?"

Seth crushed his beer can with a clap of his two large hands, "Ask Delbert," he said. "Don't ask me. Ask him."

"What do you mean, ask Delbert? I'm warning you, boy. Out with it."

"Delbert's hogging her, Pa. I ain't had a crack at her yet. He's up on her ass like a billy goat, and he ain't getting off." Cal guffawed, nearly falling out his chair. "Shove it in her mouth, boy. She's got more holes than one. Shiit!"

"I tried," Seth said. "She's got her jaw set like a mule. One at a time, she says. One at a time, or she ain't doing no more fucking today. Christ, it ain't fair Delbert's been up on her for more than an hour. Oh, jeez!" He rubbed the leg of his jeans. His hard cock throbbed inside his pants like a living salami.

Cal's face screwed up with seriousness. He chugged down the rest of his beer. "Damn little bitch," he said. "What kind of shit's she trying to pull? Goddamn it, ever since I brung her to the city she's been getting more and more high and mighty."

Now it was Harlan's turn to laugh. "That happens, Cal. All these uppity city women around for her to see and take after. What can you expect, Cal?"

Cal didn't smile. Sweat dripped from his nose and rolled down over his beer belly as he struggled up out of his chair. Like a prize hog, Harlan thought.

"Ruby!" Cal bellowed. "Get your ass in here. Now!"

"I'm busy, Pa!" came Ruby's far off voice from one of the rear bedrooms of the house. "You oughta know that, Pa."

"Now!" Cal bellowed, and his voice shook the wood-frame house. "Now!"

Seth's mouth hung open while he watched Cal, and Harlan nudged the boy, whispering, "Old Cal ain't exerted himself this much since he left the farm." Seth smiled.

The door to the back hallway opened slowly, and Ruby poked her head into the livingroom. Her black hair was tangled, as if she'd just awakened from a night's sleep.

"Yeah, Pa?"

"Yeah, Pa nothing!" Cal yelled. "Get your uppity ass in here!"

Ruby stepped into the livingroom, wrapped in a white sheet. Half her hair fell over the front of one shoulder, hanging two feet down the front of the sheet like black Spanish moss. Her bare feet showed from under the sheet, the toes still wide spread and strong, evidence that she'd been raised as a barefooted country girl. She smiled shyly, and her eyes shifted uneasily.

"Drop that sheet," Cal said. "You think none of us ever seen you naked?"

Ruby let the sheet slide off her shoulders and heap on the floor around her feet like snow. The teenaged girl was a ripe beauty. Purple nipples capped her fully developed tits. Her cunt hair was as shimmering-black as her head, the kinky triangle of fur seeming to pulsate. Her inner thighs were shiny with juice - pussy juice and likely with Delbert's cum.

Harlan hadn't expected to get a piece of her ass until later in the afternoon, until after his two sons had had all the fucks their horny young pricks could stand, but now, sitting here looking at the hottest farm female to ever come out of the county, Harlan found himself hornier than he'd been in months. His cock swelled up in half a second, and he gripped his prick the same way Seth was gripping his own cock.

"Now what's this," Cal asked, "about you smart-mouthing Seth?"

"I just asked him to wait for Delbert to finish himself off, Pa. I just wanted both of them to get their money's worth."

Cal spat. "How do you expect Seth here to get his money's worth with you clamming up your mouth like a mule? I don't care if Seth here wants to piss in your mouth. You open up for him - hear?"

"You don't understand, Pa."

"Shut your mouth, girl! Don't try any of your smart city- girl talk on me. Now get down and show me your ass."

Ruby groaned, but dropped to her knees immediately. She swiveled, leaned forward onto her elbows, and pushed her beautiful round ass high into the air. Cal took two steps toward her, yanked off his belt, and let her have it.

Crack! The leather belt fell across Ruby's young ass. The teenage girl whimpered, and her ass shivered, the pink pucker between her asscheeks appearing to dilate. Crack! The belt fell again. Crack! Crack! Crack! Ruby screamed and toppled over onto the heaped white sheet, rolling her naked young body into a ball. Cal raised his belt again, but before he could lay it on his daughter's naked body, Seth intervened, diving from where he sat in his chair and landing on the girl like a cat pouncing on a bird. The boy covered her, clawing at her tits, ramming his long middle finger up her cunt, chewing at her shoulder.

Cal lowered his belt. "Hey, boy, I ain't done whipping her muley ass." He was panting from the exertion of the five lashes he'd given her, and sweat rolled off his forehead and dripped off his nose.

Harlan couldn't help but to laugh. "Set yourself down, Cal. Let the boy take care of her. He'll give her more than a whipping to think about."

Cal gave Harlan a grim look, then smiled. "You make a lot of sense, Harlan." He reseated himself with a look of satisfaction.

The old boar's thanking the Almighty, Harlan thought, thanking the Almighty for sending Seth to take over. It's too hot a day for tanning hide, he's thinking.

Ruby squirmed on the floor, trying to escape Seth's biting and clawing and finger-jamming. Besides that, she was likely still smarting from her father's leather belt. She uncoiled suddenly and struck at Seth's face with her fingernails. Seth jerked away as if he'd been struck at by a rattlesnake.

"Goddamn you, bitch!" Cal shouted, and he started to struggle out of his chair.

Harlan reached over and held him down. "Leave her be, Cal. Let the boy take care of her. He's gotta learn how to tame a wild filly sometime."

Cal settled back. "All right," he said, "but I don't like the uppity way she's behaving. She's been tame enough for five years now - best goddamn whore a man could ask for. Now why's she getting so goddamn uppity all of a sudden?" He shook his head.

"Ain't nothing wrong with a little spunk in a female," Harlan said, and he rubbed his aching cock again. He liked women with fight. He'd sired six sons on a muley wife - rest her soul. But that was ancient history. He hadn't wrestled a female in years. He hoped Ruby would still have some fight in her after Seth got through with her.

Seth kneeled up and struggled out of his pants. Ruby lay before him on the floor, glaring at him like a mad black cat. Ruby had yellowish-green eyes and, together with her black hair, they made her look mean. The boy had a tight ass and muscular legs, which were both very white in contrast to his sun-tanned torso. Harlan smiled to himself as Seth sat back to drag the jeans off over his big feet. The boy was wiry and mean. This was going to be a good cat fight.

"Shit, Harlan," Cal said, "the boy takes after his pa, don't he? Biggest goddamned dick I ever seen."

Harlan laughed. "Bigger than mine, Cal. Hey, Seth, turn yourself more around so Cal here can get a look at your crowbar."

"Aw, Pa," Seth said, but he spun around on his skinny ass, which made a rubbery squeaking sound against the wood of the floor. His enormous cock throbbed, standing vertical against his brown belly. The purple cockhead, half poking out of its foreskin, tapped his belly well up above the navel. His bloated brown balls rolled restlessly against the floor wood.

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